Class CmsImportVersion10

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  CmsImportVersion10.LinkParsableCategory
      Categories of resources that need to be handled differently in the 'rewrite parseables' import step.
      static class  CmsImportVersion10.RelationData
      Data class to temporarily keep track of relation data for a resource to be imported.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String A_NAME
      Tag for the "userinfo / entry name" attribute, contains the additional user info entry name.
      static java.lang.String A_TYPE
      Tag for the "type" attribute, contains the property type.
      protected static long DATE_CREATED_UNSPECIFIED
      Constant for the unspecified creation date.
      protected static long DATE_LAST_MODIFICATION_FILETIME
      Constant for using file time as last modification date on file import.
      protected static long DATE_LAST_MODIFICATION_UNSPECIFIED
      Constant for an unspecified last modification date.
      static java.lang.String DTD_FILENAME
      The name of the DTD for this import version.
      static java.lang.String DTD_LOCATION
      The location of the OpenCms configuration DTD if the default prefix is the system ID.
      static int IMPORT_VERSION10
      The version number of this import implementation.
      protected int m_aceFlags
      The ACE flags value.
      protected int m_acePermissionsAllowed
      The ACE allowed permissions value.
      protected int m_acePermissionsDenied
      The ACE denied permissions value.
      protected CmsUUID m_acePrincipalId
      The ACE principal id value.
      protected java.util.List<CmsAccessControlEntry> m_aces
      The list of ACEs for the current imported resource.
      protected CmsObject m_cms
      The cms object.
      protected java.util.Set<CmsUUID> m_contentFiles
      The set of resource ids of files which actually are contained in the zip file.
      protected java.lang.String m_destination
      The destination value.
      protected int m_fileCounter
      The current file counter.
      protected java.lang.String m_groupDescription
      The description of the current group to import.
      protected int m_groupFlags
      The flags of the current group to import.
      protected java.lang.String m_groupName
      The name of the current group to import.
      protected java.lang.String m_groupParent
      The parent of the current group to import.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> m_groupParents
      Map of all parent groups that could not be set immediately, because of the import order.
      protected boolean m_hasDateLastModified
      True if a modification date has been set.
      protected boolean m_hasStructureId
      True if a structure id has been set.
      protected CmsImportHelper m_helper
      The import helper.
      protected java.util.List<java.lang.String> m_ignoredProperties
      List of ignored properties.
      protected java.util.List<java.lang.String> m_immutables
      List of immutable resources.
      protected boolean m_importACEs
      The flag to import ACEs.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>>> m_membership
      The membership structure.
      protected CmsOrganizationalUnit m_orgUnit
      The current imported organizational unit.
      protected java.lang.String m_orgUnitDescription
      The organizational unit description.
      protected int m_orgUnitFlags
      The organizational unit flags.
      protected java.lang.String m_orgUnitName
      The organizational unit fqn.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> m_orgUnitResources
      The map of organizational unit resources, this is a global field that will be use at the end of the import.
      protected CmsImportParameters m_parameters
      The import parameters to use.
      protected java.util.List<CmsResource> m_parseables
      The list of resource to be parsed, this is a global list, which will be handled at the end of the import.
      protected java.lang.String m_projectDescription
      The project description.
      protected java.lang.String m_projectManagers
      The project managers group name.
      protected java.lang.String m_projectName
      The project fqn.
      protected java.util.List<java.lang.String> m_projectResources
      The current read project resources.
      protected java.lang.String m_projectUsers
      The project users group name.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsProperty> m_properties
      The map of properties for current imported resource.
      protected java.lang.String m_propertyName
      The property name value.
      protected java.lang.String m_propertyValue
      The property value value.
      protected CmsUUID m_relationId
      The relation id value.
      protected java.lang.String m_relationPath
      The relation path value.
      protected java.util.List<CmsImportVersion10.RelationData> m_relationsForResource
      Holds the relation data for the resource to be imported.
      protected CmsRelationType m_relationType
      The relation type value.
      protected I_CmsReport m_report
      The report.
      protected CmsResource m_resource
      The current imported resource.
      protected CmsResourceBuilder m_resourceBuilder
      Holds the field values for the CmsResource object to be created.
      protected java.lang.String m_source
      The source value.
      protected java.lang.Throwable m_throwable
      Possible exception during xml parsing.
      protected int m_totalFiles
      The total number of files to import.
      protected java.lang.String m_typeName
      The type name.
      protected CmsUser m_user
      The current imported user.
      protected long m_userDateCreated
      The current user date created.
      protected java.lang.String m_userEmail
      The current user email.
      protected java.lang.String m_userFirstname
      The current user first name.
      protected int m_userFlags
      The current user flags.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> m_userInfos
      The additional information for the current imported user.
      protected java.lang.String m_userLastname
      The current user last name.
      protected java.lang.String m_userName
      The current user name.
      protected java.lang.String m_userPassword
      The current user password.
      protected int m_version
      The export version.
      Tag for the "allowed" node, to identify allowed user permissions.
      Tag for the "denied" node, to identify denied user permissions.
      static java.lang.String N_ACCESSCONTROL_ENTRIES
      Tag for the "accesscontrol" node, to identify access control entries.
      static java.lang.String N_ACCESSCONTROL_ENTRY
      Tag for the "accessentry" node, to identify a single access control entry.
      static java.lang.String N_ACCESSCONTROL_PERMISSIONSET
      Tag for the "permissionset" node, to identify a permission set.
      static java.lang.String N_ACCESSCONTROL_PRINCIPAL
      Tag for the "uuidprincipal" node, to identify a principal UUID.
      static java.lang.String N_ACCOUNTS
      Tag for the "accounts" node.
      static java.lang.String N_DATECREATED
      Tag for the "datecreated" node, contains the date created VFS file attribute.
      static java.lang.String N_DATEEXPIRED
      Tag for the "dateexpired" node, contains the expiration date VFS file attribute.
      static java.lang.String N_DATELASTMODIFIED
      Tag for the "datelastmodified" node, contains the date last modified VFS file attribute.
      static java.lang.String N_DATERELEASED
      Tag for the "datereleased" node, contains the release date VFS file attribute.
      static java.lang.String N_DESCRIPTION
      Tag for the "description" node, contains a users description test.
      static java.lang.String N_DESTINATION
      Tag for the "destination" node, contains target VFS file name.
      static java.lang.String N_EMAIL
      Tag for the "email" node, contains a users email.
      static java.lang.String N_FILE
      Tag for the "file" node, container node for all VFS resources.
      static java.lang.String N_FILES
      Tag for the "files" node, container node for all VFS resources.
      static java.lang.String N_FIRSTNAME
      Tag for the "firstname" node, contains a users first name.
      static java.lang.String N_FLAGS
      Tag for the "flags" node, contains the flags of a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_GROUP
      Tag for the "group" node, contains a group name.
      static java.lang.String N_GROUPS
      Tag for the "groups" node, contains a users group data.
      static java.lang.String N_ID
      Tag for the "id" relation attribute, contains the structure id of the target resource of the relation.
      static java.lang.String N_LASTNAME
      Tag for the "lastname" node, contains a users last name.
      static java.lang.String N_MANAGERSGROUP
      Tag for the "managersgroup" node, contains name of the managers group of the project.
      static java.lang.String N_NAME
      Tag for the "name" node, contains the name of a property.
      static java.lang.String N_ORGUNIT
      Tag for the "orgunit" node, starts the organizational unit data.
      static java.lang.String N_ORGUNITS
      Tag for the "orgunits" node, starts the organizational unit data.
      static java.lang.String N_PARENTGROUP
      Tag for the "parentgroup" node, contains a groups parent group fqn.
      static java.lang.String N_PASSWORD
      Tag for the "password" node, contains a users encrypted password.
      static java.lang.String N_PATH
      Tag for the "path" relation attribute, contains the path to the target resource of the relation.
      static java.lang.String N_PROJECT
      Tag for the "project" node, starts the project data.
      static java.lang.String N_PROJECTS
      Tag for the "projects" node, starts the project data.
      static java.lang.String N_PROPERTIES
      Tag for the "properties" node, starts the list of properties of a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_PROPERTY
      Tag for the "property" node, starts a property for a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_RELATION
      Tag in the CmsImportExportManager.EXPORT_MANIFEST for the "relation" node, starts a relation for a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_RELATIONS
      Tag for the "relations" node, starts the list of relations of a VFS resources.
      static java.lang.String N_RESOURCE
      Tag for the "resource" node, contains the a organizational unit resource name.
      static java.lang.String N_RESOURCES
      Tag for the "resources" node, contains the list of organizational unit resources.
      static java.lang.String N_SOURCE
      Tag for the "source" node, contains the source path of a VFS resource in the import zip (or folder).
      static java.lang.String N_TYPE
      Tag for the "type" node, the resource type name of a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_USER
      Tag for the "user" node, starts the user data.
      static java.lang.String N_USERCREATED
      Tag for the "usercreated" node, contains the name of the user who created the VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_USERGROUP
      Tag for the "usergroup" node, the name of a users group.
      static java.lang.String N_USERGROUPS
      Tag for the "usergroups" node, starts the users group data.
      static java.lang.String N_USERINFO
      Tag for the "userinfo" node, contains the additional user info.
      static java.lang.String N_USERINFO_ENTRY
      Tag for the "userinfo/entry" node, contains the additional user info entry value.
      static java.lang.String N_USERLASTMODIFIED
      Tag for the "userlastmodified" node, contains the name of the user who last modified the VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_USERROLE
      Tag for the "userrole" node, contains an users role name.
      static java.lang.String N_USERROLES
      Tag for the "userroles" node, starts the users role data.
      static java.lang.String N_USERS
      Tag for the "users" node, starts the list of users.
      static java.lang.String N_USERSGROUP
      Tag for the "usersgroup" node, contains name of the users group of the project.
      static java.lang.String N_UUIDRESOURCE
      Tag for the "uuidresource" node, contains a the resource UUID of a VFS resource.
      static java.lang.String N_UUIDSTRUCTURE
      Tag for the "uuidstructure" node, only required for backward compatibility with import version 2.
      static java.lang.String N_VALUE
      Tag for the "value" node, contains the value of a property.
      static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ATTRIB_TYPE_SHARED
      Value for the "shared" property type attribute value.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Public constructor.