Class CmsWindowExtension
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Extension used to open new browser windows.
While can also be used to open new windows, it doesn't give you any feedback on whether opening the window was successful. Using this extension, it is possible to pass a callback which gets called with a parameter indicating whether opening the window succeeded or not.
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector
com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.AttachEvent, com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.AttachListener, com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.ConnectorErrorEvent, com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.DetachEvent, com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.DetachListener
Constructor Summary
(com.vaadin.ui.UI ui) Creates a new instance and binds it to the given UI. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.server.AbstractExtension
extend, getParent, getSupportedParentType, remove, setParent
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.server.AbstractClientConnector
addAttachListener, addDetachListener, addExtension, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addMethodInvocationToQueue, attach, beforeClientResponse, createState, detach, encodeState, equals, fireEvent, getAllChildrenIterable, getConnectorId, getErrorHandler, getExtensions, getListeners, getResource, getRpcManager, getRpcProxy, getSession, getState, getState, getStateType, getUI, handleConnectorRequest, hashCode, hasListeners, isAttached, isConnectorEnabled, isThis, markAsDirty, markAsDirtyRecursive, registerRpc, registerRpc, removeAttachListener, removeDetachListener, removeExtension, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, requestRepaint, requestRepaintAll, retrievePendingRpcCalls, setErrorHandler, setResource, updateDiffstate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector
addAttachListener, addDetachListener, attach, beforeClientResponse, detach, encodeState, getErrorHandler, getExtensions, getRpcManager, getStateType, getUI, handleConnectorRequest, isAttached, isConnectorEnabled, markAsDirty, markAsDirtyRecursive, removeAttachListener, removeDetachListener, removeExtension, requestRepaint, requestRepaintAll, retrievePendingRpcCalls, setErrorHandler
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.shared.Connector
Constructor Details
Creates a new instance and binds it to the given UI.- Parameters:
- the UI
Method Details
Tries to open a new browser window.If openning the window fails, the given callback is called.
- Parameters:
- the URL to open in the new windowtarget
- the target window nameonFailure
- the callback to call if opening the window fails