Package org.opencms.ui.apps.dbmanager
package org.opencms.ui.apps.dbmanager
Contains classes of the cache admin app.
- Since:
- 6.0.0
ClassDescriptionAbstract class for HTTP imports.Abstract class for a form to import a file.Abstract class for the import from a folder on the server.Dialog used to enter a list of paths to be added to the resources in the database export dialog.Class for dialog to create property definition.Class for the database export function.Configuration for Database manager app.Class for the Export dialog.Class for the database import app.Enumeration to distinguist between http- and server import.HTTP import class.Configuration for Database manager app.Class for the import from server option.Class for app configuration.Class for database manager app.Configuration for Database manager app.Class for the app folder.Class for the property definition app.Configuration class for property app.Remove publish locks.App for the remove publish-locks function.Class for app configuration.Class for the database static export app.Configuration for Database manager app.Class for the static export view.Class for the synchronization dialog.Class for the database synchronization app.Configuration class for the synchronization app.Synchronization layout class.The export thread report.Dialog to delete property definitions.Class for the table containing all property definitions in the system.Table columns.Thread which removes property from ressources and deletes property definition.Remove the publish locks.Class for the result of a database statistic set.Class for the database-statistic result list.Class for the database statistic view.Class for the resource type select dialog.Does a full static export of all system resources in the current site.Synchronizes a VFS folder with a folder form the "real" file system.Interface for Apps, which run an import thread for files.