Interface I_CmsImageWidgetDynamicConfiguration

Enables a dynamic configuration of values for the CmsVfsImageWidget.

The following values can be configured dynamically:

  • The list of image format values for the corresponding format names
  • The type of the preselected image list (gallery or category)
  • The preselected image list (i.e. a gallery folder or category)
  • Method Details

    • getFormatValues

      List<String> getFormatValues(CmsObject cms, CmsMessages widgetDialog, I_CmsWidgetParameter param, List<CmsSelectWidgetOption> selectFormat, List<String> formatValues)
      Returns the matching format values for the given format select options.

      A format value should look like this:

      • 320x480: The width and height as fixed values
      • 320x?: A fixed width and dynamic height
      cms - an initialized instance of a CmsObject
      widgetDialog - the dialog where the widget is used on
      param - the widget parameter to generate the widget for
      selectFormat - the list of format select options (CmsSelectWidgetOption) for the widget
      formatValues - the list of predefined format values for the widget
      the matching format values for the given format select options
    • getStartup

      Returns the required information for the initial image list to load.

      If a gallery should be shown, the path to the gallery must be specified, for a category the category path.

      cms - an initialized instance of a CmsObject
      widgetDialog - the dialog where the widget is used on
      param - the widget parameter to generate the widget for
      the required information for the initial image list to load
    • getType

      Returns the type of the initial image list to load, either gallery or category.

      cms - an initialized instance of a CmsObject
      widgetDialog - the dialog where the widget is used on
      param - the widget parameter to generate the widget for
      the type of the initial image list to load, either gallery or category