ClassesClassDescriptionSkeleton dialog to create a new group or edit an existing group in the administration view.Dialog to edit new or existing user in the administration view.Skeleton for a generic group list.Generalized user groups view.Dialog to edit new or existing organizational unit in the administration view.Main organization unit management view.Generalized organizational unit users view.User roles overview view.Generalized role users view.Abstract dialog class to import and export user data.Generalized user groups view.Main user account management view.Users management tool handler that hides the tool if the current user has not the needed privileges.Group dependencies list view.Helper class for generating the list entries.Displays an icon action for dependency lists.Wrapper class for the different types of icon actions the dependency lists.Dialog to create a new group or edit an existing group in the administration view.Dialog to edit the users additional info in the administration view.Dialog to edit new or existing system user in the administration view.Group dependencies list view including delete and transfer functionality.The group overview and group info widget dialog.Group dependencies list view.Shows direct/indirect assigned groups and enabled/disabled a remove action.Group account view over all manageable organizational units.Main group management view.Show diferent states depending on user direct/indirect group assignment.Allows to select a group to transfer the permissions and attributes from another one.User groups view.Not Usergroups view.Not organizational unit users view.Not role users view.Not Usergroups view.Organizational unit bean for use in new organizational unit dialog.Dialog to edit new or existing organizational unit in the administration view.Dialog to get an overview of an organizational unit in the administration view.Admin organization unit management view.Sub organization units list.Units management tool handler that hides the tool if the current user has not the needed privileges.Organizational unit users view.User roles overview view.The role overview widget dialog.Roles overview view.Role users view.User groups overview view.List for org unit resources.Collector for organizational unit resources.Role users list view.User groups overview view.User roles overview view.Class for managing two organizational unit lists on the same dialog.Simple "dialog" class to unlock a user.User additional information bean.Dialog to export user data.Dialog to import user data.Main system user account management view.User dependencies list view including delete and transfer functionality.User groups view.Workplace dialog to kill user sessions.Dialog to edit new or existing user in the administration view.User dependencies list view.Dialog to edit the roles of a user.User account view over all manageable organizational units.Generates a CSV file for a given list.Main system user account management view.Allows to select an user to transfer the permissions and attributes from list of previous selected users.Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.