002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.simplesearch.preconfiguredrestrictions;
030import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.simplesearch.preconfiguredrestrictions.CmsRestrictionRule.MatchType;
031import org.opencms.jsp.search.config.parser.simplesearch.preconfiguredrestrictions.CmsRestrictionsBean.FieldValues.FieldType;
032import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
033import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
035import java.util.Arrays;
036import java.util.Collection;
037import java.util.Collections;
038import java.util.HashMap;
039import java.util.HashSet;
040import java.util.Map;
041import java.util.stream.Collectors;
043import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
044import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils;
046/** Wraps the preconfigured restrictions. */
047public class CmsRestrictionsBean {
049    /** The values in one input field. */
050    public static class FieldValues {
052        /** The type describes how values in that input field should be handled. */
053        public static enum FieldType {
054            /** Use the value as plain Solr input. */
055            PLAIN,
056            /** Use the values in the default way, that is according to the rule configuration. */
057            DEFAULT
058        }
060        /** The field type. */
061        private FieldType m_type;
062        /** The values in the field. */
063        private Collection<String> m_values;
065        /**
066         * Default constructor.
067         * @param type the field type.
068         * @param values the field values.
069         */
070        public FieldValues(FieldType type, Collection<String> values) {
072            m_type = type;
073            m_values = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(values);
074        }
076        /**
077         * Returns the type of the input field.
078         * @return the type of the input field.
079         */
080        public FieldType getFieldType() {
082            return m_type;
083        }
085        /**
086         * Returns the values in the input field.
087         * @return the values in the input field.
088         */
089        public Collection<String> getValues() {
091            return m_values;
092        }
093    }
095    /** The logger for this class. */
096    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsRestrictionsBean.class.getName());
098    /** Constant for the rule to ignore. */
099    private static final String CONST_IGNORED_RULE = "none";
101    /** Constant for the rule rule prefix, if the rule should be just used as plain solr query. */
102    private static final String PREFIX_PLAIN = "plain:";
104    /**
105     * Map from type to rule to values for the rule.
106     * We use this structure to easily generate the solr queries.
107     */
108    private Map<String, Map<CmsRestrictionRule, Collection<FieldValues>>> m_restrictions = new HashMap<>();
110    /**
111     * Add a preconfigured restriction.
112     * @param ruleString the rule for the restriction.
113     * @param values the values for the restriction.
114     */
115    public void addRestriction(String ruleString, Collection<String> values) {
117        // Filter out empty values.
118        Collection<String> realValues = values.stream().map(
119            v -> (v == null) || (v.trim().length() == 0) ? null : v.trim()).filter(v -> v != null).collect(
120                Collectors.toSet());
121        if (realValues.size() > 0) {
122            CmsRestrictionRule rule = null;
123            // This rule has to be ignored - so we do not parse it at all.
124            if (CONST_IGNORED_RULE.equals(ruleString)) {
125                return;
126            }
127            try {
128                rule = CmsRestrictionRuleParser.parseRule(ruleString);
129            } catch (CmsException e) {
130                LOG.warn("Ignoring unparsable restriction rule '" + ruleString + "'.", e);
131                return;
132            }
133            // We know the rule is parsed and ok here.
134            String type = rule.getType();
135            if (null == m_restrictions.get(type)) {
136                m_restrictions.put(type, new HashMap<>());
137            }
138            Map<CmsRestrictionRule, Collection<FieldValues>> mapForType = m_restrictions.get(type);
139            Collection<FieldValues> fieldValues = new HashSet<>(realValues.size());
140            for (String value : realValues) {
141                if (value.startsWith(PREFIX_PLAIN)) {
142                    String realValue = value.substring(PREFIX_PLAIN.length()).trim();
143                    fieldValues.add(new FieldValues(FieldValues.FieldType.PLAIN, Collections.singleton(realValue)));
144                } else if (rule.getMatchType().equals(MatchType.EXACT)) {
145                    fieldValues.add(
146                        new FieldValues(FieldType.DEFAULT, Collections.singleton(ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(value))));
147                } else {
148                    Collection<String> finalValues = (Arrays.asList(value.split(" "))).stream().map(
149                        word -> ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(word.trim())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
150                    fieldValues.add(new FieldValues(FieldValues.FieldType.DEFAULT, finalValues));
151                }
152            }
153            mapForType.put(rule, fieldValues);
154        } else {
155            LOG.debug("Ignoring restriction with rule '" + ruleString + "' since no real values are provided.");
156        }
157    }
159    /**
160     * Returns the restrictions for the provided type.
161     * @param type the type to get the restrictions for.
162     * @return the restrictions for the provided type.
163     */
164    public Map<CmsRestrictionRule, Collection<FieldValues>> getRestrictionsForType(String type) {
166        return m_restrictions.get(type);
167    }
169    /**
170     * Returns a flag, indicating if there are restrictions for the provided type.
171     * @param type the type to check.
172     * @return <code>true</code> iff there are restrictions for the provided type, <code>false</otherwise>.
173     */
174    public boolean hasRestrictionForType(String type) {
176        // If it's not null, it can't be empty since it can only be filled via addRestriction
177        return null != m_restrictions.get(type);
178    }
180    /**
181     * Returns a flag, indicating if there are restrictions at all.
182     * @return <code>true</code> iff there are restrictions, <code>false</otherwise>.
183     */
184    public boolean hasRestrictions() {
186        return m_restrictions.size() > 0;
187    }