Class CmsJspResourceWrapper

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<I_CmsResource>, I_CmsResource

public class CmsJspResourceWrapper extends CmsResource
Wrapper subclass of CmsResource with some convenience methods.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • wrap

      public static CmsJspResourceWrapper wrap(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res)
      Factory method to create a new CmsJspResourceWrapper instance from a CmsResource.

      In case the parameter resource already is a wrapped resource AND the OpenCms request context is the same as the provided context, the parameter object is returned.

      cms - the current CMS context
      res - the resource to wrap
      a new instance of a CmsJspResourceWrapper
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Two resources are considered equal in case their structure id is equal.

      equals in class CmsResource
      See Also:
    • getCategories

      Returns the categories assigned to this resource.

      the categories assigned to this resource
    • getCmsObject

      Returns the OpenCms user context this resource was initialized with.

      the OpenCms user context this resource was initialized with
    • getContent

      public String getContent()
      Returns the content of the file as a String.

      the content of the file as a String
    • getExtension

      public String getExtension()
      Returns this resources name extension (if present).

      The extension will always be lower case.

      the extension or null if not available
      See Also:
    • getFile

      public CmsFile getFile()
      Returns the full file object for this resource.

      the full file object for this resource
    • getFolder

      Returns the folder of this resource.

      In case this resource already is a CmsFolder, it is returned without modification. In case it is a CmsFile, the parent folder of the file is returned.

      the folder of this resource
      See Also:
    • getIncomingRelations

      Gets a list of resource wrappers for resources with relations pointing to this resource.
      the list of resource wrappers
    • getIncomingRelations

      Gets a list of resource wrappers for resources with relations pointing to this resource, for a specific type.
      typeName - name of the type to filter
      the list of resource wrappers
    • getIsImage

      public boolean getIsImage()
      Returns true in case this resource is an image in the VFS.

      true in case this resource is an image in the VFS
    • getIsXml

      public boolean getIsXml()
      Returns true in case this resource is an XML content.

      true in case this resource is an XML content
    • getLink

      public String getLink()
      Returns a substituted link to this resource.

      the link
    • getLocaleResource

      Returns a map of the locale group for the current resource, with locale strings as keys.

      a map with locale strings as keys and resource wrappers for the corresponding locale variants
    • getMainLocale

      Returns the main locale for this resource.

      the main locale for this resource
    • getMimeType

      public String getMimeType()
      Returns the mime type for this resource.

      In case no valid mime type can be determined from the file extension, text/plain is returned.

      the mime type for this resource
    • getNavBuilder

      Returns the navigation builder for this resource.

      This will be initialized with this resource as default URI.

      the navigation builder for this resource
    • getNavigation

      Returns the navigation info element for this resource.

      the navigation info element for this resource
    • getNavigationDefaultFile

      Returns the default resource for this resource.

      If this resource is a file, then this file is returned.

      Otherwise, in case this resource is a folder:

      1. the CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_FILE is checked, and
      2. if still no file could be found, the configured default files in the opencms-vfs.xml configuration are iterated until a match is found, and
      3. if still no file could be found, null is returned
      the default file for the given folder
      See Also:
    • getNavigationForFolder

      Returns the navigation info elements in this resource, assuming that this resource is a folder.

      the navigation info elements in this resource, assuming that this resource is a folder
    • getOnlineLink

      Returns the substituted online link to this resource.

      the link
    • getOutgoingRelations

      Gets a list of resources with relations pointing to them from this resources, as resource wrappers.
      the list of resource wrappers
    • getOutgoingRelations

      Gets a list of resources with relations pointing to them from this resources, as resource wrappers. Only gets resources with the given type.
      typeName - the name of the type to filter
      the list of resource wrappers
    • getParentFolder

      Returns the parent folder of this resource in the current site.

      The parent folder of a file is the folder of the file. The parent folder of a folder is the parent folder of the folder. The parent folder of the root folder is null.

      the parent folder of this resource in the current site
      See Also:
    • getParentFolders

      Returns all parent folder of this resource in the current site as a list.

      First resource in the list will be the direct parent folder of this resource, the last element will be the site root folder.

      all parent folder of this resource in the current site as a list
    • getProperty

      Returns the direct properties of this resource in a map.

      This is without "search", so it will not include inherited properties from the parent folders.

      the direct properties of this resource in a map
    • getPropertyDescription

      Returns the locale specific evaluated "Description" property for the resource. In case the resource is a default file, also the parent folders "Description" property is read as fallback.
      the locale specific description property for the resource.
    • getPropertyKeywords

      Returns the locale specific evaluated "Keywords" property for the resource. In case the resource is a default file, also the parent folders "Keywords" property is read as fallback.
      the locale specific description property for the resource.
    • getPropertyLocale

      Returns the direct properties of this resource in a map for a given locale.

      This is without "search", so it will not include inherited properties from the parent folders.

      the direct properties of this resource in a map for a given locale
    • getPropertyLocaleSearch

      Returns the searched properties of this resource in a map for a given locale.

      This is with "search", so it will include inherited properties from the parent folders.

      the direct properties of this resource in a map for a given locale
    • getPropertySearch

      Returns the searched properties of this resource in a map.

      This is with "search", so it will include inherited properties from the parent folders.

      the direct properties of this resource in a map
    • getRequestContext

      Returns the OpenCms user request context this resource was initialized with.

      the OpenCms user request context this resource was initialized with
    • getResourceExtension

      Returns this resources name extension (if present).

      The extension will always be lower case.

      the extension or null if not available
      See Also:
    • getResourceName

      Returns the name of this resource without the path information.

      The resource name of a file is the name of the file. The resource name of a folder is the folder name with trailing "/". The resource name of the root folder is /.

      the name of this resource without the path information
      See Also:
    • getRootPathFolder

      Returns the folder name of this resource from the root site.

      In case this resource already is a CmsFolder, the folder path is returned without modification. In case it is a CmsFile, the parent folder name of the file is returned.

      the folder name of this resource from the root site
    • getRootPathLevel

      public int getRootPathLevel()
      Returns the directory level of a resource from the root site.

      The root folder "/" has level 0, a folder "/foo/" would have level 1, a folder "/foo/bar/" level 2 etc.

      the directory level of a resource from the root site
      See Also:
    • getRootPathParentFolder

      Returns the parent folder of this resource from the root site.

      the parent folder of this resource from the root site
      See Also:
    • getSitePath

      public String getSitePath()
      Returns the current site path to this resource.

      the current site path to this resource
      See Also:
    • getSitePathFolder

      Returns the folder name of this resource in the current site.

      In case this resource already is a CmsFolder, the folder path is returned without modification. In case it is a CmsFile, the parent folder name of the file is returned.

      the folder name of this resource in the current site
    • getSitePathLevel

      public int getSitePathLevel()
      Returns the directory level of a resource in the current site.

      The root folder "/" has level 0, a folder "/foo/" would have level 1, a folder "/foo/bar/" level 2 etc.

      the directory level of a resource in the current site
      See Also:
    • getSitePathParentFolder

      Returns the parent folder of this resource in the current site.

      The parent folder of a file is the folder of the file. The parent folder of a folder is the parent folder of the folder. The parent folder of the root folder is null.

      the parent folder of this resource in the current site
      See Also:
    • getToImage

      Returns a scaled image bean from the wrapped value.

      In case the value does not point to an image resource, null is returned.

      the scaled image bean
    • getToResource

      Returns this resource wrapper.

      This is included because in case CmsJspStandardContextBean.getWrap() is used, the result may be either a CmsJspObjectValueWrapper or a CmsJspResourceWrapper. Using getToResource() on the result will always return a resource wrapper this way.

      this resource wrapper
      See Also:
    • getToXml

      Returns an XML content access bean created for this resource.

      In case this resource is not an XML content, null is returned.

      an XML content access bean created for this resource
      See Also:
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Returns the resource type name.

      the resource type name
    • getXml

      Returns an XML content access bean created for this resource.

      In case this resource is not an XML content, null is returned.

      an XML content access bean created for this resource
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class CmsResource
      See Also:
    • isChildResourceOf

      public boolean isChildResourceOf(CmsResource resource)
      Returns true in case this resource is child resource of the provided resource which is assumed to be a folder.

      resource - the resource to check
      true in case this resource is child resource of the provided resource which is assumed to be a folder
    • isChildResourceOf

      public boolean isChildResourceOf(String sitePath)
      Returns true in case this resource is child resource of the provided resource path which is assumed to be a folder in the current site.

      No check is performed to see if the provided site path resource actually exists.

      sitePath - the resource to check
      true in case this resource is child resource of the provided resource path which is assumed to be a folder in the current site
    • isNavigationDefaultFile

      public boolean isNavigationDefaultFile()
    • isParentFolderOf

      public boolean isParentFolderOf(CmsResource resource)
      Returns true in case this resource is a parent folder of the provided resource.

      resource - the resource to check
      true in case this resource is a parent folder of the provided resource
    • isParentFolderOf

      public boolean isParentFolderOf(String sitePath)
      Returns true in case this resource is a parent folder of the provided resource path in the current site.

      No check is performed to see if the provided site path resource actually exists.

      sitePath - the path to check
      true in case this resource is a parent folder of the provided resource path in the current site