Package org.opencms.ui.apps
Contains code for workplace apps.
- Since:
- 9.9.0
Interface Summary Interface Description I_CmsAppButtonProvider Generates app launcher buttons.I_CmsAppCategory App category interface.I_CmsAppSettings Used to write app settings to the user.I_CmsAppUIContext The app ui context.I_CmsCachableApp Apps implementing this interface will be stored in the user session so returning to the app will be quicker and use less resources.I_CmsContextProvider Provides the dialog context to context menus and other context sensitive dialogs.I_CmsCRUDApp<T> Interface for apps which perform CRUD operations on any kind of element like CmsSites or CmsScheduledJobs.I_CmsFolderAppCategory Displays a sub menu in the app launch pad.I_CmsHasAppLaunchCommand Implement this interface for apps that require special app launch actions.I_CmsHasOrder Sortable configuration item interface.I_CmsHasShortcutActions To provide shortcut actions an app may implement this intreface.I_CmsMenuItem Workplace view menu item.I_CmsWorkplaceApp Common interface for all workplace apps.I_CmsWorkplaceAppConfiguration Contains the configuration of a single workplace app.I_CmsWorkplaceStylesheetProvider Interface that can be implemented by external libraries to add more stylesheets that should be automatically loaded in the workplace. -
Class Summary Class Description A_CmsAttributeAwareApp An abstract subclass of A_CmsWorkplaceApp which provides an additional way for the main component of an app (the widget returned by getComponentForState) to influence the app layout of the app itself (i.e.A_CmsMenuItem A workplace menu item.A_CmsWorkplaceApp Super class for workplace apps to help implementing the app navigation and layout.A_CmsWorkplaceApp.NavEntry An app navigation entry.A_CmsWorkplaceAppConfiguration Abstract superclass for workplace apps.CmsAppCategory Bean representing a category for workplace apps.CmsAppCategoryNode Tree node representing an app category.CmsAppHierachy Displays all available app.CmsAppHierarchyBuilder Helper class for building a tree of categories/apps which should be displayed from the list of available apps and categories.CmsAppHierarchyConfiguration The app hierarchy configuration.CmsAppHierarchyPanel Widget used to displays a nested hierarchy of app categories and apps.CmsAppNavigator Custom navigator subclass used to prevent "slash accumulation" in the URL fragment if the navigateTo(...) methods are called multiple names in the same navigation.CmsAppView Displays the selected app.CmsAppVisibilityStatus The app visibility status.CmsAppWorkplaceUi The workplace ui.CmsDefaultAppButtonProvider The default app button provider.CmsDefaultMenuItemProvider Default implementation of menu item provider.CmsEditor The editor app.CmsEditorConfiguration The editor app configuration.CmsExplorerDialogContext Dialog context for the explorer.CmsFileExplorer The file explorer app.CmsFileExplorerConfiguration The file explorer app configuration.CmsFileExplorerSettings Stores the file explorer settings.CmsLegacyApp App for legacy admin tools.CmsLegacyAppConfiguration Holding configuration for legacy admin tools.CmsPageEditorConfiguration The page editor app configuration.CmsQuickLaunchEditor App to edit the quick launch menu.CmsQuickLaunchEditorConfiguration Editor for the user quick launch configuration.CmsQuickLaunchEditorConfiguration.QuickLaunchEditorApp The quick launch editor app.CmsQuickLaunchLocationCache Stores the last opened locations for file explorer, page editor and sitemap editor.CmsSitemapEditorConfiguration The sitemap editor app configuration.CmsWorkplaceAppManager The workplace app manager.CmsWorkplaceAppManager.ConfigurationComparator<T extends I_CmsHasOrder> Comparator for configuration objects implementing I_CmsHasOrder.CmsWorkplaceAppManager.NavigationState Wrapper for the navigation state.Messages Message bundle class. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CmsAppView.CacheStatus Enum representing caching status of a view.