Uses of Class

Packages that use CmsRole
Contains the ade configuration classes.
Contains server side classes for the XML content editor.
Low-level database connection and access functionality.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the OpenCms database connector.
Provides the main OpenCms "operating system".
Contains functions to monitor the OpenCms system status.
Access control and security classes for the OpenCms ACL permission system.
Contains code for workplace apps.
Contains classes of the cache admin app.
Contains classes of the cache admin app.
Contains classes of the file history app.
This package contains the app classes for the git check in functionality.
This package contains the app classes for the list configurations manager.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the module manager app.
The project manager app classes.
Contains classes of the publish queue app.
The scheduled jobs manager app classes.
Contains classes of the source search app.
Contains classes of the searchindex app.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the user manager app.
Contains the widget implementations, these are GUI elements used in editors and dialogs of the OpenCms workplace.