002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.xml.content;
030import org.opencms.file.CmsFile;
031import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
032import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
033import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
034import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeLocaleIndependentXmlContent;
035import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlAdeConfiguration;
036import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage;
037import org.opencms.file.types.I_CmsResourceType;
038import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
039import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
040import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
041import org.opencms.main.CmsIllegalArgumentException;
042import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
043import org.opencms.main.CmsRuntimeException;
044import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
045import org.opencms.staticexport.CmsLinkProcessor;
046import org.opencms.staticexport.CmsLinkTable;
047import org.opencms.util.CmsMacroResolver;
048import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
049import org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument;
050import org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlContentDefinition;
051import org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlException;
052import org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlGenericWrapper;
053import org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlUtils;
054import org.opencms.xml.content.I_CmsXmlContentHandler.SynchronizationMode;
055import org.opencms.xml.types.CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition;
056import org.opencms.xml.types.I_CmsXmlContentValue;
057import org.opencms.xml.types.I_CmsXmlSchemaType;
059import java.io.IOException;
060import java.util.ArrayList;
061import java.util.Collection;
062import java.util.Collections;
063import java.util.Comparator;
064import java.util.HashMap;
065import java.util.HashSet;
066import java.util.Iterator;
067import java.util.List;
068import java.util.Locale;
069import java.util.Map;
070import java.util.Set;
072import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
074import org.dom4j.Document;
075import org.dom4j.Element;
076import org.dom4j.Node;
077import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
078import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
081 * Implementation of a XML content object,
082 * used to access and manage structured content.<p>
083 *
084 * Use the {@link org.opencms.xml.content.CmsXmlContentFactory} to generate an
085 * instance of this class.<p>
086 *
087 * @since 6.0.0
088 */
089public class CmsXmlContent extends A_CmsXmlDocument {
091    /** The name of the XML content auto correction runtime attribute, this must always be a Boolean. */
092    public static final String AUTO_CORRECTION_ATTRIBUTE = CmsXmlContent.class.getName() + ".autoCorrectionEnabled";
094    /** The name of the version attribute. */
095    public static final String A_VERSION = "version";
097    /** The property to set to enable xerces schema validation. */
098    public static final String XERCES_SCHEMA_PROPERTY = "http://apache.org/xml/properties/schema/external-noNamespaceSchemaLocation";
100    /**
101     * Comparator to sort values according to the XML element position.<p>
102     */
103    private static final Comparator<I_CmsXmlContentValue> COMPARE_INDEX = new Comparator<I_CmsXmlContentValue>() {
105        public int compare(I_CmsXmlContentValue v1, I_CmsXmlContentValue v2) {
107            return v1.getIndex() - v2.getIndex();
108        }
109    };
111    /** The log object for this class. */
112    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsXmlContent.class);
114    /** Flag to control if auto correction is enabled when saving this XML content. */
115    protected boolean m_autoCorrectionEnabled;
117    /** The XML content definition object (i.e. XML schema) used by this content. */
118    protected CmsXmlContentDefinition m_contentDefinition;
120    /** Flag which records whether a version transformation was used when this content object was created. */
121    private boolean m_isTransformedVersion;
123    /** Indicates whether any broken links have been invalidated in the content. */
124    protected boolean m_hasInvalidatedBrokenLinks;
126    /**
127     * Hides the public constructor.<p>
128     */
129    protected CmsXmlContent() {
131        // noop
132    }
134    /**
135     * Creates a new XML content based on the provided XML document.<p>
136     *
137     * The given encoding is used when marshalling the XML again later.<p>
138     *
139     * @param cms the cms context, if <code>null</code> no link validation is performed
140     * @param document the document to create the xml content from
141     * @param encoding the encoding of the xml content
142     * @param resolver the XML entitiy resolver to use
143     */
144    protected CmsXmlContent(CmsObject cms, Document document, String encoding, EntityResolver resolver) {
146        // must set document first to be able to get the content definition
147        m_document = document;
149        // for the next line to work the document must already be available
150        m_contentDefinition = getContentDefinition(resolver);
151        if (getSchemaVersion() < m_contentDefinition.getVersion()) {
152            m_document = CmsVersionTransformer.transformDocumentToCurrentVersion(cms, document, m_contentDefinition);
153            m_isTransformedVersion = true;
154        }
156        // initialize the XML content structure
157        initDocument(cms, m_document, encoding, m_contentDefinition);
158        if (m_isTransformedVersion) {
159            visitAllValuesWith(value -> {
160                if (value.isSimpleType()) {
161                    // make sure values are in 'correct' format (e.g. using CDATA for text content)
162                    value.setStringValue(cms, value.getStringValue(cms));
163                }
164            });
165        }
166    }
168    /**
169     * Create a new XML content based on the given default content,
170     * that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale.<p>
171     *
172     * The given encoding is used when marshalling the XML again later.<p>
173     *
174     * @param cms the current users OpenCms content
175     * @param locale the locale to generate the default content for
176     * @param modelUri the absolute path to the XML content file acting as model
177     *
178     * @throws CmsException in case the model file is not found or not valid
179     */
180    protected CmsXmlContent(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri)
181    throws CmsException {
183        // init model from given modelUri
184        CmsFile modelFile = cms.readFile(modelUri, CmsResourceFilter.ONLY_VISIBLE_NO_DELETED);
185        CmsXmlContent model = CmsXmlContentFactory.unmarshal(cms, modelFile);
187        // initialize macro resolver to use on model file values
188        CmsMacroResolver macroResolver = CmsMacroResolver.newInstance().setCmsObject(cms);
189        macroResolver.setKeepEmptyMacros(true);
191        // content defition must be set here since it's used during document creation
192        m_contentDefinition = model.getContentDefinition();
193        // get the document from the default content
194        Document document = (Document)model.m_document.clone();
195        // initialize the XML content structure
196        initDocument(cms, document, model.getEncoding(), m_contentDefinition);
197        // resolve eventual macros in the nodes
198        visitAllValuesWith(new CmsXmlContentMacroVisitor(cms, macroResolver));
199        if (!hasLocale(locale)) {
200            // required locale not present, add it
201            try {
202                addLocale(cms, locale);
203            } catch (CmsXmlException e) {
204                // this can not happen since the locale does not exist
205            }
206        }
207    }
209    /**
210     * Create a new XML content based on the given content definiton,
211     * that will have one language node for the given locale all initialized with default values.<p>
212     *
213     * The given encoding is used when marshalling the XML again later.<p>
214     *
215     * @param cms the current users OpenCms content
216     * @param locale the locale to generate the default content for
217     * @param encoding the encoding to use when marshalling the XML content later
218     * @param contentDefinition the content definiton to create the content for
219     */
220    protected CmsXmlContent(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String encoding, CmsXmlContentDefinition contentDefinition) {
222        // content defition must be set here since it's used during document creation
223        m_contentDefinition = contentDefinition;
224        // create the XML document according to the content definition
225        Document document = m_contentDefinition.createDocument(cms, this, locale);
226        // initialize the XML content structure
227        initDocument(cms, document, encoding, m_contentDefinition);
228    }
230    /**
231     * @see org.opencms.xml.I_CmsXmlDocument#addLocale(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, java.util.Locale)
232     */
233    public void addLocale(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) throws CmsXmlException {
235        if (hasLocale(locale)) {
236            throw new CmsXmlException(
237                org.opencms.xml.page.Messages.get().container(
238                    org.opencms.xml.page.Messages.ERR_XML_PAGE_LOCALE_EXISTS_1,
239                    locale));
240        }
241        // add element node for Locale
242        m_contentDefinition.createLocale(cms, this, m_document.getRootElement(), locale);
243        // re-initialize the bookmarks
244        initDocument(cms, m_document, m_encoding, m_contentDefinition);
245    }
247    /**
248     * Adds a new XML content value for the given element name and locale at the given index position
249     * to this XML content document.<p>
250     *
251     * @param cms the current users OpenCms context
252     * @param path the path to the XML content value element
253     * @param locale the locale where to add the new value
254     * @param index the index where to add the value (relative to all other values of this type)
255     *
256     * @return the created XML content value
257     *
258     * @throws CmsIllegalArgumentException if the given path is invalid
259     * @throws CmsRuntimeException if the element identified by the path already occurred {@link I_CmsXmlSchemaType#getMaxOccurs()}
260     *         or the given <code>index</code> is invalid (too high).
261     */
262    public I_CmsXmlContentValue addValue(CmsObject cms, String path, Locale locale, int index)
263    throws CmsIllegalArgumentException, CmsRuntimeException {
265        // get the schema type of the requested path
266        I_CmsXmlSchemaType type = m_contentDefinition.getSchemaType(path);
267        if (type == null) {
268            throw new CmsIllegalArgumentException(
269                Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_UNKNOWN_ELEM_PATH_SCHEMA_1, path));
270        }
272        Element parentElement;
273        String elementName;
274        CmsXmlContentDefinition contentDefinition;
275        if (CmsXmlUtils.isDeepXpath(path)) {
276            // this is a nested content definition, so the parent element must be in the bookmarks
277            String parentPath = CmsXmlUtils.createXpath(CmsXmlUtils.removeLastXpathElement(path), 1);
278            Object o = getBookmark(parentPath, locale);
279            if (o == null) {
280                throw new CmsIllegalArgumentException(
281                    Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_UNKNOWN_ELEM_PATH_1, path));
282            }
283            CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition parentValue = (CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition)o;
284            parentElement = parentValue.getElement();
285            elementName = CmsXmlUtils.getLastXpathElement(path);
286            contentDefinition = parentValue.getNestedContentDefinition();
287        } else {
288            // the parent element is the locale element
289            parentElement = getLocaleNode(locale);
290            elementName = CmsXmlUtils.removeXpathIndex(path);
291            contentDefinition = m_contentDefinition;
292        }
294        int insertIndex;
296        if (contentDefinition.getChoiceMaxOccurs() > 0) {
297            // for a choice sequence with maxOccurs we do not check the index position, we rather check if maxOccurs has already been hit
298            // additionally we ensure that the insert index is not too big
299            List<?> choiceSiblings = parentElement.content();
300            int numSiblings = choiceSiblings != null ? choiceSiblings.size() : 0;
302            if ((numSiblings >= contentDefinition.getChoiceMaxOccurs()) || (index > numSiblings)) {
303                throw new CmsRuntimeException(
304                    Messages.get().container(
305                        Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_ADD_ELEM_INVALID_IDX_CHOICE_3,
306                        Integer.valueOf(index),
307                        elementName,
308                        parentElement.getUniquePath()));
309            }
310            insertIndex = index;
312        } else {
313            // read the XML siblings from the parent node
314            List<Element> siblings = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elements(parentElement, elementName);
316            if (siblings.size() > 0) {
317                // we want to add an element to a sequence, and there are elements already of the same type
319                if (siblings.size() >= type.getMaxOccurs()) {
320                    // must not allow adding an element if max occurs would be violated
321                    throw new CmsRuntimeException(
322                        Messages.get().container(
323                            Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_ELEM_MAXOCCURS_2,
324                            elementName,
325                            Integer.valueOf(type.getMaxOccurs())));
326                }
328                if (index > siblings.size()) {
329                    // index position behind last element of the list
330                    throw new CmsRuntimeException(
331                        Messages.get().container(
332                            Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_ADD_ELEM_INVALID_IDX_3,
333                            Integer.valueOf(index),
334                            Integer.valueOf(siblings.size())));
335                }
337                // check for offset required to append beyond last position
338                int offset = (index == siblings.size()) ? 1 : 0;
339                // get the element from the parent at the selected position
340                Element sibling = siblings.get(index - offset);
341                // check position of the node in the parent node content
342                insertIndex = sibling.getParent().content().indexOf(sibling) + offset;
343            } else {
344                // we want to add an element to a sequence, but there are no elements of the same type yet
346                if (index > 0) {
347                    // since the element does not occur, index must be 0
348                    throw new CmsRuntimeException(
349                        Messages.get().container(
350                            Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_ADD_ELEM_INVALID_IDX_2,
351                            Integer.valueOf(index),
352                            elementName));
353                }
355                // check where in the type sequence the type should appear
356                int typeIndex = contentDefinition.getTypeSequence().indexOf(type);
357                if (typeIndex == 0) {
358                    // this is the first type, so we just add at the very first position
359                    insertIndex = 0;
360                } else {
362                    // create a list of all element names that should occur before the selected type
363                    List<String> previousTypeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
364                    for (int i = 0; i < typeIndex; i++) {
365                        I_CmsXmlSchemaType t = contentDefinition.getTypeSequence().get(i);
366                        previousTypeNames.add(t.getName());
367                    }
369                    // iterate all elements of the parent node
370                    Iterator<Node> i = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.content(parentElement).iterator();
371                    int pos = 0;
372                    while (i.hasNext()) {
373                        Node node = i.next();
374                        if (node instanceof Element) {
375                            if (!previousTypeNames.contains(node.getName())) {
376                                // the element name is NOT in the list of names that occurs before the selected type,
377                                // so it must be an element that occurs AFTER the type
378                                break;
379                            }
380                        }
381                        pos++;
382                    }
383                    insertIndex = pos;
384                }
385            }
386        }
388        // just append the new element at the calculated position
389        I_CmsXmlContentValue newValue = addValue(cms, parentElement, type, locale, insertIndex);
391        // re-initialize this XML content
392        initDocument(m_document, m_encoding, m_contentDefinition);
394        // return the value instance that was stored in the bookmarks
395        // just returning "newValue" isn't enough since this instance is NOT stored in the bookmarks
396        return getBookmark(getBookmarkName(newValue.getPath(), locale));
397    }
399    /**
400     * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
401     */
402    @Override
403    public CmsXmlContent clone() {
405        CmsXmlContent clone = new CmsXmlContent();
406        clone.m_autoCorrectionEnabled = m_autoCorrectionEnabled;
407        clone.m_contentDefinition = m_contentDefinition;
408        clone.m_conversion = m_conversion;
409        clone.m_document = (Document)(m_document.clone());
410        clone.m_encoding = m_encoding;
411        clone.m_file = m_file;
412        clone.initDocument();
413        return clone;
414    }
416    /**
417     * Copies the content of the given source locale to the given destination locale in this XML document.<p>
418     *
419     * @param source the source locale
420     * @param destination the destination loacle
421     * @param elements the set of elements to copy
422     * @throws CmsXmlException if something goes wrong
423     */
424    public void copyLocale(Locale source, Locale destination, Set<String> elements) throws CmsXmlException {
426        if (!hasLocale(source)) {
427            throw new CmsXmlException(
428                Messages.get().container(org.opencms.xml.Messages.ERR_LOCALE_NOT_AVAILABLE_1, source));
429        }
430        if (hasLocale(destination)) {
431            throw new CmsXmlException(
432                Messages.get().container(org.opencms.xml.Messages.ERR_LOCALE_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, destination));
433        }
435        Element sourceElement = null;
436        Element rootNode = m_document.getRootElement();
437        Iterator<Element> i = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elementIterator(rootNode);
438        String localeStr = source.toString();
439        while (i.hasNext()) {
440            Element element = i.next();
441            String language = element.attributeValue(CmsXmlContentDefinition.XSD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LANGUAGE, null);
442            if ((language != null) && (localeStr.equals(language))) {
443                // detach node with the locale
444                sourceElement = createDeepElementCopy(element, elements);
445                // there can be only one node for the locale
446                break;
447            }
448        }
450        if (sourceElement == null) {
451            // should not happen since this was checked already, just to make sure...
452            throw new CmsXmlException(
453                Messages.get().container(org.opencms.xml.Messages.ERR_LOCALE_NOT_AVAILABLE_1, source));
454        }
456        // switch locale value in attribute of copied node
457        sourceElement.addAttribute(CmsXmlContentDefinition.XSD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LANGUAGE, destination.toString());
458        // attach the copied node to the root node
459        rootNode.add(sourceElement);
461        // re-initialize the document bookmarks
462        initDocument(m_document, m_encoding, getContentDefinition());
463    }
465    /**
466     * Returns all simple type sub values.<p>
467     *
468     * @param value the value
469     *
470     * @return the simple type sub values
471     */
472    public List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> getAllSimpleSubValues(I_CmsXmlContentValue value) {
474        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> result = new ArrayList<I_CmsXmlContentValue>();
475        for (I_CmsXmlContentValue subValue : getSubValues(value.getPath(), value.getLocale())) {
476            if (subValue.isSimpleType()) {
477                result.add(subValue);
478            } else {
479                result.addAll(getAllSimpleSubValues(subValue));
480            }
481        }
482        return result;
483    }
485    /**
486     * Returns the list of choice options for the given xpath in the selected locale.<p>
487     *
488     * In case the xpath does not select a nested choice content definition,
489     * or in case the xpath does not exist at all, <code>null</code> is returned.<p>
490     *
491     * @param xpath the xpath to check the choice options for
492     * @param locale the locale to check
493     *
494     * @return the list of choice options for the given xpath
495     */
496    public List<I_CmsXmlSchemaType> getChoiceOptions(String xpath, Locale locale) {
498        I_CmsXmlSchemaType type = m_contentDefinition.getSchemaType(xpath);
499        if (type == null) {
500            // the xpath is not valid in the document
501            return null;
502        }
503        if (!type.isChoiceType() && !type.isChoiceOption()) {
504            // type is neither defining a choice nor part of a choice
505            return null;
506        }
508        if (type.isChoiceType()) {
509            // the type defines a choice sequence
510            CmsXmlContentDefinition cd = ((CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition)type).getNestedContentDefinition();
511            return cd.getTypeSequence();
512        }
514        // type must be a choice option
515        I_CmsXmlContentValue value = getValue(xpath, locale);
516        if ((value == null) || (value.getContentDefinition().getChoiceMaxOccurs() > 1)) {
517            // value does not exist in the document or is a multiple choice value
518            return type.getContentDefinition().getTypeSequence();
519        }
521        // value must be a single choice that already exists in the document, so we must return null
522        return null;
523    }
525    /**
526     * @see org.opencms.xml.I_CmsXmlDocument#getContentDefinition()
527     */
528    public CmsXmlContentDefinition getContentDefinition() {
530        return m_contentDefinition;
531    }
533    /**
534     * @see org.opencms.xml.I_CmsXmlDocument#getHandler()
535     */
536    public I_CmsXmlContentHandler getHandler() {
538        return getContentDefinition().getContentHandler();
539    }
541    /**
542     * @see org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument#getLinkProcessor(org.opencms.file.CmsObject, org.opencms.staticexport.CmsLinkTable)
543     */
544    public CmsLinkProcessor getLinkProcessor(CmsObject cms, CmsLinkTable linkTable) {
546        // initialize link processor
547        String relativeRoot = null;
548        if (m_file != null) {
549            relativeRoot = CmsResource.getParentFolder(cms.getSitePath(m_file));
550        }
551        return new CmsLinkProcessor(cms, linkTable, getEncoding(), relativeRoot);
552    }
554    /**
555     * Returns the XML root element node for the given locale.<p>
556     *
557     * @param locale the locale to get the root element for
558     *
559     * @return the XML root element node for the given locale
560     *
561     * @throws CmsRuntimeException if no language element is found in the document
562     */
563    public Element getLocaleNode(Locale locale) throws CmsRuntimeException {
565        String localeStr = locale.toString();
566        Iterator<Element> i = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elementIterator(m_document.getRootElement());
567        while (i.hasNext()) {
568            Element element = i.next();
569            if (localeStr.equals(element.attributeValue(CmsXmlContentDefinition.XSD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LANGUAGE))) {
570                // language element found, return it
571                return element;
572            }
573        }
574        // language element was not found
575        throw new CmsRuntimeException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_MISSING_LOCALE_1, locale));
576    }
578    /**
579     * Gets the schema version (or 0 if no schema version is set).
580     *
581     * @return the schema version
582     */
583    public int getSchemaVersion() {
585        return CmsXmlUtils.getSchemaVersion(m_document);
586    }
588    /**
589     * Returns all simple type values below a given path.<p>
590     *
591     * @param elementPath the element path
592     * @param locale the content locale
593     *
594     * @return the simple type values
595     */
596    public List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> getSimpleValuesBelowPath(String elementPath, Locale locale) {
598        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> result = new ArrayList<I_CmsXmlContentValue>();
599        for (I_CmsXmlContentValue value : getValuesByPath(elementPath, locale)) {
600            if (value.isSimpleType()) {
601                result.add(value);
602            } else {
603                result.addAll(getAllSimpleSubValues(value));
604            }
605        }
607        return result;
608    }
610    /**
611     * Returns the list of sub-value for the given xpath in the selected locale.<p>
612     *
613     * @param path the xpath to look up the sub-value for
614     * @param locale the locale to use
615     *
616     * @return the list of sub-value for the given xpath in the selected locale
617     */
618    @Override
619    public List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> getSubValues(String path, Locale locale) {
621        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> result = new ArrayList<I_CmsXmlContentValue>();
622        String bookmark = getBookmarkName(CmsXmlUtils.createXpath(path, 1), locale);
623        int depth = CmsResource.getPathLevel(bookmark) + 1;
624        Iterator<String> i = getBookmarks().iterator();
625        while (i.hasNext()) {
626            String bm = i.next();
627            if (bm.startsWith(bookmark) && (CmsResource.getPathLevel(bm) == depth)) {
628                result.add(getBookmark(bm));
629            }
630        }
631        if (result.size() > 0) {
632            Collections.sort(result, COMPARE_INDEX);
633        }
634        return result;
635    }
637    /**
638     * Returns all values of the given element path.<p>
639     *
640     * @param elementPath the element path
641     * @param locale the content locale
642     *
643     * @return the values
644     */
645    public List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> getValuesByPath(String elementPath, Locale locale) {
647        String[] pathElements = elementPath.split("/");
648        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> values = getValues(pathElements[0], locale);
649        for (int i = 1; i < pathElements.length; i++) {
650            List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> subValues = new ArrayList<I_CmsXmlContentValue>();
651            for (I_CmsXmlContentValue value : values) {
652                subValues.addAll(getValues(CmsXmlUtils.concatXpath(value.getPath(), pathElements[i]), locale));
653            }
654            if (subValues.isEmpty()) {
655                values = Collections.emptyList();
656                break;
657            }
658            values = subValues;
659        }
660        return values;
661    }
663    /**
664     * Returns the value sequence for the selected element xpath in this XML content.<p>
665     *
666     * If the given element xpath is not valid according to the schema of this XML content,
667     * <code>null</code> is returned.<p>
668     *
669     * @param xpath the element xpath to get the value sequence for
670     * @param locale the locale to get the value sequence for
671     *
672     * @return the value sequence for the selected element name in this XML content
673     */
674    public CmsXmlContentValueSequence getValueSequence(String xpath, Locale locale) {
676        I_CmsXmlSchemaType type = m_contentDefinition.getSchemaType(xpath);
677        if (type == null) {
678            return null;
679        }
680        return new CmsXmlContentValueSequence(xpath, locale, this);
681    }
683    /**
684     * Returns <code>true</code> if choice options exist for the given xpath in the selected locale.<p>
685     *
686     * In case the xpath does not select a nested choice content definition,
687     * or in case the xpath does not exist at all, <code>false</code> is returned.<p>
688     *
689     * @param xpath the xpath to check the choice options for
690     * @param locale the locale to check
691     *
692     * @return <code>true</code> if choice options exist for the given xpath in the selected locale
693     */
694    public boolean hasChoiceOptions(String xpath, Locale locale) {
696        List<I_CmsXmlSchemaType> options = getChoiceOptions(xpath, locale);
697        if ((options == null) || (options.size() <= 1)) {
698            return false;
699        }
700        return true;
701    }
703    /**
704     * Checks if any broken links have been invalidated in this content.
705     *
706     * @return true if broken links have been invalidated
707     */
708    public boolean hasInvalidatedBrokenLinks() {
710        return m_hasInvalidatedBrokenLinks;
711    }
713    /**
714     * @see org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument#isAutoCorrectionEnabled()
715     */
716    @Override
717    public boolean isAutoCorrectionEnabled() {
719        return m_autoCorrectionEnabled;
720    }
722    /**
723     * Checks if the content is locale independent.<p>
724     *
725     * @return true if the content is locale independent
726     */
727    public boolean isLocaleIndependent() {
729        CmsFile file = getFile();
730        if (CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.isContainerPage(file)
731            || OpenCms.getResourceManager().matchResourceType(
732                CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.GROUP_CONTAINER_TYPE_NAME,
733                file.getTypeId())
734            || OpenCms.getResourceManager().matchResourceType(
735                CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.INHERIT_CONTAINER_CONFIG_TYPE_NAME,
736                file.getTypeId())) {
737            return true;
738        }
740        try {
741            I_CmsResourceType resourceType = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(file);
742            if ((resourceType instanceof CmsResourceTypeLocaleIndependentXmlContent)
743                || (resourceType instanceof CmsResourceTypeXmlAdeConfiguration)) {
744                return true;
745            }
746        } catch (Exception e) {
747            // ignore
748        }
749        return false;
751    }
753    /**
754     * Checks if a version transformation was used when creating this content object.
755     *
756     * @return true if a version transformation was used when creating this content object
757     */
758    public boolean isTransformedVersion() {
760        return m_isTransformedVersion;
761    }
763    /**
764     * Removes an existing XML content value of the given element name and locale at the given index position
765     * from this XML content document.<p>
766     *
767     * @param name the name of the XML content value element
768     * @param locale the locale where to remove the value
769     * @param index the index where to remove the value (relative to all other values of this type)
770     */
771    public void removeValue(String name, Locale locale, int index) {
773        // first get the value from the selected locale and index
774        I_CmsXmlContentValue value = getValue(name, locale, index);
776        if (!value.isChoiceOption()) {
777            // check for the min / max occurs constrains
778            List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> values = getValues(name, locale);
779            if (values.size() <= value.getMinOccurs()) {
780                // must not allow removing an element if min occurs would be violated
781                throw new CmsRuntimeException(
782                    Messages.get().container(
783                        Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_ELEM_MINOCCURS_2,
784                        name,
785                        Integer.valueOf(value.getMinOccurs())));
786            }
787        }
789        // detach the value node from the XML document
790        value.getElement().detach();
792        // re-initialize this XML content
793        initDocument(m_document, m_encoding, m_contentDefinition);
794    }
796    /**
797     * Resolves the mappings for all values of this XML content.<p>
798     *
799     * @param cms the current users OpenCms context
800     */
801    public void resolveMappings(CmsObject cms) {
803        // iterate through all initialized value nodes in this XML content
804        CmsXmlContentMappingVisitor visitor = new CmsXmlContentMappingVisitor(cms, this);
805        visitAllValuesWith(visitor);
806    }
808    /**
809     * Sets the flag to control if auto correction is enabled when saving this XML content.<p>
810     *
811     * @param value the flag to control if auto correction is enabled when saving this XML content
812     */
813    public void setAutoCorrectionEnabled(boolean value) {
815        m_autoCorrectionEnabled = value;
816    }
818    /**
819     * Synchronizes the locale independent fields for the given locale.<p>
820     *
821     * @param cms the cms context
822     * @param skipPaths the paths to skip
823     * @param sourceLocale the source locale
824     */
825    public void synchronizeLocaleIndependentValues(CmsObject cms, Collection<String> skipPaths, Locale sourceLocale) {
827        if (getContentDefinition().getContentHandler().hasSynchronizedElements() && (getLocales().size() > 1)) {
828            for (Map.Entry<String, SynchronizationMode> syncEntry : getContentDefinition().getContentHandler().getSynchronizations(
829                true).asMap().entrySet()) {
830                String elementPath = syncEntry.getKey();
831                SynchronizationMode syncMode = syncEntry.getValue();
832                if (syncMode == SynchronizationMode.none) {
833                    continue;
834                }
835                synchronizeElement(cms, elementPath, skipPaths, sourceLocale, syncMode);
836            }
837        }
838    }
840    /**
841     * @see org.opencms.xml.I_CmsXmlDocument#validate(org.opencms.file.CmsObject)
842     */
843    public CmsXmlContentErrorHandler validate(CmsObject cms) {
845        // iterate through all initialized value nodes in this XML content
846        CmsXmlContentValidationVisitor visitor = new CmsXmlContentValidationVisitor(cms);
847        visitAllValuesWith(visitor);
849        return visitor.getErrorHandler();
850    }
852    /**
853     * Visits all values of this XML content with the given value visitor.<p>
854     *
855     * Please note that the order in which the values are visited may NOT be the
856     * order they appear in the XML document. It is ensured that the parent
857     * of a nested value is visited before the element it contains.<p>
858     *
859     * @param visitor the value visitor implementation to visit the values with
860     */
861    public void visitAllValuesWith(I_CmsXmlContentValueVisitor visitor) {
863        List<String> bookmarks = new ArrayList<String>(getBookmarks());
864        Collections.sort(bookmarks);
866        for (int i = 0; i < bookmarks.size(); i++) {
868            String key = bookmarks.get(i);
869            I_CmsXmlContentValue value = getBookmark(key);
870            visitor.visit(value);
871        }
872    }
874    /**
875     * Creates a new bookmark for the given element.<p>
876     *
877     * @param element the element to create the bookmark for
878     * @param locale the locale
879     * @param parent the parent node of the element
880     * @param parentPath the parent's path
881     * @param parentDef the parent's content definition
882     */
883    protected void addBookmarkForElement(
884        Element element,
885        Locale locale,
886        Element parent,
887        String parentPath,
888        CmsXmlContentDefinition parentDef) {
890        int elemIndex = CmsXmlUtils.getXpathIndexInt(element.getUniquePath(parent));
891        String elemPath = CmsXmlUtils.concatXpath(
892            parentPath,
893            CmsXmlUtils.createXpathElement(element.getName(), elemIndex));
894        I_CmsXmlSchemaType elemSchemaType = parentDef.getSchemaType(element.getName());
895        I_CmsXmlContentValue elemValue = elemSchemaType.createValue(this, element, locale);
896        addBookmark(elemPath, locale, true, elemValue);
897    }
899    /**
900     * Adds a bookmark for the given value.<p>
901     *
902     * @param value the value to bookmark
903     * @param path the lookup path to use for the bookmark
904     * @param locale the locale to use for the bookmark
905     * @param enabled if true, the value is enabled, if false it is disabled
906     */
907    protected void addBookmarkForValue(I_CmsXmlContentValue value, String path, Locale locale, boolean enabled) {
909        addBookmark(path, locale, enabled, value);
910    }
912    /**
913     * Adds a new XML schema type with the default value to the given parent node.<p>
914     *
915     * @param cms the cms context
916     * @param parent the XML parent element to add the new value to
917     * @param type the type of the value to add
918     * @param locale the locale to add the new value for
919     * @param insertIndex the index in the XML document where to add the XML node
920     *
921     * @return the created XML content value
922     */
923    protected I_CmsXmlContentValue addValue(
924        CmsObject cms,
925        Element parent,
926        I_CmsXmlSchemaType type,
927        Locale locale,
928        int insertIndex) {
930        // first generate the XML element for the new value
931        Element element = type.generateXml(cms, this, parent, locale);
932        // detach the XML element from the appended position in order to insert it at the required position
933        element.detach();
934        // add the XML element at the required position in the parent XML node
935        CmsXmlGenericWrapper.content(parent).add(insertIndex, element);
936        // create the type and return it
937        I_CmsXmlContentValue value = type.createValue(this, element, locale);
938        // generate the default value again - required for nested mappings because only now the full path is available
939        String defaultValue = m_contentDefinition.getContentHandler().getDefault(cms, value, locale);
940        if (defaultValue != null) {
941            // only if there is a default value available use it to overwrite the initial default
942            value.setStringValue(cms, defaultValue);
943        }
944        // finally return the value
945        return value;
946    }
948    /**
949     * @see org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument#getBookmark(java.lang.String)
950     */
951    @Override
952    protected I_CmsXmlContentValue getBookmark(String bookmark) {
954        // allows package classes to directly access the bookmark information of the XML content
955        return super.getBookmark(bookmark);
956    }
958    /**
959     * @see org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument#getBookmarks()
960     */
961    @Override
962    protected Set<String> getBookmarks() {
964        // allows package classes to directly access the bookmark information of the XML content
965        return super.getBookmarks();
966    }
968    /**
969     * Returns the content definition object for this xml content object.<p>
970     *
971     * @param resolver the XML entity resolver to use, required for VFS access
972     *
973     * @return the content definition object for this xml content object
974     *
975     * @throws CmsRuntimeException if the schema location attribute (<code>systemId</code>)cannot be found,
976     *         parsing of the schema fails, an underlying IOException occurs or unmarshalling fails
977     *
978     */
979    protected CmsXmlContentDefinition getContentDefinition(EntityResolver resolver) throws CmsRuntimeException {
981        String schemaLocation = m_document.getRootElement().attributeValue(
983        // Note regarding exception handling:
984        // Since this object already is a valid XML content object,
985        // it must have a valid schema, otherwise it would not exist.
986        // Therefore the exceptions should never be really thrown.
987        if (schemaLocation == null) {
988            throw new CmsRuntimeException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_MISSING_SCHEMA_0));
989        }
991        try {
992            return CmsXmlContentDefinition.unmarshal(schemaLocation, resolver);
993        } catch (SAXException e) {
994            throw new CmsRuntimeException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XML_SCHEMA_PARSE_1, schemaLocation), e);
995        } catch (IOException e) {
996            throw new CmsRuntimeException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XML_SCHEMA_IO_1, schemaLocation), e);
997        } catch (CmsXmlException e) {
998            throw new CmsRuntimeException(
999                Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_XMLCONTENT_UNMARSHAL_1, schemaLocation),
1000                e);
1001        }
1002    }
1004    /**
1005     * Initializes an XML document based on the provided document, encoding and content definition.<p>
1006     *
1007     * Checks the links and removes invalid ones in the initialized document.<p>
1008     *
1009     * @param cms the current users OpenCms content
1010     * @param document the base XML document to use for initializing
1011     * @param encoding the encoding to use when marshalling the document later
1012     * @param definition the content definition to use
1013     */
1014    protected void initDocument(CmsObject cms, Document document, String encoding, CmsXmlContentDefinition definition) {
1016        initDocument(document, encoding, definition);
1017        // check invalid links
1018        if (cms != null) {
1019            // this will remove all invalid links
1020            getHandler().invalidateBrokenLinks(cms, this);
1021        }
1022    }
1024    /**
1025     * @see org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument#initDocument(org.dom4j.Document, java.lang.String, org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlContentDefinition)
1026     */
1027    @Override
1028    protected void initDocument(Document document, String encoding, CmsXmlContentDefinition definition) {
1030        m_document = document;
1031        m_contentDefinition = definition;
1032        m_encoding = CmsEncoder.lookupEncoding(encoding, encoding);
1033        m_elementLocales = new HashMap<String, Set<Locale>>();
1034        m_elementNames = new HashMap<Locale, Set<String>>();
1035        m_locales = new HashSet<Locale>();
1036        clearBookmarks();
1038        // initialize the bookmarks
1039        for (Iterator<Element> i = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elementIterator(m_document.getRootElement()); i.hasNext();) {
1040            Element node = i.next();
1041            try {
1042                Locale locale = CmsLocaleManager.getLocale(
1043                    node.attribute(CmsXmlContentDefinition.XSD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LANGUAGE).getValue());
1045                addLocale(locale);
1046                processSchemaNode(node, null, locale, definition);
1047            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
1048                LOG.error(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_XMLCONTENT_INIT_BOOKMARKS_0), e);
1049            }
1050        }
1052    }
1054    /**
1055     * Processes a document node and extracts the values of the node according to the provided XML
1056     * content definition.<p>
1057     *
1058     * @param root the root node element to process
1059     * @param rootPath the Xpath of the root node in the document
1060     * @param locale the locale
1061     * @param definition the XML content definition to use for processing the values
1062     */
1063    protected void processSchemaNode(Element root, String rootPath, Locale locale, CmsXmlContentDefinition definition) {
1065        // iterate all XML nodes
1066        List<Node> content = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.content(root);
1067        for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1068            Node node = content.get(i);
1069            if (!(node instanceof Element)) {
1070                // this node is not an element, so it must be a white space text node, remove it
1071                node.detach();
1072            } else {
1073                // node must be an element
1074                Element element = (Element)node;
1075                String name = element.getName();
1076                int xpathIndex = CmsXmlUtils.getXpathIndexInt(element.getUniquePath(root));
1078                // build the Xpath expression for the current node
1079                String path;
1080                if (rootPath != null) {
1081                    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(rootPath.length() + name.length() + 6);
1082                    b.append(rootPath);
1083                    b.append('/');
1084                    b.append(CmsXmlUtils.createXpathElement(name, xpathIndex));
1085                    path = b.toString();
1086                } else {
1087                    path = CmsXmlUtils.createXpathElement(name, xpathIndex);
1088                }
1090                // create a XML content value element
1091                I_CmsXmlSchemaType schemaType = definition.getSchemaType(name);
1093                if (schemaType != null) {
1094                    // directly add simple type to schema
1095                    I_CmsXmlContentValue value = schemaType.createValue(this, element, locale);
1096                    addBookmark(path, locale, true, value);
1098                    if (!schemaType.isSimpleType()) {
1099                        // recurse for nested schema
1100                        CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition nestedSchema = (CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition)schemaType;
1101                        processSchemaNode(element, path, locale, nestedSchema.getNestedContentDefinition());
1102                    }
1103                } else {
1104                    // unknown XML node name according to schema
1105                    if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
1106                        LOG.warn(
1107                            Messages.get().getBundle().key(
1108                                Messages.LOG_XMLCONTENT_INVALID_ELEM_2,
1109                                name,
1110                                definition.getSchemaLocation()));
1111                    }
1112                }
1113            }
1114        }
1115    }
1117    /**
1118     * Sets the file this XML content is written to.<p>
1119     *
1120     * @param file the file this XML content content is written to
1121     */
1122    protected void setFile(CmsFile file) {
1124        m_file = file;
1125    }
1127    /**
1128     * Ensures the parent values to the given path are created.<p>
1129     *
1130     * @param cms the cms context
1131     * @param valuePath the value path
1132     * @param locale the content locale
1133     */
1134    private void ensureParentValues(CmsObject cms, String valuePath, Locale locale) {
1136        if (valuePath.contains("/")) {
1137            String parentPath = valuePath.substring(0, valuePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
1138            if (!hasValue(parentPath, locale)) {
1139                ensureParentValues(cms, parentPath, locale);
1140                int index = CmsXmlUtils.getXpathIndexInt(parentPath) - 1;
1141                addValue(cms, parentPath, locale, index);
1142            }
1143        }
1144    }
1146    /**
1147     * Removes all surplus values of locale independent fields in the other locales.<p>
1148     *
1149     * @param elementPath the element path
1150     * @param valueCount the value count
1151     * @param sourceLocale the source locale
1152     */
1153    private void removeSurplusValuesInOtherLocales(String elementPath, int valueCount, Locale sourceLocale) {
1155        for (Locale locale : getLocales()) {
1156            if (locale.equals(sourceLocale)) {
1157                continue;
1158            }
1159            List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> localeValues = getValues(elementPath, locale);
1160            for (int i = valueCount; i < localeValues.size(); i++) {
1161                removeValue(elementPath, locale, 0);
1162            }
1163        }
1164    }
1166    /**
1167     * Removes all values of the given path in the other locales.<p>
1168     *
1169     * @param elementPath the element path
1170     * @param sourceLocale the source locale
1171     */
1172    private void removeValuesInOtherLocales(String elementPath, Locale sourceLocale) {
1174        for (Locale locale : getLocales()) {
1175            if (locale.equals(sourceLocale)) {
1176                continue;
1177            }
1178            while (hasValue(elementPath, locale)) {
1179                removeValue(elementPath, locale, 0);
1180            }
1181        }
1182    }
1184    /**
1185     * Sets the value in all other locales.<p>
1186     *
1187     * @param cms the cms context
1188     * @param value the value
1189     * @param requiredParent the path to the required parent value
1190     */
1191    private void setValueForOtherLocales(CmsObject cms, I_CmsXmlContentValue value, String requiredParent) {
1193        if (!value.isSimpleType()) {
1194            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1195        }
1196        for (Locale locale : getLocales()) {
1197            if (locale.equals(value.getLocale())) {
1198                continue;
1199            }
1200            String valuePath = value.getPath();
1201            if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(requiredParent) || hasValue(requiredParent, locale)) {
1202                ensureParentValues(cms, valuePath, locale);
1203                if (hasValue(valuePath, locale)) {
1204                    I_CmsXmlContentValue localeValue = getValue(valuePath, locale);
1205                    localeValue.setStringValue(cms, value.getStringValue(cms));
1206                } else {
1207                    int index = CmsXmlUtils.getXpathIndexInt(valuePath) - 1;
1208                    I_CmsXmlContentValue localeValue = addValue(cms, valuePath, locale, index);
1209                    localeValue.setStringValue(cms, value.getStringValue(cms));
1210                }
1211            }
1212        }
1213    }
1215    /**
1216     * Synchronizes the values for the given element path.<p>
1217     *
1218     * @param cms the cms context
1219     * @param elementPath the element path
1220     * @param skipPaths the paths to skip
1221     * @param sourceLocale the source locale
1222     * @param syncMode the synchronization mode
1223     */
1224    private void synchronizeElement(
1225        CmsObject cms,
1226        String elementPath,
1227        Collection<String> skipPaths,
1228        Locale sourceLocale,
1229        SynchronizationMode syncMode) {
1231        if (syncMode == SynchronizationMode.none) {
1232            return;
1233        }
1235        if (elementPath.contains("/")) {
1236            String parentPath = CmsXmlUtils.removeLastXpathElement(elementPath);
1237            List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> parentValues = getValuesByPath(parentPath, sourceLocale);
1238            String elementName = CmsXmlUtils.getLastXpathElement(elementPath);
1239            for (I_CmsXmlContentValue parentValue : parentValues) {
1240                String valuePath = CmsXmlUtils.concatXpath(parentValue.getPath(), elementName);
1241                boolean skip = false;
1242                for (String skipPath : skipPaths) {
1243                    if (valuePath.startsWith(skipPath)) {
1244                        skip = true;
1245                        break;
1246                    }
1247                }
1248                if (!skip) {
1249                    if (hasValue(valuePath, sourceLocale)) {
1250                        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> subValues = getValues(valuePath, sourceLocale);
1251                        removeSurplusValuesInOtherLocales(elementPath, subValues.size(), sourceLocale);
1252                        for (I_CmsXmlContentValue value : subValues) {
1253                            if (value.isSimpleType()) {
1254                                setValueForOtherLocales(
1255                                    cms,
1256                                    value,
1257                                    syncMode == SynchronizationMode.strong
1258                                    ? null // strong -> auto-create parent values
1259                                    : CmsXmlUtils.removeLastXpathElement(valuePath));
1260                            } else {
1261                                List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> simpleValues = getAllSimpleSubValues(value);
1262                                for (I_CmsXmlContentValue simpleValue : simpleValues) {
1263                                    setValueForOtherLocales(cms, simpleValue, parentValue.getPath());
1264                                }
1265                            }
1266                        }
1267                    } else {
1268                        removeValuesInOtherLocales(valuePath, sourceLocale);
1269                    }
1270                }
1271            }
1272        } else {
1273            if (hasValue(elementPath, sourceLocale)) {
1274                List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> subValues = getValues(elementPath, sourceLocale);
1275                removeSurplusValuesInOtherLocales(elementPath, subValues.size(), sourceLocale);
1276                for (I_CmsXmlContentValue value : subValues) {
1277                    if (value.isSimpleType()) {
1278                        setValueForOtherLocales(cms, value, null);
1279                    } else {
1280                        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> simpleValues = getAllSimpleSubValues(value);
1281                        for (I_CmsXmlContentValue simpleValue : simpleValues) {
1282                            setValueForOtherLocales(cms, simpleValue, null);
1283                        }
1284                    }
1285                }
1286            } else {
1287                removeValuesInOtherLocales(elementPath, sourceLocale);
1288            }
1289        }
1291        // this handles the case where a elementPath is missing in the source locale because its parent value is missing
1292        if (syncMode == SynchronizationMode.strong) {
1293            if (getValuesByPath(elementPath, sourceLocale).size() == 0) {
1294                boolean minOccursWarning = false;
1295                boolean changed = false;
1296                for (Locale locale : getLocales()) {
1297                    if (!locale.equals(sourceLocale)) {
1298                        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> candidatesForRemoval = getValuesByPath(elementPath, locale);
1299                        for (I_CmsXmlContentValue candidate : candidatesForRemoval) {
1300                            if (candidate.getMinOccurs() > 0) {
1301                                // it makes no sense to remove only part of the values
1302                                minOccursWarning = true;
1303                                break;
1304                            } else {
1305                                candidate.getElement().detach();
1306                                changed = true;
1307                            }
1308                        }
1309                    }
1310                }
1311                if (changed) {
1312                    initDocument(m_document, m_encoding, m_contentDefinition);
1313                }
1314                if (minOccursWarning) {
1315                    String schema = getContentDefinition().getSchemaLocation();
1316                    LOG.warn(
1317                        " synchronization setting 'strong' for '"
1318                            + elementPath
1319                            + "' in '"
1320                            + schema
1321                            + "' is incorrect because it is a required value in an optional nested content.");
1322                }
1323            }
1324        }
1325    }