Package org.opencms.xml.containerpage
package org.opencms.xml.containerpage
Contains functions for the ADE main pages, commonly called "Container Pages" in OpenCms.
Container Pages are composed just by links to content elements, ie. XML Content files.
- Since:
- 8.0.0
ClassDescriptionCache object instance for simultaneously cache online and offline items.The cache settings for ADE.ADE's session cache.Stores information about the container page which was last edited, so we can jump back to it later.Helper class for locating configuration files by looking up their location in properties of another resource.A single item of the ADE file type configuration.One container of a container page.One element of a container in a container page.Describes one locale of a container page.A class which contains the data parsed from a dynamic function XML content.A bean which contains a single format for a dynamic function, which contains of the function JSP, the container settings and the parameters.The parser class for creating dynamic function beans from XML contents.Formatter configuration for flex formatters.A bean containing formatter configuration data as strings.Represents a formatter configuration.This class is used to sort lists of formatter beans in order of importance.Predicate which checks whether the given formatter is a detail formatter.Predicate which checks whether the given formatter is a display formatter.Predicate to check whether the formatter is from a schema.A bean containing formatter configuration data as strings.A group container.Content handler for HTML redirects.Helper class for creating a folder if it doesn'T already exist.Special handler for list configurations that rewrites the TypesToCollect field using formatter keys if possible, rather than IDs.Formatter configuration for macro formatters.Configuration bean for meta mappings.Wrapper class for formatter beans which delegates all methods to the wrapped formatter bean except those for which we need to ask the content handler for additional data like element settings or head includes.Implementation of a object used to access and manage the xml data of a container page.XML node name constants.Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an container page object.Container page handler to validate consistency.This is the XML content handler class for the "dynamic functionality" resource type.Implementation of a object used to access and manage the xml data of a group container.XML node name constants.Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an group container object.The XML content handler class for group containers.The XML content handler class for inheritance groups.Configurable & expandable configuration.Interface representing a configured formatter.Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.