Class CmsRole


public final class CmsRole extends Object
A role is used in the OpenCms security system to check if a user has access to a certain system function.

Roles are used to ensure access permissions to system function that are not file based. For example, roles are used to check permissions to functions like "the user can schedule a job in the CmsScheduleManager" or "the user can export (or import) the OpenCms database".

All roles are based on CmsGroup. This means to have access to a role, the user has to be a member in a certain predefined system group. Each role has exactly one group that contains all "direct" members of this role.

All roles have (optional) parent roles. If a user not a member of the role group of a role, but he is a member of at last one of the parent role groups, he/she also has full access to this role. This is called "indirect" membership to the role.

Please note that "indirect" membership does grant the user the same full access to a role that "direct" membership does. For example, the ROOT_ADMIN role is a parent group of all other roles. So all users that are members of ROOT_ADMIN have access to the functions of all other roles.

Please do not perform automated sorting of members on this compilation unit. That leads to NPE's

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CmsRole

      public CmsRole(String roleName, CmsRole parentRole, String groupName, boolean ouDependent)
      Creates a user defined role.

      roleName - the name of this role
      groupName - the name of the group the members of this role are stored in
      parentRole - the parent role of this role
      ouDependent - if the role is organizational unit dependent
  • Method Details

    • applySystemRoleOrder

      public static void applySystemRoleOrder(List<CmsRole> roles)
      Applies the system role order to a list of roles.

      roles - the roles
    • getSystemRoles

      public static List<CmsRole> getSystemRoles()
      Returns the list of system defined roles (instances of CmsRole).

      the list of system defined roles
    • hasPrefix

      public static boolean hasPrefix(String principalName)
      Checks if the given String starts with PRINCIPAL_ROLE followed by a dot.

      • Works if the given String is null.
      • Removes white spaces around the String before the check.
      • Also works with prefixes not being in upper case.
      • Does not check if the role after the prefix actually exists.
      principalName - the potential role name to check
      true in case the String starts with PRINCIPAL_ROLE
    • removePrefix

      public static String removePrefix(String principalName)
      Removes the prefix if the given String starts with PRINCIPAL_ROLE followed by a dot.

      • Works if the given String is null.
      • If the given String does not start with PRINCIPAL_ROLE followed by a dot it is returned unchanged.
      • Removes white spaces around the role name.
      • Also works with prefixes not being in upper case.
      • Does not check if the role after the prefix actually exists.
      principalName - the role name to remove the prefix from
      the given String with the prefix PRINCIPAL_ROLE and the following dot removed
    • valueOf

      public static CmsRole valueOf(CmsGroup group)
      Returns the role for the given group.

      group - a group to check for role representation
      the role for the given group
    • valueOfGroupName

      public static CmsRole valueOfGroupName(String groupName)
      Returns the role for the given group name.

      groupName - a group name to check for role representation
      the role for the given group name
    • valueOfId

      public static CmsRole valueOfId(CmsUUID roleId)
      Returns the role for the given id.

      roleId - the id to check for role representation
      the role for the given role id
    • valueOfRoleName

      public static CmsRole valueOfRoleName(String roleName)
      Returns the role for the given role name.

      roleName - a role name to check for role representation
      the role for the given role name
    • createRoleViolationException

      Returns a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role.

      requestContext - the current users OpenCms request context
      a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role
    • createRoleViolationExceptionForOrgUnit

      Returns a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role.

      requestContext - the current users OpenCms request context
      orgUnitFqn - the organizational unit used for the role check, it may be null
      a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role
    • createRoleViolationExceptionForResource

      Returns a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role.

      requestContext - the current users OpenCms request context
      resource - the resource used for the role check, it may be null
      a role violation exception configured with a localized, role specific message for this role
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
      See Also:
    • forOrgUnit

      public CmsRole forOrgUnit(String ouFqn)
      Creates a new role based on this one for the given organizational unit.

      ouFqn - fully qualified name of the organizational unit
      a new role based on this one for the given organizational unit
    • getChildren

      public List<CmsRole> getChildren(boolean recursive)
      Returns a list of all sub roles.

      recursive - if not set just direct children are returned
      all sub roles as a list of CmsRole objects
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription(Locale locale)
      Returns a localized role description.

      locale - the locale
      the localized role description
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) throws CmsException
      Returns the display name of this role including the organizational unit.

      cms - the cms context
      locale - the locale
      the display name of this role including the organizational unit
      CmsException - if the organizational unit could not be read
    • getDistinctGroupNames

      Returns the distinct group names of this role.

      This group names are not fully qualified (organizational unit dependent).

      the distinct group names of this role
    • getFqn

      public String getFqn()
      Returns the fully qualified name of this role.

      the fqn of this role
    • getGroupName

      public String getGroupName()
      Returns the name of the group this role is mapped to in the OpenCms database.

      Here the fully qualified group name is returned.

      the name of the group this role is mapped to in the OpenCms database
    • getId

      public CmsUUID getId()
      Returns the id of this role.

      Does not differentiate for organizational units.

      the id of this role
    • getName

      public String getName(Locale locale)
      Returns a localized role name.

      locale - the locale
      the localized role name
    • getOuFqn

      public String getOuFqn()
      Returns the fully qualified name of the organizational unit.

      the fully qualified name of the organizational unit
    • getParentRole

      Returns the parent role of this role.

      the parent role of this role
    • getRoleName

      public String getRoleName()
      Returns the name of the role.

      the name of the role
    • getVirtualGroupFlags

      public int getVirtualGroupFlags()
      Returns the flags needed for a group to emulate this role.

      the flags needed for a group to emulate this role
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
      See Also:
    • isOrganizationalUnitIndependent

      Checks if this role is organizational unit independent.

      true if this role is organizational unit independent
    • isSystemRole

      public boolean isSystemRole()
      Check if this role is a system role.

      true if this role is a system role
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      See Also: