002 * File   : $Source: /home/cvs/OpenCms-v8/src/org/opencms/widgets/CmsSelectGroupWidget.java,v $
003 * Date   : $Date: 2010-07-23 08:29:34 $
004 * Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
005 *
006 * This library is part of OpenCms -
007 * the Open Source Content Management System
008 *
009 * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2009 Alkacon Software (http://www.alkacon.com)
010 *
011 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
012 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
013 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
014 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
015 *
016 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
019 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
020 *
021 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
022 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
023 *
024 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
025 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
026 *
027 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
028 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
029 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
030 */
032package org.opencms.widgets;
034import org.opencms.file.CmsGroup;
035import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
036import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
037import org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages;
038import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
039import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
040import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
041import org.opencms.security.CmsOrganizationalUnit;
042import org.opencms.util.CmsMacroResolver;
043import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
044import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace;
045import org.opencms.xml.types.A_CmsXmlContentValue;
047import java.util.ArrayList;
048import java.util.Iterator;
049import java.util.List;
050import java.util.Locale;
051import java.util.Map;
052import java.util.regex.Pattern;
053import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
055import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
058 * Provides a widget for group selection multi select boxes.<p>
059 *
060 * This widget is configurable with the following options:<p>
061 * <ul>
062 * <li><code>groupfilter</code>: regular expression to filter available groups</li>
063 * <li><code>groups</code>: comma separated list of group names to show in the select box. <b>Note</b>:
064 *     if this configuration option if used,
065 *     <code>groupfilter</code> and <code>includesubous</code> are <i>not</i> considered anymore.</li>
066 * <li><code>includesubous</code>: boolean flag to indicate if sub OUs should be scanned for groups to select</li>
067 * <li><code>oufqn</code>: the fully qualified name of the OU to read the groups from</li>
068 * <li><code>fullnames</code>: boolean flag to indicate whether the full names of groups (including organizational unit) should be shown
069 * </ul>
070 * To map the selected group to a permission to set, use the following mapping configuration:<p>
071 * <code>&lt;mapping element="..." mapto="permission:GROUP:+r+v|GROUP.ALL_OTHERS:|GROUP.Projectmanagers:+r+v+w+c" /&gt;</code><p>
072 * This means that the +r+v permission is written for the principal <code>GROUP</code> on the resource.
073 * Additionally two permissions are written as default: for <code>ALL_OTHERS</code>, no allowed permission is set,
074 * for <code>Projectmanagers</code>, "+r+v+w+c" is set.<p>
075 *
076 * @author Mario Jaeger
077 *
078 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
079 *
080 * @since 8.0.2
081 */
082public class CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget extends CmsSelectGroupWidget {
084    /** Configuration parameter name to use all available groups as default. */
085    public static final String CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_ALL = "defaultall";
087    /** The log object for this class. */
088    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget.class);
090    /** Indicates if used html code is a multi selection list or a list of checkboxes. */
091    private boolean m_asCheckBoxes;
093    /** Flag indicating if to use all available groups as default. */
094    private boolean m_defaultAllAvailable;
096    /** Indicates if sub OUs should be included when reading the groups. */
097    private boolean m_includeSubOus;
099    /** The fully qualified name of the OU to read the groups from. */
100    private String m_ouFqn;
102    /** Flag to indicate if the multi-select needs to be activated by a check box. */
103    private boolean m_requiresActivation;
105    /** If true, show full group names (with OU) in the widget, and simple names otherwise. */
106    private boolean m_useFullNames;
108    /** Configuration option to show full group names including OU.*/
109    protected static final String CONFIGURATION_FULLNAMES = "fullnames";
111    /**
112     * Creates a new group select widget.<p>
113     */
114    public CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget() {
116        // empty constructor is required for class registration
117        super();
118    }
120    /**
121     * Creates a group select widget with the specified select options.<p>
122     *
123     * @param configuration the configuration (possible options) for the group select box
124     */
125    public CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget(String configuration) {
127        super(configuration);
128    }
130    /**
131     * Creates a select widget with the select options specified in the given configuration List.<p>
132     *
133     * The list elements must be of type <code>{@link CmsSelectWidgetOption}</code>.<p>
134     *
135     * @param configuration the configuration (possible options) for the select widget
136     * @param asCheckboxes indicates if used html code is a multi selection list or a list of checkboxes
137     *
138     * @see CmsSelectWidgetOption
139     */
140    public CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget(String configuration, boolean asCheckboxes) {
142        super(configuration);
143        m_asCheckBoxes = asCheckboxes;
144    }
146    /**
147     * @see org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsADEWidget#getConfiguration(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.xml.types.A_CmsXmlContentValue, org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages, org.opencms.file.CmsResource, java.util.Locale)
148     */
149    @Override
150    public String getConfiguration(
151        CmsObject cms,
152        A_CmsXmlContentValue schemaType,
153        CmsMessages messages,
154        CmsResource resource,
155        Locale contentLocale) {
157        String result = "";
158        CmsDummyWidgetDialog widgetDialog = new CmsDummyWidgetDialog(schemaType.getLocale(), messages);
159        widgetDialog.setResource(resource);
160        List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> options = parseSelectOptions(cms, widgetDialog, schemaType);
161        Iterator<CmsSelectWidgetOption> it = options.iterator();
162        int i = 0;
163        while (it.hasNext()) {
164            CmsSelectWidgetOption option = it.next();
165            if (i > 0) {
166                result += "|";
167            }
168            result += option.toString();
169            i++;
170        }
171        if (m_requiresActivation) {
172            result += "|" + CmsMultiSelectWidget.CONFIGURATION_REQUIRES_ACTIVATION;
173        }
174        return result;
175    }
177    /**
178     * @see org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidget#getDialogIncludes(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetDialog)
179     */
180    @Override
181    public String getDialogIncludes(CmsObject cms, I_CmsWidgetDialog widgetDialog) {
183        return getJSIncludeFile(CmsWorkplace.getSkinUri() + "components/widgets/multiselector.js");
184    }
186    /**
187     * @see org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidget#getDialogWidget(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetDialog, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetParameter)
188     */
189    @Override
190    public String getDialogWidget(CmsObject cms, I_CmsWidgetDialog widgetDialog, I_CmsWidgetParameter param) {
192        String id = param.getId();
193        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(16);
194        String height = getHeight();
195        List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> options = parseSelectOptions(cms, widgetDialog.getMessages(), param);
196        result.append("<td class=\"xmlTd\">");
197        // the configured select widget height start element
198        if (m_asCheckBoxes && CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(height)) {
199            result.append("<div style=\"height: " + height + "; overflow: auto;\">");
200        }
201        if (!m_asCheckBoxes) {
202            if (m_requiresActivation) {
203                result.append(
204                    "<input style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"check"
205                        + id
206                        + "\" name=\"check"
207                        + id
208                        + "\""
209                        + "onclick=toggleMultiSelectWidget(this);"
210                        + " />");
211                result.append("&nbsp;<label style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" for=\"check" + id + "\">");
212                result.append(widgetDialog.getMessages().key(Messages.GUI_MULTISELECT_ACTIVATE_0));
213                result.append("</label>&nbsp;");
214                // adding hidden input with the current value, because disabled select box value won't be submitted
215                result.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(id).append("' id='").append(id).append("' value='");
216                List<String> values = getSelectedValues(cms, param);
217                if (values.size() > 0) {
218                    result.append(values.get(0));
219                    for (int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
220                        result.append(",").append(values.get(i));
221                    }
222                }
223                result.append("' />");
224                id = "display" + id;
225            }
226            if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(height)) {
227                result.append("<select style=\"height: " + height + ";\" multiple size='");
228            } else {
229                result.append("<select multiple size='");
230            }
231            result.append(options.size());
232            result.append("' style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" class=\"xmlInput");
233            if (param.hasError()) {
234                result.append(" xmlInputError");
235            }
236            result.append("\" ");
237            if (m_requiresActivation) {
238                result.append("disabled=\"true\" ");
239            }
240            result.append("name=\"");
241            result.append(id);
242            result.append("\" id=\"");
243            result.append(id);
244            result.append("\">");
245        }
247        // get select box options from default value String
248        List<String> selected = getSelectedValues(cms, param);
249        Iterator<CmsSelectWidgetOption> i = options.iterator();
250        while (i.hasNext()) {
251            CmsSelectWidgetOption option = i.next();
252            // create the option
253            if (!m_asCheckBoxes) {
254                result.append("<option value=\"");
255                result.append(option.getValue());
256                result.append("\"");
257                if (selected.contains(option.getValue())) {
258                    result.append(" selected=\"selected\"");
259                }
260                result.append(">");
261                result.append(option.getOption());
262                result.append("</option>");
263            } else {
264                result.append("<input type='checkbox' name='");
265                result.append(id);
266                result.append("' value='");
267                result.append(option.getValue());
268                result.append("'");
269                if (selected.contains(option.getValue())) {
270                    result.append(" checked");
271                }
272                result.append(">");
273                result.append(option.getOption());
274                result.append("<br>");
275            }
276        }
277        if (!m_asCheckBoxes) {
278            result.append("</select>");
279        }
280        // the configured select widget height end element
281        if (m_asCheckBoxes && CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(height)) {
282            result.append("</div>");
283        }
284        result.append("</td>");
286        return result.toString();
287    }
289    /**
290     * @see org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsADEWidget#getWidgetName()
291     */
292    @Override
293    public String getWidgetName() {
295        return CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget.class.getName();
296    }
298    /**
299     * @see org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidget#newInstance()
300     */
301    @Override
302    public I_CmsWidget newInstance() {
304        return new CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget(getConfiguration());
305    }
307    /**
308     * @see org.opencms.widgets.A_CmsWidget#setConfiguration(java.lang.String)
309     */
310    @Override
311    public void setConfiguration(String configuration) {
313        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(configuration)) {
314            int asCheckBoxesIndex = configuration.indexOf(CmsMultiSelectWidget.CONFIGURATION_ASCHECKBOXES);
315            if (asCheckBoxesIndex != -1) {
316                // the height is set
317                String asCheckBoxes = configuration.substring(
318                    asCheckBoxesIndex + CmsMultiSelectWidget.CONFIGURATION_ASCHECKBOXES.length() + 1);
319                if (asCheckBoxes.indexOf('|') != -1) {
320                    // cut eventual following configuration values
321                    asCheckBoxes = asCheckBoxes.substring(0, asCheckBoxes.indexOf('|'));
322                }
323                m_asCheckBoxes = Boolean.parseBoolean(asCheckBoxes);
324            }
325            int reqiresActivationIndex = configuration.indexOf(CmsMultiSelectWidget.CONFIGURATION_REQUIRES_ACTIVATION);
326            if (reqiresActivationIndex != -1) {
327                // the height is set
328                String requiresActivation = configuration.substring(
329                    reqiresActivationIndex + CmsMultiSelectWidget.CONFIGURATION_REQUIRES_ACTIVATION.length() + 1);
330                if (requiresActivation.indexOf('|') != -1) {
331                    // cut eventual following configuration values
332                    requiresActivation = requiresActivation.substring(0, requiresActivation.indexOf('|'));
333                }
334                m_requiresActivation = Boolean.parseBoolean(requiresActivation);
335            }
336        }
337        super.setConfiguration(configuration);
338    }
340    /**
341     * @see org.opencms.widgets.A_CmsWidget#setEditorValue(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, java.util.Map, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetDialog, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetParameter)
342     */
343    @Override
344    public void setEditorValue(
345        CmsObject cms,
346        Map<String, String[]> formParameters,
347        I_CmsWidgetDialog widgetDialog,
348        I_CmsWidgetParameter param) {
350        CmsMultiSelectWidget.setMultiSelectEditorValue(cms, formParameters, widgetDialog, param);
351    }
353    /**
354     * @see org.opencms.widgets.CmsSelectGroupWidget#parseSelectOptions(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetParameter)
355     */
356    @Override
357    protected List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> parseSelectOptions(
358        CmsObject cms,
359        CmsMessages messages,
360        I_CmsWidgetParameter param) {
362        // only create options if not already done
363        if (getSelectOptions() == null) {
364            // parse widget configuration
365            parseConfiguration(cms, messages);
366            List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> result = new ArrayList<CmsSelectWidgetOption>();
368            if (isUseGroupNames()) {
369                // a list of group names is configured, show them
370                for (Iterator<String> i = getGroupNames().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
371                    String groupName = i.next();
372                    try {
373                        // ensure that only existing groups are available in the select box
374                        CmsGroup group = cms.readGroup(getOuFqn() + groupName);
375                        result.add(
376                            new CmsSelectWidgetOption(group.getName(), m_defaultAllAvailable, getGroupLabel(group)));
377                    } catch (CmsException e) {
378                        // error reading the group by name, simply skip it
379                    }
380                }
381            } else {
382                // read the groups from an optionally configured OU and filter them if configured
383                try {
384                    List<CmsGroup> groups = OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager().getGroups(cms, getOuFqn(), isIncludeSubOus());
385                    for (Iterator<CmsGroup> i = groups.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
386                        CmsGroup group = i.next();
387                        if (isUseGroupFilter()) {
388                            // check if group name matches the given regular expression
389                            if (!getGroupFilter().matcher(group.getSimpleName()).matches()) {
390                                continue;
391                            }
392                        }
393                        result.add(
394                            new CmsSelectWidgetOption(group.getName(), m_defaultAllAvailable, getGroupLabel(group)));
395                    }
396                } catch (CmsException e) {
397                    // error reading the groups
398                }
400            }
401            setSelectOptions(result);
402        }
403        return getSelectOptions();
404    }
406    /**
407     * @see org.opencms.widgets.A_CmsSelectWidget#parseSelectOptions(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetDialog, org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsWidgetParameter)
408     */
409    @Override
410    protected List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> parseSelectOptions(
411        CmsObject cms,
412        I_CmsWidgetDialog widgetDialog,
413        I_CmsWidgetParameter param) {
415        return parseSelectOptions(cms, widgetDialog.getMessages(), param);
416    }
418    /**
419     * Returns the configured group filter to match groups to show in the select box.<p>
420     *
421     * @return the configured group filter to match groups to show in the select box
422     */
423    private Pattern getGroupFilter() {
425        return m_groupFilter;
426    }
428    /**
429     * Gets the label to show for a group.
430     *
431     * @param group a group available for selection
432     * @return the label to display to the user for the group
433     */
434    private String getGroupLabel(CmsGroup group) {
436        return m_useFullNames ? group.getName() : group.getSimpleName();
437    }
439    /**
440     * Returns the configured group names to show in the select box.<p>
441     *
442     * @return configured group names to show in the select box
443     */
444    private List<String> getGroupNames() {
446        return m_groupNames;
447    }
449    /**
450     * Returns the fully qualified name of the OU to read the groups from.<p>
451     *
452     * @return the fully qualified name of the OU to read the groups from
453     */
454    private String getOuFqn() {
456        return m_ouFqn;
457    }
459    /**
460     * Returns if sub OUs should be considered when filtering the groups.<p>
461     *
462     * @return <code>true</code> if sub OUs should be considered, otherwise <code>false</code>
463     */
464    private boolean isIncludeSubOus() {
466        return m_includeSubOus;
467    }
469    /**
470     * Returns if a group filter is configured to match groups to show in the select box.<p>
471     *
472     * @return <code>true</code> if a group filter is configured, otherwise <code>false</code>
473     */
474    private boolean isUseGroupFilter() {
476        return getGroupFilter() != null;
477    }
479    /**
480     * Returns if group names are configured to show in the select box.<p>
481     *
482     * @return <code>true</code> if group names are configured, otherwise <code>false</code>
483     */
484    private boolean isUseGroupNames() {
486        return getGroupNames() != null;
487    }
489    /**
490     * Parses the widget configuration string.<p>
491     *
492     * @param cms the current users OpenCms context
493     * @param widgetDialog the dialog of this widget
494     */
495    private void parseConfiguration(CmsObject cms, CmsMessages widgetDialog) {
497        String configString = CmsMacroResolver.resolveMacros(getConfiguration(), cms, widgetDialog);
498        Map<String, String> config = CmsStringUtil.splitAsMap(configString, "|", "=");
499        // get the list of group names to show
500        String groups = config.get(CONFIGURATION_GROUPS);
501        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(groups)) {
502            m_groupNames = CmsStringUtil.splitAsList(groups, ',', true);
503        }
504        // get the regular expression to filter the groups
505        String filter = config.get(CONFIGURATION_GROUPFILTER);
506        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(filter)) {
507            try {
508                m_groupFilter = Pattern.compile(filter);
509            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
510                // log pattern syntax errors
511                LOG.error(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_ERR_WIDGET_SELECTGROUP_PATTERN_1, filter));
512            }
513        }
514        // get the OU to read the groups from
515        m_ouFqn = config.get(CONFIGURATION_OUFQN);
516        if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(m_ouFqn)) {
517            m_ouFqn = "";
518        } else if (!m_ouFqn.endsWith(CmsOrganizationalUnit.SEPARATOR)) {
519            m_ouFqn += CmsOrganizationalUnit.SEPARATOR;
520        }
521        m_useFullNames = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get(CmsMultiSelectGroupWidget.CONFIGURATION_FULLNAMES));
522        // set the flag to include sub OUs
523        m_includeSubOus = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get(CONFIGURATION_INCLUDESUBOUS));
524        m_defaultAllAvailable = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get(CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_ALL));
525    }