002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.flex;
030import org.opencms.ade.detailpage.CmsDetailPageResourceHandler;
031import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
032import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
033import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
034import org.opencms.util.CmsRequestUtil;
036import java.util.HashSet;
037import java.util.List;
038import java.util.Map;
039import java.util.Set;
040import java.util.Vector;
042import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
043import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
044import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
046import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
049 * Controller for getting access to the CmsObject, should be used as a
050 * request attribute.<p>
051 *
052 * @since 6.0.0
053 */
054public class CmsFlexController {
056    /** Constant for the controller request attribute name. */
057    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "org.opencms.flex.CmsFlexController";
059    /** The log object for this class. */
060    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsFlexController.class);
062    /** Set of uncacheable attributes. */
063    private static Set<String> uncacheableAttributes = new HashSet<String>();
065    /** The CmsFlexCache where the result will be cached in, required for the dispatcher. */
066    private CmsFlexCache m_cache;
068    /** The wrapped CmsObject provides JSP with access to the core system. */
069    private CmsObject m_cmsObject;
071    /** List of wrapped RequestContext info object. */
072    private List<CmsFlexRequestContextInfo> m_flexContextInfoList;
074    /** List of wrapped CmsFlexRequests. */
075    private List<CmsFlexRequest> m_flexRequestList;
077    /** List of wrapped CmsFlexResponses. */
078    private List<CmsFlexResponse> m_flexResponseList;
080    /** Indicates if this controller is currently in "forward" mode. */
081    private boolean m_forwardMode;
083    /** Wrapped top request. */
084    private HttpServletRequest m_req;
086    /** Wrapped top response. */
087    private HttpServletResponse m_res;
089    /** The CmsResource that was initialized by the original request, required for URI actions. */
090    private CmsResource m_resource;
092    /** Indicates if the response should be streamed. */
093    private boolean m_streaming;
095    /** Exception that was caught during inclusion of sub elements. */
096    private Throwable m_throwable;
098    /** URI of a VFS resource that caused the exception. */
099    private String m_throwableResourceUri;
101    /** Indicates if the request is the top request. */
102    private boolean m_top;
104    /**
105     * Creates a new controller form the old one, exchanging just the provided OpenCms user context.<p>
106     *
107     * @param cms the OpenCms user context for this controller
108     * @param base the base controller
109     */
110    public CmsFlexController(CmsObject cms, CmsFlexController base) {
112        m_cmsObject = cms;
113        m_resource = base.m_resource;
114        m_cache = base.m_cache;
115        m_req = base.m_req;
116        m_res = base.m_res;
117        m_streaming = base.m_streaming;
118        m_top = base.m_top;
119        m_flexRequestList = base.m_flexRequestList;
120        m_flexResponseList = base.m_flexResponseList;
121        m_flexContextInfoList = base.m_flexContextInfoList;
122        m_forwardMode = base.m_forwardMode;
123        m_throwableResourceUri = base.m_throwableResourceUri;
124    }
126    /**
127     * Default constructor.<p>
128     *
129     * @param cms the initial CmsObject to wrap in the controller
130     * @param resource the file requested
131     * @param cache the instance of the flex cache
132     * @param req the current request
133     * @param res the current response
134     * @param streaming indicates if the response is streaming
135     * @param top indicates if the response is the top response
136     */
137    public CmsFlexController(
138        CmsObject cms,
139        CmsResource resource,
140        CmsFlexCache cache,
141        HttpServletRequest req,
142        HttpServletResponse res,
143        boolean streaming,
144        boolean top) {
146        m_cmsObject = cms;
147        m_resource = resource;
148        m_cache = cache;
149        m_req = req;
150        m_res = res;
151        m_streaming = streaming;
152        m_top = top;
153        m_flexRequestList = new Vector<CmsFlexRequest>();
154        m_flexResponseList = new Vector<CmsFlexResponse>();
155        m_flexContextInfoList = new Vector<CmsFlexRequestContextInfo>();
156        m_forwardMode = false;
157        m_throwableResourceUri = null;
158    }
160    /**
161     * Returns the wrapped CmsObject form the provided request, or <code>null</code> if the
162     * request is not running inside OpenCms.<p>
163     *
164     * @param req the current request
165     * @return the wrapped CmsObject
166     */
167    public static CmsObject getCmsObject(ServletRequest req) {
169        CmsFlexController controller = (CmsFlexController)req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
170        if (controller != null) {
171            return controller.getCmsObject();
172        } else {
173            return null;
174        }
175    }
177    /**
178     * Returns the controller from the given request, or <code>null</code> if the
179     * request is not running inside OpenCms.<p>
180     *
181     * @param req the request to get the controller from
182     *
183     * @return the controller from the given request, or <code>null</code> if the request is not running inside OpenCms
184     */
185    public static CmsFlexController getController(ServletRequest req) {
187        return (CmsFlexController)req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
188    }
190    /**
191     * Provides access to a root cause Exception that might have occurred in a complex include scenario.<p>
192     *
193     * @param req the current request
194     *
195     * @return the root cause exception or null if no root cause exception is available
196     *
197     * @see #getThrowable()
198     */
199    public static Throwable getThrowable(ServletRequest req) {
201        CmsFlexController controller = (CmsFlexController)req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
202        if (controller != null) {
203            return controller.getThrowable();
204        } else {
205            return null;
206        }
207    }
209    /**
210     * Provides access to URI of a VFS resource that caused an exception that might have occurred in a complex include scenario.<p>
211     *
212     * @param req the current request
213     *
214     * @return to URI of a VFS resource that caused an exception, or <code>null</code>
215     *
216     * @see #getThrowableResourceUri()
217     */
218    public static String getThrowableResourceUri(ServletRequest req) {
220        CmsFlexController controller = (CmsFlexController)req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
221        if (controller != null) {
222            return controller.getThrowableResourceUri();
223        } else {
224            return null;
225        }
226    }
228    /**
229     * Checks if the provided request is running in OpenCms and the current users project is the online project.<p>
230     *
231     * @param req the current request
232     *
233     * @return <code>true</code> if the request is running in OpenCms and the current users project is
234     *      the online project, <code>false</code> otherwise
235     */
236    public static boolean isCmsOnlineRequest(ServletRequest req) {
238        if (req == null) {
239            return false;
240        }
241        return getController(req).getCmsObject().getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().isOnlineProject();
242    }
244    /**
245     * Checks if the provided request is running in OpenCms.<p>
246     *
247     * @param req the current request
248     *
249     * @return <code>true</code> if the request is running in OpenCms, <code>false</code> otherwise
250     */
251    public static boolean isCmsRequest(ServletRequest req) {
253        return ((req != null) && (req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME) != null));
254    }
256    /**
257     * Checks if the request has the "If-Modified-Since" header set, and if so,
258     * if the header date value is equal to the provided last modification date.<p>
259     *
260     * @param req the request to set the "If-Modified-Since" date header from
261     * @param dateLastModified the date to compare the header with
262     *
263     * @return <code>true</code> if the header is set and the header date is equal to the provided date
264     */
265    public static boolean isNotModifiedSince(HttpServletRequest req, long dateLastModified) {
267        // check if the request contains a last modified header
268        try {
269            long lastModifiedHeader = req.getDateHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
270            // if last modified header is set (> -1), compare it to the requested resource
271            return ((lastModifiedHeader > -1) && (((dateLastModified / 1000) * 1000) == lastModifiedHeader));
272        } catch (Exception ex) {
273            // some clients (e.g. User-Agent: BlackBerry7290/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/111)
274            // send an invalid "If-Modified-Since" header (e.g. in german locale)
275            // which breaks with http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html
276            // this has to be caught because the subsequent request for the 500 error handler
277            // would run into the same exception.
278            LOG.warn(
279                Messages.get().getBundle().key(
280                    Messages.ERR_HEADER_IFMODIFIEDSINCE_FORMAT_3,
281                    new Object[] {
282                        CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE,
283                        req.getHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_USER_AGENT),
284                        req.getHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)}));
285        }
286        return false;
287    }
289    /**
290     * Tells the flex controller to never cache the given attribute.<p>
291     *
292     * @param attributeName the attribute which shouldn't be cached
293     */
294    public static void registerUncacheableAttribute(String attributeName) {
296        uncacheableAttributes.add(attributeName);
297    }
299    /**
300     * Removes the controller attribute from a request.<p>
301     *
302     * @param req the request to remove the controller from
303     */
304    public static void removeController(ServletRequest req) {
306        CmsFlexController controller = (CmsFlexController)req.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
307        if (controller != null) {
308            controller.clear();
309        }
310    }
312    /**
313     * Stores the given controller in the given request (using a request attribute).<p>
314     *
315     * @param req the request where to store the controller in
316     * @param controller the controller to store
317     */
318    public static void setController(ServletRequest req, CmsFlexController controller) {
320        req.setAttribute(CmsFlexController.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, controller);
321    }
323    /**
324     * Sets the <code>Expires</code> date header for a given http request.<p>
325     *
326     * Also sets the <code>cache-control: max-age</code> header to the time of the expiration.
327     * A certain upper limit is imposed on the expiration date parameter to ensure the resources are
328     * not cached to long in proxies. This can be controlled by the <code>maxAge</code> parameter.
329     * If <code>maxAge</code> is lower then 0, then a default max age of 86400000 msec (1 day) is used.<p>
330     *
331     * @param res the response to set the "Expires" date header for
332     * @param maxAge maximum amount of time in milliseconds the response remains valid
333     * @param dateExpires the date to set (if this is not in the future, it is ignored)
334     */
335    public static void setDateExpiresHeader(HttpServletResponse res, long dateExpires, long maxAge) {
337        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
338        if ((dateExpires > now) && (dateExpires != CmsResource.DATE_EXPIRED_DEFAULT)) {
340            // important: many caches (browsers or proxy) use the "Expires" header
341            // to avoid re-loading of pages that are not expired
342            // while this is right in general, no changes before the expiration date
343            // will be displayed
344            // therefore it is better to not use an expiration to far in the future
346            // if no valid max age is set, restrict it to 24 hrs
347            if (maxAge < 0L) {
348                maxAge = 86400000;
349            }
351            if ((dateExpires - now) > maxAge) {
352                // set "Expires" header max one day into the future
353                dateExpires = now + maxAge;
354            }
355            res.setDateHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_EXPIRES, dateExpires);
357            // setting the "Expires" header only is not sufficient - even expired documents seems to be cached
358            // therefore, the "cache-control: max-age" is also set
359            res.setHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_VALUE_MAX_AGE + (maxAge / 1000L));
360        }
361    }
363    /**
364     * Sets the "last modified" date header for a given http request.<p>
365     *
366     * @param res the response to set the "last modified" date header for
367     * @param dateLastModified the date to set (if this is lower then 0, the current time is set)
368     */
369    public static void setDateLastModifiedHeader(HttpServletResponse res, long dateLastModified) {
371        if (dateLastModified > -1) {
372            // set date last modified header (precision is only second, not millisecond
373            res.setDateHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, (dateLastModified / 1000) * 1000);
374        } else {
375            // this resource can not be optimized for "last modified", use current time as header
376            res.setDateHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, System.currentTimeMillis());
377            // avoiding issues with IE8+
378            res.addHeader(CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "public, max-age=0");
379        }
380    }
382    /**
383     * Clears all data of this controller.<p>
384     */
385    public void clear() {
387        if (m_flexRequestList != null) {
388            m_flexRequestList.clear();
389        }
390        m_flexRequestList = null;
391        if (m_flexResponseList != null) {
392            m_flexResponseList.clear();
393        }
394        m_flexResponseList = null;
395        if (m_req != null) {
396            m_req.removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
397        }
398        m_req = null;
399        m_res = null;
400        m_cmsObject = null;
401        m_resource = null;
402        m_cache = null;
403        m_throwable = null;
404    }
406    /**
407     * Returns the CmsFlexCache instance where all results from this request will be cached in.<p>
408     *
409     * This is public so that pages like the Flex Cache Administration page
410     * have a way to access the cache object.<p>
411     *
412     * @return the CmsFlexCache instance where all results from this request will be cached in
413     */
414    public CmsFlexCache getCmsCache() {
416        return m_cache;
417    }
419    /**
420     * Returns the wrapped CmsObject.<p>
421     *
422     * @return the wrapped CmsObject
423     */
424    public CmsObject getCmsObject() {
426        return m_cmsObject;
427    }
429    /**
430     * This method provides access to the top-level CmsResource of the request
431     * which is of a type that supports the FlexCache,
432     * i.e. usually the CmsFile that is identical to the file uri requested by the user,
433     * not he current included element.<p>
434     *
435     * @return the requested top-level CmsFile
436     */
437    public CmsResource getCmsResource() {
439        return m_resource;
440    }
442    /**
443     * Returns the current flex request.<p>
444     *
445     * @return the current flex request
446     */
447    public CmsFlexRequest getCurrentRequest() {
449        return m_flexRequestList.get(m_flexRequestList.size() - 1);
450    }
452    /**
453     * Returns the current flex response.<p>
454     *
455     * @return the current flex response
456     */
457    public CmsFlexResponse getCurrentResponse() {
459        return m_flexResponseList.get(m_flexResponseList.size() - 1);
460    }
462    /**
463     * Returns the combined "expires" date for all resources read during this request.<p>
464     *
465     * @return the combined "expires" date for all resources read during this request
466     */
467    public long getDateExpires() {
469        int pos = m_flexContextInfoList.size() - 1;
470        if (pos < 0) {
471            // ensure a valid position is used
472            return CmsResource.DATE_EXPIRED_DEFAULT;
473        }
474        return (m_flexContextInfoList.get(pos)).getDateExpires();
475    }
477    /**
478     * Returns the combined "last modified" date for all resources read during this request.<p>
479     *
480     * @return the combined "last modified" date for all resources read during this request
481     */
482    public long getDateLastModified() {
484        int pos = m_flexContextInfoList.size() - 1;
485        if (pos < 0) {
486            // ensure a valid position is used
487            return CmsResource.DATE_RELEASED_DEFAULT;
488        }
489        return (m_flexContextInfoList.get(pos)).getDateLastModified();
490    }
492    /**
493     * Returns the size of the response stack.<p>
494     *
495     * @return the size of the response stack
496     */
497    public int getResponseStackSize() {
499        return m_flexResponseList.size();
500    }
502    /**
503     * Returns an exception (Throwable) that was caught during inclusion of sub elements,
504     * or null if no exceptions where thrown in sub elements.<p>
505     *
506     * @return an exception (Throwable) that was caught during inclusion of sub elements
507     */
508    public Throwable getThrowable() {
510        return m_throwable;
511    }
513    /**
514     * Returns the URI of a VFS resource that caused the exception that was caught during inclusion of sub elements,
515     * might return null if no URI information was available for the exception.<p>
516     *
517     * @return the URI of a VFS resource that caused the exception that was caught during inclusion of sub elements
518     */
519    public String getThrowableResourceUri() {
521        return m_throwableResourceUri;
522    }
524    /**
525     * Returns the current http request.<p>
526     *
527     * @return the current http request
528     */
529    public HttpServletRequest getTopRequest() {
531        return m_req;
532    }
534    /**
535     * Returns the current http response.<p>
536     *
537     * @return the current http response
538     */
539    public HttpServletResponse getTopResponse() {
541        return m_res;
542    }
544    /**
545     * Returns <code>true</code> if the controller does not yet contain any requests.<p>
546     *
547     * @return <code>true</code> if the controller does not yet contain any requests
548     */
549    public boolean isEmptyRequestList() {
551        return (m_flexRequestList != null) && m_flexRequestList.isEmpty();
552    }
554    /**
555     * Returns <code>true</code> if this controller is currently in "forward" mode.<p>
556     *
557     * @return <code>true</code> if this controller is currently in "forward" mode
558     */
559    public boolean isForwardMode() {
561        return m_forwardMode;
562    }
564    /**
565     * Returns <code>true</code> if the generated output of the response should
566     * be written to the stream directly.<p>
567     *
568     * @return <code>true</code> if the generated output of the response should be written to the stream directly
569     */
570    public boolean isStreaming() {
572        return m_streaming;
573    }
575    /**
576     * Returns <code>true</code> if this controller was generated as top level controller.<p>
577     *
578     * If a resource (e.g. a JSP) is processed and it's content is included in
579     * another resource, then this will be <code>false</code>.
580     *
581     * @return <code>true</code> if this controller was generated as top level controller
582     *
583     * @see org.opencms.loader.I_CmsResourceLoader#dump(CmsObject, CmsResource, String, java.util.Locale, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
584     * @see org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement#getContent(String)
585     */
586    public boolean isTop() {
588        return m_top;
589    }
591    /**
592     * Removes the topmost request/response pair from the stack.<p>
593     */
594    public void pop() {
596        if ((m_flexRequestList != null) && !m_flexRequestList.isEmpty()) {
597            m_flexRequestList.remove(m_flexRequestList.size() - 1);
598        }
599        if ((m_flexResponseList != null) && !m_flexRequestList.isEmpty()) {
600            m_flexResponseList.remove(m_flexResponseList.size() - 1);
601        }
602        if ((m_flexContextInfoList != null) && !m_flexContextInfoList.isEmpty()) {
603            CmsFlexRequestContextInfo info = m_flexContextInfoList.remove(m_flexContextInfoList.size() - 1);
604            if (m_flexContextInfoList.size() > 0) {
605                (m_flexContextInfoList.get(0)).merge(info);
606                updateRequestContextInfo();
607            }
608        }
609    }
611    /**
612     * Adds another flex request/response pair to the stack.<p>
613     *
614     * @param req the request to add
615     * @param res the response to add
616     */
617    public void push(CmsFlexRequest req, CmsFlexResponse res) {
619        m_flexRequestList.add(req);
620        m_flexResponseList.add(res);
621        m_flexContextInfoList.add(new CmsFlexRequestContextInfo());
622        updateRequestContextInfo();
623    }
625    /**
626     * Removes request attributes which shouldn't be cached in flex cache entries from a map.<p>
627     *
628     * @param attributeMap the map of attributes
629     */
630    public void removeUncacheableAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributeMap) {
632        for (String uncacheableAttribute : uncacheableAttributes) {
633            attributeMap.remove(uncacheableAttribute);
634        }
635        attributeMap.remove(CmsFlexController.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
636        attributeMap.remove(CmsDetailPageResourceHandler.ATTR_DETAIL_CONTENT_RESOURCE);
637        attributeMap.remove(CmsDetailPageResourceHandler.ATTR_DETAIL_FUNCTION_PAGE);
638    }
640    /**
641     * Sets the value of the "forward mode" flag.<p>
642     *
643     * @param value the forward mode to set
644     */
645    public void setForwardMode(boolean value) {
647        m_forwardMode = value;
648    }
650    /**
651     * Sets an exception (Throwable) that was caught during inclusion of sub elements.<p>
652     *
653     * If another exception is already set in this controller, then the additional exception
654     * is ignored.<p>
655     *
656     * @param throwable the exception (Throwable) to set
657     * @param resource the URI of the VFS resource the error occurred on (might be <code>null</code> if unknown)
658     *
659     * @return the exception stored in the controller
660     */
661    public Throwable setThrowable(Throwable throwable, String resource) {
663        if (m_throwable == null) {
664            m_throwable = throwable;
665            m_throwableResourceUri = resource;
666        } else {
667            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
668                if (resource != null) {
669                    LOG.debug(
670                        Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_FLEXCONTROLLER_IGNORED_EXCEPTION_1, resource));
671                } else {
672                    LOG.debug(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_FLEXCONTROLLER_IGNORED_EXCEPTION_0));
673                }
674            }
675        }
676        return m_throwable;
677    }
679    /**
680     * Puts the response in a suspended state.<p>
681     */
682    public void suspendFlexResponse() {
684        for (int i = 0; i < m_flexResponseList.size(); i++) {
685            CmsFlexResponse res = m_flexResponseList.get(i);
686            res.setSuspended(true);
687        }
688    }
690    /**
691     * Updates the "last modified" date and the "expires" date
692     * for all resources read during this request with the given values.<p>
693     *
694     * The currently stored value for "last modified" is only updated with the new value if
695     * the new value is either larger (i.e. newer) then the stored value,
696     * or if the new value is less then zero, which indicates that the "last modified"
697     * optimization can not be used because the element is dynamic.<p>
698     *
699     * The stored "expires" value is only updated if the new value is smaller
700     * then the stored value.<p>
701     *
702     * @param dateLastModified the value to update the "last modified" date with
703     * @param dateExpires the value to update the "expires" date with
704     */
705    public void updateDates(long dateLastModified, long dateExpires) {
707        int pos = m_flexContextInfoList.size() - 1;
708        if (pos < 0) {
709            // ensure a valid position is used
710            return;
711        }
712        (m_flexContextInfoList.get(pos)).updateDates(dateLastModified, dateExpires);
713    }
715    /**
716     * Updates the context info of the request context.<p>
717     */
718    private void updateRequestContextInfo() {
720        if ((m_flexContextInfoList != null) && !m_flexContextInfoList.isEmpty()) {
721            m_cmsObject.getRequestContext().setAttribute(
722                CmsRequestUtil.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED,
723                m_flexContextInfoList.get(m_flexContextInfoList.size() - 1));
724        }
725    }