Interface I_CmsExportPointDriver

All Known Implementing Classes:
CmsExportPointDriver, CmsTempFolderExportPointDriver

public interface I_CmsExportPointDriver
Provides methods to write export points to the "real" file system.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createFolder(String resourceName, String exportpoint)
    If required, creates the folder with the given root path in the real file system.
    deleteResource(String resourceName, String exportpoint)
    Deletes a file or a folder in the real file sytem.
    Returns the export point path for the given resource root path, or null if the resource is not contained in any export point.
    Returns the set of all VFS paths that are exported as an export point.
    writeFile(String resourceName, String exportpoint, byte[] content)
    Writes the file with the given root path to the real file system.
  • Method Details

    • createFolder

      void createFolder(String resourceName, String exportpoint)
      If required, creates the folder with the given root path in the real file system.

      resourceName - the root path of the folder to create
      exportpoint - the export point to create the folder in
    • deleteResource

      void deleteResource(String resourceName, String exportpoint)
      Deletes a file or a folder in the real file sytem.

      If the given resource name points to a folder, then this folder is only deleted if it is empty. This is required since the same export point RFS target folder may be used by multiple export points. For example, this is usually the case with the /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib/ folders which are export point for multiple modules. If all resources in the RFS target folder where deleted, uninstalling one module would delete the export classes and lib resources of all other modules.

      resourceName - the root path of the resource to be deleted
      exportpoint - the name of the export point
    • getExportPoint

      Returns the export point path for the given resource root path, or null if the resource is not contained in any export point.

      rootPath - the root path of a resource in the OpenCms VFS
      the export point path for the given resource, or null if the resource is not contained in any export point
    • getExportPointPaths

      Returns the set of all VFS paths that are exported as an export point.

      the set of all VFS paths that are exported as an export point
    • writeFile

      void writeFile(String resourceName, String exportpoint, byte[] content)
      Writes the file with the given root path to the real file system.

      If required, missing parent folders in the real file system are automatically created.

      resourceName - the root path of the file to write
      exportpoint - the export point to write file to
      content - the contents of the file to write