Interface I_CmsEditorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface I_CmsEditorHandler
Provides a method for selecting an individual file editor.

You can define the class of your own editor handler in the OpenCms XML configuration files. changing the <class> subnode of the system node <editorhandler> to another value. The class you enter must implement this interface to obtain the URI of the displayed editor.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the editor URI which will be used for the selected resource in the OpenCms VFS to the editor selector class.
    getEditorUri(CmsObject cms, String resourceType, String userAgent, boolean loadDefault)
    Returns the editor URI which will be used for the selected resource type.
  • Method Details

    • getEditorUri

      String getEditorUri(CmsObject cms, String resourceType, String userAgent, boolean loadDefault)
      Returns the editor URI which will be used for the selected resource type.

      cms - the cms context
      resourceType - the resource type name
      userAgent - the user agent header
      loadDefault - true to force the default editor
      the absolute path to the editor
    • getEditorUri

      Returns the editor URI which will be used for the selected resource in the OpenCms VFS to the editor selector class.

      resource - the selected resource
      jsp - the CmsJspActionElement
      the absolute path to the editor that will be displayed or null if resource is not editable
      CmsException - if something goes wrong