Uses of Package
Packages that use org.opencms.main
Contains the ade configuration classes.
Classes for handling formatter configurations.
Contains the container page editor service classes.
Contains classes used for reading and caching inheritance groups.
Contains server side classes for the XML content editor.
Contains functions for the detail pages in OpenCms.
Contains server side classes for the gallery dialogs.
This package contains the server-side classes for the publish module.
Server side of the sitemap view.
Implementations of specialized caches used in OpenCms.
Reads and writes the XML based OpenCms configuration files.
Low-level database connection and access functionality.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the OpenCms database connector.
This package contains the implementation classes for the DB log.
This important package provides the methods to access the OpenCms VFS repository with the permissions
of an authenticated user.
Collectors allow to gather lists of OpenCms resources from the OpenCms VFS using specific rules.
This package contains the classes to deal with the OpenCms VFS history archive.
The implementations of the core resource types for the VFS are located here.
This package contains classes and interfaces used to access OpenCms through a wrapped
.Provides low-level JSP integration funtionality for OpenCms,
also implements the FlexCache, a declarative parameter-based cache.
Provides core support for GWT.
Classes to handle internalization (i18n) and locale selection in OpenCms.
Tools for i18n.
Contains functions to import and export resources from the OpenCms VFS.
The implementation of the OpenCms JSP tag library, with some additional utility classes to
help in JSP scriplet code and navigation building.
HTML postprocessor, used to tag single words or phrases in the HTML output.
API classes for the <cms:parse> tag.
Helpers for the preconfigured filter query part of the list configuration (ie.
Utility classes to be used for JSP pages.
Low-level functions to manage the loading of resources from the OpenCms VFS.
The lock state of the resources in the VFS is handled with these classes.
Provides utility classes to generate email messages using the OpenCms email configuration.
Provides the main OpenCms "operating system".
OpenCms modules provide a powerful, standardized way to extend
the core OpenCms functionality.
Contains classes to distribute newsletters.
Contains classes for the automatical notification of outdated, expiring or released content.
Classes to handle the OpenCms publish process.
Classes to represent and validate the internal and external links/relations of resources in the OpenCms VFS.
Package contains all classes and interfaces needed to create or use a repository to
access the resources in the VFS.
The CmsRemoteShell allows to manipulate a running server using OpenCms shell commands.
The OpenCms scheduler provides a facility to run jobs in a regular schedule, much
like the "cron" faciltiy in UNIX systems.
Implements the main full text search and indexing functions available in OpenCms.
Handles indexing different sorts of document and resource type from the OpenCms VFS for the full text search.
These classes control the mapping of the OpenCms content to the Lucene search fields.
Implements the search functions for the OpenCms Gallery search index,
which is used by the Advanced Direct Edit (ADE) functions.
The package contains the Solr search integration.
Access control and security classes for the OpenCms ACL permission system.
Provides access to the multi-site configuration of OpenCms.
Contains classes related to XML sitemap generation.
Contains the functionality for the static HTML page export.
Classes used to synchronize the OpenCms VFS with the real file system.
General code for the Vaadin UI.
Contains code for workplace apps.
Contains classes of the cache admin app.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the source search app.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the user manager app.
Contains components for selecting resources.
Contains code for workplace dialogs.
Contains code for the availability dialog.
Contains code for the file history dialog.
Contains code for the comparison view of the file history dialog.
The data bindings and logic for the translator editor.
Contains the user interface components for the Vaadin-based login dialog.
Vaadin GUI components and utilities for use in the sitemap editor.
Utilities for Vaadin workplace code.
Utility functions for String manipulation and other often used tasks.
Contains the widget implementations, these are GUI elements used in editors and dialogs of the OpenCms workplace.
Classes related to publishing and workflow.
The base classes for the OpenCms Workplace
(standard dialog, tab dialog, report based dialog)
and the Workplace configuration classes are located here.
Utilities for comparing different versions of resources, used by both the classic workplace and the new Vaadin-based workplace.
Base classes for the editors (WYSIWYG, plain text, XML content) used in the OpenCms Workplace.
Used to control the generation of the HTML for the "direct edit" buttons.
Contains the functions that generate the Workplace "Explorer" view, also contains
the "New resource" wizard.
A collection of thread classes that are used in the OpenCms Workplace,
usually in connection with a report.
Contains the base classes for implementing a tool in the OpenCms Workplace "Administration" view.
Basic XML functionality and utilities used by OpenCms to maintain XML documents and content.
Contains functions for the ADE main pages, commonly called "Container Pages" in OpenCms.
Contains functions for structured content storage using XML, commonly called "XML content" in OpenCms.
Contains functions for unstructured content storage using XML, commonly called "XML pages" in OpenCms.
Contains the basic XML content type definitions, used for XML content and XML pages.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.configurationClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.configuration.formatters
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.configuration.plugins
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.containerpageClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.containerpage.inherited
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.contenteditor
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.detailpageClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.galleries
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.publish
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.sitemap
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ade.upload
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.cacheClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.cmis
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.configurationClassDescriptionManager that controls the OpenCms event system.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Contains the settings to handle HTTP basic authentication.Describes an OpenCms request handler.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
.This interface is used to define the session storage implementation provider.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.dbClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.A multi exception is a container for several exception messages that may be caused by an internal operation.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually beOpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.db.genericClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.db.logClassDescriptionA replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.fileClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.file.collectorsClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.file.historyClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.file.typesClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.file.wrapperClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.flexClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.gwtClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.i18nClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.importexportClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jlan
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jspClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jsp.decorator
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jsp.parse
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jsp.userdataClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.jsp.utilClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides access to system wide "read only" information about the running OpenCms instance.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.loaderClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.lockClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.mail
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.mainClassDescriptionA single broadcast message, send from one OpenCms user to another.The content mode describes how the text used for a broadcast message should be interpreted.Contains user information for automated creation of a
during system runtime.Event class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Manager that controls the OpenCms event system.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Contains the settings to handle HTTP basic authentication.Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Stores specific servlet container options, that might influence OpenCms behavior.Enumeration class for the configuration mode.Stores information about a user that has authenticated himself the OpenCms security system.Keeps track of the sessions running on the OpenCms server and provides a session info storage which is used to get an overview about currently authenticated OpenCms users, as well as sending broadcasts between users.A command line interface to access OpenCms functions which is used for the initial setup and also can be used for scripting access to the OpenCms repository without the Workplace.Node for the summary tree generated from the thread dumps.Provides access to system wide "read only" information about the running OpenCms instance.Wrapper class used to access build information.The OpenCms "Grim Reaper" thread store were all system Threads are maintained.Servlet for workplace UI requests.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Describes an OpenCms request handler.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually beOpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
.This interface is used to define the session storage implementation provider.Provides scriptable access to a class from the CmsShell.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.The internal implementation of the core OpenCms "operating system" functions.This the main servlet of the OpenCms system.Context class for storing request-dependent caches etc.Debugging information about currently running requests. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.moduleClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.newsletter
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.notification
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.pdftoolsClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.publishClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.relationsClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.repository
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.rmi
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.schedulerClassDescriptionContains user information for automated creation of a
during system runtime.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.searchClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalStateException
Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.securityClassDescriptionAbstract class to grant the needed access to the session manager.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.siteClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.staticexportClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.synchronizeClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ugcClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Interface used for notifying objects stored in a session when the session is destroyed.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.apps
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.apps.cacheadmin
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.apps.logfileClassDescriptionA replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.apps.sessionsClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Stores information about a user that has authenticated himself the OpenCms security system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.apps.user
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.components.fileselect
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.dialogs
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.dialogs.availability
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history.diff
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.editors.messagebundle
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.favorites
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.login
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.sitemap
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.ui.util
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.utilClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.webdav
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.widgetsClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workflowClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplaceClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.comparisonClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.editors
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.editors.directedit
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.explorerClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.threadsClassDescriptionA replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.workplace.toolsClassDescriptionA replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xmlClassDescriptionEvent class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.containerpageClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.containerpage.mutable
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.contentClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.pageClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.templatemapper
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.typesClassDescriptionA replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.IllegalArgumentException
A replacement for
to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.RuntimeException
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.xml2jsonClassDescriptionMaster exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be
OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
. -
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.xml2json.document
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.xml2json.handler
Classes in org.opencms.main used by org.opencms.xml.xml2json.renderer