All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract base class for setup dialog steps.
Represent a part of the database update process.
The abstract class for the update dialogs.
A bean to perform a OpenCms setup automatically.
Reads and manages the configuration file for the OpenCms auto-setup.
Form for database settings.
A java bean as a controller for the OpenCms setup wizard.
Module group data.
Helper class to call database setup scripts.
Wrapper to encapsulate, connection, statement and result set for the setup
and update wizard.
Dialog used to display error stack traces in the workplace.
Logging Thread which collects the output from CmsSetupThread and
stores it in a Vector that the OpenCms setup wizard can read via
the getMessages() method.
Setup step: component check.
Setup step: Databbase settings.
Setup step: Selecting components (= module groups).
Setup step: Other settings.
Setup step: Module import via CmsShell.
Setup step: Configuration notes.
Tests the permission on the target installation folders.
Tests the java temp directory.
Tests the version of the JDK.
Tests the operating system.
Contains info about the result of a setup test.
The widget used to show setup test results.
Runs various tests to give users infos about whether their system is compatible to OpenCms.
Tests the servlet container.
Tests the image processing capabilities.
Tests if the OpenCms WAR file is unpacked.
Test for the Xerces version.
Test for the XML API.
UI class for the setup wizard.
Used for the workplace setup in the OpenCms setup wizard.
Helper class to modify xml files.
A java bean as a controller for the OpenCms update wizard.
This class makes the remaining changes to some tables in order to update them.
This class makes the remaining changes to some tables in order to update them.
Oracle implementation of the generic Alter Table class.
PostgreSQL implementation of the generic Alter Table class.
This class makes an update of the CMS_USERS table splitting it up into CMS_USERS and CMS_USERDATA.
This class makes an update of the CMS_USERS table splitting it up into CMS_USERS and CMS_USERDATA.
Oracle implementation of the generic update class for the Users.
PostgreSQL implementation of the generic update class for the Users.
This class creates the table CMS_CONTENTS and fills it with data from the tables CMS_BACKUP_CONTENTS and CMS_ONLINE_CONTENTS.
This class creates the table CMS_CONTENTS and fills it with data from the tables CMS_BACKUP_CONTENTS and CMS_ONLINE_CONTENTS.
Oracle implementation of the generic update of the contents tables.
PostgreSQL implementation of the generic update of the contents tables.
This class creates all the indexes that are used in the database version 7.
This class creates all the indexes that are used in the database version 7.
Oracle implementation for the creation of the indexes of the tables in version 7.
PostgreSQL implementation for the creation of the indexes of the tables in version 7.
This class drops the CMS_BACKUP tables that are no longer used after all the transfers are finished.
This class drops the CMS_BACKUP tables that are no longer used after all the transfers are finished.
Oracle implementation of the generic class to drop the backup tables from the database.
PostgreSQL implementation of the generic class to drop the backup tables from the database.
This class drops all indexes of each table of the database.
This class drops all indexes of each table of the database.
Oracle implementation to drop the old indexes from the database.
PostgreSQL implementation to drop the old indexes from the database.
This class drops the outdated tables from the OpenCms database.
This class drops the outdated tables from the OpenCms database.
Oracle implementation to drop the unused tables from the database.
PostgreSQL implementation to drop the unused tables from the database.
This class inserts formerly deleted users/groups in the CMS_HISTORY_PRINCIPALS table.
This class inserts formerly deleted users/groups in the CMS_HISTORY_PRINCIPALS table.
Oracle implementation to create the history principals table and contents.
PostgreSQL implementation to create the history principals table and contents.
This class converts the backup tables to history tables.
This class converts the backup tables to history tables.
Oracle implementation to create the history tables and move the according contents to them.
PostgreSQL implementation to create the history tables and move the according contents to them.
This manager controls the update of the database from OpenCms 6 to OpenCms 7.
This class creates the new tables for the database of OpenCms.
This class creates the new tables for the database version of OpenCms 7.
Oracle implementation to create the new tables for version 7 of OpenCms.
PostgreSQL implementation to create the new tables for version 7 of OpenCms.
This class creates the new tables for the database of OpenCms.
This class creates the new tables for the database version of OpenCms 8.
Oracle implementation to create the new tables for version 7 of OpenCms.
Oracle implementation to create the new tables for version 7 of OpenCms.
This class updates the project ids from integer values to CmsUUIDs in all existing database tables.
This class updates the project ids from integer values to CmsUUIDs in all existing database tables.
Oracle implementation to update the project ids to uuids.
PostgreSQL implementation to update the project ids to uuids.
Used for the workplace setup in the OpenCms setup wizard.
This class upgrades the database tables containing new OU columns.
This class upgrades the database tables containing new OU columns.
Oracle implementation to update the OUs of of the database.
PostgreSQL implementation to update the OUs of of the database.
Conveniently stores information necessary during the update.
Updates the password column length in the CMS_USERS table.
MySQL version of CmsUpdatePasswordColumn.
Oracle version of CmsUpdatePasswordColumn.
Postgres version of CmsUpdatePasswordColumn.
License dialog.
DB settings dialog.
DB Update thread dialog.
Settings dialog.
The Module update dialog.
Finish dialog.
Used for the OpenCms workplace update wizard.
Used for the workplace setup in the OpenCms setup wizard.
Class for updating the XML configuration files using a set of XSLT transforms.
Represent a test to give users infos about whether their system is compatible to OpenCms.
Represent a part of the database update process.
Interface used by setup steps to communicate with the rest of the setup UI.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.