Uses of Interface
Packages that use I_CmsSearchExtractor
Handles indexing different sorts of document and resource type from the OpenCms VFS for the full text search.
The package contains the Solr search integration.
Uses of I_CmsSearchExtractor in
Subinterfaces of I_CmsSearchExtractor in and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Used to create index Lucene Documents for OpenCms resources, controls the text extraction algorithm used for a specific OpenCms resource type / MIME type combination.Classes in that implement I_CmsSearchExtractorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base document factory class for a VFS
, just requires a specialized implementation ofCmsResource
for text extraction from the binary document content.extractContent(CmsObject, CmsResource, I_CmsSearchIndex)
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a resource of typeCmsResourceTypeContainerPage
Lucene document factory class for indexing data from a generic
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing plain html data.class
Lucene document factory class to extract text data from a VFS resource that is an OLE 2 MS Office document.class
Lucene document factory class to extract text data from a VFS resource that is an OOXML MS Office document.class
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing Open Document Format data.class
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing Adobe pdf data.class
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing plain text data.class
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing RTF data.class
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from an OpenCms VFS resource of typeCmsResourceTypeXmlContent
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource of typeCmsResourceTypeXmlPage
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Uses of I_CmsSearchExtractor in
Classes in that implement I_CmsSearchExtractorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a resource of typeCmsResourceTypeContainerPage
Special document text extraction factory for Solr index.