002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.staticexport;
030import org.opencms.ade.configuration.CmsDetailNameCache;
031import org.opencms.ade.detailpage.I_CmsDetailPageHandler;
032import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
033import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
034import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
035import org.opencms.file.CmsVfsException;
036import org.opencms.file.CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException;
037import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeImage;
038import org.opencms.file.types.I_CmsResourceType;
039import org.opencms.loader.CmsLoaderException;
040import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
041import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
042import org.opencms.main.CmsStaticResourceHandler;
043import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
044import org.opencms.site.CmsSite;
045import org.opencms.site.CmsSiteMatcher;
046import org.opencms.util.CmsFileUtil;
047import org.opencms.util.CmsPair;
048import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
049import org.opencms.util.CmsUUID;
050import org.opencms.util.CmsUriSplitter;
051import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace;
053import java.net.URI;
054import java.util.List;
055import java.util.Locale;
057import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
060 * Default link substitution behavior.<p>
061 *
062 * @since 7.0.2
063 *
064 * @see CmsLinkManager#substituteLink(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, String, String, boolean)
065 *      for the method where this handler is used.
066 */
067public class CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler implements I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler {
069    /**
070     * Request context attribute name to make the link substitution handler treat the link like an image link.<p>
071     */
072    public static final String ATTR_IS_IMAGE_LINK = "IS_IMAGE_LINK";
074    /** Key for a request context attribute to control whether the getRootPath method uses the current site root for workplace requests.
075     *  The getRootPath method clears this attribute when called.
076     */
079    /** The log object for this class. */
080    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler.class);
082    /** Prefix used for request context attributes to control whether a different site root should be used in appendServerPrefix. */
083    public static final String OVERRIDE_SITEROOT_PREFIX = "OVERRIDE_SITEROOT:";
085    /**
086     * Returns the resource root path in the OpenCms VFS for the given link, or <code>null</code> in
087     * case the link points to an external site.<p>
088     *
089     * If the target URI contains no site information, but starts with the opencms context, the context is removed:<pre>
090     * /opencms/opencms/system/further_path -> /system/further_path</pre>
091     *
092     * If the target URI contains no site information, the path will be prefixed with the current site
093     * from the provided OpenCms user context:<pre>
094     * /folder/page.html -> /sites/mysite/folder/page.html</pre>
095     *
096     * If the path of the target URI is relative, i.e. does not start with "/",
097     * the path will be prefixed with the current site and the given relative path,
098     * then normalized.
099     * If no relative path is given, <code>null</code> is returned.
100     * If the normalized path is outsite a site, null is returned.<pre>
101     * page.html -> /sites/mysite/page.html
102     * ../page.html -> /sites/mysite/page.html
103     * ../../page.html -> null</pre>
104     *
105     * If the target URI contains a scheme/server name that denotes an opencms site,
106     * it is replaced by the appropriate site path:<pre>
107     * http://www.mysite.de/folder/page.html -> /sites/mysite/folder/page.html</pre><p>
108     *
109     * If the target URI contains a scheme/server name that does not match with any site,
110     * or if the URI is opaque or invalid,
111     * <code>null</code> is returned:<pre>
112     * http://www.elsewhere.com/page.html -> null
113     * mailto:someone@elsewhere.com -> null</pre>
114     *
115     * @see org.opencms.staticexport.I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler#getLink(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)
116     */
117    public String getLink(CmsObject cms, String link, String siteRoot, boolean forceSecure) {
119        return getLink(cms, link, siteRoot, null, forceSecure);
120    }
122    /**
123     * @see org.opencms.staticexport.I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler#getLink(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)
124     */
125    public String getLink(CmsObject cms, String link, String siteRoot, String targetDetailPage, boolean forceSecure) {
127        if (CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(link)) {
128            // not a valid link parameter, return an empty String
129            return "";
130        }
132        if (CmsStaticResourceHandler.isStaticResourceUri(link)) {
133            return CmsWorkplace.getStaticResourceUri(link);
134        }
136        // make sure we have an absolute link
137        String absoluteLink = CmsLinkManager.getAbsoluteUri(link, cms.getRequestContext().getUri());
138        String overrideSiteRoot = null;
140        String vfsName;
142        CmsUriSplitter splitter = new CmsUriSplitter(absoluteLink, true);
143        String parameters = null;
144        if (splitter.getQuery() != null) {
145            parameters = "?" + splitter.getQuery();
146        }
147        String anchor = null;
148        if (splitter.getAnchor() != null) {
149            anchor = "#" + splitter.getAnchor();
150        }
151        vfsName = splitter.getPrefix();
153        String resultLink = null;
154        String uriBaseName = null;
155        boolean useRelativeLinks = false;
157        // determine the target site of the link
158        CmsSite currentSite = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getCurrentSite(cms);
159        CmsSite targetSite = null;
160        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(siteRoot)) {
161            targetSite = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForSiteRoot(siteRoot);
162        }
163        if (targetSite == null) {
164            targetSite = currentSite;
165        }
167        String targetSiteRoot = targetSite.getSiteRoot();
168        String originalVfsName = vfsName;
169        String detailPage = null;
170        CmsResource detailContent = null;
171        try {
172            String rootVfsName;
173            if (!vfsName.startsWith(targetSiteRoot)
174                && !vfsName.startsWith(CmsResource.VFS_FOLDER_SYSTEM + "/")
175                && !OpenCms.getSiteManager().startsWithShared(vfsName)) {
176                rootVfsName = CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(targetSiteRoot, vfsName);
177            } else {
178                rootVfsName = vfsName;
179            }
180            if (!rootVfsName.startsWith(CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_WORKPLACE)) {
181                // never use the ADE manager for workplace links, to be sure the workplace stays usable in case of configuration errors
182                I_CmsDetailPageHandler finder = OpenCms.getADEManager().getDetailPageHandler();
183                detailPage = finder.getDetailPage(cms, rootVfsName, cms.getRequestContext().getUri(), targetDetailPage);
184            }
185            if (detailPage != null) {
186                CmsSite detailPageSite = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForRootPath(detailPage);
187                if (detailPageSite != null) {
188                    targetSite = detailPageSite;
189                    overrideSiteRoot = targetSiteRoot = targetSite.getSiteRoot();
190                    detailPage = detailPage.substring(targetSiteRoot.length());
191                    if (!detailPage.startsWith("/")) {
192                        detailPage = "/" + detailPage;
193                    }
194                }
195                String originalSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
196                try {
197                    cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("");
198                    CmsResource element = cms.readResource(rootVfsName, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
199                    detailContent = element;
200                    Locale locale = cms.getRequestContext().getLocale();
201                    List<Locale> defaultLocales = OpenCms.getLocaleManager().getDefaultLocales();
202                    vfsName = CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(
203                        detailPage,
204                        cms.getDetailName(element, locale, defaultLocales),
205                        "/");
207                } catch (CmsVfsException e) {
208                    if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
209                        LOG.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
210                    }
211                } finally {
212                    cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(originalSiteRoot);
214                }
215            }
216        } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) {
217            LOG.info(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
218        } catch (CmsException e) {
219            LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
220        }
222        // if the link points to another site, there needs to be a server prefix
223        String serverPrefix;
224        if ((targetSite != currentSite) || cms.getRequestContext().isForceAbsoluteLinks()) {
225            serverPrefix = targetSite.getUrl();
226        } else {
227            serverPrefix = "";
228        }
230        // in the online project, check static export and secure settings
231        if (cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject()) {
232            // first check if this link needs static export
233            CmsStaticExportManager exportManager = OpenCms.getStaticExportManager();
234            String oriUri = cms.getRequestContext().getUri();
235            // check if we need relative links in the exported pages
236            if (exportManager.relativeLinksInExport(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot() + oriUri)) {
237                // try to get base URI from cache
238                String cacheKey = exportManager.getCacheKey(targetSiteRoot, oriUri);
239                uriBaseName = exportManager.getCachedOnlineLink(cacheKey);
240                if (uriBaseName == null) {
241                    // base not cached, check if we must export it
242                    if (exportManager.isExportLink(cms, oriUri)) {
243                        // base URI must also be exported
244                        uriBaseName = exportManager.getRfsName(cms, oriUri);
245                    } else {
246                        // base URI dosn't need to be exported
247                        CmsPair<String, String> uriParamPair = addVfsPrefix(cms, oriUri, targetSite, parameters);
248                        uriBaseName = uriParamPair.getFirst();
249                        parameters = uriParamPair.getSecond();
250                    }
251                    // cache export base URI
252                    exportManager.cacheOnlineLink(cacheKey, uriBaseName);
253                }
254                // use relative links only on pages that get exported
255                useRelativeLinks = uriBaseName.startsWith(
256                    exportManager.getRfsPrefix(cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot() + oriUri));
257            }
259            String detailPagePart = detailPage == null ? "" : detailPage + ":";
260            // check if we have the absolute VFS name for the link target cached
261            // (We really need the target site root in the cache key, because different resources with the same site paths
262            // but in different sites may have different export settings. It seems we don't really need the site root
263            // from the request context as part of the key, but we'll leave it in to make sure we don't break anything.)
264            String cacheKey = generateCacheKey(cms, siteRoot, targetSiteRoot, detailPagePart, absoluteLink);
265            resultLink = exportManager.getCachedOnlineLink(cacheKey);
266            if (resultLink == null) {
267                String storedSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
268                try {
269                    cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(targetSite.getSiteRoot());
270                    // didn't find the link in the cache
271                    if (exportManager.isExportLink(cms, vfsName)) {
272                        parameters = prepareExportParameters(cms, vfsName, parameters);
273                        // export required, get export name for target link
274                        resultLink = exportManager.getRfsName(cms, vfsName, parameters, targetDetailPage);
275                        // now set the parameters to null, we do not need them anymore
276                        parameters = null;
277                    } else {
278                        // no export required for the target link
279                        CmsPair<String, String> uriParamPair = addVfsPrefix(cms, vfsName, targetSite, parameters);
280                        resultLink = uriParamPair.getFirst();
281                        parameters = uriParamPair.getSecond();
282                        // add cut off parameters if required
283                        if (parameters != null) {
284                            resultLink = resultLink.concat(parameters);
285                        }
286                    }
287                } finally {
288                    cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(storedSiteRoot);
289                }
290                // cache the result
291                exportManager.cacheOnlineLink(cacheKey, resultLink);
292            }
294            // now check for the secure settings
296            // check if either the current site or the target site does have a secure server configured
297            if (targetSite.hasSecureServer() || currentSite.hasSecureServer()) {
299                if (!vfsName.startsWith(CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_SYSTEM)) {
300                    // don't make a secure connection to the "/system" folder (why ?)
301                    int linkType = -1;
302                    try {
303                        // read the linked resource
304                        linkType = cms.readResource(originalVfsName).getTypeId();
305                    } catch (CmsException e) {
306                        // the resource could not be read
307                        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
308                            String message = Messages.get().getBundle().key(
309                                Messages.LOG_RESOURCE_ACESS_ERROR_3,
310                                vfsName,
311                                cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser().getName(),
312                                cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot());
313                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
314                                LOG.debug(message, e);
315                            } else {
316                                LOG.info(message);
317                            }
318                        }
319                    }
321                    // images are always referenced without a server prefix
322                    int imageId;
323                    try {
324                        imageId = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(
325                            CmsResourceTypeImage.getStaticTypeName()).getTypeId();
326                    } catch (CmsLoaderException e1) {
327                        // should really never happen
328                        LOG.warn(e1.getLocalizedMessage(), e1);
329                        imageId = CmsResourceTypeImage.getStaticTypeId();
330                    }
331                    boolean hasIsImageLinkAttr = Boolean.parseBoolean(
332                        "" + cms.getRequestContext().getAttribute(ATTR_IS_IMAGE_LINK));
333                    if ((linkType != imageId) && !hasIsImageLinkAttr) {
334                        // check the secure property of the link
335                        boolean secureRequest = cms.getRequestContext().isSecureRequest()
336                            || exportManager.isSecureLink(cms, oriUri);
338                        boolean secureLink;
339                        if (detailContent == null) {
340                            secureLink = isSecureLink(cms, vfsName, targetSite, secureRequest);
341                        } else {
342                            secureLink = isDetailPageLinkSecure(
343                                cms,
344                                detailPage,
345                                detailContent,
346                                targetSite,
347                                secureRequest);
349                        }
350                        // if we are on a normal server, and the requested resource is secure,
351                        // the server name has to be prepended
352                        if (secureLink && (forceSecure || !secureRequest)) {
353                            serverPrefix = targetSite.getSecureUrl();
354                        } else if (!secureLink && secureRequest) {
355                            serverPrefix = targetSite.getUrl();
356                        }
357                    }
358                }
359            }
360            // make absolute link relative, if relative links in export are required
361            // and if the link does not point to another server
362            if (useRelativeLinks && CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(serverPrefix)) {
363                // in case the current page is a detailpage, append another path level
364                if (cms.getRequestContext().getDetailContentId() != null) {
365                    uriBaseName = CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(
366                        CmsResource.getFolderPath(uriBaseName),
367                        cms.getRequestContext().getDetailContentId().toString() + "/index.html");
368                }
369                resultLink = CmsLinkManager.getRelativeUri(uriBaseName, resultLink);
370            }
372        } else {
373            // offline project, no export or secure handling required
374            if (OpenCms.getRunLevel() >= OpenCms.RUNLEVEL_3_SHELL_ACCESS) {
375                // in unit test this code would fail otherwise
376                CmsPair<String, String> uriParamPair = addVfsPrefix(cms, vfsName, targetSite, parameters);
377                resultLink = uriParamPair.getFirst();
378                parameters = uriParamPair.getSecond();
379            }
381            // add cut off parameters and return the result
382            if ((parameters != null) && (resultLink != null)) {
383                resultLink = resultLink.concat(parameters);
384            }
385        }
387        if ((anchor != null) && (resultLink != null)) {
388            resultLink = resultLink.concat(anchor);
389        }
390        if (overrideSiteRoot != null) {
391            cms.getRequestContext().setAttribute(OVERRIDE_SITEROOT_PREFIX + resultLink, overrideSiteRoot);
392        }
394        return serverPrefix.concat(resultLink);
395    }
397    /**
398     * @see org.opencms.staticexport.I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler#getRootPath(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
399     */
400    public String getRootPath(CmsObject cms, String targetUri, String basePath) {
402        String result = getSimpleRootPath(cms, targetUri, basePath);
403        String detailRootPath = getDetailRootPath(cms, result);
404        if (detailRootPath != null) {
405            result = detailRootPath;
406        }
407        return result;
409    }
411    /**
412     * Adds the VFS prefix to the VFS name and potentially adjusts request parameters<p>
413     * This method is required as a hook used in {@link CmsLocalePrefixLinkSubstitutionHandler}.<p>
414     *
415     * @param cms the cms context
416     * @param vfsName the VFS name
417     * @param targetSite the target site
418     * @param parameters the request parameters
419     *
420     * @return the path and the (adjusted) request parameters.
421     */
422    protected CmsPair<String, String> addVfsPrefix(
423        CmsObject cms,
424        String vfsName,
425        CmsSite targetSite,
426        String parameters) {
428        return new CmsPair<String, String>(OpenCms.getStaticExportManager().getVfsPrefix().concat(vfsName), parameters);
429    }
431    /**
432     * Generates the cache key for Online links.
433     * @param cms the current CmsObject
434     * @param sourceSiteRoot the source site root (where the content linked to is located)
435     * @param targetSiteRoot the target site root
436     * @param detailPagePart the detail page part
437     * @param absoluteLink the absolute (site-relative) link to the resource
438     * @return the cache key
439     */
440    protected String generateCacheKey(
441        CmsObject cms,
442        String sourceSiteRoot,
443        String targetSiteRoot,
444        String detailPagePart,
445        String absoluteLink) {
447        return ""
448            + cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser().getId()
449            + ":"
450            + cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot()
451            + ":"
452            + sourceSiteRoot
453            + ":"
454            + targetSiteRoot
455            + ":"
456            + detailPagePart
457            + absoluteLink;
458    }
460    /**
461     * Returns the root path for given site.<p>
462     * This method is required as a hook used in {@link CmsLocalePrefixLinkSubstitutionHandler}.<p>
463     * @param cms the cms context
464     * @param path the path
465     * @param siteRoot the site root, will be null in case of the root site
466     * @param isRootPath in case the path is already a root path
467     *
468     * @return the root path
469     */
470    protected String getRootPathForSite(CmsObject cms, String path, String siteRoot, boolean isRootPath) {
472        if (isRootPath || (siteRoot == null)) {
473            return CmsStringUtil.joinPaths("/", path);
474        } else {
475            CmsSite site = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForRootPath(siteRoot);
476            if (site != null) {
477                if (site.matchAlternativeSiteRoot(path)) {
478                    siteRoot = site.getAlternativeSiteRootMapping().get().getSiteRoot().asString();
479                }
480            }
481            return cms.getRequestContext().addSiteRoot(siteRoot, path);
482        }
483    }
485    /**
486     * Gets the root path without taking into account detail page links.<p>
487     *
488     * @param cms - see the getRootPath() method
489     * @param targetUri - see the getRootPath() method
490     * @param basePath - see the getRootPath() method
491     * @return - see the getRootPath() method
492     */
493    protected String getSimpleRootPath(CmsObject cms, String targetUri, String basePath) {
495        if (cms == null) {
496            // required by unit test cases
497            return targetUri;
498        }
500        URI uri;
501        String path;
502        String suffix = "";
504        // malformed uri
505        try {
506            uri = new URI(targetUri);
507            path = uri.getPath();
508            suffix = getSuffix(uri);
509        } catch (Exception e) {
510            if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
511                LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_MALFORMED_URI_1, targetUri), e);
512            }
513            return null;
514        }
515        // opaque URI
516        if (uri.isOpaque()) {
517            return null;
518        }
520        // in case the target is the workplace UI
521        if (CmsLinkManager.isWorkplaceUri(uri)) {
522            return null;
523        }
525        // in case the target is a static resource served from the class path
526        if (CmsStaticResourceHandler.isStaticResourceUri(uri)) {
527            return CmsStringUtil.joinPaths(
528                CmsStaticResourceHandler.STATIC_RESOURCE_PREFIX,
529                CmsStaticResourceHandler.removeStaticResourcePrefix(path));
530        }
532        CmsStaticExportManager exportManager = OpenCms.getStaticExportManager();
533        if (exportManager.isValidRfsName(path)) {
534            String originalSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
535            String vfsName = null;
536            try {
537                cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("");
538                vfsName = exportManager.getVfsName(cms, path);
539                if (vfsName != null) {
540                    return vfsName;
541                }
542            } finally {
543                cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(originalSiteRoot);
544            }
545        }
547        // absolute URI (i.e. URI has a scheme component like http:// ...)
548        if (uri.isAbsolute()) {
549            CmsSiteMatcher targetMatcher = new CmsSiteMatcher(targetUri);
550            if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().isMatching(targetMatcher)
551                || targetMatcher.equals(cms.getRequestContext().getRequestMatcher())) {
553                path = CmsLinkManager.removeOpenCmsContext(path);
554                boolean isWorkplaceServer = OpenCms.getSiteManager().isWorkplaceRequest(targetMatcher)
555                    || targetMatcher.equals(cms.getRequestContext().getRequestMatcher());
556                if (isWorkplaceServer) {
557                    String selectedPath;
558                    String targetSiteRoot = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(path);
559                    if (targetSiteRoot != null) {
560                        selectedPath = getRootPathForSite(cms, path, targetSiteRoot, true);
561                    } else {
562                        // set selectedPath with the path for the current site
563                        selectedPath = getRootPathForSite(cms, path, cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(), false);
564                        String pathForMatchedSite = getRootPathForSite(
565                            cms,
566                            path,
567                            OpenCms.getSiteManager().matchSite(targetMatcher).getSiteRoot(),
568                            false);
569                        String originalSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
570                        try {
571                            cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("");
572                            // the path for the current site normally is preferred, but if it doesn't exist and the path for the matched site
573                            // does exist, then use the path for the matched site
574                            if (!cms.existsResource(selectedPath, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)
575                                && cms.existsResource(pathForMatchedSite, CmsResourceFilter.ALL)) {
576                                selectedPath = pathForMatchedSite;
577                            }
578                        } finally {
579                            cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(originalSiteRoot);
580                        }
581                    }
582                    return selectedPath + suffix;
583                } else {
584                    // add the site root of the matching site
585                    return getRootPathForSite(
586                        cms,
587                        path + suffix,
588                        OpenCms.getSiteManager().matchSite(targetMatcher).getSiteRoot(),
589                        false);
590                }
591            } else {
592                return null;
593            }
594        }
596        // relative URI (i.e. no scheme component, but filename can still start with "/")
597        String context = OpenCms.getSystemInfo().getOpenCmsContext();
598        String vfsPrefix = OpenCms.getStaticExportManager().getVfsPrefix();
599        if ((context != null) && (path.startsWith(context + "/") || (path.startsWith(vfsPrefix + "/")))) {
600            // URI is starting with opencms context
602            // cut context from path
603            path = CmsLinkManager.removeOpenCmsContext(path);
605            String targetSiteRoot = getTargetSiteRoot(cms, path, basePath);
607            return getRootPathForSite(
608                cms,
609                path + suffix,
610                targetSiteRoot,
611                (targetSiteRoot != null) && path.startsWith(targetSiteRoot));
612        }
614        // URI with relative path is relative to the given relativePath if available and in a site,
615        // otherwise invalid
616        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(path) && (path.charAt(0) != '/')) {
617            if (basePath != null) {
618                String absolutePath;
619                int pos = path.indexOf("../../galleries/pics/");
620                if (pos >= 0) {
621                    // HACK: mixed up editor path to system gallery image folder
622                    return CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_SYSTEM + path.substring(pos + 6) + suffix;
623                }
624                absolutePath = CmsLinkManager.getAbsoluteUri(path, cms.getRequestContext().addSiteRoot(basePath));
625                if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(absolutePath) != null) {
626                    return absolutePath + suffix;
627                }
628                // HACK: some editor components (e.g. HtmlArea) mix up the editor URL with the current request URL
629                absolutePath = CmsLinkManager.getAbsoluteUri(
630                    path,
631                    cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot() + CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_EDITORS);
632                if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(absolutePath) != null) {
633                    return absolutePath + suffix;
634                }
635                // HACK: same as above, but XmlContent editor has one path element more
636                absolutePath = CmsLinkManager.getAbsoluteUri(
637                    path,
638                    cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot() + CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_EDITORS + "xmlcontent/");
639                if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(absolutePath) != null) {
640                    return absolutePath + suffix;
641                }
642            }
644            return null;
645        }
647        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) {
648            String targetSiteRoot = getTargetSiteRoot(cms, path, basePath);
650            return getRootPathForSite(
651                cms,
652                path + suffix,
653                targetSiteRoot,
654                (targetSiteRoot != null) && path.startsWith(targetSiteRoot));
655        }
657        // URI without path (typically local link)
658        return suffix;
659    }
661    /**
662     * Checks whether a link to a detail page should be secure.<p>
663     *
664     * @param cms the current CMS context
665     * @param detailPage the detail page path
666     * @param detailContent the detail content resource
667     * @param targetSite the target site containing the detail page
668     * @param secureRequest true if the currently running request is secure
669     *
670     * @return true if the link should be a secure link
671     */
672    protected boolean isDetailPageLinkSecure(
673        CmsObject cms,
674        String detailPage,
675        CmsResource detailContent,
676        CmsSite targetSite,
677        boolean secureRequest) {
679        boolean result = false;
680        CmsStaticExportManager exportManager = OpenCms.getStaticExportManager();
681        try {
682            cms = OpenCms.initCmsObject(cms);
683            if (targetSite.getSiteRoot() != null) {
684                cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(targetSite.getSiteRoot());
685            }
686            CmsResource defaultFile = cms.readDefaultFile(detailPage);
687            if (defaultFile != null) {
688                result = exportManager.isSecureLink(cms, defaultFile.getRootPath(), "", secureRequest);
689            }
690        } catch (Exception e) {
691            LOG.error("Error while checking whether detail page link should be secure: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
692        }
693        return result;
694    }
696    /**
697     * Checks if the link target is a secure link.<p
698     *
699     * @param cms the current CMS context
700     * @param vfsName the path of the link target
701     * @param targetSite the target site containing the detail page
702     * @param secureRequest true if the currently running request is secure
703     *
704     * @return true if the link should be a secure link
705     */
706    protected boolean isSecureLink(CmsObject cms, String vfsName, CmsSite targetSite, boolean secureRequest) {
708        return OpenCms.getStaticExportManager().isSecureLink(cms, vfsName, targetSite.getSiteRoot(), secureRequest);
709    }
711    /**
712     * Prepares the request parameters for the given resource.<p>
713     * This method is required as a hook used in {@link CmsLocalePrefixLinkSubstitutionHandler}.<p>
714     *
715     * @param cms the cms context
716     * @param vfsName the vfs name
717     * @param parameters the parameters to prepare
718     *
719     * @return the root path
720     */
721    protected String prepareExportParameters(CmsObject cms, String vfsName, String parameters) {
723        return parameters;
724    }
726    /**
727     * Gets the suffix (query + fragment) of the URI.<p>
728     *
729     * @param uri the URI
730     * @return the suffix of the URI
731     */
732    String getSuffix(URI uri) {
734        String fragment = uri.getFragment();
735        if (fragment != null) {
736            fragment = "#" + fragment;
737        } else {
738            fragment = "";
739        }
741        String query = uri.getRawQuery();
742        if (query != null) {
743            query = "?" + query;
744        } else {
745            query = "";
746        }
747        return query.concat(fragment);
748    }
750    /**
751     * Tries to interpret the given URI as a detail page URI and returns the detail content's root path if possible.<p>
752     *
753     * If the given URI is not a detail URI, null will be returned.<p>
754     *
755     * @param cms the CMS context to use
756     * @param result the detail root path, or null if the given uri is not a detail page URI
757     *
758     * @return the detail content root path
759     */
760    private String getDetailRootPath(CmsObject cms, String result) {
762        if (result == null) {
763            return null;
764        }
765        try {
766            URI uri = new URI(result);
767            String path = uri.getPath();
768            if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(path) || !OpenCms.getADEManager().isInitialized()) {
769                return null;
770            }
771            String name = CmsFileUtil.removeTrailingSeparator(CmsResource.getName(path));
772            CmsUUID detailId = null;
773            if (cms.getRequestContext().getAttribute(CmsDetailNameCache.ATTR_BYPASS) != null) {
774                detailId = cms.readIdForUrlName(name);
775            } else {
776                if (CmsUUID.isValidUUID(name)) {
777                    detailId = new CmsUUID(name);
778                } else {
779                    detailId = OpenCms.getADEManager().getDetailIdCache(
780                        cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject()).getDetailId(name);
781                }
782            }
783            if (detailId == null) {
784                return null;
785            }
786            String origSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
787            try {
788                cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("");
789                // real root paths have priority over detail contents
790                if (cms.existsResource(path)) {
791                    return null;
792                }
793            } finally {
794                cms.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot(origSiteRoot);
795            }
796            CmsResource detailResource = cms.readResource(detailId, CmsResourceFilter.ALL);
797            I_CmsResourceType type = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(detailResource);
798            if (!OpenCms.getADEManager().getDetailPageTypes(cms).contains(type.getTypeName())) {
799                return null;
800            }
801            return detailResource.getRootPath() + getSuffix(uri);
802        } catch (Exception e) {
803            LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
804            return null;
805        }
806    }
808    /**
809     * Returns the target site for the given path.<p>
810     *
811     * @param cms the cms context
812     * @param path the path
813     * @param basePath the base path
814     *
815     * @return the target site
816     */
817    private String getTargetSiteRoot(CmsObject cms, String path, String basePath) {
819        if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().startsWithShared(path) || path.startsWith(CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_SYSTEM)) {
820            return null;
821        }
822        String targetSiteRoot = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(path);
823        if ((targetSiteRoot == null) && (basePath != null)) {
824            targetSiteRoot = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(basePath);
825        }
826        if (targetSiteRoot == null) {
827            targetSiteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
828        }
829        return targetSiteRoot;
830    }