Class CmsWorkflowResources


public class CmsWorkflowResources extends Object
Set of workflow resources, and an optional workflow.

  • Constructor Details

    • CmsWorkflowResources

      public CmsWorkflowResources(List<CmsResource> workflowResources, CmsWorkflow overrideWorkflow, Integer tooManyCount)
      Creates new instance.

      workflowResources - the workflow resources
      overrideWorkflow - the workflow to override the selected workflow
      tooManyCount - null if there are not too many resources, otherwise the approximate resource count
  • Method Details

    • getLowerBoundForSize

      public int getLowerBoundForSize()
      Gets a number that can be used as a lower bound for the number of publish resources if the list is too big (bigger than the workflow manager's resource limit).
      a lower bound for the number of publish resources
    • getOverrideWorkflow

      Gets the override workflow, or null.

      the override workflow, or null
    • getTooManyCount

      Gets the approximate amount of resources if there are too many resources.

      the approximate amount of resources if there are too many
    • getWorkflowResources

      Returns the workflowResources.

      Note that if the isTooMany() method returns true, this method may return an empty list.

      the workflowResources
    • isTooMany

      public boolean isTooMany()
      Returns true if there are too many resources.

      true if there are too many resources