002 * This library is part of OpenCms -
003 * the Open Source Content Management System
004 *
005 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
006 *
007 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011 *
012 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 * For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG, please see the
018 * company website: http://www.alkacon.com
019 *
020 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
021 * project website: http://www.opencms.org
022 *
023 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
024 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
025 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
026 */
028package org.opencms.workplace.tools.searchindex;
030import org.opencms.file.CmsProject;
031import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
032import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
033import org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages;
034import org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement;
035import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
036import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
037import org.opencms.search.CmsSearch;
038import org.opencms.search.CmsSearchResult;
039import org.opencms.search.fields.CmsSearchField;
040import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
041import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWidgetDialog;
043import java.util.Collections;
044import java.util.Iterator;
045import java.util.List;
046import java.util.Locale;
047import java.util.Map;
048import java.util.SortedMap;
049import java.util.StringTokenizer;
050import java.util.TreeMap;
052import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
053import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
054import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
057 * Displays the result of a <code>{@link org.opencms.search.CmsSearch}</code>.<p>
058 *
059 * Requires the following request parameters (see constructor):
060 * <ul>
061 *  <li>
062 *  index:<br>the String identifying the required search index.
063 *  <li>
064 *  query:<br>the search query to run.
065 * </ul>
066 * <p>
067 *
068 * @since 6.0.0
069 */
070public class CmsSearchResultView {
072    /**
073     * A simple wrapper around html for a form and it's name for value
074     * side of form cache, necessary as order in Map is arbitrary,
075     * SortedMap unusable as backlinks have higher order, lower formname... <p>
076     */
077    private final class HTMLForm {
079        /** The html of the generated form. **/
080        String m_formHtml;
082        /** The name of the generated form. **/
083        String m_formName;
085        /**
086         * Creates an instance with the given formname and the given html code for the form. <p>
087         *
088         * @param formName the form name of the form
089         * @param formHtml the form html of the form
090         */
091        HTMLForm(String formName, String formHtml) {
093            m_formName = formName;
094            m_formHtml = formHtml;
095        }
097        /**
098         * Returns the form html.<p>
099         *
100         * @return the form html
101         *
102         * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
103         */
104        @Override
105        public String toString() {
107            return m_formHtml;
108        }
109    }
111    /** The project that forces evaluation of all dynamic content. */
112    protected CmsProject m_offlineProject;
114    /** The project that allows static export. */
115    protected CmsProject m_onlineProject;
117    /** The flag that decides whether links to search result point to their exported version or not. */
118    private boolean m_exportLinks;
120    /**
121     * A small cache for the forms generated by <code>{@link #toPostParameters(String, CmsSearch)}</code> during a request. <p>
122     *
123     * Avoids duplicate forms.<p>
124     */
125    private SortedMap<String, HTMLForm> m_formCache;
127    /** The CmsJspActionElement to use. **/
128    private CmsJspActionElement m_jsp;
130    /** The url to a proprietary search url (different from m_jsp.getRequestContext().getUri). **/
131    private String m_searchRessourceUrl;
133    /**
134     * Constructor with the action element to use. <p>
135     *
136     * @param action the action element to use
137     */
138    public CmsSearchResultView(CmsJspActionElement action) {
140        m_jsp = action;
141        m_formCache = new TreeMap<String, HTMLForm>();
142        try {
143            m_onlineProject = m_jsp.getCmsObject().readProject(CmsProject.ONLINE_PROJECT_ID);
144            m_offlineProject = m_jsp.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject();
145        } catch (CmsException e) {
146            // failed to get online project, at least avoid NPE
147            m_onlineProject = m_offlineProject;
148        }
150    }
152    /**
153     * Constructor with arguments for construction of a <code>{@link CmsJspActionElement}</code>. <p>
154     *
155     * @param pageContext the page context to use
156     * @param request the current request
157     * @param response the current response
158     */
159    public CmsSearchResultView(PageContext pageContext, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
161        this(new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response));
163    }
165    /**
166     * Returns the formatted search results.<p>
167     *
168     * @param search the pre-configured search bean
169     * @return the formatted search results
170     */
171    public String displaySearchResult(CmsSearch search) {
173        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(800);
174        Locale locale = m_jsp.getRequestContext().getLocale();
175        CmsMessages messages = org.opencms.search.Messages.get().getBundle(locale);
177        result.append("<h3>\n");
178        result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_RESULT_TITLE_0));
179        result.append("\n</h1>\n");
180        List<CmsSearchResult> searchResult;
181        if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(search.getQuery())) {
182            search.setQuery("");
183            searchResult = Collections.emptyList();
184        } else {
185            search.setMatchesPerPage(5);
186            searchResult = search.getSearchResult();
187        }
189        HttpServletRequest request = m_jsp.getRequest();
190        // get the action to perform from the request
191        String action = request.getParameter("action");
193        if ((action != null) && (searchResult == null)) {
194            result.append("<p class=\"formerror\">\n");
195            if (search.getLastException() != null) {
197                result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_UNAVAILABLE_0));
198                result.append("\n<!-- ").append(search.getLastException().toString());
199                result.append(" //-->\n");
200            } else {
201                result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_NOMATCH_1, search.getQuery()));
202                result.append("\n");
203            }
204            result.append("</p>\n");
205        } else if ((action != null) && (searchResult.size() <= 0)) {
206            result.append("<p class=\"formerror\">\n");
207            result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_NOMATCH_1, search.getQuery()));
208            result.append("\n");
209            result.append("</p>\n");
210        } else if ((action != null) && (searchResult.size() > 0)) {
211            result.append("<p>\n");
212            result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_RESULT_START_0));
213            result.append("\n");
214            result.append("</p>\n<p>\n");
216            Iterator<CmsSearchResult> iterator = searchResult.iterator();
218            try {
219                if (m_exportLinks) {
220                    m_jsp.getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_onlineProject);
221                }
223                String name;
224                String path;
225                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
226                    CmsSearchResult entry = iterator.next();
227                    result.append("\n<div class=\"searchResult\">");
228                    result.append("<a class=\"navhelp\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:window.open('");
229                    // CmsJspActionElement.link() is not programmed for using from root site
230                    // because it assumes the "default CmsSite" when no configured site matches the
231                    // root site "/":
232                    if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(m_jsp.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot())) {
233                        // link will always cut off "/sites/default" if we are in the
234                        // root site, this call is only used to get the scheme, host, context name and servlet name...
235                        path = m_jsp.link(OpenCms.getSiteManager().getDefaultSite().getSiteRoot() + "/")
236                            + entry.getPath().substring(1);
237                    } else {
238                        path = m_jsp.link(entry.getPath());
239                    }
240                    result.append(path);
241                    result.append(
242                        "', '_blank', 'width='+screen.availWidth+', height='+ screen.availHeight+', scrollbars=yes, menubar=yes, toolbar=yes')\"");
243                    result.append("\">\n");
244                    name = entry.getField(CmsSearchField.FIELD_TITLE);
245                    if (name == null) {
246                        name = entry.getPath();
247                    }
248                    result.append(name);
249                    result.append("</a>");
250                    result.append("&nbsp;(").append(entry.getScore()).append("&nbsp;%)\n");
252                    result.append("<span class=\"searchExcerpt\">\n");
253                    String excerptString = entry.getExcerpt();
254                    if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(excerptString)) {
255                        result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_SEARCH_EXCERPT_UNAVAILABLE_0));
256                    } else {
257                        result.append(excerptString).append('\n');
258                    }
259                    result.append("</span>\n");
260                    result.append("</div>\n");
261                }
262            } finally {
263                m_jsp.getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(m_offlineProject);
264            }
266            result.append("</p>\n");
268            // search page links below results
269            if ((search.getPreviousUrl() != null) || (search.getNextUrl() != null)) {
270                result.append("<p>");
271                if (search.getPreviousUrl() != null) {
273                    result.append("<a class=\"searchlink\" href=\"");
274                    result.append(
275                        getSearchPageLink(
276                            m_jsp.link(new StringBuffer(search.getPreviousUrl()).append('&').append(
277                                CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE).append("=").append(
278                                    m_jsp.getRequestContext().getLocale()).toString()),
279                            search));
280                    result.append("\">");
281                    result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_BACK_0));
282                    result.append(" &lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n");
283                }
284                Map<Integer, String> pageLinks = search.getPageLinks();
285                Iterator<Integer> i = pageLinks.keySet().iterator();
286                while (i.hasNext()) {
287                    int pageNumber = (i.next()).intValue();
289                    result.append(" ");
290                    if (pageNumber != search.getSearchPage()) {
291                        result.append("<a class=\"searchlink\" href=\"").append(
292                            getSearchPageLink(
293                                m_jsp.link(new StringBuffer(pageLinks.get(Integer.valueOf(pageNumber))).append('&').append(
294                                    CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE).append("=").append(
295                                        m_jsp.getRequestContext().getLocale()).toString()),
296                                search));
297                        result.append("\" target=\"_self\">").append(pageNumber).append("</a>\n");
298                    } else {
299                        result.append(pageNumber);
300                    }
301                }
302                if (search.getNextUrl() != null) {
303                    result.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\"searchlink\" href=\"");
304                    result.append(
305                        getSearchPageLink(
306                            new StringBuffer(m_jsp.link(search.getNextUrl())).append('&').append(
307                                CmsLocaleManager.PARAMETER_LOCALE).append("=").append(
308                                    m_jsp.getRequestContext().getLocale()).toString(),
309                            search));
310                    result.append("\">&gt;&gt;");
311                    result.append(messages.key(org.opencms.search.Messages.GUI_HELP_BUTTON_NEXT_0));
312                    result.append("</a>\n");
313                }
314                result.append("</p>\n");
315            }
317        }
319        // include the post forms for the page links:
320        Iterator<HTMLForm> values = m_formCache.values().iterator();
321        while (values.hasNext()) {
322            result.append(values.next());
323        }
324        return result.toString();
326    }
328    /**
329     * Returns true if the links to search results shall point to exported content, false else. <p>
330     * @return true if the links to search results shall point to exported content, false else
331     */
332    public boolean isExportLinks() {
334        return m_exportLinks;
335    }
337    /**
338     * Set wether the links to search results point to exported content or not. <p>
339     *
340     * @param exportLinks The value that decides Set wether the links to search results point to exported content or not.
341     */
342    public void setExportLinks(boolean exportLinks) {
344        m_exportLinks = exportLinks;
345    }
347    /**
348     * Set a proprietary resource uri for the search page. <p>
349     *
350     * This is optional but allows to override the standard search result links
351     * (for next or previous pages) that point to
352     * <code>getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri()</code> whenever the search
353     * uri is element of some template and should not be linked directly.<p>
354     *
355     * @param uri the proprietary resource uri for the search page
356     */
357    public void setSearchRessourceUrl(String uri) {
359        m_searchRessourceUrl = uri;
360    }
362    /**
363     * Returns the resource uri to the search page with respect to the
364     * optionally configured value <code>{@link #setSearchRessourceUrl(String)}</code>
365     * with the request parameters of the given argument.<p>
366     *
367     * This is a workaround for Tomcat bug 35775
368     * (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35775). After it has been
369     * fixed the version 1.1 should be restored (or at least this codepath should be switched back.<p>
370     *
371     * @param link the suggestion of the search result bean ( a previous, next or page number url)
372     * @param search the search bean
373     *
374     * @return the resource uri to the search page with respect to the
375     *         optionally configured value <code>{@link #setSearchRessourceUrl(String)}</code>
376     *         with the request parameters of the given argument
377     */
378    private String getSearchPageLink(String link, CmsSearch search) {
380        if (m_searchRessourceUrl != null) {
381            // for the form to generate we need params.
382            String pageParams = "";
383            int paramIndex = link.indexOf('?');
384            if (paramIndex > 0) {
385                pageParams = link.substring(paramIndex);
386            }
387            StringBuffer formurl = new StringBuffer(m_searchRessourceUrl);
388            if (m_searchRessourceUrl.indexOf('?') != -1) {
389                // the search page url already has a query string, don't start params of search-generated link
390                // with '?'
391                pageParams = new StringBuffer("&").append(pageParams.substring(1)).toString();
392            }
393            formurl.append(pageParams).toString();
394            String formname = toPostParameters(formurl.toString(), search);
396            link = new StringBuffer("javascript:document.forms['").append(formname).append("'].submit()").toString();
397        }
398        return link;
399    }
401    /**
402     * Generates a html form (named form&lt;n&gt;) with parameters found in
403     * the given GET request string (appended params with "?value=param&value2=param2).
404     * &gt;n&lt; is the number of forms that already have been generated.
405     * This is a content-expensive bugfix for http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35775
406     * and should be replaced with the 1.1 revision as soon that bug is fixed.<p>
407     *
408     * The forms action will point to the given uri's path info part: All links in the page
409     * that includes this generated html and that are related to the get request should
410     * have "src='#'" and "onclick=documents.forms['&lt;getRequestUri&gt;'].submit()". <p>
411     *
412     * The generated form lands in the internal <code>Map {@link #m_formCache}</code> as mapping
413     * from uris to Strings and has to be appended to the output at a valid position. <p>
414     *
415     * Warning: Does not work with multiple values mapped to one parameter ("key = value1,value2..").<p>
416     *
417     *
418     *
419     * @param getRequestUri a request uri with optional query, will be used as name of the form too
420     * @param search the search bean to get the parameters from
421     *
422     * @return the formname of the the generated form that contains the parameters of the given request uri or
423     *         the empty String if there weren't any get parameters in the given request uri.
424     */
425    private String toPostParameters(String getRequestUri, CmsSearch search) {
427        StringBuffer result;
428        String formname = "";
430        if (!m_formCache.containsKey(getRequestUri)) {
432            result = new StringBuffer();
433            int index = getRequestUri.indexOf('?');
434            String query = "";
435            String path = "";
436            if (index > 0) {
437                query = getRequestUri.substring(index + 1);
438                path = getRequestUri.substring(0, index);
439                formname = new StringBuffer("searchform").append(m_formCache.size()).toString();
441                result.append("\n<form method=\"post\" name=\"").append(formname).append("\" action=\"");
442                result.append(path).append("\">\n");
443                // "key=value" pairs as tokens:
444                StringTokenizer entryTokens = new StringTokenizer(query, "&", false);
445                while (entryTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
446                    StringTokenizer keyValueToken = new StringTokenizer(entryTokens.nextToken(), "=", false);
447                    if (keyValueToken.countTokens() != 2) {
448                        continue;
449                    }
450                    // Undo the possible already performed url encoding for the given url
451                    String key = CmsEncoder.decode(keyValueToken.nextToken());
452                    String value = CmsEncoder.decode(keyValueToken.nextToken());
453                    if ("action".equals(key)) {
454                        // cannot use the "search"-action value in combination with CmsWidgetDialog: prepareCommit would be left out!
455                        value = CmsWidgetDialog.DIALOG_SAVE;
456                    }
457                    result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
458                    result.append(key).append("\" value=\"");
459                    result.append(value).append("\" />\n");
460                }
462                // custom search index code for making category widget - compatible
463                // this is needed for transforming e.g. the CmsSearch-generated
464                // "&category=a,b,c" to widget fields categories.0..categories.n.
465                List<String> categories = search.getParameters().getCategories();
466                Iterator<String> it = categories.iterator();
467                int count = 0;
468                while (it.hasNext()) {
469                    result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
470                    result.append("categories.").append(count).append("\" value=\"");
471                    result.append(it.next()).append("\" />\n");
472                    count++;
473                }
474                List<String> roots = search.getParameters().getRoots();
475                it = roots.iterator();
476                count = 0;
477                while (it.hasNext()) {
478                    result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
479                    result.append("roots.").append(count).append("\" value=\"");
480                    result.append(it.next()).append("\" />\n");
481                    count++;
482                }
484                result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
485                result.append("fields").append("\" value=\"");
486                result.append(CmsStringUtil.collectionAsString(search.getParameters().getFields(), ","));
487                result.append("\" />\n");
489                result.append("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
490                result.append("sortfields.").append(0).append("\" value=\"");
491                result.append(search.getParameters().getSortName()).append("\" />\n");
493                result.append("</form>\n");
494                HTMLForm form = new HTMLForm(formname, result.toString());
496                m_formCache.put(getRequestUri, form);
497                return formname;
498            }
499            // empty String for no get parameters
500            return formname;
502        } else {
503            HTMLForm form = m_formCache.get(getRequestUri);
504            return form.m_formName;
505        }
506    }