Class CmsVfsImageWidgetConfiguration


Configuration options for the VFS image widget.

The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget.

The configuration String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:

  • class: optional class implementing I_CmsImageWidgetDynamicConfiguration to dynamically configure startup parameters and format values.
  • formatnames: list of format names to select, with pairs of selectable value and selectable text, e.g. value1:optiontext1|value2:optiontext2
  • formatvalues: corresponding format values to the format names list, can be dynamically generated by the dynamic configuration class. The list of values should contain width and height information, with a '?' as sign for dynamic size and with an 'x' as separator for width and height. Example: ['200x?', '800x600']
  • scaleparams: default scale parameters (no width, height or crop information should be provided!)
  • startup: the startup folder, can be dynamically generated by the provided class, in that case, use 'dynamic' as value.
  • type: the startup folder type, can be 'gallery' or 'category'. Can be dynamically generated by the provided class, in that case, use 'dynamic' as value.
  • usedescription: indicates if the description input field for the image should be shown or not.
  • useformat: indicates if the format select box for the image should be shown or not.
An example configuration can look like this:

{scaleparams: 'q:70,r:2,c:CCCC00', type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/images/', usedescription: true, useformat: true, formatnames: 'imageleft:Image left|imageright:Image right|imagetop:Image top', formatvalues: ['150x?', '250x300', '?x250']}

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CmsVfsImageWidgetConfiguration

      public CmsVfsImageWidgetConfiguration(CmsObject cms, CmsMessages widgetDialog, I_CmsWidgetParameter param, String configuration)
      Generates an initialized configuration for the image widget using the given configuration string.

      cms - an initialized instance of a CmsObject
      widgetDialog - the dialog where the widget is used on
      param - the widget parameter to generate the widget for
      configuration - the widget configuration string
  • Method Details

    • getFormatValues

      Returns the list of image format values matching the options for the format select box.

      the list of image format values matching the options for the format select box
    • getScaleParams

      Returns the scale parameters to apply to a scaled image (e.g. quality, type).

      scale the parameters to apply to a scaled image
    • getSelectFormat

      Returns the list of select options for the format select box, must contain CmsSelectWidgetOption objects.

      the list of select options for the format select box
    • getSelectFormatString

      Returns the select options for the format select box as String.

      The String has the following structure format name 1:localized name 1|format name 2:localized name 2|....

      the select options for the format select box
    • isShowDescription

      public boolean isShowDescription()
      Returns if the description field should be shown.

      true if the description field should be shown, otherwise false
    • isShowFormat

      public boolean isShowFormat()
      Returns if the format select box should be shown.

      true if the format select box should be shown, otherwise false
    • init

      protected void init(CmsObject cms, CmsMessages widgetDialog, I_CmsWidgetParameter param, String configuration)
      Initializes the widget configuration using the given configuration string.

      init in class CmsGalleryWidgetConfiguration
      cms - an initialized instance of a CmsObject
      widgetDialog - the dialog where the widget is used on
      param - the widget parameter to generate the widget for
      configuration - the widget configuration string
    • getConfigString

      Returns the values as a parameter string.

      getConfigString in class CmsGalleryWidgetConfiguration
      the values as a parameter string