Class CmsCreateImageSizeJob

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CmsCreateImageSizeJob extends Object implements I_CmsScheduledJob
A schedulable OpenCms job to calculate image size information.

Image size information is stored in the CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_IMAGE_SIZE property of an image file must have the format "h:x,w:y" with x and y being positive Integer vaulues.

Job parameters:

Controls if images are automatically downscaled according to the configured image downscale settings, by default this is false.
  • Field Details


      public static final String PARAM_DOWNSCALE
      This job parameter controls if images are automatically downscaled according to the configured image downscale settings, by default this is false. Possible values are true or false (default). If this is set to true, then all images are checked against the configured image downscale settings (see CmsImageLoader.CONFIGURATION_DOWNSCALE). If the image is too large, it is automatically downscaled.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • launch

      public String launch(CmsObject cms, Map<String,String> parameters) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: I_CmsScheduledJob
      This method will be called when this scheduled job is executed.

      Depending on the configuration of this job, a new instance of the configured class will be instantiated every time the job is launched, or a new instance will be generated only the first time the job is launched, and re-used afterwards.

      The result String will be written to the OpenCms logfile in the org.opencms.scheduler.CmsScheduleManager channel, on INFO log level.

      Specified by:
      launch in interface I_CmsScheduledJob
      cms - will be initialized with the configured users cms context
      parameters - the configured parameters
      a String that will be written to the OpenCms logfile
      Exception - if something goes wrong
      See Also: