Interface I_CmsSitemapController

public interface I_CmsSitemapController
The interface to the sitemap controller.

This interface allows classes which are shared between client and server to access client-only functionality without statically depending on client-only code.

  • Method Details

    • getPropertiesForId

      Gets the property map for the given id.

      id - a structure id
      the property map for that structure id
    • registerEntry

      Registers the given entry within the data model.

      entry - the entry to register
    • registerPathChange

      Registers the change of the sitepath with the given controller.

      entry - the sitemap entry
      oldPath - the old path
    • replaceProperties

      This method is used to establish a unique property map object for each id, but replaces the contents of the map object with new values for each call.

      The first call to the method with a given id will just return the map passed in. The n-th call to the method with a given id will return the map object passed in with the first method call for that id, but with its contents replaced by the contents of the map passed in with the n-th call for that id.

      The purpose of this is to avoid multiple redundant copies of the same logical map of properties being stored in multiple places.

      id - the map identifying the resource to which the properties belong
      properties - the new properties for the given id
      the original properties object for the given id, but with its contents replaced