002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.jsp;
030import org.opencms.ade.publish.CmsPublishListHelper;
031import org.opencms.file.CmsFile;
032import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
033import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
034import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
035import org.opencms.file.collectors.I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider;
036import org.opencms.flex.CmsFlexController;
037import org.opencms.gwt.shared.I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo;
038import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
039import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.CmsSearchConfiguration;
040import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.I_CmsSearchConfiguration;
041import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.CmsJSONSearchConfigurationParser;
042import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.CmsPlainQuerySearchConfigurationParser;
043import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.CmsXMLSearchConfigurationParser;
044import org.opencms.jsp.search.controller.CmsSearchController;
045import org.opencms.jsp.search.controller.I_CmsSearchControllerCommon;
046import org.opencms.jsp.search.controller.I_CmsSearchControllerMain;
047import org.opencms.jsp.search.result.CmsSearchResultWrapper;
048import org.opencms.jsp.search.result.I_CmsSearchResultWrapper;
049import org.opencms.jsp.util.CmsJspElFunctions;
050import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
051import org.opencms.main.CmsIllegalArgumentException;
052import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
053import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
054import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchException;
055import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchResource;
056import org.opencms.search.fields.CmsSearchField;
057import org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrIndex;
058import org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrQuery;
059import org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrResultList;
060import org.opencms.util.CmsRequestUtil;
061import org.opencms.util.CmsUUID;
062import org.opencms.xml.content.CmsXmlContent;
063import org.opencms.xml.content.CmsXmlContentFactory;
065import java.util.HashSet;
066import java.util.Map;
067import java.util.Set;
069import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
071import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
074 * This tag is used to easily create a search form for a Solr search within a JSP.
075 */
076public class CmsJspTagSearch extends CmsJspScopedVarBodyTagSuport implements I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider {
078    /**
079     * Type for the file formats that can be parsed.
080     * The format is given via the tag's attribute "fileFormat".
081     */
082    private static enum FileFormat {
083        /**
084         * XML file (of type jsp-search-form).
085         */
086        XML,
088        /**
089         * json file in respective format.
090         */
091        JSON
092    }
094    /** The log object for this class. */
095    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsJspTagSearch.class);
097    /** Serial version UID required for safe serialization. */
098    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6048771777971251L;
100    /** Default number of items which are checked for change for the "This page" publish dialog. */
101    public static final int DEFAULT_CONTENTINFO_ROWS = 600;
103    /** The CmsObject for the current user. */
104    protected transient CmsObject m_cms;
106    /** The FlexController for the current request. */
107    protected CmsFlexController m_controller;
109    /** Number of entries for which content info should be added to allow correct relations in "This page" publish dialog. */
110    private Integer m_addContentInfoForEntries;
112    /** The "configFile" tag attribute. */
113    private Object m_configFile;
115    /** The "configString" tag attribute. */
116    private String m_configString;
118    /** The "fileFormat" tag attribute converted to type FileFormat. */
119    private FileFormat m_fileFormat;
121    /** Search controller keeping all the config and state from the search. */
122    private I_CmsSearchControllerMain m_searchController;
124    /** The search index that should be used .
125     *  It will either be the configured index, or "Solr Offline" / "Solr Online" depending on the project.
126     * */
127    private CmsSolrIndex m_index;
129    /**
130     * Empty constructor, required for JSP tags.
131     *
132     */
133    public CmsJspTagSearch() {
135        super();
136        m_fileFormat = FileFormat.XML;
137    }
139    /**
140     * @see org.opencms.file.collectors.I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider#getPublishResources(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.gwt.shared.I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo)
141     */
142    @SuppressWarnings("javadoc")
143    public static Set<CmsResource> getPublishResourcesInternal(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info)
144    throws CmsException {
146        CmsSolrIndex solrOnline = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr(CmsSolrIndex.DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_ONLINE);
147        CmsSolrIndex solrOffline = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr(CmsSolrIndex.DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_OFFLINE);
148        Set<CmsResource> result = new HashSet<CmsResource>();
149        try {
150            Map<String, String[]> searchParams = CmsRequestUtil.createParameterMap(
151                info.getCollectorParams(),
152                true,
153                null);
154            // use "complicated" constructor to allow more than 50 results -> set ignoreMaxResults to true
155            // adjust the CmsObject to prevent unintended filtering of resources
156            CmsSolrResultList offlineResults = solrOffline.search(
157                CmsPublishListHelper.adjustCmsObject(cms, false),
158                new CmsSolrQuery(null, searchParams),
159                true);
160            Set<String> offlineIds = new HashSet<String>(offlineResults.size());
161            for (CmsSearchResource offlineResult : offlineResults) {
162                offlineIds.add(offlineResult.getField(CmsSearchField.FIELD_ID));
163            }
164            for (String id : offlineIds) {
165                CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(new CmsUUID(id));
166                if (!(resource.getState().isUnchanged())) {
167                    result.add(resource);
168                }
169            }
170            CmsSolrResultList onlineResults = solrOnline.search(
171                CmsPublishListHelper.adjustCmsObject(cms, true),
172                new CmsSolrQuery(null, searchParams),
173                true);
174            Set<String> deletedIds = new HashSet<String>(onlineResults.size());
175            for (CmsSearchResource onlineResult : onlineResults) {
176                String uuid = onlineResult.getField(CmsSearchField.FIELD_ID);
177                if (!offlineIds.contains(uuid)) {
178                    deletedIds.add(uuid);
179                }
180            }
181            for (String uuid : deletedIds) {
182                CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(new CmsUUID(uuid), CmsResourceFilter.ALL);
183                if (!(resource.getState().isUnchanged())) {
184                    result.add(resource);
185                }
186            }
187        } catch (CmsSearchException e) {
188            LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_TAG_SEARCH_SEARCH_FAILED_0), e);
189        }
190        return result;
191    }
193    /**
194     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport#doEndTag()
195     */
196    @Override
197    public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
199        release();
200        return super.doEndTag();
201    }
203    /**
204     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#doStartTag()
205     */
206    @Override
207    public int doStartTag() throws JspException, CmsIllegalArgumentException {
209        // initialize the content load tag
210        init();
211        addContentInfo();
212        return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
213    }
215    /** Get the value of the specified configuration file (given via the tag's "configFile" attribute).
216     * @return The config file.
217     */
218    public Object getConfigFile() {
220        return m_configFile;
221    }
223    /** Getter for the "configString".
224     * @return The "configString".
225     */
226    public String getConfigString() {
228        return m_configString;
229    }
231    /** Get the value of the specified format of the configuration file (given via the tag's "fileFormat" attribute).
232     * @return The file format.
233     */
234    public String getFileFormat() {
236        return m_fileFormat.toString();
237    }
239    /**
240     * @see org.opencms.file.collectors.I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider#getPublishResources(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.gwt.shared.I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo)
241     */
242    public Set<CmsResource> getPublishResources(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) throws CmsException {
244        return getPublishResourcesInternal(cms, info);
245    }
247    /**
248     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#release()
249     */
250    @Override
251    public void release() {
253        m_cms = null;
254        m_configFile = null;
255        setConfigString(null);
256        m_searchController = null;
257        m_index = null;
258        m_controller = null;
259        m_addContentInfoForEntries = null;
260        super.release();
261    }
263    /** Setter for "addContentInfo", indicating if content information should be added.
264     * @param doAddInfo The value of the "addContentInfo" attribute of the tag
265     */
266    public void setAddContentInfo(final Boolean doAddInfo) {
268        if ((null != doAddInfo) && doAddInfo.booleanValue() && (null == m_addContentInfoForEntries)) {
269            m_addContentInfoForEntries = Integer.valueOf(DEFAULT_CONTENTINFO_ROWS);
270        }
271    }
273    /** Setter for the configuration file.
274     * @param fileName Name of the configuration file to use for the search.
275     */
276    public void setConfigFile(Object fileName) {
278        m_configFile = fileName;
279    }
281    /** Setter for the "configString".
282     * @param configString The "configString".
283     */
284    public void setConfigString(final String configString) {
286        m_configString = configString;
287    }
289    /** Setter for "contentInfoMaxItems".
290     * @param maxItems number of items to maximally check for alterations.
291     */
292    public void setContentInfoMaxItems(Integer maxItems) {
294        if (null != maxItems) {
295            m_addContentInfoForEntries = maxItems;
296        }
297    }
299    /** Setter for the file format.
300     * @param fileFormat File format the configuration file is in.
301     */
302    public void setFileFormat(String fileFormat) {
304        if (fileFormat.toUpperCase().equals(FileFormat.JSON.toString())) {
305            m_fileFormat = FileFormat.JSON;
306        }
307    }
309    /**
310     * Initializes this formatter tag.
311     * <p>
312     *
313     * @throws JspException
314     *             in case something goes wrong
315     */
316    protected void init() throws JspException {
318        // initialize OpenCms access objects
319        m_controller = CmsFlexController.getController(pageContext.getRequest());
320        m_cms = m_controller.getCmsObject();
322        try {
323            I_CmsSearchConfiguration config = null;
324            if (m_configFile != null) {
325                CmsFile configFile = m_cms.readFile(CmsJspElFunctions.convertRawResource(m_cms, m_configFile));
326                if (m_fileFormat == FileFormat.JSON) {
327                    // read the JSON config file
328                    OpenCms.getLocaleManager();
329                    String configString = new String(
330                        configFile.getContents(),
331                        CmsLocaleManager.getResourceEncoding(m_cms, configFile));
332                    config = new CmsSearchConfiguration(new CmsJSONSearchConfigurationParser(configString), m_cms);
333                } else { // assume XML
334                    CmsXmlContent xmlContent = CmsXmlContentFactory.unmarshal(m_cms, configFile);
335                    config = new CmsSearchConfiguration(
336                        new CmsXMLSearchConfigurationParser(xmlContent, m_cms.getRequestContext().getLocale()),
337                        m_cms);
338                }
339            }
340            if (m_configString != null) {
341                if (m_configString.trim().startsWith("{")) {
342                    config = new CmsSearchConfiguration(
343                        new CmsJSONSearchConfigurationParser(m_configString, config),
344                        m_cms);
345                } else {
346                    config = new CmsSearchConfiguration(
347                        new CmsPlainQuerySearchConfigurationParser(m_configString, config),
348                        m_cms);
349                }
350            }
351            m_searchController = new CmsSearchController(config);
353            String indexName = m_searchController.getCommon().getConfig().getSolrIndex();
354            m_index = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr(indexName);
356            storeAttribute(getVar(), getSearchResults());
358        } catch (Exception e) { // CmsException | UnsupportedEncodingException | JSONException
359            LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
360            m_controller.setThrowable(e, m_cms.getRequestContext().getUri());
361            throw new JspException(e);
362        }
363    }
365    /**
366     * Adds the content info for the collected resources used in the "This page" publish dialog.
367     */
368    private void addContentInfo() {
370        if (!m_cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject()
371            && CmsSolrIndex.DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_OFFLINE.equals(m_searchController.getCommon().getConfig().getSolrIndex())
372            && (null != m_addContentInfoForEntries)) {
373            CmsSolrQuery query = new CmsSolrQuery();
374            m_searchController.addQueryParts(query, m_cms);
375            query.setStart(Integer.valueOf(0));
376            query.setRows(m_addContentInfoForEntries);
377            query.setFields(CmsSearchField.FIELD_ID);
378            query.setFacet(false);
379            CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info = new CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo();
380            info.setCollectorClass(this.getClass().getName());
381            // Somehow the normal toString() does add '+' for spaces, but keeps "real" '+'
382            // so we cannot reconstruct the correct query again.
383            // Using toQueryString() puts '+' for spaces as well, but escapes the "real" '+'
384            // so we can "repair" the query.
385            // The method adds '?' as first character, what we do not need.
386            String queryString = query.toQueryString();
387            if (queryString.length() > 0) {
388                // Cut the leading '?' and put correct spaces in place
389                queryString = queryString.substring(1).replace('+', ' ');
390            }
391            info.setCollectorParams(queryString);
392            info.setId((new CmsUUID()).getStringValue());
393            if (CmsJspTagEditable.getDirectEditProvider(pageContext) != null) {
394                try {
395                    CmsJspTagEditable.getDirectEditProvider(pageContext).insertDirectEditListMetadata(
396                        pageContext,
397                        info);
398                } catch (JspException e) {
399                    LOG.error("Could not write content info.", e);
400                }
401            }
402        }
403    }
405    /** Here the search query is composed and executed.
406     *  The result is wrapped in an easily usable form.
407     *  It is exposed to the JSP via the tag's "var" attribute.
408     * @return The result object exposed via the tag's attribute "var".
409     */
410    private I_CmsSearchResultWrapper getSearchResults() {
412        // The second parameter is just ignored - so it does not matter
413        m_searchController.updateFromRequestParameters(pageContext.getRequest().getParameterMap(), false);
414        I_CmsSearchControllerCommon common = m_searchController.getCommon();
415        // Do not search for empty query, if configured
416        if (common.getState().getQuery().isEmpty()
417            && (!common.getConfig().getIgnoreQueryParam() && !common.getConfig().getSearchForEmptyQueryParam())) {
418            return new CmsSearchResultWrapper(m_searchController, null, null, m_cms, null);
419        }
420        Map<String, String[]> queryParams = null;
421        boolean isEditMode = CmsJspTagEditable.isEditableRequest(pageContext.getRequest());
422        if (isEditMode) {
423            String params = "";
424            if (common.getConfig().getIgnoreReleaseDate()) {
425                params += "&fq=released:[* TO *]";
426            }
427            if (common.getConfig().getIgnoreExpirationDate()) {
428                params += "&fq=expired:[* TO *]";
429            }
430            if (!params.isEmpty()) {
431                queryParams = CmsRequestUtil.createParameterMap(params.substring(1));
432            }
433        }
434        CmsSolrQuery query = new CmsSolrQuery(null, queryParams);
435        m_searchController.addQueryParts(query, m_cms);
436        try {
437            // use "complicated" constructor to allow more than 50 results -> set ignoreMaxResults to true
438            // also set resource filter to allow for returning unreleased/expired resources if necessary.
439            CmsSolrResultList solrResultList = m_index.search(
440                m_cms,
441                query.clone(), // use a clone of the query, since the search function manipulates the query (removes highlighting parts), but we want to keep the original one.
442                true,
443                null,
444                false,
445                isEditMode ? CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION : null,
446                m_searchController.getCommon().getConfig().getMaxReturnedResults());
447            return new CmsSearchResultWrapper(m_searchController, solrResultList, query, m_cms, null);
448        } catch (CmsSearchException e) {
449            LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_TAG_SEARCH_SEARCH_FAILED_0), e);
450            return new CmsSearchResultWrapper(m_searchController, null, query, m_cms, e);
451        }
452    }