Package org.opencms.setup
package org.opencms.setup
ClassDescriptionA bean to perform a OpenCms setup automatically.Reads and manages the configuration file for the OpenCms auto-setup.A java bean as a controller for the OpenCms setup wizard.Module group data.Helper class to call database setup scripts.Wrapper to encapsulate, connection, statement and result set for the setup and update wizard.Logging Thread which collects the output from CmsSetupThread and stores it in a Vector that the OpenCms setup wizard can read via the getMessages() method.UI class for the setup wizard.Used for the workplace setup in the OpenCms setup wizard.A java bean as a controller for the OpenCms update wizard.Conveniently stores information necessary during the update.Used for the OpenCms workplace update wizard.Used for the workplace setup in the OpenCms setup wizard.Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.