002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.workplace.help;
030import org.opencms.configuration.CmsParameterConfiguration;
031import org.opencms.file.CmsProject;
032import org.opencms.file.CmsProperty;
033import org.opencms.file.CmsPropertyDefinition;
034import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
035import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
036import org.opencms.file.CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException;
037import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlPage;
038import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
039import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
040import org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement;
041import org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspNavElement;
042import org.opencms.loader.CmsLoaderException;
043import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
044import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
045import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
046import org.opencms.security.CmsRole;
047import org.opencms.security.CmsRoleViolationException;
048import org.opencms.staticexport.CmsLinkManager;
049import org.opencms.util.CmsMacroResolver;
050import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
051import org.opencms.workplace.CmsDialog;
052import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace;
053import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceSettings;
055import java.io.IOException;
056import java.util.Iterator;
057import java.util.List;
058import java.util.Locale;
059import java.util.Map;
061import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
062import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
063import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
065import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
068 * The bean that provides methods to build the HTML for the single online help frames.<p>
069 *
070 * <h4>Things to know</h4>
071 * <ul>
072 *  <li>
073 *  Online help will only work with resources of type xmlpage.
074 *  <li>
075 *  Content pages with a property <em>"template-elements"</em> set to a path of a ressource (jsp, page,...)
076 *  will get the content produced by <code>{@link org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement#getContent(String)}</code>
077 * appended after their own output. This allows to use jsp's in the online help template.
078 * </ul>
079 *
080 * @since 6.0.0
081 */
082public class CmsHelpTemplateBean extends CmsDialog {
084    /** File name of the default help file to load. */
085    public static final String DEFAULT_HELPFILE = "index.html";
087    /** File name of the help mappings properties file(s). */
088    public static final String HELPMAPPINGS_FILENAME = "mappings_"
089        + "${"
090        + CmsMacroResolver.KEY_REQUEST_LOCALE
091        + "}.properties";
093    /** The name of the help module. */
094    public static final String MODULE_NAME = "org.opencms.workplace.help";
096    /** Request parameter name for the buildframe flag parameter. */
097    public static final String PARAM_BUILDFRAME = "buildframe";
099    /** Request parameter name for the helpresource uri. */
100    public static final String PARAM_HELPRESOURCE = "helpresource";
102    /** Request parameter name for the homelink in head frame. */
103    public static final String PARAM_HOMELINK = "homelink";
105    /** Request parameter name for the workplaceresource uri. */
106    public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACERESOURCE = "workplaceresource";
108    /** VFS path to the help folder, contains a macro for the Locale which has to be resolved. */
109    public static final String PATH_HELP = CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_LOCALES
110        + "${"
111        + CmsMacroResolver.KEY_REQUEST_LOCALE
112        + "}/help/";
114    /** Value of the NavInfo property indicating the start folder of the help. */
115    public static final String PROPERTY_VALUE_HELPSTART = "help.start";
117    /** Relative RFS path of the help mappings property file(s). */
118    public static final String RFS_HELPMAPPINGS = "classes/"
119        + MODULE_NAME.replace('.', '/')
120        + "/"
123    /** Absolute path to used JSP templates. */
124    public static final String TEMPLATEPATH = CmsWorkplace.VFS_PATH_MODULES + MODULE_NAME + "/jsptemplates/";
126    /** The log object for this class. */
127    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsHelpTemplateBean.class);
129    /** The online project that is switched to whenever body content is processed that should not be exported. */
130    private CmsProject m_offlineProject;
132    /** The online project that is switched to whenever body content is processed that shall be exported. */
133    private CmsProject m_onlineProject;
135    /** Request parameter for the help build frameset flag. */
136    private String m_paramBuildframe;
138    /** Request parameter for the help resource to display. */
139    private String m_paramHelpresource;
141    /** Request parameter for the home link to use in the head frame. */
142    private String m_paramHomelink;
144    /** Request parameter for the current workplace resource. */
145    private String m_paramWorkplaceresource;
147    /**
148     * Public constructor with JSP action element.<p>
149     *
150     * @param jsp an initialized JSP action element
151     */
152    public CmsHelpTemplateBean(CmsJspActionElement jsp) {
154        super(jsp);
156        try {
157            m_onlineProject = getCms().readProject(CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_ID);
158            m_offlineProject = jsp.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject();
159        } catch (CmsException e) {
160            // failed to get online project
161            m_onlineProject = getCms().getRequestContext().getCurrentProject();
162        }
163    }
165    /**
166     * Public constructor with JSP variables.<p>
167     *
168     * @param context the JSP page context
169     * @param req the JSP request
170     * @param res the JSP response
171     */
172    public CmsHelpTemplateBean(PageContext context, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
174        this(new CmsJspActionElement(context, req, res));
175    }
177    /**
178     * Returns the java script method to open the online help window.<p>
179     *
180     * @param locale the current users workplace Locale
181     * @return the java script method to open the online help window
182     */
183    public static String buildOnlineHelpJavaScript(Locale locale) {
185        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(16);
187        // the online help invoker: opens documentation central in a new window.
188        result.append("function openOnlineHelp() {\n");
189        result.append("\twindow.open('http://documentation.opencms.org/central/','_blank');\n");
190        result.append("}\n");
192        String s = result.toString();
193        return s;
194    }
196    /**
197     * Returns the HTML for the end of the page.<p>
198     *
199     * @return the HTML for the end of the page
200     */
201    public String buildHtmlHelpEnd() {
203        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(4);
204        result.append("</body>\n");
205        result.append("</html>");
206        return result.toString();
207    }
209    /**
210     * Returns the HTML for the start of the page.<p>
211     *
212     * @param cssFile the CSS file name to use
213     * @param transitional if true, transitional doctype is used
214     * @return the HTML for the start of the page
215     */
216    public String buildHtmlHelpStart(String cssFile, boolean transitional) {
218        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(8);
219        if (transitional) {
220            result.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n");
221        } else {
222            result.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n");
223        }
224        result.append("<html>\n");
225        result.append("<head>\n");
226        result.append("\t<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=utf-8");
227        result.append("\">\n");
228        result.append("\t<title>");
229        if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(getParamHelpresource())) {
230            result.append(getJsp().property(
231                CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE,
232                getParamHelpresource(),
233                key(Messages.GUI_HELP_FRAMESET_TITLE_0)));
234        } else {
235            result.append(key(Messages.GUI_HELP_FRAMESET_TITLE_0));
236        }
237        result.append("</title>\n");
238        result.append("\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"");
239        result.append(getStyleUri(getJsp(), cssFile)).append("\">\n");
240        result.append("</head>\n");
241        return result.toString();
242    }
244    /**
245     * Returns the HTML for the body frame of the online help.<p>
246     *
247     * @return the HTML for the body frame of the online help
248     */
249    public String displayBody() {
251        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(256);
253        // change to online project to allow static export
254        try {
255            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
256            result.append(buildHtmlHelpStart("onlinehelp.css", true));
257            result.append("<body>\n");
258            result.append("<a name=\"top\"></a>\n");
259            result.append("<table class=\"helpcontent\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
260            result.append("<tr>\n");
261            result.append("\t<td class=\"helpnav\">\n");
262            result.append(
263                "\t\t<a class=\"navhelphead\" href=\"javascript:top.body.location.href=top.head.homeLink;\">");
264            result.append(key(Messages.GUI_HELP_NAVIGATION_HEAD_0));
265            result.append("</a>\n");
266            result.append(buildHtmlHelpNavigation());
267            result.append("</td>\n");
268            result.append("\t<td class=\"helpcontent\">\n");
269            result.append("\t\t<h1>");
270            result.append(
271                getJsp().property(
272                    CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE,
273                    getParamHelpresource(),
274                    key(Messages.GUI_HELP_FRAMESET_TITLE_0)));
275            result.append("</h1>\n");
276            // print navigation if property template-elements is set to sitemap
277            result.append(getJsp().getContent(getParamHelpresource(), "body", getLocale()));
278            try {
279                // additionally allow appending content of dynamic pages whose path may be specified
280                // as value of property PROPERTY_TEMPLATE_ELEMENTS (currently sitemap.jsp and search.jsp are used)
281                CmsProperty elements = getCms().readPropertyObject(
282                    getParamHelpresource(),
283                    CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TEMPLATE_ELEMENTS,
284                    false);
285                if (!elements.isNullProperty()) {
286                    try {
287                        // trigger an exception here as getContent won't throw anything!
288                        getJsp().getCmsObject().readFile(elements.getValue());
289                        // Ok, ressource exists: switsch from the online project to turn of static export links.
290                        String elementName = elements.getValue();
291                        // check, wether the "dynamic resource" wants to be exported or not:
292                        boolean export = false;
293                        CmsProperty exportProp = getCms().readPropertyObject(
294                            elementName,
295                            CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_EXPORT,
296                            true);
298                        if (!exportProp.isNullProperty()) {
299                            export = Boolean.valueOf(exportProp.getValue(CmsStringUtil.FALSE)).booleanValue();
300                        }
301                        if (!export) {
302                            // switch back from online project to avoid export:
303                            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_offlineProject);
304                        }
305                        result.append(getJsp().getContent(elements.getValue()));
307                    } catch (Throwable t) {
308                        CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e2 = new CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException(
309                            Messages.get().container(
310                                Messages.GUI_HELP_ERR_CONTENT_APPEND_2,
311                                getParamHelpresource(),
312                                elements.getValue(),
313                                CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TEMPLATE_ELEMENTS),
314                            t);
315                        throw e2;
316                    }
317                }
318            } catch (CmsException e1) {
320                if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
321                    LOG.error(e1);
322                }
323                result.append("<br>\n<div class=\"dialogerror\">");
324                // getLocale() does not work in this context!?!
325                result.append(e1.getMessageContainer().key(Locale.GERMAN));
326                result.append("</div>");
327            }
328            result.append("\t</td>\n");
329            result.append("</tr>\n");
330            result.append("</table>\n");
331            result.append(buildHtmlHelpEnd());
332            return result.toString();
333        } finally {
334            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_offlineProject);
335        }
336    }
338    /**
339     * Returns the HTML for the head frame of the online help.<p>
340     *
341     * @return the HTML for the head frame of the online help
342     */
343    public String displayHead() {
345        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(2048);
347        int buttonStyle = getSettings().getUserSettings().getWorkplaceButtonStyle();
349        // change to online project to allow exporting
350        try {
351            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
352            String resourcePath = getJsp().link("/system/modules/" + MODULE_NAME + "/resources/");
354            result.append(buildHtmlHelpStart("workplace.css", false));
355            result.append("<body class=\"buttons-head\" unselectable=\"on\">\n");
356            result.append("<script  src=\"");
357            result.append(getJsp().link("/system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/resources/search.js"));
358            result.append("\"></script>\n");
360            // store home link in JS variable to use it in body frame
361            result.append("<script >\n<!--\n");
362            result.append("\tvar homeLink = \"");
363            result.append(CmsEncoder.escapeXml(getParamHomelink()));
364            result.append("\";\n\n");
365            result.append("//-->\n</script>\n");
367            // search form with invisible elements
369            // search index may be attached to resource /system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/elements/search.jsp,
370            // property search.index.
371            String index = getJsp().property(
372                "search.index",
373                "/system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/elements/search.jsp",
374                "German online help",
375                false);
376            StringBuffer submitAction = new StringBuffer();
377            submitAction.append("parseSearchQuery(document.forms[\'searchform\'],\'");
378            submitAction.append(
379                Messages.get().getBundle(getLocale()).key(
380                    Messages.GUI_HELP_ERR_SEARCH_WORD_LENGTH_1,
381                    Integer.valueOf(3))).append("\');");
383            result.append("<form style=\"margin: 0;\" name=\"searchform\" method=\"post\" action=\"");
384            String searchLink = getJsp().link(
385                new StringBuffer("/system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/elements/search.jsp?").append(
386                    CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE).append("=").append(getLocale()).toString());
387            result.append(searchLink);
388            result.append("\" target=\"body\"");
389            result.append(" onsubmit=\"");
390            result.append(submitAction.toString());
391            result.append("\">\n");
392            result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"search\" />\n");
393            result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"query\" value=\"\" />\n");
394            result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\" value=\"" + index + "\" />\n");
395            result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"searchPage\" value=\"1\" />\n");
397            result.append("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
398            result.append("<tr>\n");
399            result.append("\t<td align=\"left\">\n");
401            // display navigation buttons
402            result.append(buttonBar(HTML_START));
403            result.append(buttonBarStartTab(0, 5));
404            result.append(button(
405                "javascript:history.back();",
406                null,
407                "back.png",
408                org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_BACK_0,
409                buttonStyle,
410                resourcePath));
411            result.append(button(
412                "javascript:history.forward();",
413                null,
414                "next.png",
415                org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_NEXT_0,
416                buttonStyle,
417                resourcePath));
419            result.append(button(
420                "javascript:top.body.location.href='" + CmsEncoder.escapeXml(getParamHomelink()) + "';",
421                null,
422                "contents.png",
423                org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_CONTENTS_0,
424                buttonStyle,
425                resourcePath));
426            //search
427            result.append("<td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">");
428            result.append("<input type=\"text\" name=\"query2\" class=\"onlineform\" style=\"width: 120px\" value=\"");
429            result.append("");
430            result.append(" \">");
431            result.append("</td>\n");
433            result.append(
434                button(
435                    new StringBuffer("javascript:").append(submitAction.toString()).toString(),
436                    null,
437                    null,
438                    org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_SEARCH_0,
439                    2,
440                    null));
442            result.append(buttonBar(HTML_END));
444            result.append("</td>\n");
445            result.append("\t<td align=\"right\" width=\"100%\">\n");
447            // display close button
448            result.append(buttonBar(HTML_START));
449            result.append(buttonBarSeparator(5, 0));
450            result.append(button(
451                "javascript:top.close();",
452                null,
453                "close",
454                org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_CLOSE_0,
455                buttonStyle,
456                resourcePath));
457            result.append(buttonBar(HTML_END));
459            result.append("\t</td>\n");
460            result.append("\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n");
461            result.append("<td>");
463            // display logo
464            result.append("<span style=\"display: block; width: 80px; height: 22px; background-image: url(\'");
465            result.append(getSkinUri());
466            result.append("commons/workplace.png");
467            result.append("\'); \"></span>");
468            result.append("</td>");
469            result.append("</tr>\n");
470            result.append("</table>\n");
471            result.append("</form>\n");
472            result.append(buildHtmlHelpEnd());
474            return result.toString();
475        } finally {
476            // set back to offline project
477            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_offlineProject);
478        }
479    }
481    /**
482     * Generates the HTML for the online help frameset or redirects to the help body, depending on the build frameset flag.<p>
483     *
484     * @return the HTML for the online help frameset or an empty String (redirect)
485     * @throws IOException if redirection fails
486     */
487    public String displayHelp() throws IOException {
489        String result = "";
490        // change to online project to allow static export / export links
491        try {
492            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
494            if (isBuildFrameset()) {
495                // build the online help frameset
496                result = displayFrameset();
497            } else {
498                // redirect to the help body
499                StringBuffer bodyLink = new StringBuffer(8);
500                bodyLink.append(TEMPLATEPATH);
501                bodyLink.append("help_body.jsp?");
502                bodyLink.append(CmsHelpTemplateBean.PARAM_HELPRESOURCE);
503                bodyLink.append("=");
504                bodyLink.append(getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri());
505                bodyLink.append("&");
506                bodyLink.append(CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE);
507                bodyLink.append("=");
508                bodyLink.append(getLocale());
509                // add the other parameters too!
510                String bodyLinkWithParams = attachRequestString(bodyLink.toString());
511                String redirectLink = getJsp().link(bodyLinkWithParams);
512                // set back to current project
513                getJsp().getResponse().sendRedirect(redirectLink);
514            }
515            return result;
516        } finally {
517            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
518        }
519    }
521    /**
522     * Returns the buildframe parameter indicating if the frameset should be generated.<p>
523     *
524     * @return the buildframe parameter indicating if the frameset should be generated
525     */
526    public String getParamBuildframe() {
528        return m_paramBuildframe;
529    }
531    /**
532     * Returns the helpresource parameter value.<p>
533     *
534     * @return the helpresource parameter value
535     */
536    public String getParamHelpresource() {
538        if (m_paramHelpresource == null) {
539            m_paramHelpresource = resolveMacros(PATH_HELP) + DEFAULT_HELPFILE;
540        }
542        return m_paramHelpresource;
543    }
545    /**
546     * Returns the homelink parameter value.<p>
547     *
548     * @return the homelink parameter value
549     */
550    public String getParamHomelink() {
552        return m_paramHomelink;
553    }
555    /**
556     * Returns the workplaceresource parameter value.<p>
557     *
558     * @return the workplaceresource parameter value
559     */
560    public String getParamWorkplaceresource() {
562        return m_paramWorkplaceresource;
563    }
565    /**
566     * Sets the buildframe parameter indicating if the frameset should be generated.<p>
567     *
568     * @param buildframe the buildframe parameter indicating if the frameset should be generated
569     */
570    public void setParamBuildframe(String buildframe) {
572        m_paramBuildframe = buildframe;
573    }
575    /**
576     * Sets the helpresource parameter value.<p>
577     *
578     * @param helpresource the helpresource parameter value
579     */
580    public void setParamHelpresource(String helpresource) {
582        m_paramHelpresource = helpresource;
583    }
585    /**
586     * Sets the homelink parameter value.<p>
587     *
588     * @param homelink the homelink parameter value
589     */
590    public void setParamHomelink(String homelink) {
592        m_paramHomelink = homelink;
593    }
595    /**
596     * Sets the workplaceresource parameter value.<p>
597     *
598     * @param workplaceresource the workplaceresource parameter value
599     */
600    public void setParamWorkplaceresource(String workplaceresource) {
602        m_paramWorkplaceresource = workplaceresource;
603    }
605    /**
606     * Returns the HTML to build the navigation of the online help folder.<p>
607     *
608     * @return the HTML to build the navigation of the online help folder
609     */
610    protected String buildHtmlHelpNavigation() {
612        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(512);
613        // determine current URI
614        String currentUri = getParamHelpresource();
615        // ignore ressources outside content folder: e.g. the search.html which
616        // is in the general help module and not the german or english online help folder.
617        if ((currentUri == null) || (currentUri.indexOf("/workplace/locales/") == -1)) {
618            // BUG!: getLocale().getLanguage() -> getCms().getRequestContext().getLocale() returns "en"!
619            //currentUri = "/system/workplace/locales/" + getLocale().getLanguage() + "/help/";
620            currentUri = resolveMacros(PATH_HELP) + DEFAULT_HELPFILE;
621        }
622        // determine level of help start folder
623        int helpLevel = CmsResource.getPathLevel(PATH_HELP);
625        // get a list of all pages / subfolders in the help folder
626        List<CmsJspNavElement> navList = getJsp().getNavigation().getNavigationTreeForFolder(currentUri, helpLevel, 99);
627        Iterator<CmsJspNavElement> i = navList.iterator();
629        while (i.hasNext()) {
630            CmsJspNavElement nav = i.next();
631            // calculate level to display
632            int level = nav.getNavTreeLevel() - (helpLevel - 1);
633            if (nav.getResourceName().equals(currentUri)
634                || (nav.isFolderLink() && currentUri.equals(nav.getResourceName() + "index.html"))) {
635                result.append("\t\t<span class=\"navhelpcurrent\" style=\"padding-left: ");
636                result.append(level * 10);
637                result.append("px; background-position: ");
638                result.append((level - 1) * 10);
639                result.append("px 1px;\">");
640                result.append(nav.getNavText());
641                result.append("</span><br style=\"clear:left\">\n");
642            } else {
643                result.append("\t\t<a class=\"navhelp\" style=\"padding-left: ");
644                result.append(level * 10);
645                result.append("px; background-position: ");
646                result.append((level - 1) * 10);
647                result.append("px 1px;\" href=\"");
648                if (nav.isFolderLink()) {
649                    // append file name to folder links to avoid static export issues
650                    result.append(
651                        getJsp().link(
652                            "/system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/jsptemplates/help_body.jsp?helpresource="
653                                + nav.getResourceName()
654                                + "index.html&"
655                                + CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE
656                                + "="
657                                + getLocale()));
658                } else {
659                    result.append(getJsp().link(
660                        "/system/modules/org.opencms.workplace.help/jsptemplates/help_body.jsp?helpresource="
661                            + nav.getResourceName()
662                            + "&"
663                            + CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE
664                            + "="
665                            + getLocale()));
666                    //                    result.append(getJsp().link(nav.getResourceName()));
667                }
668                result.append("\">");
669                result.append(nav.getNavText());
670                result.append("</a><br style=\"clear:left\">\n");
671            }
672        }
673        return result.toString();
674    }
676    /**
677     * @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace#checkRole()
678     */
679    @Override
680    protected void checkRole() throws CmsRoleViolationException {
682        // needed since these pages are static exported
683        if (!OpenCms.getDefaultUsers().isUserExport(getCms().getRequestContext().getCurrentUser().getName())) {
684            // only for users that are not the export user
685            OpenCms.getRoleManager().checkRole(getCms(), CmsRole.WORKPLACE_USER);
686        }
687    }
689    /**
690     * Returns the HTML to build the frameset for the online help popup window.<p>
691     *
692     * @return the HTML to build the frameset for the online help popup window
693     */
694    protected String displayFrameset() {
696        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(8);
697        result.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n");
698        result.append("<html>\n");
699        result.append("<head>\n");
700        result.append("\t<title>");
701        result.append(key(Messages.GUI_HELP_FRAMESET_TITLE_0));
702        result.append("</title>\n");
704        // script to avoid frameset display errors
705        result.append("<script >\n<!--\n");
706        result.append("\t if (window.name == \"body\") {\n");
707        result.append("\t\ttop.location.href = \"" + getJsp().link(getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri()) + "\";\n");
708        result.append("\t}\n");
709        result.append("//-->\n</script>\n");
710        result.append("<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n");
712        result.append("</head>\n\n");
713        result.append("<frameset rows=\"24,*\" border=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n");
714        result.append("\t<frame name=\"head\" src=\"");
716        StringBuffer headLink = new StringBuffer(8);
717        headLink.append(TEMPLATEPATH);
718        headLink.append("help_head.jsp?");
719        headLink.append(CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE);
720        headLink.append("=");
721        headLink.append(getLocale());
722        headLink.append("&");
723        headLink.append(PARAM_HOMELINK);
724        headLink.append("=");
725        headLink.append(getParamHomelink());
726        result.append(CmsEncoder.escapeXml(getJsp().link(attachRequestString(headLink.toString()))));
727        result.append("\" scrolling=\"no\" noresize>\n");
728        result.append("\t<frame name=\"body\" src=\"");
729        StringBuffer bodyLink = new StringBuffer(8);
730        bodyLink.append(TEMPLATEPATH);
731        bodyLink.append("help_body.jsp?");
732        bodyLink.append(CmsHelpTemplateBean.PARAM_HELPRESOURCE);
733        bodyLink.append("=");
734        bodyLink.append(getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri());
735        bodyLink.append("&");
736        bodyLink.append(CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE);
737        bodyLink.append("=");
738        bodyLink.append(getLocale());
739        result.append(getJsp().link(bodyLink.toString()));
740        result.append("\" scrolling=\"auto\" noresize>\n");
741        result.append("</frameset>\n\n");
742        result.append("<body></body>\n");
743        result.append("</html>");
745        return result.toString();
746    }
748    /**
749     * Determines the mapped help page for a given workplace resource URI.<p>
750     *
751     * If a mapping information is found, the requested URI is set to the found value.<p>
752     *
753     * If no workplace resource URI is given, nothing is changed.<p>
754     */
755    protected void getMappedHelpUri() {
757        try {
758            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
759            if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(getParamWorkplaceresource())) {
760                // found a workplace resource parameter, try to get a mapping for it
761                String helpResource = null;
762                String wpResource = getParamWorkplaceresource();
763                int xmlPageId;
764                try {
765                    xmlPageId = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(
766                        CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.getStaticTypeName()).getTypeId();
767                } catch (CmsLoaderException e1) {
768                    xmlPageId = CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.getStaticTypeId();
769                }
770                if (getCms().existsResource(
771                    resolveMacros(getParamWorkplaceresource()),
772                    CmsResourceFilter.requireType(xmlPageId))) {
773                    // given workplace resource is a page in VFS, use it as start point
774                    helpResource = resolveMacros(getParamWorkplaceresource());
775                    setParamHomelink(getJsp().link(helpResource));
776                } else {
777                    // given workplace resource does not exist, resolve mapping
778                    try {
780                        // try to read the mappings from the current module
781                        String absolutePath = OpenCms.getSystemInfo().getAbsoluteRfsPathRelativeToWebInf(
782                            resolveMacros(RFS_HELPMAPPINGS));
783                        CmsParameterConfiguration props = new CmsParameterConfiguration(absolutePath);
785                        // remove context from workplace path
786                        wpResource = CmsLinkManager.removeOpenCmsContext(wpResource);
788                        // determine mapping for workplace resource
789                        while ((wpResource != null) && CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(helpResource)) {
790                            helpResource = props.getString(wpResource, null);
791                            wpResource = CmsResource.getParentFolder(wpResource);
792                        }
793                    } catch (IOException e) {
794                        // no mappings found in module, ignore
795                    }
797                    if (CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(helpResource)) {
798                        // no mapping found, use default help URI
799                        helpResource = DEFAULT_HELPFILE;
800                    }
801                    // create path to the help resource
802                    helpResource = resolveMacros(PATH_HELP) + helpResource;
803                    if (!getCms().existsResource(helpResource, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)) {
804                        helpResource = resolveMacros(PATH_HELP) + DEFAULT_HELPFILE;
805                    }
806                    setParamHomelink(getJsp().link(resolveMacros(PATH_HELP) + DEFAULT_HELPFILE));
807                }
808                // set URI to found help page URI
809                getJsp().getRequestContext().setUri(helpResource);
810            }
812        } finally {
813            getJsp().getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_offlineProject);
814        }
815    }
817    /**
818     * @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace#initWorkplaceRequestValues(org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceSettings, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
819     */
820    @Override
821    protected void initWorkplaceRequestValues(CmsWorkplaceSettings settings, HttpServletRequest request) {
823        // fill the parameter values in the get/set methods
824        fillParamValues(request);
826        // determine initial page to show on frameset generation
827        if (isBuildFrameset()) {
828            // get the mapped URI
829            getMappedHelpUri();
830        }
831    }
833    /**
834     * Returns true if the online help frameset has to be generated.<p>
835     *
836     * @return true if the online help frameset has to be generated, otherwise false
837     */
838    protected boolean isBuildFrameset() {
840        return Boolean.valueOf(getParamBuildframe()).booleanValue();
841    }
843    /**
844     * Attaches the resource name to the request as parameter.<p>
845     *
846     * @param resourceName a name of a resource
847     *
848     * @return The given resource name with additional request parameter concatenations of the
849     *         current request on this <code>CmsDialog</code>
850     */
851    private String attachRequestString(String resourceName) {
853        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(resourceName);
854        boolean firstParam = true;
855        if (resourceName.indexOf('?') == -1) {
856            // no params in uri yet?
857            result.append('?');
858        } else {
859            firstParam = false;
860        }
862        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
863        Map<String, String[]> params = getJsp().getRequest().getParameterMap();
864        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String[]>> it = params.entrySet().iterator();
865        String[] values = null;
866        while (it.hasNext()) {
867            if (values == null) {
868                // first iteration: check if params before so an & has to be used.
869                if (!firstParam) {
870                    result.append('&');
871                }
872            } else {
873                result.append("&");
874            }
875            Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry = it.next();
876            result.append(entry.getKey().toString()).append('=');
877            values = entry.getValue();
878            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
879                result.append(values[i]);
880                if ((i + 1) < values.length) {
881                    result.append(',');
882                }
883            }
884        }
885        return result.toString();
886    }