Class CmsLinkManager


public class CmsLinkManager extends Object
Does the link replacement for the ≶link> tags.

Since this functionality is closely related to the static export, this class resides in the static export package.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAbsoluteUri

      public static String getAbsoluteUri(String relativeUri, String baseUri)
      Calculates the absolute URI for the "relativeUri" with the given absolute "baseUri" as start.

      If "relativeUri" is already absolute, it is returned unchanged. This method also returns "relativeUri" unchanged if it is not well-formed.

      relativeUri - the relative URI to calculate an absolute URI for
      baseUri - the base URI, this must be an absolute URI
      an absolute URI calculated from "relativeUri" and "baseUri"
    • getLinkSubsite

      public static String getLinkSubsite(CmsObject cms, String link)
      Gets the absolute path for the subsite a link links to.

      For detail links, the subsite of the detail page is returned, not the subsite of the detail content

      If the link is not internal, null will be returned.

      cms - a CMS context
      link - the link to check
      the subsite path for the link target, or null if not applicable
    • getRelativeUri

      public static String getRelativeUri(String fromUri, String toUri)
      Calculates a relative URI from "fromUri" to "toUri", both URI must be absolute.

      fromUri - the URI to start
      toUri - the URI to calculate a relative path to
      a relative URI from "fromUri" to "toUri"
    • getSitePath

      @Deprecated public static String getSitePath(CmsObject cms, String basePath, String targetUri)
      use getRootPath(CmsObject, String, String) instead, obtain the link manager with OpenCms.getLinkManager()
      Returns the resource root path for the given target URI in the OpenCms VFS, or null in case the target URI points to an external site.

      cms - the current users OpenCms context
      basePath - path to use as base site for the target URI (can be null)
      targetUri - the target URI
      the resource root path for the given target URI in the OpenCms VFS, or null in case the target URI points to an external site
    • hasScheme

      public static boolean hasScheme(String uri)
      Tests if the given URI starts with a scheme component.

      The scheme component is something like http: or ftp:.

      uri - the URI to test
      true if the given URI starts with a scheme component
    • isAbsoluteUri

      public static boolean isAbsoluteUri(String uri)
      Returns true in case the given URI is absolute.

      An URI is considered absolute if one of the following is true:

      • The URI starts with a '/' char.
      • The URI contains a ':' in the first 10 chars.
      • The URI is null
      uri - the URI to test
      true in case the given URI is absolute
    • isWorkplaceLink

      public static boolean isWorkplaceLink(String link)
      Returns if the given link points to the OpenCms workplace UI.

      link - the link to test
      true in case the given URI points to the OpenCms workplace UI
    • isWorkplaceUri

      public static boolean isWorkplaceUri(URI uri)
      Returns if the given URI is pointing to the OpenCms workplace UI.

      uri - the URI
      true if the given URI is pointing to the OpenCms workplace UI
    • removeOpenCmsContext

      public static String removeOpenCmsContext(String path)
      Given a path to a VFS resource, the method removes the OpenCms context, in case the path is prefixed by that context.
      path - the path where the OpenCms context should be removed
      the adjusted path
    • getOnlineLink

      public String getOnlineLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName)
      Returns the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix.


      In case the resource name is a full root path, the site from the root path will be used. Otherwise the resource is assumed to be in the current site set be the OpenCms user context.

      Please note that this method will always return the link as it will appear in the "Online" project, that is after the resource has been published. In case you need a method that just returns the link with the full server prefix, use getServerLink(CmsObject, String).

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix
      See Also:
    • getOnlineLink

      public String getOnlineLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix.


      In case the resource name is a full root path, the site from the root path will be used. Otherwise the resource is assumed to be in the current site set be the OpenCms user context.

      Please note that this method will always return the link as it will appear in the "Online" project, that is after the resource has been published. In case you need a method that just returns the link with the full server prefix, use getServerLink(CmsObject, String).

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix if the target is secure
      the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix
      See Also:
    • getOnlineLink

      public String getOnlineLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, String targetDetailPage, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix.


      In case the resource name is a full root path, the site from the root path will be used. Otherwise the resource is assumed to be in the current site set be the OpenCms user context.

      Please note that this method will always return the link as it will appear in the "Online" project, that is after the resource has been published. In case you need a method that just returns the link with the full server prefix, use getServerLink(CmsObject, String).

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      targetDetailPage - the target detail page, in case of linking to a specific detail page
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix if the target is secure
      the online link for the given resource, with full server prefix
      See Also:
    • getPermalink

      public String getPermalink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName)
      Returns the perma link for the given resource.


      cms - the cms context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the perma link for
      the perma link
    • getPermalink

      public String getPermalink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsUUID detailContentId)
      Returns the perma link for the given resource and optional detail content.<p<
      cms - the CMS context to use
      resourceName - the page to generate the perma link for
      detailContentId - the structure id of the detail content (may be null)
      the perma link
    • getPermalinkForCurrentPage

      Returns the perma link for the current page based on the URI and detail content id stored in the CmsObject passed as a parameter.<p<
      cms - the CMS context to use to generate the permalink
      the permalink
    • getPointerLinkValidationResult

      Returns the result of the last extern link validation.

      the result of the last extern link validation
    • getRootPath

      public String getRootPath(CmsObject cms, String targetUri)
      Returns the resource root path in the OpenCms VFS for the given target URI link, or null in case the link points to an external site.

      This methods does not support relative target URI links, so the given URI must be an absolute link.

      See getRootPath(CmsObject, String) for a full explanation of this method.

      cms - the current users OpenCms context
      targetUri - the target URI link
      the resource root path in the OpenCms VFS for the given target URI link, or null in case the link points to an external site
      See Also:
    • getRootPath

      public String getRootPath(CmsObject cms, String targetUri, String basePath)
      Returns the resource root path in the OpenCms VFS for the given target URI link, or null in case the link points to an external site.

      The default implementation applies the following transformations to the link:

      • In case the link starts with a VFS prefix (for example /opencms/opencms, this prefix is removed from the result
      • In case the link is not a root path, the current site root is appended to the result.

      • In case the link is relative, it will be made absolute using the given absolute basePath as starting point.

      • In case the link contains a server schema (for example, which points to a configured site in OpenCms, the server schema is replaced with the root path of the site.

      • In case the link points to an external site, or in case it is not a valid URI, then null is returned.

      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current users OpenCms context
      targetUri - the target URI link
      basePath - path to use as base in case the target URI is relative (can be null)
      the resource root path in the OpenCms VFS for the given target URI link, or null in case the link points to an external site
      See Also:
    • getServerLink

      public String getServerLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName)
      Returns the link for the given resource in the current project, with full server prefix.


      In case the resource name is a full root path, the site from the root path will be used. Otherwise the resource is assumed to be in the current site set be the OpenCms user context.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      the link for the given resource in the current project, with full server prefix
      See Also:
    • getServerLink

      public String getServerLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns the link for the given resource in the current project, with full server prefix.


      In case the resource name is a full root path, the site from the root path will be used. Otherwise the resource is assumed to be in the current site set be the OpenCms user context.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix
      the link for the given resource in the current project, with full server prefix
      See Also:
    • getWorkplaceLink

      public String getWorkplaceLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns the link for the given workplace resource. This should only be used for resources under /system or /shared.<p<
      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resourceName - the resource to generate the online link for
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix
      the link for the given resource
    • setLinkSubstitutionHandler

      Sets the internal link substitution handler.

      cms - an OpenCms user context that must have the permissions for role CmsRole.ROOT_ADMIN.

      linkSubstitutionHandler - the handler to set
      CmsRoleViolationException - in case the provided OpenCms user context does not have the required permissions
    • setPointerLinkValidationResult

      public void setPointerLinkValidationResult(CmsExternalLinksValidationResult externLinkValidationResult)
      Sets the result of an external link validation.

      externLinkValidationResult - the result an external link validation
    • substituteLink

      public String substituteLink(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given VFS resource, for use on web pages.

      The result will contain the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      Should the current site of the given OpenCms user context cms be different from the site root of the given resource, the result will contain the full server URL to the target resource.

      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      resource - the VFS resource the link should point to
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given VFS resource, for use on web pages
    • substituteLink

      public String substituteLink(CmsObject cms, String link)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link in the current site, for use on web pages.

      The provided link is assumed to be the contained in the site currently set in the provided OpenCms user context cms.

      The result will be an absolute link that contains the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      In case link is a relative URI, the current URI contained in the provided OpenCms user context cms is used to make the relative link absolute.

      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process which is assumed to point to a VFS resource, with optional parameters
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link in the current site
    • substituteLink

      public String substituteLink(CmsObject cms, String link, String siteRoot)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link and siteRoot, for use on web pages.

      The result will be an absolute link that contains the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      In case link is a relative URI, the current URI contained in the provided OpenCms user context cms is used to make the relative link absolute.

      The provided siteRoot is assumed to be the "home" of the link. In case the current site of the given OpenCms user context cms is different from the provided siteRoot, the full server prefix is appended to the result link.

      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process which is assumed to point to a VFS resource, with optional parameters
      siteRoot - the site root of the link
      the substituted link
    • substituteLink

      public String substituteLink(CmsObject cms, String link, String siteRoot, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link and siteRoot, for use on web pages, using the configured link substitution handler.

      The result will be an absolute link that contains the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      In case link is a relative URI, the current URI contained in the provided OpenCms user context cms is used to make the relative link absolute.

      The provided siteRoot is assumed to be the "home" of the link. In case the current site of the given OpenCms user context cms is different from the provided siteRoot, the full server prefix is appended to the result link.

      A server prefix is also added if

      • the link is contained in a normal document and the link references a secure document
      • the link is contained in a secure document and the link references a normal document
      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process which is assumed to point to a VFS resource, with optional parameters
      siteRoot - the site root of the link
      forceSecure - if true generates always an absolute URL (with protocol and server name) for secure links
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link and siteRoot
      See Also:
    • substituteLink

      public String substituteLink(CmsObject cms, String link, String siteRoot, String targetDetailPage, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link and siteRoot, for use on web pages, using the configured link substitution handler.

      The result will be an absolute link that contains the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      In case link is a relative URI, the current URI contained in the provided OpenCms user context cms is used to make the relative link absolute.

      The provided siteRoot is assumed to be the "home" of the link. In case the current site of the given OpenCms user context cms is different from the provided siteRoot, the full server prefix is appended to the result link.

      A server prefix is also added if

      • the link is contained in a normal document and the link references a secure document
      • the link is contained in a secure document and the link references a normal document
      Please note the above text describes the default behavior as implemented by CmsDefaultLinkSubstitutionHandler, which can be fully customized using the I_CmsLinkSubstitutionHandler interface.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process which is assumed to point to a VFS resource, with optional parameters
      siteRoot - the site root of the link
      targetDetailPage - the target detail page, in case of linking to a specific detail page
      forceSecure - if true generates always an absolute URL (with protocol and server name) for secure links
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given link and siteRoot
      See Also:
    • substituteLinkForRootPath

      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given root path, for use on web pages.

      The result will contain the configured context path and servlet name, and in the case of the "online" project it will also be rewritten according to to the configured static export settings.

      Should the current site of the given OpenCms user context cms be different from the site root of the given resource root path, the result will contain the full server URL to the target resource.

      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      rootPath - the VFS resource root path the link should point to
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the VFS resource indicated by the given root path
    • substituteLinkForUnknownTarget

      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link, for use on web pages.

      A number of tests are performed with the link in order to find out how to create the link:

      • If link is empty, an empty String is returned.
      • If link starts with an URI scheme component, for example http://, and does not point to an internal OpenCms site, it is returned unchanged.
      • If link is an absolute URI that starts with a configured site root, the site root is cut from the link and the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String, String) is returned.
      • Otherwise the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String) is returned.
      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link
    • substituteLinkForUnknownTarget

      public String substituteLinkForUnknownTarget(CmsObject cms, String link, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link, for use on web pages.

      A number of tests are performed with the link in order to find out how to create the link:

      • If link is empty, an empty String is returned.
      • If link starts with an URI scheme component, for example http://, and does not point to an internal OpenCms site, it is returned unchanged.
      • If link is an absolute URI that starts with a configured site root, the site root is cut from the link and the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String, String) is returned.
      • Otherwise the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String) is returned.
      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix if the link target is secure
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link
    • substituteLinkForUnknownTarget

      public String substituteLinkForUnknownTarget(CmsObject cms, String link, String targetDetailPage, boolean forceSecure)
      Returns a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link, for use on web pages.

      A number of tests are performed with the link in order to find out how to create the link:

      • If link is empty, an empty String is returned.
      • If link starts with an URI scheme component, for example http://, and does not point to an internal OpenCms site, it is returned unchanged.
      • If link is an absolute URI that starts with a configured site root, the site root is cut from the link and the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String, String) is returned.
      • Otherwise the same result as substituteLink(CmsObject, String) is returned.
      cms - the current OpenCms user context
      link - the link to process
      targetDetailPage - the target detail page, in case of linking to a specific detail page
      forceSecure - forces the secure server prefix if the link target is secure
      a link from the URI stored in the provided OpenCms user context to the given link