002 * File   : $Source$
003 * Date   : $Date$
004 * Version: $Revision$
005 *
006 * This library is part of OpenCms -
007 * the Open Source Content Management System
008 *
009 * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2009 Alkacon Software (http://www.alkacon.com)
010 *
011 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
012 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
013 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
014 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
015 *
016 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
019 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
020 *
021 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
022 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
023 *
024 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
025 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
026 *
027 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
028 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
029 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
030 */
032package org.opencms.search.solr;
034import org.opencms.configuration.CmsConfigurationException;
035import org.opencms.configuration.CmsParameterConfiguration;
036import org.opencms.file.CmsFile;
037import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
038import org.opencms.file.CmsProject;
039import org.opencms.file.CmsPropertyDefinition;
040import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
041import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
042import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
043import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
044import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
045import org.opencms.main.CmsIllegalArgumentException;
046import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
047import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
048import org.opencms.report.I_CmsReport;
049import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchException;
050import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex;
051import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchManager;
052import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchParameters;
053import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchResource;
054import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchResultList;
055import org.opencms.search.I_CmsIndexWriter;
056import org.opencms.search.I_CmsSearchDocument;
057import org.opencms.search.fields.CmsSearchField;
058import org.opencms.search.galleries.CmsGallerySearchParameters;
059import org.opencms.search.galleries.CmsGallerySearchResult;
060import org.opencms.search.galleries.CmsGallerySearchResultList;
061import org.opencms.security.CmsRole;
062import org.opencms.security.CmsRoleViolationException;
063import org.opencms.util.CmsFileUtil;
064import org.opencms.util.CmsRequestUtil;
065import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
067import java.io.IOException;
068import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
069import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
070import java.io.Writer;
071import java.nio.charset.Charset;
072import java.util.ArrayList;
073import java.util.Arrays;
074import java.util.Collections;
075import java.util.HashSet;
076import java.util.List;
077import java.util.Locale;
078import java.util.Set;
079import java.util.stream.Collectors;
080import java.util.stream.Stream;
082import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
084import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
085import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
086import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
087import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.EmbeddedSolrServer;
088import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
089import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
090import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
091import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
092import org.apache.solr.common.util.ContentStreamBase;
093import org.apache.solr.common.util.FastWriter;
094import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
095import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
096import org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer;
097import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
098import org.apache.solr.handler.ReplicationHandler;
099import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest;
100import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
101import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestHandler;
102import org.apache.solr.response.BinaryQueryResponseWriter;
103import org.apache.solr.response.QueryResponseWriter;
104import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
106import com.google.common.base.Objects;
109 * Implements the search within an Solr index.<p>
110 *
111 * @since 8.5.0
112 */
113public class CmsSolrIndex extends CmsSearchIndex {
115    /** The serial version id. */
116    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1570077792574476721L;
118    /** The name of the default Solr Offline index. */
119    public static final String DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_OFFLINE = "Solr Offline";
121    /** The name of the default Solr Online index. */
122    public static final String DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_ONLINE = "Solr Online";
124    /** Constant for additional parameter to set the post processor class name. */
125    public static final String POST_PROCESSOR = "search.solr.postProcessor";
127    /**
128     * Constant for additional parameter to set the maximally processed results (start + rows) for searches with this index.
129     * It overwrites the global configuration from {@link CmsSolrConfiguration#getMaxProcessedResults()} for this index.
130    **/
131    public static final String SOLR_SEARCH_MAX_PROCESSED_RESULTS = "search.solr.maxProcessedResults";
133    /** Constant for additional parameter to set the fields the select handler should return at maximum. */
134    public static final String SOLR_HANDLER_ALLOWED_FIELDS = "handle.solr.allowedFields";
136    /** Constant for additional parameter to set the number results the select handler should return at maxium per request. */
137    public static final String SOLR_HANDLER_MAX_ALLOWED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "handle.solr.maxAllowedResultsPerPage";
139    /** Constant for additional parameter to set the maximal number of a result, the select handler should return. */
140    public static final String SOLR_HANDLER_MAX_ALLOWED_RESULTS_AT_ALL = "handle.solr.maxAllowedResultsAtAll";
142    /** Constant for additional parameter to disable the select handler (except for debug mode). */
143    private static final String SOLR_HANDLER_DISABLE_SELECT = "handle.solr.disableSelectHandler";
145    /** Constant for additional parameter to set the VFS path to the file holding the debug secret. */
146    private static final String SOLR_HANDLER_DEBUG_SECRET_FILE = "handle.solr.debugSecretFile";
148    /** Constant for additional parameter to disable the spell handler (except for debug mode). */
149    private static final String SOLR_HANDLER_DISABLE_SPELL = "handle.solr.disableSpellHandler";
151    /** Constant for additional parameter to configure an external solr server specifically for the index. */
152    private static final String SOLR_SERVER_URL = "server.url";
154    /** The solr exclude property. */
155    public static final String PROPERTY_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_VALUE_SOLR = "solr";
157    /** Indicates the maximum number of documents from the complete result set to return. */
158    public static final int ROWS_MAX = 50;
160    /** The constant for an unlimited maximum number of results to return in a Solr search. */
161    public static final int MAX_RESULTS_UNLIMITED = -1;
163    /** The constant for an unlimited maximum number of results to return in a Solr search. */
164    public static final int MAX_RESULTS_GALLERY = 10000;
166    /** A constant for debug formatting output. */
167    protected static final int DEBUG_PADDING_RIGHT = 50;
169    /** The name for the parameters key of the response header. */
170    private static final String HEADER_PARAMS_NAME = "params";
172    /** The log object for this class. */
173    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsSolrIndex.class);
175    /** Pseudo resource used for not permission checked indexes. */
176    private static final CmsResource PSEUDO_RES = new CmsResource(
177        null,
178        null,
179        null,
180        0,
181        false,
182        0,
183        null,
184        null,
185        0L,
186        null,
187        0L,
188        null,
189        0L,
190        0L,
191        0,
192        0,
193        0L,
194        0);
196    /** The name of the key that is used for the result documents inside the Solr query response. */
197    private static final String QUERY_RESPONSE_NAME = "response";
199    /** The name of the key that is used for the query time. */
200    private static final String QUERY_TIME_NAME = "QTime";
202    /** The name of the key that is used for the query time. */
203    private static final String QUERY_HIGHLIGHTING_NAME = "highlighting";
205    /** A constant for UTF-8 charset. */
206    private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
208    /** The name of the request parameter holding the debug secret. */
209    private static final String REQUEST_PARAM_DEBUG_SECRET = "_debug";
211    /** The name of the query parameter enabling spell checking. */
212    private static final String QUERY_SPELLCHECK_NAME = "spellcheck";
214    /** The name of the query parameter sorting. */
215    private static final String QUERY_SORT_NAME = "sort";
217    /** The name of the query parameter expand. */
218    private static final String QUERY_PARAM_EXPAND = "expand";
220    /** The embedded Solr client for this index. */
221    transient SolrClient m_solr;
223    /** The post document manipulator. */
224    private transient I_CmsSolrPostSearchProcessor m_postProcessor;
226    /** The core name for the index. */
227    private transient String m_coreName;
229    /** The list of allowed fields to return. */
230    private String[] m_handlerAllowedFields;
232    /** The number of maximally allowed results per page when using the handler. */
233    private int m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsPerPage = -1;
235    /** The number of maximally allowed results at all when using the handler. */
236    private int m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsAtAll = -1;
238    /** Flag, indicating if the handler only works in debug mode. */
239    private boolean m_handlerSelectDisabled;
241    /** Path to the secret file. Must be under /system/.../ or /shared/.../ and readable by all users that should be able to debug. */
242    private String m_handlerDebugSecretFile;
244    /** Flag, indicating if the spellcheck handler is disabled for the index. */
245    private boolean m_handlerSpellDisabled;
247    /** The maximal number of results to process for search queries. */
248    int m_maxProcessedResults = -2; // special value for not initialized.
250    /** Server URL to use specific for the index. If set, it overwrites all other server settings. */
251    private String m_serverUrl;
253    /**
254     * Default constructor.<p>
255     */
256    public CmsSolrIndex() {
258        super();
259    }
261    /**
262     * Public constructor to create a Solr index.<p>
263     *
264     * @param name the name for this index.<p>
265     *
266     * @throws CmsIllegalArgumentException if something goes wrong
267     */
268    public CmsSolrIndex(String name)
269    throws CmsIllegalArgumentException {
271        super(name);
272    }
274    /**
275     * Returns the resource type for the given root path.<p>
276     *
277     * @param cms the current CMS context
278     * @param rootPath the root path of the resource to get the type for
279     *
280     * @return the resource type for the given root path
281     */
282    public static final String getType(CmsObject cms, String rootPath) {
284        String type = null;
285        CmsSolrIndex index = CmsSearchManager.getIndexSolr(cms, null);
286        if (index != null) {
287            I_CmsSearchDocument doc = index.getDocument(CmsSearchField.FIELD_PATH, rootPath);
288            if (doc != null) {
289                type = doc.getFieldValueAsString(CmsSearchField.FIELD_TYPE);
290            }
291        }
292        return type;
293    }
295    /**
296     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#addConfigurationParameter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
297     */
298    @Override
299    public void addConfigurationParameter(String key, String value) {
301        switch (key) {
302            case POST_PROCESSOR:
303                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
304                    try {
305                        setPostProcessor((I_CmsSolrPostSearchProcessor)Class.forName(value).newInstance());
306                    } catch (Exception e) {
307                        CmsException ex = new CmsException(
308                            Messages.get().container(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_POST_PROCESSOR_NOT_EXIST_1, value),
309                            e);
310                        LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
311                    }
312                }
313                break;
314            case SOLR_HANDLER_ALLOWED_FIELDS:
315                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
316                    m_handlerAllowedFields = Stream.of(value.split(",")).map(v -> v.trim()).toArray(String[]::new);
317                }
318                break;
320                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
321                    try {
322                        m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(value);
323                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
324                        LOG.warn(
325                            "Could not parse parameter \""
326                                + SOLR_HANDLER_MAX_ALLOWED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
327                                + "\" for index \""
328                                + getName()
329                                + "\". Results per page will not be restricted.");
330                    }
331                }
332                break;
334                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
335                    try {
336                        m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsAtAll = Integer.parseInt(value);
337                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
338                        LOG.warn(
339                            "Could not parse parameter \""
340                                + SOLR_HANDLER_MAX_ALLOWED_RESULTS_AT_ALL
341                                + "\" for index \""
342                                + getName()
343                                + "\". Results per page will not be restricted.");
344                    }
345                }
346                break;
347            case SOLR_HANDLER_DISABLE_SELECT:
348                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
349                    m_handlerSelectDisabled = value.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true");
350                }
351                break;
353                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
354                    m_handlerDebugSecretFile = value.trim();
355                }
356                break;
357            case SOLR_HANDLER_DISABLE_SPELL:
358                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
359                    m_handlerSpellDisabled = value.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true");
360                }
361                break;
363                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
364                    try {
365                        m_maxProcessedResults = Integer.parseInt(value);
366                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
367                        LOG.warn(
368                            "Could not parse parameter \""
369                                + SOLR_SEARCH_MAX_PROCESSED_RESULTS
370                                + "\" for index \""
371                                + getName()
372                                + "\". The global configuration will be used instead.");
373                    }
374                }
375                break;
376            case SOLR_SERVER_URL:
377                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(value)) {
378                    m_serverUrl = value.trim();
379                }
380                break;
381            default:
382                super.addConfigurationParameter(key, value);
383                break;
384        }
385    }
387    /**
388     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#createEmptyDocument(org.opencms.file.CmsResource)
389     */
390    @Override
391    public I_CmsSearchDocument createEmptyDocument(CmsResource resource) {
393        CmsSolrDocument doc = new CmsSolrDocument(new SolrInputDocument());
394        doc.setId(resource.getStructureId());
395        return doc;
396    }
398    /**
399     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#createIndexWriter(boolean, org.opencms.report.I_CmsReport)
400     */
401    @Override
402    public I_CmsIndexWriter createIndexWriter(boolean create, I_CmsReport report) {
404        return new CmsSolrIndexWriter(m_solr, this);
405    }
407    /**
408     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#excludeFromIndex(CmsObject, CmsResource)
409     */
410    @Override
411    public boolean excludeFromIndex(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) {
413        if (resource.isFolder() || resource.isTemporaryFile()) {
414            // don't index  folders or temporary files for galleries, but pretty much everything else
415            return true;
416        }
417        // If this is the default offline index than it is used for gallery search that needs all resources indexed.
418        if (this.getName().equals(DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_OFFLINE)) {
419            return false;
420        }
422        boolean isOnlineIndex = getProject().equals(CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_NAME);
423        if (isOnlineIndex && (resource.getDateExpired() <= System.currentTimeMillis())) {
424            return true;
425        }
427        try {
428            // do property lookup with folder search
429            String propValue = cms.readPropertyObject(
430                resource,
431                CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_SEARCH_EXCLUDE,
432                true).getValue();
433            if (propValue != null) {
434                if (!("false".equalsIgnoreCase(propValue.trim()))) {
435                    return true;
436                }
437            }
438        } catch (CmsException e) {
439            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
440                LOG.debug(
441                    org.opencms.search.Messages.get().getBundle().key(
442                        org.opencms.search.Messages.LOG_UNABLE_TO_READ_PROPERTY_1,
443                        resource.getRootPath()));
444            }
445        }
446        if (!USE_ALL_LOCALE.equalsIgnoreCase(getLocale().getLanguage())) {
447            // check if any resource default locale has a match with the index locale, if not skip resource
448            List<Locale> locales = OpenCms.getLocaleManager().getDefaultLocales(cms, resource);
449            Locale match = OpenCms.getLocaleManager().getFirstMatchingLocale(
450                Collections.singletonList(getLocale()),
451                locales);
452            return (match == null);
453        }
454        return false;
456    }
458    /**
459     * Performs a search with according to the gallery search parameters.<p>
460     *
461     * @param cms the cms context
462     * @param params the search parameters
463     *
464     * @return the search result
465     */
466    public CmsGallerySearchResultList gallerySearch(CmsObject cms, CmsGallerySearchParameters params) {
468        CmsGallerySearchResultList resultList = new CmsGallerySearchResultList();
469        if (params.isForceEmptyResult()) {
470            return resultList;
471        }
473        try {
474            CmsSolrResultList list = search(
475                cms,
476                params.getQuery(cms),
477                false,
478                null,
479                true,
480                CmsResourceFilter.ONLY_VISIBLE_NO_DELETED,
481                MAX_RESULTS_GALLERY); // ignore the maximally searched number of contents.
483            if (null == list) {
484                return null;
485            }
487            resultList.setHitCount(Long.valueOf(list.getNumFound()).intValue());
488            for (CmsSearchResource resource : list) {
489                I_CmsSearchDocument document = resource.getDocument();
490                Locale locale = CmsLocaleManager.getLocale(params.getLocale());
492                CmsGallerySearchResult result = new CmsGallerySearchResult(
493                    document,
494                    cms,
495                    (int)document.getScore(),
496                    locale);
498                resultList.add(result);
499            }
500        } catch (CmsSearchException e) {
501            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
502        }
503        return resultList;
504    }
506    /**
507     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#getConfiguration()
508     */
509    @Override
510    public CmsParameterConfiguration getConfiguration() {
512        CmsParameterConfiguration result = super.getConfiguration();
513        if (getPostProcessor() != null) {
514            result.put(POST_PROCESSOR, getPostProcessor().getClass().getName());
515        }
516        return result;
517    }
519    /**
520     * Returns the name of the core of the index.
521     * NOTE: Index and core name differ since OpenCms 10.5 due to new naming rules for cores in SOLR.
522     *
523     * @return the name of the core of the index.
524     */
525    public String getCoreName() {
527        return m_coreName;
528    }
530    /**
531     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#getDocument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
532     */
533    @Override
534    public synchronized I_CmsSearchDocument getDocument(String fieldname, String term) {
536        return getDocument(fieldname, term, null);
537    }
539    /**
540     * Version of {@link org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#getDocument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} where
541     * the returned fields can be restricted.
542     *
543     * @param fieldname the field to query in
544     * @param term the query
545     * @param fls the returned fields.
546     * @return the document.
547     */
548    public synchronized I_CmsSearchDocument getDocument(String fieldname, String term, String[] fls) {
550        try {
551            SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
552            if (CmsSearchField.FIELD_PATH.equals(fieldname)) {
553                query.setQuery(fieldname + ":\"" + term + "\"");
554            } else {
555                query.setQuery(fieldname + ":" + term);
556            }
557            // We could have more than one document due to serial dates. We only want one arbitrary document per id/path
558            query.setRows(Integer.valueOf(1));
559            if (null != fls) {
560                query.setFields(fls);
561            }
562            QueryResponse res = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), query);
563            if (res != null) {
564                SolrDocumentList sdl = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), query).getResults();
565                if ((sdl.getNumFound() > 0L) && (sdl.get(0) != null)) {
566                    return new CmsSolrDocument(sdl.get(0));
567                }
568            }
569        } catch (Exception e) {
570            // ignore and assume that the document could not be found
571            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
572        }
573        return null;
574    }
576    /**
577     * Returns the language locale for the given resource in this index.<p>
578     *
579     * @param cms the current OpenCms user context
580     * @param resource the resource to check
581     * @param availableLocales a list of locales supported by the resource
582     *
583     * @return the language locale for the given resource in this index
584     */
585    @Override
586    public Locale getLocaleForResource(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, List<Locale> availableLocales) {
588        Locale result = null;
589        List<Locale> defaultLocales = OpenCms.getLocaleManager().getDefaultLocales(cms, resource);
590        if ((availableLocales != null) && (availableLocales.size() > 0)) {
591            result = OpenCms.getLocaleManager().getBestMatchingLocale(
592                defaultLocales.get(0),
593                defaultLocales,
594                availableLocales);
595        }
596        if (result == null) {
597            result = ((availableLocales != null) && availableLocales.isEmpty())
598            ? availableLocales.get(0)
599            : defaultLocales.get(0);
600        }
601        return result;
602    }
604    /**
605     * Returns the maximal number of results (start + rows) that are processed for each search query unless another
606     * maximum is explicitly specified in {@link #search(CmsObject, CmsSolrQuery, boolean, ServletResponse, boolean, CmsResourceFilter, int)}.
607     *
608     * @return the maximal number of results (start + rows) that are processed for a search query.
609     */
610    public int getMaxProcessedResults() {
612        return m_maxProcessedResults;
613    }
615    /**
616     * Returns the search post processor.<p>
617     *
618     * @return the post processor to use
619     */
620    public I_CmsSolrPostSearchProcessor getPostProcessor() {
622        return m_postProcessor;
623    }
625    /**
626     * Returns the Solr server URL to connect to for this specific index, or <code>null</code> if no specific URL is configured.
627     * @return the Solr server URL to connect to for this specific index, or <code>null</code> if no specific URL is configured.
628     */
629    public String getServerUrl() {
631        return m_serverUrl;
632    }
634    /**
635     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#initialize()
636     */
637    @Override
638    public void initialize() throws CmsSearchException {
640        super.initialize();
641        if (m_maxProcessedResults == -2) {
642            m_maxProcessedResults = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getSolrServerConfiguration().getMaxProcessedResults();
643        }
644        try {
645            OpenCms.getSearchManager().registerSolrIndex(this);
646        } catch (CmsConfigurationException ex) {
647            LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
648            setEnabled(false);
649        }
650    }
652    /** Returns a flag, indicating if the Solr server is not yet set.
653     * @return a flag, indicating if the Solr server is not yet set.
654     */
655    public boolean isNoSolrServerSet() {
657        return null == m_solr;
658    }
660    /**
661     * Not yet implemented for Solr.<p>
662     *
663     * <code>
664     * #################<br>
665     * ### DON'T USE ###<br>
666     * #################<br>
667     * </code>
668     *
669     * @deprecated Use {@link #search(CmsObject, SolrQuery)} or {@link #search(CmsObject, String)} instead
670     */
671    @Override
672    @Deprecated
673    public synchronized CmsSearchResultList search(CmsObject cms, CmsSearchParameters params) {
675        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
676    }
678    /**
679     * Default search method.<p>
680     *
681     * @param cms the current CMS object
682     * @param query the query
683     *
684     * @return the results
685     *
686     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
687     *
688     * @see #search(CmsObject, String)
689     */
690    public CmsSolrResultList search(CmsObject cms, CmsSolrQuery query) throws CmsSearchException {
692        return search(cms, query, false);
693    }
695    /**
696     * Performs a search.<p>
697     *
698     * Returns a list of 'OpenCms resource documents'
699     * ({@link CmsSearchResource}) encapsulated within the class  {@link CmsSolrResultList}.
700     * This list can be accessed exactly like an {@link List} which entries are
701     * {@link CmsSearchResource} that extend {@link CmsResource} and holds the Solr
702     * implementation of {@link I_CmsSearchDocument} as member. <b>This enables you to deal
703     * with the resulting list as you do with well known {@link List} and work on it's entries
704     * like you do on {@link CmsResource}.</b>
705     *
706     * <h4>What will be done with the Solr search result?</h4>
707     * <ul>
708     * <li>Although it can happen, that there are less results returned than rows were requested
709     * (imagine an index containing less documents than requested rows) we try to guarantee
710     * the requested amount of search results and to provide a working pagination with
711     * security check.</li>
712     *
713     * <li>To be sure we get enough documents left even the permission check reduces the amount
714     * of found documents, the rows are multiplied by <code>'5'</code> and the current page
715     * additionally the offset is added. The count of documents we don't have enough
716     * permissions for grows with increasing page number, that's why we also multiply
717     * the rows by the current page count.</li>
718     *
719     * <li>Also make sure we perform the permission check for all found documents, so start with
720     * the first found doc.</li>
721     * </ul>
722     *
723     * <b>NOTE:</b> If latter pages than the current one are containing protected documents the
724     * total hit count will be incorrect, because the permission check ends if we have
725     * enough results found for the page to display. With other words latter pages than
726     * the current can contain documents that will first be checked if those pages are
727     * requested to be displayed, what causes a incorrect hit count.<p>
728     *
729     * @param cms the current OpenCms context
730     * @param ignoreMaxRows <code>true</code> to return all all requested rows, <code>false</code> to use max rows
731     * @param query the OpenCms Solr query
732     *
733     * @return the list of found documents
734     *
735     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
736     *
737     * @see org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrResultList
738     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchResource
739     * @see org.opencms.search.I_CmsSearchDocument
740     * @see org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrQuery
741     */
742    public CmsSolrResultList search(CmsObject cms, final CmsSolrQuery query, boolean ignoreMaxRows)
743    throws CmsSearchException {
745        return search(cms, query, ignoreMaxRows, null, false, null);
746    }
748    /**
749     * Like {@link #search(CmsObject, CmsSolrQuery, boolean)}, but additionally a resource filter can be specified.
750     * By default, the filter depends on the index.
751     *
752     * @param cms the current OpenCms context
753     * @param ignoreMaxRows <code>true</code> to return all all requested rows, <code>false</code> to use max rows
754     * @param query the OpenCms Solr query
755     * @param filter the resource filter to use for post-processing.
756     *
757     * @return the list of documents found.
758     *
759     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
760     */
761    public CmsSolrResultList search(
762        CmsObject cms,
763        final CmsSolrQuery query,
764        boolean ignoreMaxRows,
765        final CmsResourceFilter filter)
766    throws CmsSearchException {
768        return search(cms, query, ignoreMaxRows, null, false, filter);
769    }
771    /**
772     * Performs the actual search.<p>
773     *
774     * @param cms the current OpenCms context
775     * @param query the OpenCms Solr query
776     * @param ignoreMaxRows <code>true</code> to return all all requested rows, <code>false</code> to use max rows
777     * @param response the servlet response to write the query result to, may also be <code>null</code>
778     * @param ignoreSearchExclude if set to false, only contents with search_exclude unset or "false" will be found - typical for the the non-gallery case
779     * @param filter the resource filter to use
780     *
781     * @return the found documents
782     *
783     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
784     *
785     * @see #search(CmsObject, CmsSolrQuery, boolean)
786     */
787    public CmsSolrResultList search(
788        CmsObject cms,
789        final CmsSolrQuery query,
790        boolean ignoreMaxRows,
791        ServletResponse response,
792        boolean ignoreSearchExclude,
793        CmsResourceFilter filter)
794    throws CmsSearchException {
796        return search(cms, query, ignoreMaxRows, response, ignoreSearchExclude, filter, getMaxProcessedResults());
797    }
799    /**
800     * Performs the actual search.<p>
801     *
802     * To provide for correct permissions two queries are performed and the response is fused from that queries:
803     * <ol>
804     *  <li>a query for permission checking, where fl, start and rows is adjusted. From this query result we take for the response:
805     *      <ul>
806     *          <li>facets</li>
807     *          <li>spellcheck</li>
808     *          <li>suggester</li>
809     *          <li>morelikethis</li>
810     *          <li>clusters</li>
811     *      </ul>
812     *  </li>
813     *  <li>a query that collects only the resources determined by the first query and performs highlighting. From this query we take for the response:
814     *      <li>result</li>
815     *      <li>highlighting</li>
816     *  </li>
817     *</ol>
818     *
819     * Currently not or only partly supported Solr features are:
820     * <ul>
821     *  <li>groups</li>
822     *  <li>collapse - representatives of the collapsed group might be filtered by the permission check</li>
823     *  <li>expand is disabled</li>
824     * </ul>
825     *
826     * @param cms the current OpenCms context
827     * @param query the OpenCms Solr query
828     * @param ignoreMaxRows <code>true</code> to return all requested rows, <code>false</code> to use max rows
829     * @param response the servlet response to write the query result to, may also be <code>null</code>
830     * @param ignoreSearchExclude if set to false, only contents with search_exclude unset or "false" will be found - typical for the the non-gallery case
831     * @param filter the resource filter to use
832     * @param maxNumResults the maximal number of results to search for
833     *
834     * @return the found documents
835     *
836     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
837     *
838     * @see #search(CmsObject, CmsSolrQuery, boolean)
839     */
840    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
841    public CmsSolrResultList search(
842        CmsObject cms,
843        final CmsSolrQuery query,
844        boolean ignoreMaxRows,
845        ServletResponse response,
846        boolean ignoreSearchExclude,
847        CmsResourceFilter filter,
848        int maxNumResults)
849    throws CmsSearchException {
851        CmsSolrResultList result = null;
852        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
854        // TODO:
855        // - fall back to "last found results" if none are present at the "last page"?
856        // - deal with cursorMarks?
857        // - deal with groups?
858        // - deal with result clustering?
859        // - remove max score calculation?
861        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
862            LOG.debug(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_DEBUG_ORIGINAL_QUERY_2, query, getName()));
863        }
865        // change thread priority in order to reduce search impact on overall system performance
866        int previousPriority = Thread.currentThread().getPriority();
867        if (getPriority() > 0) {
868            Thread.currentThread().setPriority(getPriority());
869        }
871        // check if the user is allowed to access this index
872        checkOfflineAccess(cms);
874        if (!ignoreSearchExclude) {
875            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
876                LOG.info(
877                    Messages.get().getBundle().key(
878                        Messages.LOG_SOLR_INFO_ADDING_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_FILTER_FOR_QUERY_2,
879                        query,
880                        getName()));
881            }
882            String fqSearchExclude = CmsSearchField.FIELD_SEARCH_EXCLUDE + ":\"false\"";
883            query.removeFilterQuery(fqSearchExclude);
884            query.addFilterQuery(fqSearchExclude);
885        }
887        if (CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_NAME.equals(getProject())) {
888            query.addFilterQuery(
889                "-"
890                    + CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_ONLINE
891                    + CmsSearchField.FIELD_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES
892                    + ":\"true\"");
893        }
895        // get start parameter from the request
896        int start = null == query.getStart() ? 0 : query.getStart().intValue();
898        // correct negative start values to 0.
899        if (start < 0) {
900            query.setStart(Integer.valueOf(0));
901            start = 0;
902        }
904        // Adjust the maximal number of results to process in case it is unlimited.
905        if (maxNumResults < 0) {
906            maxNumResults = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
907            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
908                LOG.info(
909                    Messages.get().getBundle().key(
910                        Messages.LOG_SOLR_INFO_LIMITING_MAX_PROCESSED_RESULTS_3,
911                        query,
912                        getName(),
913                        Integer.valueOf(maxNumResults)));
914            }
915        }
917        // Correct the rows parameter
918        // Set the default rows, if rows are not set in the original query.
919        int rows = null == query.getRows() ? CmsSolrQuery.DEFAULT_ROWS.intValue() : query.getRows().intValue();
921        // Restrict the rows, such that the maximal number of queryable results is not exceeded.
922        if ((((rows + start) > maxNumResults) || ((rows + start) < 0))) {
923            rows = maxNumResults - start;
924        }
925        // Restrict the rows to the maximally allowed number, if they should be restricted.
926        if (!ignoreMaxRows && (rows > ROWS_MAX)) {
927            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
928                LOG.info(
929                    Messages.get().getBundle().key(
930                        Messages.LOG_SOLR_INFO_LIMITING_MAX_ROWS_4,
931                        new Object[] {query, getName(), Integer.valueOf(rows), Integer.valueOf(ROWS_MAX)}));
932            }
933            rows = ROWS_MAX;
934        }
935        // If start is higher than maxNumResults, the rows could be negative here - correct this.
936        if (rows < 0) {
937            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
938                LOG.info(
939                    Messages.get().getBundle().key(
940                        Messages.LOG_SOLR_INFO_CORRECTING_ROWS_4,
941                        new Object[] {query, getName(), Integer.valueOf(rows), Integer.valueOf(0)}));
942            }
943            rows = 0;
944        }
945        // Set the corrected rows for the query.
946        query.setRows(Integer.valueOf(rows));
948        // remove potentially set expand parameter
949        if (null != query.getParams(QUERY_PARAM_EXPAND)) {
950            LOG.info(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_INFO_REMOVING_EXPAND_2, query, getName()));
951            query.remove("expand");
952        }
954        float maxScore = 0;
956        LocalSolrQueryRequest solrQueryRequest = null;
957        SolrCore core = null;
958        String[] sortParamValues = query.getParams(QUERY_SORT_NAME);
959        boolean sortByScoreDesc = (null == sortParamValues)
960            || (sortParamValues.length == 0)
961            || Objects.equal(sortParamValues[0], "score desc");
963        try {
965            // initialize the search context
966            CmsObject searchCms = OpenCms.initCmsObject(cms);
968            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
969            //////////////////////// QUERY FOR PERMISSION CHECK, FACETS, SPELLCHECK, SUGGESTIONS ///////////////////////////
970            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
972            // Clone the query and keep the original one
973            CmsSolrQuery checkQuery = query.clone();
974            // Initialize rows, offset, end and the current page.
975            int end = start + rows;
976            int itemsToCheck = 0 == end ? 0 : Math.max(10, end + (end / 5)); // request 20 percent more, but at least 10 results if permissions are filtered
977            // use a set to prevent double entries if multiple check queries are performed.
978            Set<String> resultSolrIds = new HashSet<>(rows); // rows are set before definitely.
980            // counter for the documents found and accessible
981            int cnt = 0;
982            long hitCount = 0;
983            long visibleHitCount = 0;
984            int processedResults = 0;
985            long solrPermissionTime = 0;
986            // disable highlighting - it's done in the next query.
987            checkQuery.setHighlight(false);
988            // adjust rows and start for the permission check.
989            checkQuery.setRows(Integer.valueOf(Math.min(maxNumResults - processedResults, itemsToCheck)));
990            checkQuery.setStart(Integer.valueOf(processedResults));
991            // return only the fields required for the permission check and for scoring
992            checkQuery.setFields(CmsSearchField.FIELD_TYPE, CmsSearchField.FIELD_SOLR_ID, CmsSearchField.FIELD_PATH);
993            List<String> originalFields = Arrays.asList(query.getFields().split(","));
994            if (originalFields.contains(CmsSearchField.FIELD_SCORE)) {
995                checkQuery.addField(CmsSearchField.FIELD_SCORE);
996            }
997            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
998                LOG.debug(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_DEBUG_CHECK_QUERY_2, checkQuery, getName()));
999            }
1000            // perform the permission check Solr query and remember the response and time Solr took.
1001            long solrCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
1002            QueryResponse checkQueryResponse = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), checkQuery);
1003            solrCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - solrCheckTime;
1004            solrPermissionTime += solrCheckTime;
1006            // initialize the counts
1007            hitCount = checkQueryResponse.getResults().getNumFound();
1008            int maxToProcess = Long.valueOf(Math.min(hitCount, maxNumResults)).intValue();
1009            visibleHitCount = hitCount;
1011            // process found documents
1012            for (SolrDocument doc : checkQueryResponse.getResults()) {
1013                try {
1014                    CmsSolrDocument searchDoc = new CmsSolrDocument(doc);
1015                    if (needsPermissionCheck(searchDoc) && !hasPermissions(searchCms, searchDoc, filter)) {
1016                        visibleHitCount--;
1017                    } else {
1018                        if (cnt >= start) {
1019                            resultSolrIds.add(searchDoc.getFieldValueAsString(CmsSearchField.FIELD_SOLR_ID));
1020                        }
1021                        if (sortByScoreDesc && (searchDoc.getScore() > maxScore)) {
1022                            maxScore = searchDoc.getScore();
1023                        }
1024                        if (++cnt >= end) {
1025                            break;
1026                        }
1027                    }
1028                } catch (Exception e) {
1029                    // should not happen, but if it does we want to go on with the next result nevertheless
1030                    visibleHitCount--;
1031                    LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_RESULT_ITERATION_FAILED_0), e);
1032                }
1033            }
1034            processedResults += checkQueryResponse.getResults().size();
1036            if ((resultSolrIds.size() < rows) && (processedResults < maxToProcess)) {
1037                CmsSolrQuery secondCheckQuery = checkQuery.clone();
1038                // disable all features not necessary, since results are present from the first check query.
1039                secondCheckQuery.setFacet(false);
1040                secondCheckQuery.setMoreLikeThis(false);
1041                secondCheckQuery.set(QUERY_SPELLCHECK_NAME, false);
1042                do {
1043                    // query directly more under certain conditions to reduce number of queries
1044                    itemsToCheck = itemsToCheck < 3000 ? itemsToCheck * 4 : itemsToCheck;
1045                    // adjust rows and start for the permission check.
1046                    secondCheckQuery.setRows(
1047                        Integer.valueOf(
1048                            Long.valueOf(Math.min(maxToProcess - processedResults, itemsToCheck)).intValue()));
1049                    secondCheckQuery.setStart(Integer.valueOf(processedResults));
1051                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1052                        LOG.debug(
1053                            Messages.get().getBundle().key(
1054                                Messages.LOG_SOLR_DEBUG_SECONDCHECK_QUERY_2,
1055                                secondCheckQuery,
1056                                getName()));
1057                    }
1059                    long solrSecondCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
1060                    QueryResponse secondCheckQueryResponse = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), secondCheckQuery);
1061                    processedResults += secondCheckQueryResponse.getResults().size();
1062                    solrSecondCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - solrSecondCheckTime;
1063                    solrPermissionTime += solrCheckTime;
1065                    // process found documents
1066                    for (SolrDocument doc : secondCheckQueryResponse.getResults()) {
1067                        try {
1068                            CmsSolrDocument searchDoc = new CmsSolrDocument(doc);
1069                            String docSolrId = searchDoc.getFieldValueAsString(CmsSearchField.FIELD_SOLR_ID);
1070                            if ((needsPermissionCheck(searchDoc) && !hasPermissions(searchCms, searchDoc, filter))
1071                                || resultSolrIds.contains(docSolrId)) {
1072                                visibleHitCount--;
1073                            } else {
1074                                if (cnt >= start) {
1075                                    resultSolrIds.add(docSolrId);
1076                                }
1077                                if (sortByScoreDesc && (searchDoc.getScore() > maxScore)) {
1078                                    maxScore = searchDoc.getScore();
1079                                }
1080                                if (++cnt >= end) {
1081                                    break;
1082                                }
1083                            }
1084                        } catch (Exception e) {
1085                            // should not happen, but if it does we want to go on with the next result nevertheless
1086                            visibleHitCount--;
1087                            LOG.warn(
1088                                Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_RESULT_ITERATION_FAILED_0),
1089                                e);
1090                        }
1091                    }
1093                } while ((resultSolrIds.size() < rows) && (processedResults < maxToProcess));
1094            }
1096            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1097            //////////////////////// QUERY FOR RESULTS AND HIGHLIGHTING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1098            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1100            // the lists storing the found documents that will be returned
1101            List<CmsSearchResource> resourceDocumentList = new ArrayList<CmsSearchResource>(resultSolrIds.size());
1102            SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = new SolrDocumentList();
1104            long solrResultTime = 0;
1106            // If we're using a post-processor, (re-)initialize it before using it
1107            if (m_postProcessor != null) {
1108                m_postProcessor.init();
1109            }
1111            // build the query for getting the results
1112            SolrQuery queryForResults = query.clone();
1113            // we add an additional filter, such that we can only find the documents we want to retrieve, as we figured out in the check query.
1114            if (!resultSolrIds.isEmpty()) {
1115                String queryFilterString = resultSolrIds.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(","));
1116                queryForResults.addFilterQuery(
1117                    "{!terms f=" + CmsSearchField.FIELD_SOLR_ID + " separator=\",\"}" + queryFilterString);
1118            }
1119            queryForResults.setRows(Integer.valueOf(resultSolrIds.size()));
1120            queryForResults.setStart(Integer.valueOf(0));
1122            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1123                LOG.debug(
1124                    Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_DEBUG_RESULT_QUERY_2, queryForResults, getName()));
1125            }
1126            // perform the result query.
1127            solrResultTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
1128            QueryResponse resultQueryResponse = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), queryForResults);
1129            solrResultTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - solrResultTime;
1131            // List containing solr ids of filtered contents for which highlighting has to be removed.
1132            // Since we checked permissions just a few milliseconds ago, this should typically stay empty.
1133            List<String> filteredResultIds = new ArrayList<>(5);
1135            for (SolrDocument doc : resultQueryResponse.getResults()) {
1136                try {
1137                    CmsSolrDocument searchDoc = new CmsSolrDocument(doc);
1138                    if (needsPermissionCheck(searchDoc)) {
1139                        CmsResource resource = filter == null
1140                        ? getResource(searchCms, searchDoc)
1141                        : getResource(searchCms, searchDoc, filter);
1142                        if (null != resource) {
1143                            if (m_postProcessor != null) {
1144                                doc = m_postProcessor.process(
1145                                    searchCms,
1146                                    resource,
1147                                    (SolrInputDocument)searchDoc.getDocument());
1148                            }
1149                            resourceDocumentList.add(new CmsSearchResource(resource, searchDoc));
1150                            solrDocumentList.add(doc);
1151                        } else {
1152                            filteredResultIds.add(searchDoc.getFieldValueAsString(CmsSearchField.FIELD_SOLR_ID));
1153                        }
1154                    } else { // should not happen unless the index has changed since the first query.
1155                        resourceDocumentList.add(new CmsSearchResource(PSEUDO_RES, searchDoc));
1156                        solrDocumentList.add(doc);
1157                        visibleHitCount--;
1158                    }
1159                } catch (Exception e) {
1160                    // should not happen, but if it does we want to go on with the next result nevertheless
1161                    visibleHitCount--;
1162                    LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_RESULT_ITERATION_FAILED_0), e);
1163                }
1164            }
1166            long processTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime - solrPermissionTime - solrResultTime;
1168            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1169            //////////////////////// CREATE THE FINAL RESPONSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1170            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1172            // we are manipulating the checkQueryResponse to set up the final response, we want to deliver.
1174            // adjust start, max score and hit count displayed in the result list.
1175            solrDocumentList.setStart(start);
1176            Float finalMaxScore = sortByScoreDesc ? Float.valueOf(maxScore) : checkQueryResponse.getResults().getMaxScore();
1177            solrDocumentList.setMaxScore(finalMaxScore);
1178            solrDocumentList.setNumFound(visibleHitCount);
1180            // Exchange the search parameters in the response header by the ones from the (adjusted) original query.
1181            NamedList<Object> params = ((NamedList<Object>)(checkQueryResponse.getHeader().get(HEADER_PARAMS_NAME)));
1182            params.clear();
1183            for (String paramName : query.getParameterNames()) {
1184                params.add(paramName, query.get(paramName));
1185            }
1187            // Fill in the documents to return.
1188            checkQueryResponse.getResponse().setVal(
1189                checkQueryResponse.getResponse().indexOf(QUERY_RESPONSE_NAME, 0),
1190                solrDocumentList);
1192            // Fill in the time, the overall query took, including processing and permission check.
1193            checkQueryResponse.getResponseHeader().setVal(
1194                checkQueryResponse.getResponseHeader().indexOf(QUERY_TIME_NAME, 0),
1195                Integer.valueOf(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime).intValue()));
1197            // Fill in the highlighting information from the result query.
1198            if (query.getHighlight()) {
1199                NamedList<Object> highlighting = (NamedList<Object>)resultQueryResponse.getResponse().get(
1200                    QUERY_HIGHLIGHTING_NAME);
1201                // filter out highlighting for documents where access is not permitted.
1202                for (String filteredId : filteredResultIds) {
1203                    highlighting.remove(filteredId);
1204                }
1205                NamedList<Object> completeResponse = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(1);
1206                completeResponse.addAll(checkQueryResponse.getResponse());
1207                completeResponse.add(QUERY_HIGHLIGHTING_NAME, highlighting);
1208                checkQueryResponse.setResponse(completeResponse);
1209            }
1211            // build the result
1212            result = new CmsSolrResultList(
1213                query,
1214                checkQueryResponse,
1215                solrDocumentList,
1216                resourceDocumentList,
1217                start,
1218                Integer.valueOf(rows),
1219                Math.min(end, (start + solrDocumentList.size())),
1220                rows > 0 ? (start / rows) + 1 : 0, //page - but matches only in case of equally sized pages and is zero for rows=0 (because this was this way before!?!)
1221                visibleHitCount,
1222                finalMaxScore,
1223                startTime,
1224                System.currentTimeMillis());
1225            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1226                Object[] logParams = new Object[] {
1227                    Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime),
1228                    Long.valueOf(result.getNumFound()),
1229                    Long.valueOf(solrPermissionTime + solrResultTime),
1230                    Long.valueOf(processTime),
1231                    Long.valueOf(result.getHighlightEndTime() != 0 ? result.getHighlightEndTime() - startTime : 0)};
1232                LOG.debug(
1233                    query.toString()
1234                        + "\n"
1235                        + Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_SEARCH_EXECUTED_5, logParams));
1236            }
1237            // write the response for the handler
1238            if (response != null) {
1239                // create and return the result
1240                core = m_solr instanceof EmbeddedSolrServer
1241                ? ((EmbeddedSolrServer)m_solr).getCoreContainer().getCore(getCoreName())
1242                : null;
1244                solrQueryRequest = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, query);
1245                SolrQueryResponse solrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse();
1246                solrQueryResponse.setAllValues(checkQueryResponse.getResponse());
1247                writeResp(response, solrQueryRequest, solrQueryResponse);
1248            }
1249        } catch (
1251        Exception e) {
1252            throw new CmsSearchException(
1253                Messages.get().container(
1254                    Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_SEARCH_EXECUTION_FAILD_1,
1255                    CmsEncoder.decode(query.toString()),
1256                    e),
1257                e);
1258        } finally {
1259            if (solrQueryRequest != null) {
1260                solrQueryRequest.close();
1261            }
1262            if (null != core) {
1263                core.close();
1264            }
1265            // re-set thread to previous priority
1266            Thread.currentThread().setPriority(previousPriority);
1267        }
1268        return result;
1269    }
1271    /**
1272     * Default search method.<p>
1273     *
1274     * @param cms the current CMS object
1275     * @param query the query
1276     *
1277     * @return the results
1278     *
1279     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
1280     *
1281     * @see #search(CmsObject, String)
1282     */
1283    public CmsSolrResultList search(CmsObject cms, SolrQuery query) throws CmsSearchException {
1285        return search(cms, CmsEncoder.decode(query.toString()));
1286    }
1288    /**
1289     * Performs a search.<p>
1290     *
1291     * @param cms the cms object
1292     * @param solrQuery the Solr query
1293     *
1294     * @return a list of documents
1295     *
1296     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
1297     *
1298     * @see #search(CmsObject, CmsSolrQuery, boolean)
1299     */
1300    public CmsSolrResultList search(CmsObject cms, String solrQuery) throws CmsSearchException {
1302        return search(cms, new CmsSolrQuery(null, CmsRequestUtil.createParameterMap(solrQuery)), false);
1303    }
1305    /**
1306     * Writes the response into the writer.<p>
1307     *
1308     * NOTE: Currently not available for HTTP server.<p>
1309     *
1310     * @param response the servlet response
1311     * @param cms the CMS object to use for search
1312     * @param query the Solr query
1313     * @param ignoreMaxRows if to return unlimited results
1314     *
1315     * @throws Exception if there is no embedded server
1316     */
1317    public void select(ServletResponse response, CmsObject cms, CmsSolrQuery query, boolean ignoreMaxRows)
1318    throws Exception {
1320        throwExceptionIfSafetyRestrictionsAreViolated(cms, query, false);
1321        boolean isOnline = cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject();
1322        CmsResourceFilter filter = isOnline ? null : CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION;
1324        search(cms, query, ignoreMaxRows, response, false, filter);
1325    }
1327    /**
1328     * Sets the logical key/name of this search index.<p>
1329     *
1330     * @param name the logical key/name of this search index
1331     *
1332     * @throws CmsIllegalArgumentException if the given name is null, empty or already taken by another search index
1333     */
1334    @Override
1335    public void setName(String name) throws CmsIllegalArgumentException {
1337        super.setName(name);
1338        updateCoreName();
1339    }
1341    /**
1342     * Sets the search post processor.<p>
1343     *
1344     * @param postProcessor the search post processor to set
1345     */
1346    public void setPostProcessor(I_CmsSolrPostSearchProcessor postProcessor) {
1348        m_postProcessor = postProcessor;
1349    }
1351    /**
1352     * Sets the Solr server used by this index.<p>
1353     *
1354     * @param client the server to set
1355     */
1356    public void setSolrServer(SolrClient client) {
1358        m_solr = client;
1359    }
1361    /**
1362     * Executes a spell checking Solr query and returns the Solr query response.<p>
1363     *
1364     * @param res the servlet response
1365     * @param cms the CMS object
1366     * @param q the query
1367     *
1368     * @throws CmsSearchException if something goes wrong
1369     */
1370    public void spellCheck(ServletResponse res, CmsObject cms, CmsSolrQuery q) throws CmsSearchException {
1372        throwExceptionIfSafetyRestrictionsAreViolated(cms, q, true);
1373        SolrCore core = null;
1374        LocalSolrQueryRequest solrQueryRequest = null;
1375        try {
1376            q.setRequestHandler("/spell");
1377            q.setRows(Integer.valueOf(0));
1379            QueryResponse queryResponse = m_solr.query(getCoreName(), q);
1381            List<CmsSearchResource> resourceDocumentList = new ArrayList<CmsSearchResource>();
1382            SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = new SolrDocumentList();
1383            if (m_postProcessor != null) {
1384                for (int i = 0; (i < queryResponse.getResults().size()); i++) {
1385                    try {
1386                        SolrDocument doc = queryResponse.getResults().get(i);
1387                        CmsSolrDocument searchDoc = new CmsSolrDocument(doc);
1388                        if (needsPermissionCheck(searchDoc)) {
1389                            // only if the document is an OpenCms internal resource perform the permission check
1390                            CmsResource resource = getResource(cms, searchDoc);
1391                            if (resource != null) {
1392                                // permission check performed successfully: the user has read permissions!
1393                                if (m_postProcessor != null) {
1394                                    doc = m_postProcessor.process(
1395                                        cms,
1396                                        resource,
1397                                        (SolrInputDocument)searchDoc.getDocument());
1398                                }
1399                                resourceDocumentList.add(new CmsSearchResource(resource, searchDoc));
1400                                solrDocumentList.add(doc);
1401                            }
1402                        }
1403                    } catch (Exception e) {
1404                        // should not happen, but if it does we want to go on with the next result nevertheless
1405                        LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_RESULT_ITERATION_FAILED_0), e);
1406                    }
1407                }
1408                queryResponse.getResponse().setVal(
1409                    queryResponse.getResponse().indexOf(QUERY_RESPONSE_NAME, 0),
1410                    solrDocumentList);
1411            }
1413            // create and return the result
1414            core = m_solr instanceof EmbeddedSolrServer
1415            ? ((EmbeddedSolrServer)m_solr).getCoreContainer().getCore(getCoreName())
1416            : null;
1418            SolrQueryResponse solrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse();
1419            solrQueryResponse.setAllValues(queryResponse.getResponse());
1421            // create and initialize the solr request
1422            solrQueryRequest = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, solrQueryResponse.getResponseHeader());
1423            // set the OpenCms Solr query as parameters to the request
1424            solrQueryRequest.setParams(q);
1426            writeResp(res, solrQueryRequest, solrQueryResponse);
1428        } catch (Exception e) {
1429            throw new CmsSearchException(
1430                Messages.get().container(Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_SEARCH_EXECUTION_FAILD_1, q),
1431                e);
1432        } finally {
1433            if (solrQueryRequest != null) {
1434                solrQueryRequest.close();
1435            }
1436            if (core != null) {
1437                core.close();
1438            }
1439        }
1440    }
1442    /**
1443     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#createIndexBackup()
1444     */
1445    @Override
1446    protected String createIndexBackup() {
1448        if (!isBackupReindexing()) {
1449            // if no backup is generated we don't need to do anything
1450            return null;
1451        }
1452        if (m_solr instanceof EmbeddedSolrServer) {
1453            EmbeddedSolrServer ser = (EmbeddedSolrServer)m_solr;
1454            CoreContainer con = ser.getCoreContainer();
1455            SolrCore core = con.getCore(getCoreName());
1456            if (core != null) {
1457                try {
1458                    SolrRequestHandler h = core.getRequestHandler("/replication");
1459                    if (h instanceof ReplicationHandler) {
1460                        h.handleRequest(
1461                            new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, CmsRequestUtil.createParameterMap("?command=backup")),
1462                            new SolrQueryResponse());
1463                    }
1464                } finally {
1465                    core.close();
1466                }
1467            }
1468        }
1469        return null;
1470    }
1472    /**
1473     * Check, if the current user has permissions on the document's resource.
1474     * @param cms the context
1475     * @param doc the solr document (from the search result)
1476     * @param filter the resource filter to use for checking permissions
1477     * @return <code>true</code> iff the resource mirrored by the search result can be read by the current user.
1478     */
1479    protected boolean hasPermissions(CmsObject cms, CmsSolrDocument doc, CmsResourceFilter filter) {
1481        return null != (filter == null ? getResource(cms, doc) : getResource(cms, doc, filter));
1482    }
1484    /**
1485     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#indexSearcherClose()
1486     */
1487    @SuppressWarnings("sync-override")
1488    @Override
1489    protected void indexSearcherClose() {
1491        // nothing to do here
1492    }
1494    /**
1495     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#indexSearcherOpen(java.lang.String)
1496     */
1497    @SuppressWarnings("sync-override")
1498    @Override
1499    protected void indexSearcherOpen(final String path) {
1501        // nothing to do here
1502    }
1504    /**
1505     * @see org.opencms.search.CmsSearchIndex#indexSearcherUpdate()
1506     */
1507    @SuppressWarnings("sync-override")
1508    @Override
1509    protected void indexSearcherUpdate() {
1511        // nothing to do here
1512    }
1514    /**
1515     * Checks if the current user is allowed to access non-online indexes.<p>
1516     *
1517     * To access non-online indexes the current user must be a workplace user at least.<p>
1518     *
1519     * @param cms the CMS object initialized with the current request context / user
1520     *
1521     * @throws CmsSearchException thrown if the access is not permitted
1522     */
1523    private void checkOfflineAccess(CmsObject cms) throws CmsSearchException {
1525        // If an offline index is being selected, check permissions
1526        if (!CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_NAME.equals(getProject())) {
1527            // only if the user has the role Workplace user, he is allowed to access the Offline index
1528            try {
1529                OpenCms.getRoleManager().checkRole(cms, CmsRole.ELEMENT_AUTHOR);
1530            } catch (CmsRoleViolationException e) {
1531                throw new CmsSearchException(
1532                    Messages.get().container(
1533                        Messages.LOG_SOLR_ERR_SEARCH_PERMISSION_VIOLATION_2,
1534                        getName(),
1535                        cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser()),
1536                    e);
1537            }
1538        }
1539    }
1541    /**
1542     * Generates a valid core name from the provided name (the index name).
1543     * @param name the index name.
1544     * @return the core name
1545     */
1546    private String generateCoreName(final String name) {
1548        if (name != null) {
1549            return name.replace(" ", "-");
1550        }
1551        return null;
1552    }
1554    /**
1555     * Checks if the query should be executed using the debug mode where the security restrictions do not apply.
1556     * @param cms the current context.
1557     * @param query the query to execute.
1558     * @return a flag, indicating, if the query should be performed in debug mode.
1559     */
1560    private boolean isDebug(CmsObject cms, CmsSolrQuery query) {
1562        String[] debugSecretValues = query.remove(REQUEST_PARAM_DEBUG_SECRET);
1563        String debugSecret = (debugSecretValues == null) || (debugSecretValues.length < 1)
1564        ? null
1565        : debugSecretValues[0];
1566        if ((null != debugSecret) && !debugSecret.trim().isEmpty() && (null != m_handlerDebugSecretFile)) {
1567            try {
1568                CmsFile secretFile = cms.readFile(m_handlerDebugSecretFile);
1569                String secret = new String(secretFile.getContents(), CmsFileUtil.getEncoding(cms, secretFile));
1570                return secret.trim().equals(debugSecret.trim());
1571            } catch (Exception e) {
1572                LOG.info(
1573                    "Failed to read secret file for index \""
1574                        + getName()
1575                        + "\" at path \""
1576                        + m_handlerDebugSecretFile
1577                        + "\".");
1578            }
1579        }
1580        return false;
1581    }
1583    /**
1584     * Throws an exception if the request can for security reasons not be performed.
1585     * Security restrictions can be set via parameters of the index.
1586     *
1587     * @param cms the current context.
1588     * @param query the query.
1589     * @param isSpell flag, indicating if the spellcheck handler is requested.
1590     * @throws CmsSearchException thrown if the query cannot be executed due to security reasons.
1591     */
1592    private void throwExceptionIfSafetyRestrictionsAreViolated(CmsObject cms, CmsSolrQuery query, boolean isSpell)
1593    throws CmsSearchException {
1595        if (!isDebug(cms, query)) {
1596            if (isSpell) {
1597                if (m_handlerSpellDisabled) {
1598                    throw new CmsSearchException(Messages.get().container(Messages.GUI_HANDLER_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_0));
1599                }
1600            } else {
1601                if (m_handlerSelectDisabled) {
1602                    throw new CmsSearchException(Messages.get().container(Messages.GUI_HANDLER_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_0));
1603                }
1604                int start = null != query.getStart() ? query.getStart().intValue() : 0;
1605                int rows = null != query.getRows() ? query.getRows().intValue() : CmsSolrQuery.DEFAULT_ROWS.intValue();
1606                if ((m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsAtAll >= 0) && ((rows + start) > m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsAtAll)) {
1607                    throw new CmsSearchException(
1608                        Messages.get().container(
1609                            Messages.GUI_HANDLER_TOO_MANY_RESULTS_REQUESTED_AT_ALL_2,
1610                            Integer.valueOf(m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsAtAll),
1611                            Integer.valueOf(rows + start)));
1612                }
1613                if ((m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsPerPage >= 0) && (rows > m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsPerPage)) {
1614                    throw new CmsSearchException(
1615                        Messages.get().container(
1616                            Messages.GUI_HANDLER_TOO_MANY_RESULTS_REQUESTED_PER_PAGE_2,
1617                            Integer.valueOf(m_handlerMaxAllowedResultsPerPage),
1618                            Integer.valueOf(rows)));
1619                }
1620                if ((null != m_handlerAllowedFields) && (Stream.of(m_handlerAllowedFields).anyMatch(x -> true))) {
1621                    if (query.getFields().equals(CmsSolrQuery.ALL_RETURN_FIELDS)) {
1622                        query.setFields(m_handlerAllowedFields);
1623                    } else {
1624                        for (String requestedField : query.getFields().split(",")) {
1625                            if (Stream.of(m_handlerAllowedFields).noneMatch(
1626                                allowedField -> allowedField.equals(requestedField))) {
1627                                throw new CmsSearchException(
1628                                    Messages.get().container(
1629                                        Messages.GUI_HANDLER_REQUESTED_FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED_2,
1630                                        requestedField,
1631                                        Stream.of(m_handlerAllowedFields).reduce("", (a, b) -> a + "," + b)));
1632                            }
1633                        }
1634                    }
1635                }
1636            }
1637        }
1638    }
1640    /**
1641     * Updates the core name to be in sync with the index name.
1642     */
1643    private void updateCoreName() {
1645        m_coreName = generateCoreName(getName());
1647    }
1649    /**
1650     * Writes the Solr response.<p>
1651     *
1652     * @param response the servlet response
1653     * @param queryRequest the Solr request
1654     * @param queryResponse the Solr response to write
1655     *
1656     * @throws IOException if sth. goes wrong
1657     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if sth. goes wrong
1658     */
1659    private void writeResp(ServletResponse response, SolrQueryRequest queryRequest, SolrQueryResponse queryResponse)
1660    throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
1662        if (m_solr instanceof EmbeddedSolrServer) {
1663            SolrCore core = ((EmbeddedSolrServer)m_solr).getCoreContainer().getCore(getCoreName());
1664            Writer out = null;
1665            try {
1666                QueryResponseWriter responseWriter = core.getQueryResponseWriter(queryRequest);
1668                final String ct = responseWriter.getContentType(queryRequest, queryResponse);
1669                if (null != ct) {
1670                    response.setContentType(ct);
1671                }
1673                if (responseWriter instanceof BinaryQueryResponseWriter) {
1674                    BinaryQueryResponseWriter binWriter = (BinaryQueryResponseWriter)responseWriter;
1675                    binWriter.write(response.getOutputStream(), queryRequest, queryResponse);
1676                } else {
1677                    String charset = ContentStreamBase.getCharsetFromContentType(ct);
1678                    out = ((charset == null) || charset.equalsIgnoreCase(UTF8.toString()))
1679                    ? new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), UTF8)
1680                    : new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), charset);
1681                    out = new FastWriter(out);
1682                    responseWriter.write(out, queryRequest, queryResponse);
1683                    out.flush();
1684                }
1685            } finally {
1686                core.close();
1687                if (out != null) {
1688                    out.close();
1689                }
1690            }
1691        } else {
1692            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
1693        }
1694    }