Interface I_CmsResourceWrapper

All Known Implementing Classes:
A_CmsResourceExtensionWrapper, A_CmsResourceWrapper, CmsResourceExtensionWrapperJsp, CmsResourceExtensionWrapperXmlContent, CmsResourceExtensionWrapperXmlPage, CmsResourceWrapperModules, CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy, CmsResourceWrapperPreventCreateNameCI, CmsResourceWrapperPreventCreateNameRegex, CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile, CmsResourceWrapperReplaceDeleted, CmsResourceWrapperSystemFolder, CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage

public interface I_CmsResourceWrapper
Interface which is used by the CmsObjectWrapper to create a different view to the resources in the VFS.

It is possible to create "new" virtual resource in the view to the clients using the CmsObjectWrapper or to change the existing ones. For example adding the correct file extension for resources, because it is not always given that resources of type jsp have the extension ".jsp". A resource wrapper just could add this extension, so that clients can handle that resource correctly.

Each method in the implementing classes first have to check in every method if it is responsible for the action to execute, because the CmsObjectWrapper iterates through all configured resource wrappers and the first which feels responsible wins and the others won't even called.
