Class CmsDefaultUserSettings

    • Method Detail

      • addPreference

        public void addPreference​(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.lang.String value,
                                  java.lang.String widget,
                                  java.lang.String widgetConfig,
                                  java.lang.String niceName,
                                  java.lang.String description,
                                  java.lang.String ruleRegex,
                                  java.lang.String error,
                                  java.lang.String tab)
        Adds a preference.

        name - the name of the preference
        value - the default value
        widget - the widget to use for the preference
        widgetConfig - the widget configuration
        niceName - the nice name of the preference
        description - the description of the preference
        ruleRegex - the regex used for validation
        error - the validation error message
        tab - the tab to display the preference on
      • getDialogCopyFileModeString

        public java.lang.String getDialogCopyFileModeString()
        Gets the default copy mode when copying a file of the user.

        the default copy mode when copying a file of the user
      • getDialogCopyFolderModeString

        public java.lang.String getDialogCopyFolderModeString()
        Gets the default copy mode when copying a folder of the user.

        the default copy mode when copying a folder of the user
      • getDialogDeleteFileModeString

        public java.lang.String getDialogDeleteFileModeString()
        Returns the default setting for file deletion.

        the default setting for file deletion
      • getDialogPermissionsInheritOnFolderString

        public java.lang.String getDialogPermissionsInheritOnFolderString()
        Returns the default setting for inheriting permissions on folders.

        true if permissions should be inherited on folders, otherwise false
      • getDialogPublishSiblingsString

        public java.lang.String getDialogPublishSiblingsString()
        Returns the default setting for direct publishing.

        the default setting for direct publishing
      • getDialogShowExportSettingsString

        public java.lang.String getDialogShowExportSettingsString()
        Determines if the export settings part of the secure/export dialog should be shown.

        true if the export dialog is shown, otherwise false
      • getDialogShowLockString

        public java.lang.String getDialogShowLockString()
        Determines if the lock dialog should be shown.

        true if the lock dialog is shown, otherwise false
      • getDirectEditButtonStyleString

        public java.lang.String getDirectEditButtonStyleString()
        Returns a string representation of the direct edit button style.

        string representation of the direct edit button style
      • getEditorButtonStyleString

        public java.lang.String getEditorButtonStyleString()
        Returns a string representation of the editor button style.

        string representation of the editor button style
      • getExplorerButtonStyleString

        public java.lang.String getExplorerButtonStyleString()
        Returns a string representation of the explorer button style.

        string representation of the explorer button style
      • getPreferences

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​I_CmsPreferencegetPreferences()
        Gets the map of preferences.

        the map of preferences
      • getRestrictExplorerViewString

        public java.lang.String getRestrictExplorerViewString()
        Returns if the explorer view is restricted to the defined site and folder.

        true if the explorer view is restricted, otherwise false
      • getShowExplorerFileDateCreated

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileDateCreated()
        Gets if the file creation date should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file creation date should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileDateExpired

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileDateExpired()
        Gets if the file expired by should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file date expired by should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileDateLastModified

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileDateLastModified()
        Gets if the file last modified date should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file last modified date should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileDateReleased

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileDateReleased()
        Gets if the file released by should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file date released by should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileLockedBy

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileLockedBy()
        Gets if the file locked by should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file locked by should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileNavText

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileNavText()
        Gets if the file navtext should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file navtext should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFilePermissions

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFilePermissions()
        Gets if the file permissions should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file permissions should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileSize

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileSize()
        Gets if the file size should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file size should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileState

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileState()
        Gets if the file state should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file state should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileTitle

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileTitle()
        Gets if the file title should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file title should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileType

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileType()
        Gets if the file type should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file type should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileUserCreated

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileUserCreated()
        Gets if the file creator should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file creator should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • getShowExplorerFileUserLastModified

        public java.lang.String getShowExplorerFileUserLastModified()
        Gets if the file last modified by should be shown in explorer view.

        "true" if the file last modified by should be shown, otherwise "false"
      • initPreferences

        public void initPreferences​(CmsWorkplaceManager wpManager)
        Initializes the preference configuration.

        Note that this method should only be called once the resource types have been initialized, but after addPreference has been called for all configured preferences.

        wpManager - the active workplace manager
      • isAllowBrokenRelations

        public boolean isAllowBrokenRelations()
        Returns if the deletion of relation targets is enabled.

        true if the deletion of relation targets is enabled, otherwise false
      • setAllowBrokenRelations

        public void setAllowBrokenRelations​(java.lang.String allowBrokenRelations)
        Sets if the deletion of relation targets is enabled.

        allowBrokenRelations - true if relation deletion should be enabled, otherwise false
      • setDialogCopyFileMode

        public void setDialogCopyFileMode​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets the default copy mode when copying a file of the user.

        mode - the default copy mode when copying a file of the user
      • setDialogCopyFolderMode

        public void setDialogCopyFolderMode​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets the default copy mode when copying a folder of the user.

        mode - the default copy mode when copying a folder of the user
      • setDialogDeleteFileMode

        public void setDialogDeleteFileMode​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets the default setting for file deletion.

        mode - the default setting for file deletion
      • setDialogExpandInheritedPermissions

        public void setDialogExpandInheritedPermissions​(java.lang.String dialogExpandInheritedPermissions)
        Sets the default setting for expanding inherited permissions in the dialog.

        dialogExpandInheritedPermissions - the default setting for expanding inherited permissions in the dialog
      • setDialogExpandUserPermissions

        public void setDialogExpandUserPermissions​(java.lang.String dialogExpandUserPermissions)
        Sets the default setting for expanding the users permissions in the dialog.

        dialogExpandUserPermissions - the default setting for expanding the users permissions in the dialog
      • setDialogPermissionsInheritOnFolder

        public void setDialogPermissionsInheritOnFolder​(java.lang.String dialogPermissionsInheritOnFolder)
        Sets the default setting for inheriting permissions on folders.

        dialogPermissionsInheritOnFolder - the default setting for inheriting permissions on folders
      • setDialogPublishSiblings

        public void setDialogPublishSiblings​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets the default setting for direct publishing.

        mode - the default setting for direct publishing
      • setDirectEditButtonStyle

        public void setDirectEditButtonStyle​(java.lang.String buttonstyle)
        Sets the style of the direct edit buttons of the user.

        buttonstyle - the style of the direct edit buttons of the user
      • setEditorButtonStyle

        public void setEditorButtonStyle​(java.lang.String buttonstyle)
        Sets the style of the editor buttons of the user.

        buttonstyle - the style of the editor buttons of the user
      • setExplorerButtonStyle

        public void setExplorerButtonStyle​(java.lang.String buttonstyle)
        Sets the style of the explorer workplace buttons of the user.

        buttonstyle - the style of the explorer workplace buttons of the user
      • setExplorerFileEntries

        public void setExplorerFileEntries​(java.lang.String entries)
        Sets the number of displayed files per page of the user.

        entries - the number of displayed files per page of the user
      • setListAllProjects

        public void setListAllProjects​(java.lang.String listAllProjects)
        Sets if all projects should be shown for the user.

        listAllProjects - "true" or "false"
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(java.lang.String locale)
        Sets the workplace locale.

        locale - the workplace language default
      • setNewFolderCreateIndexPage

        public void setNewFolderCreateIndexPage​(java.lang.String booleanValue)
        Digester support method for configuration if the "create index page" checkbox in the new folder dialog should be initially be checked or not.

        The given String value is interpreted as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String).

        booleanValue - a String that is interpred as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String)
      • setNewFolderEditProperties

        public void setNewFolderEditProperties​(java.lang.String booleanValue)
        Digester support method for configuration if the "edit properties" checkbox in the new folder dialog should be initially be checked or not.

        The given String value is interpreted as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String).

        booleanValue - a String that is interpreted as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String)
      • setPublishRelatedResourcesMode

        public void setPublishRelatedResourcesMode​(java.lang.String publishRelatedResourcesMode)
        Sets the publish related resources mode.

        publishRelatedResourcesMode - the publish related resources mode to set
      • setRestrictExplorerView

        public void setRestrictExplorerView​(java.lang.String restrict)
        Sets if the explorer view is restricted to the defined site and folder.

        restrict - true if the explorer view is restricted, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileDateCreated

        public void setShowExplorerFileDateCreated​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file creation date should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file creation date should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileDateExpired

        public void setShowExplorerFileDateExpired​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file expire date should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file expire date should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileDateLastModified

        public void setShowExplorerFileDateLastModified​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file last modified date should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file last modified date should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileDateReleased

        public void setShowExplorerFileDateReleased​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file release date should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file release date should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileLockedBy

        public void setShowExplorerFileLockedBy​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file locked by should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file locked by should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileNavText

        public void setShowExplorerFileNavText​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file navtext should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file locked by should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFilePermissions

        public void setShowExplorerFilePermissions​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file permissions should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file permissions should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileSize

        public void setShowExplorerFileSize​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file size should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file size should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileState

        public void setShowExplorerFileState​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file state should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the state size should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileTitle

        public void setShowExplorerFileTitle​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file title should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file title should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileType

        public void setShowExplorerFileType​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file type should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file type should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileUserCreated

        public void setShowExplorerFileUserCreated​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file creator should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file creator should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExplorerFileUserLastModified

        public void setShowExplorerFileUserLastModified​(java.lang.String show)
        Sets if the file last modified by should be shown in explorer view.

        show - true if the file last modified by should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowExportSettingsDialog

        public void setShowExportSettingsDialog​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets if the export part of the secure/export dialog should be shown.

        mode - true if the export dialog should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowFileUploadButton

        public void setShowFileUploadButton​(java.lang.String flag)
        Controls whether to display a file upload icon or not.

        flag - "true" or "false" to flag the use of the file upload button
      • setShowLockDialog

        public void setShowLockDialog​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets if the lock dialog should be shown.

        mode - true if the lock dialog should be shown, otherwise false
      • setShowPublishNotification

        public void setShowPublishNotification​(java.lang.String notification)
        Sets if the publish notification should be shown for the user.

        notification - "true" or "false" to flag the notification
      • setShowUploadTypeDialog

        public void setShowUploadTypeDialog​(java.lang.String booleanValue)
        Digester support method for configuration if the resource type selection checkbox should show up when uploading a new file in non-applet mode.

        The given String value is interpreted as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String).

        booleanValue - a String that is interpreted as a Boolean by the means of Boolean.valueOf(String)
      • setSubsitemapCreationMode

        public void setSubsitemapCreationMode​(java.lang.String mode)
        Sets the subsitemap creation mode.

        mode - the string value of the subsitemap creation mode
      • setWorkplaceButtonStyle

        public void setWorkplaceButtonStyle​(java.lang.String buttonstyle)
        Sets the style of the workplace buttons of the user.

        buttonstyle - the style of the workplace buttons of the user
      • setWorkplaceSearchViewStyle

        public void setWorkplaceSearchViewStyle​(java.lang.String viewStyle)
        Sets the style of the workplace search default view.

        viewStyle - the style of the workplace search default view