Package org.opencms.setup.db.update6to7
package org.opencms.setup.db.update6to7
ClassDescriptionThis class makes the remaining changes to some tables in order to update them.This class makes an update of the CMS_USERS table splitting it up into CMS_USERS and CMS_USERDATA.This class creates the table CMS_CONTENTS and fills it with data from the tables CMS_BACKUP_CONTENTS and CMS_ONLINE_CONTENTS.This class creates all the indexes that are used in the database version 7.This class drops the CMS_BACKUP tables that are no longer used after all the transfers are finished.This class drops all indexes of each table of the database.This class drops the outdated tables from the OpenCms database.This class inserts formerly deleted users/groups in the CMS_HISTORY_PRINCIPALS table.This class converts the backup tables to history tables.This class creates the new tables for the database of OpenCms.This class updates the project ids from integer values to CmsUUIDs in all existing database tables.This class upgrades the database tables containing new OU columns.