Class CmsSubscriptionCollector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<I_CmsResourceCollector>, I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider, I_CmsResourceCollector

A collector that returns visited or subscribed resources depending on the current user and parameters.

The configuration of the collectors can be done in the parameter String using key value pairs, separated by the | (pipe) symbol. The following configuration options are available:

  • currentuser: determines if the current user should be used to read visited or subscribed resources (not considered if the user parameter is used)
  • daysfrom: the number of days subtracted from the current day specifying the start point in time from which a resource was visited
  • daysto: the number of days subtracted from the current day specifying the end point in time to which a resource was visited
  • groups: the users group names, separated by comma, to read subscribed resources for
  • includegroups: the include groups flag to read subscribed resources also for the given or current users groups (not considered if the groups parameter is used)
  • includesubfolders: the include subfolders flag to read subscribed resources also for the subfolders of the given parent folder (not considered if the resource parameter is not used)
  • mode: the subscription read mode, can be all, visited or unvisited (default)
  • resource: the resource, i.e. the parent folder from which the subscribed or visited resources should be read from
  • user:<the user to read subscribed or visited resources for/li>
Example parameter String that can be used for the collector:
