Uses of Class
Packages that use CmsException
Contains the ade configuration classes.
Classes for handling formatter configurations.
Contains the container page editor service classes.
Contains classes used for reading and caching inheritance groups.
Contains server side classes for the XML content editor.
Contains functions for the detail pages in OpenCms.
Contains server side classes for the gallery dialogs.
This package contains the server-side classes for the publish module.
Server side of the sitemap view.
Reads and writes the XML based OpenCms configuration files.
Low-level database connection and access functionality.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the OpenCms database connector.
This important package provides the methods to access the OpenCms VFS repository with the permissions
of an authenticated user.
Collectors allow to gather lists of OpenCms resources from the OpenCms VFS using specific rules.
This package contains the classes to deal with the OpenCms VFS history archive.
The implementations of the core resource types for the VFS are located here.
This package contains classes and interfaces used to access OpenCms through a wrapped
.Provides low-level JSP integration funtionality for OpenCms,
also implements the FlexCache, a declarative parameter-based cache.
Provides core support for GWT.
Classes to handle internalization (i18n) and locale selection in OpenCms.
Tools for i18n.
Contains functions to import and export resources from the OpenCms VFS.
The implementation of the OpenCms JSP tag library, with some additional utility classes to
help in JSP scriplet code and navigation building.
HTML postprocessor, used to tag single words or phrases in the HTML output.
API classes for the <cms:parse> tag.
Helpers for the preconfigured filter query part of the list configuration (ie.
Utility classes to be used for JSP pages.
Low-level functions to manage the loading of resources from the OpenCms VFS.
The lock state of the resources in the VFS is handled with these classes.
Provides utility classes to generate email messages using the OpenCms email configuration.
Provides the main OpenCms "operating system".
OpenCms modules provide a powerful, standardized way to extend
the core OpenCms functionality.
Contains classes to distribute newsletters.
Contains classes for the automatical notification of outdated, expiring or released content.
Classes to handle the OpenCms publish process.
Classes to represent and validate the internal and external links/relations of resources in the OpenCms VFS.
Package contains all classes and interfaces needed to create or use a repository to
access the resources in the VFS.
The CmsRemoteShell allows to manipulate a running server using OpenCms shell commands.
The OpenCms scheduler provides a facility to run jobs in a regular schedule, much
like the "cron" faciltiy in UNIX systems.
Implements the main full text search and indexing functions available in OpenCms.
Handles indexing different sorts of document and resource type from the OpenCms VFS for the full text search.
These classes control the mapping of the OpenCms content to the Lucene search fields.
Implements the search functions for the OpenCms Gallery search index,
which is used by the Advanced Direct Edit (ADE) functions.
The package contains the Solr search integration.
Access control and security classes for the OpenCms ACL permission system.
Provides access to the multi-site configuration of OpenCms.
Contains classes related to XML sitemap generation.
Contains the functionality for the static HTML page export.
Classes used to synchronize the OpenCms VFS with the real file system.
General code for the Vaadin UI.
Contains code for workplace apps.
Contains classes of the cache admin app.
Contains classes of the source search app.
Contains classes of the site manager app.
Contains classes of the user manager app.
Contains components for selecting resources.
Contains code for workplace dialogs.
Contains code for the availability dialog.
Contains code for the file history dialog.
Contains code for the comparison view of the file history dialog.
The data bindings and logic for the translator editor.
Contains the user interface components for the Vaadin-based login dialog.
Vaadin GUI components and utilities for use in the sitemap editor.
Utilities for Vaadin workplace code.
Utility functions for String manipulation and other often used tasks.
Contains the widget implementations, these are GUI elements used in editors and dialogs of the OpenCms workplace.
Classes related to publishing and workflow.
The base classes for the OpenCms Workplace
(standard dialog, tab dialog, report based dialog)
and the Workplace configuration classes are located here.
Utilities for comparing different versions of resources, used by both the classic workplace and the new Vaadin-based workplace.
Base classes for the editors (WYSIWYG, plain text, XML content) used in the OpenCms Workplace.
Used to control the generation of the HTML for the "direct edit" buttons.
Contains the functions that generate the Workplace "Explorer" view, also contains
the "New resource" wizard.
Basic XML functionality and utilities used by OpenCms to maintain XML documents and content.
Contains functions for the ADE main pages, commonly called "Container Pages" in OpenCms.
Contains functions for structured content storage using XML, commonly called "XML content" in OpenCms.
Contains functions for unstructured content storage using XML, commonly called "XML pages" in OpenCms.
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.configuration
Methods in org.opencms.ade.configuration that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CmsObject cms, String pageFolderRootPath) Checks if this resource type is creatable.CmsADEConfigCacheState.computeFolderTypes()
Computes the map from folder paths to content types for this ADE configuration state.void
(CmsObject cms, String pageFolderRootPath, CmsNewResourceBuilder builder) Similar to createNewElement, but just sets parameters on a resource builder instead of actually creating the resource.protected void
Creates the content directory for this configuration node if possible.CmsResourceTypeConfig.createNewElement
(CmsObject userCms, String pageFolderRootPath) Creates a new element.CmsResourceTypeConfig.createNewElement
(CmsObject userCms, CmsResource modelResource, String pageFolderRootPath) Creates a new element.CmsADEConfigData.getCreatableTypes
(CmsObject cms, String pageFolderRootPath) Returns a list of the creatable resource types.CmsADEManager.getCurrentElement
(javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Reads the current element bean from the request.CmsADEManager.getElementSettings
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns the element settings for a given resource.CmsADEManager.getFavoriteList
(CmsObject cms) Returns the favorite list, or creates it if not available.CmsADEConfigData.getFolderTypes()
Collects the folder types in a map.CmsADEManager.getInheritedContainerState
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath, String name) Returns the inheritance state for the given inheritance name and root path.CmsADEManager.getPermissionInfo
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String contextPath) Returns the permission info for the given resource.CmsADEManager.getRecentList
(CmsObject cms) Returns the favorite list, or creates it if not available.protected String
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean online) Gets the root path for a given resource structure id.protected CmsProject
(CmsObject cms) Gets a tempfile project, creating one if it doesn't exist already.CmsResourceTypeConfig.getType()
Gets the actual resource type for which this is a configuration.void
(CmsObject userCms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String htmlRedirect) Processes a HTML redirect content.CmsConfigurationReader.parseConfiguration
(String basePath, CmsXmlContent content) Parses a configuration XML content and creates a configuration object from it.CmsConfigurationReader.parseFolderOrName
(String basePath, I_CmsXmlContentLocation location) Parses a folder which may either be given as a path or as a folder name.void
(String basePath, I_CmsXmlContentLocation node) Parses a resource type configuration element from the XML content.CmsConfigurationReader.parseSitemapConfiguration
(String basePath, CmsResource configRes) Parses the sitemap configuration given the configuration file and base
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Reads the attribute definitions from an XML content.protected CmsObject
Creates a new CMS object based on existing one and changes its site root to the site root.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath, List<CmsDetailPageInfo> detailPages, CmsUUID newId) Saves a list of detail pages.void
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsContainerElementBean> favoriteList) Saves the favorite list, user based.void
(CmsObject cms, String sitePath, String name, boolean newOrder, List<CmsContainerElementBean> elements) Saves the inheritance container information.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource pageResource, String name, boolean newOrder, List<CmsContainerElementBean> elements) Saves the inheritance container information.void
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsContainerElementBean> recentList) Saves the favorite list, user based.void
(CmsObject cms, boolean showHelp) Sets the show editor help flag.protected void
(CmsObject cms, String folderPath) Tries to remove a lock on an ancestor of a given path owned by the current user. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.configuration.formatters
Methods in org.opencms.ade.configuration.formatters that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFormatterBeanParser.parse
(CmsXmlContent content, String location, String id) Reads the formatter bean from the given XML content.Constructors in org.opencms.ade.configuration.formatters that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsFormatterConfigurationCache
(CmsObject cms, String name) Creates a new formatter configuration cache instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.configuration.plugins
Methods in org.opencms.ade.configuration.plugins that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsSitePlugin
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Reads a site plugin from a file. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.containerpage
Methods in org.opencms.ade.containerpage that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsADEConfigData configData) Creates a new model group resource.static List<CmsModelResourceInfo>
(CmsObject cms, String resourceType, List<CmsResource> modelResources, Locale contentLocale) Generates the model resource data list.CmsContainerpageService.getCachedElement
(String clientId, String pageRootPath) Reads the cached element-bean for the given client-side-id from cache.CmsElementUtil.getElementData
(CmsResource page, CmsContainerElementBean element, Collection<CmsContainer> containers) Returns the data for an element.CmsElementUtil.getElementSettingsConfig
(CmsResource page, CmsContainerElementBean element, String containerId, Collection<CmsContainer> containers) Returns the formatter and settings config data for an element.CmsAddDialogTypeHelper.getResourceTypes
(CmsObject cms, String folderRootPath, String createContextPath, String checkViewableReferenceUri, CmsElementView elementView, I_CmsResourceTypeEnabledCheck checkEnabled) Creates list of resource type beans for gallery or 'New' dialog.CmsContainerpageService.internalGetRemovedElementStatus
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID containerpageId) Internal helper method to get the status of a removed element.CmsModelGroupHelper.prepareforModelGroupContent
(Map<String, CmsContainerElementBean> elements, List<String> foundGroups, CmsContainerPageBean page, boolean alwaysCopy, Locale locale, String createContextPath) Adds the model group elements to the page.CmsTypeAnalyzer.processFolder()
Process folder.static CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID detailId, String detailOnlyRootPath) Creates an empty detail-only page for a content, or just reads the resource if the detail-only page already exists.static CmsTypeAnalyzer.State
(CmsObject cms, String path, boolean skipDetailOnly, String excludeContainersStr, String templateRegex) Runs the type analysis and returns the state object with all the collected data.static CmsXmlContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource content, String locale, CmsContainerPageBean page) Saves a detail-only page for a content.CmsModelGroupHelper.saveModelGroups
(CmsContainerPageBean page, CmsResource pageResource) Saves the model groups of the given container page.CmsElementUtil.setElementInfo
(CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsContainerElement result) Sets the data to the given container element.Constructors in org.opencms.ade.containerpage that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsUUID detailContentId, String requestParameters, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.CmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsUUID detailContentId, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.CmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsContainerPageBean containerPage, CmsUUID detailContentId, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, boolean isDragMode, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.CmsTypeAnalyzer
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot, String path, boolean skipDetailOnly, Set<String> excludedContainers, String templateRegex) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.containerpage.inherited
Methods in org.opencms.ade.containerpage.inherited that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, String name) Finds the inheritance group content with a given internal name.CmsInheritanceGroupUtils.getNamesOfGroupsContainingResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource inheritanceConfig, CmsResource target) Parses an inheritance group configuration C and returns the names of inheritance groups in C in which a given resource is defined as a new element.protected Map<String,
CmsXmlContentProperty> CmsContainerConfigurationWriter.getSettingConfiguration
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Gets the setting configuration of an element.void
Parses the contents of a file.void
(CmsResource resource) Parses the contents of a resource.void
(CmsResource resource) Parses a given resource.void
(CmsObject cms, String name, boolean newOrdering, CmsResource pageResource, List<CmsContainerElementBean> elements) Saves a list of container element beans to a file in the VFS.protected CmsXmlContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, Locale locale, String name, CmsContainerConfiguration configuration) Saves a single container configuration in an XML content object, but doesn't write it to the
(CmsObject cms, String name, CmsContainerConfiguration config, org.dom4j.Element parentElement) Serializes a single container configuration into an XML element.Constructors in org.opencms.ade.containerpage.inherited that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsContainerConfigurationCache
(CmsObject cms, String name) Creates a new cache instance for inherited containers. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.contenteditor
Methods in org.opencms.ade.contenteditor that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(CmsObject cms, String newLink, Locale locale, String referenceSitePath, String modelFileSitePath, String mode, String postCreateHandler) Creates a new resource to edit, delegating to an edit handler if edit handler data is passed in. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.detailpage
Methods in org.opencms.ade.detailpage that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDefaultDetailPageHandler.getAllDetailPages
(CmsObject cms, int resType) Gets the all detail pages.CmsPermissiveDetailPageHandler.getAllDetailPages
(CmsObject cms, int resType) I_CmsDetailPageHandler.getAllDetailPages
(CmsObject cms, int restype) Finds all detail pages for a given resource.CmsDetailPageUtil.getAllDetailPagesWithUrlName
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Gets a list of detail page URIs for the given resource, with its URL name appended.static String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Returns either the newest URL name for a structure id, or the structure id as a string if there is no URL name.static CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, String uri) Looks up a page by URI (which may be a detail page URI, or a normal VFS uri).void
(List<CmsDetailPageInfo> infos, CmsUUID newId) Writes the new detail page information to the configuration file. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.galleries
Methods in org.opencms.ade.galleries that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected abstract T
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Creates a tree entry bean from a resource.protected void
(Collection<CmsResource> resources) Finds the common root folder for a collection of resources.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsResource resource) Gets the children of a resource.protected CmsObject
(CmsGallerySearchBean searchObj) Gets an initialized CmsObject to be used for the actual search for a given search bean.protected List<CmsResource>
(String rootPath) Gets the sitemap sub entries for a given path as resources.protected List<CmsSitemapEntryBean>
(String rootPath, boolean isRoot, String filter) Internal method for getting sitemap sub entries for a given root path.static CmsVfsEntryBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String title, boolean isRoot, boolean isEditable, List<CmsVfsEntryBean> children, boolean isMatch) Creates the VFS entry bean for a resource.protected boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Checks whether a given resource is a sitemap entry.A_CmsTreeTabDataPreloader.preloadData
(CmsObject cms, Set<CmsResource> openResources, Set<CmsResource> selectedResources) Creates the preload data for a collection of resources which correspond to "opened" tree items.static CmsPoint
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Reads the focal point from a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceInfoBean resInfo, String locale) Retrieves the resource information and puts it into the provided resource info bean. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.publish
Methods in org.opencms.ade.publish that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsObject cms, Set<CmsResource> resources) Adds contents of folders to a list of resources.static CmsObject
(CmsObject cms, boolean online) Initializes a CmsObject based on the given one, but with adjusted project information and configured, such that release and expiration date are ignored.protected List<CmsResource>
(boolean online) Computes the collector results.I_CmsPublishRelatedResourceProvider.getAdditionalRelatedResources
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Gets the set of additional related resources.CmsCollectorPublishListHelper.getCmsObject
(boolean online) Initializes a CmsObject.CmsCollectorPublishListHelper.getPublishListFiles()
Gets the list to add to the publish list for the collector list.CmsDefaultCollectorPublishListProvider.getPublishResources
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) CmsRealProjectVirtualWrapper.getResources
(CmsObject cms, Map<String, String> params, String workflowId) Gets the resources of the virtual project.void
(List<CmsResource> resources) Publishes the given list of resources.void
(Collection<CmsUUID> idsToRemove) Removes the given resources from the user's publish list.protected CmsPublishResource
(CmsResource resource, CmsPublishResourceInfo info, boolean removable, List<CmsPublishResource> related) Creates a publish resource bean instance from the given parameters. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.sitemap
Methods in org.opencms.ade.sitemap that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsResource sitemapConfig, CmsResource modelPage, boolean disabled) Adds a model page to the sitemap config.CmsModelPageHelper.createModelGroupPage
(String name, String description, CmsUUID copyId) Creates a new model group page.CmsModelPageHelper.createPageInModelFolder
(String name, String description, CmsUUID copyId) Creates a new potential model page in the default folder for new model pages.void
(CmsResource sitemapConfig, CmsUUID structureId, boolean disabled) Disables the given model page.protected CmsVfsSitemapService.LockInfo
(CmsResource resource) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.CmsModelPageHelper.ensureModelFolder
(CmsResource rootResource) Tries to either read or create the default folder for model pages in the current sitemap, and returns it.void
(CmsResource sitemapConfig, CmsUUID structureId) Removes a model page from the sitemap configuration.CmsAliasBulkEditHelper.saveAliases
(CmsAliasSaveValidationRequest saveRequest) Saves alias changes to the database.protected CmsSitemapChange
(String entryPoint, CmsSitemapChange change) Internal method for saving a sitemap.Constructors in org.opencms.ade.sitemap that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsModelPageHelper
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource rootResource) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ade.upload
Constructors in org.opencms.ade.upload that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsUploadBean
(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Constructor, with parameters. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.cmis
Methods in org.opencms.cmis with parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(CmsException e) Wrap OpenCms into OpenCMIS exceptions and rethrow them.Methods in org.opencms.cmis that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, boolean onlyBasic) Compiles the ACL for a file or folder.protected
(CmsCmisCallContext context, CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, Set<String> filter, String renditionFilter, boolean includeAllowableActions, boolean includeAcl, org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.IncludeRelationships includeRelationships) Fills in an ObjectData record.static boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Tries to lock a resource and throws an exception if it can't be locked.I_CmsPropertyProvider.getPropertyValue
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Reads the property value.protected List<>
(CmsCmisCallContext context, CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.RelationshipDirection relationshipDirection, Set<String> filterSet, boolean includeAllowableActions) Gets the relationship data for a given resource.static boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Checks whether the given resource has any children.void
(CmsObject cms) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String valueToSet) Writes the property value.Constructors in org.opencms.cmis that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsCmisTypeManager
(CmsObject adminCms, List<I_CmsPropertyProvider> propertyProviders) Creates a new type manager instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.configuration
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.configurationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exceptions that occur during the XML configuration process.Methods in org.opencms.configuration that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsConfigurationException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.configuration that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.db
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.dbModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals that a data source consistency problem has been detected.class
Signals that an attempt to create an object was not successfull because it already exists.class
Signals that an attempt to read an object from a data source, that is supposed to exist, was not successfull.class
Signals that a low-level exception occurred when accessing the OpenCms database.class
Signals that an IO exception occurred when reading from or writing to the OpenCms database.class
Signals that a foreign key in the VFS STRUCTURE, RESOURCES or FILES database tables is either invalid or empty.class
Used to signal sql related issues.class
Signals that an attempt to create a resource was not successfull since at the given location another online resource with a different structure id has been found.Methods in org.opencms.db that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDbConsistencyException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbEntryAlreadyExistsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbEntryNotFoundException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbIoException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbKeyException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDbSqlException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsVfsOnlineResourceAlreadyExistsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.db that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsAlias alias) Adds an alias entry.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsAlias alias) Adds an alias.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResource target, CmsRelationType type, boolean importCase) Adds a new relation to the given resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResource target, CmsRelationType type, boolean importCase) Adds a new relation to a given resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsResource resource) Adds a resource to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsResource resource) Adds a resource to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String groupname, boolean readRoles) Adds a user to a group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String groupname, boolean readRoles) Adds a user to a group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockType lockType) Changes the lock of a resource to the current user, that is "steals" the lock from another user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Changes the lock of a resource to the current user, that is "steals" the lock from another user.CmsDriverManager.changeResourcesInFolderWithProperty
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, String propertyDefinition, String oldValue, String newValue, boolean recursive) Returns a list with all sub resources of a given folder that have set the given property, matching the current property's value with the given old value and replacing it by a given new value.CmsSecurityManager.changeResourcesInFolderWithProperty
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, String propertyDefinition, String oldValue, String newValue, boolean recursive) Returns a list with all sub resources of a given folder that have set the given property, matching the current property's value with the given old value and replacing it by a given new value.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> folders) Checks whether the publish list contains all sub-resources of a list of folders.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String password, String remoteAddress) Checks user name / password and other things which would prevent the user from logging in, but does not check the second factor for 2FA.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, boolean checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a blocking permission check on a resource.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, I_CmsPermissionHandler.LockCheck checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a blocking permission check on a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, boolean checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a blocking permission check on a resource.protected void
(CmsObject cms) Checks whether the current user has the permissions to mass edit the alias table, and throws an exception otherwise.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList publishList) Checks if the current user has the permissions to publish the given publish list (which contains the information about the resources / project to publish).protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Checks if the given resource contains a resource that has a system lock.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, int flags) Changes the resource flags of a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, int flags) Changes the resource flags of a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, int type) Changes the resource type of a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, int type) Changes the resource type of a
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsPublishHistoryCleanupFilter filter) Cleans up publish history entries according to the given filter object.protected boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource folder) Checks if the publish list contains all sub-resources of a given folder.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource source, CmsResource destination, boolean updateLastModifiedInfo) Copies the access control entries of a given resource to a destination resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource source, CmsResource destination) Copies the access control entries of a given resource to a destination resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Copies a resource to the current project of the user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Copies a resource to the current project of the
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Counts the locked resources in this project.long
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, CmsUserSearchParameters searchParams) Counts the total number of users which match the given search criteria.CmsDriverManager.createGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, String name, String description, int flags, String parent) Add a new group to the Cms.CmsSecurityManager.createGroup
(CmsRequestContext context, String name, String description, int flags, String parent) Creates a new user group.CmsDriverManager.createOrganizationalUnit
(CmsDbContext dbc, String ouFqn, String description, int flags, CmsResource resource) Creates a new organizational unit.CmsSecurityManager.createOrganizationalUnit
(CmsRequestContext context, String ouFqn, String description, int flags, CmsResource resource) Creates a new organizational unit.CmsDriverManager.createProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, String description, String groupname, String managergroupname, CmsProject.CmsProjectType projecttype) Creates a project.CmsSecurityManager.createProject
(CmsRequestContext context, String name, String description, String groupname, String managergroupname, CmsProject.CmsProjectType projecttype) Creates a project.CmsDriverManager.createPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Creates a property definition.CmsSecurityManager.createPropertyDefinition
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Creates a property definition.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Creates a new publish job.CmsDriverManager.createResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.CmsDriverManager.createResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourcePath, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties, boolean importCase) Creates a new resource with the provided content and properties.CmsSecurityManager.createResource
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.CmsSecurityManager.createResource
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourcePath, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource with the provided content and properties.CmsDriverManager.createSibling
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource source, String destination, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new sibling of the source resource.CmsSecurityManager.createSibling
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource source, String destination, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new sibling of the source resource.CmsDriverManager.createTempfileProject
(CmsDbContext dbc) Creates the project for the temporary workplace files.CmsSecurityManager.createTempfileProject
(CmsRequestContext context) Creates the project for the temporary workplace files.CmsDriverManager.createUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, String password, String description, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user.CmsSecurityManager.createUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String name, String password, String description, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsAliasFilter filter) Deletes aliases indicated by a filter.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsAliasFilter filter) Deletes alias entries matching a filter.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourcename) Deletes all property values of a file or folder.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, int linkType) Deletes all entries in the published resource table.void
(CmsRequestContext context, int linkType) Deletes all entries in the published resource table.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsGroup group, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Delete a user group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, int versionsToKeep, int versionsDeleted, long timeDeleted, I_CmsReport report) Deletes the versions from the history tables, keeping the given number of versions per resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, int versionsToKeep, int versionsDeleted, long timeDeleted, I_CmsReport report) Deletes the versions from the history tables, keeping the given number of versions per resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsLogFilter filter) Deletes all log entries matching the given filter.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsLogFilter filter) Deletes all log entries matching the given filter.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit organizationalUnit) Deletes an organizational unit.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit organizationalUnit) Deletes an organizational unit.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject deleteProject) Deletes a project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject deleteProject, boolean resetResources) Deletes a project.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Deletes a project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Deletes a property definition.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Deletes a property definition.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes a publish job identified by its history id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes the publish list assigned to a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Deletes all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Deletes all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Deletes all relations for the given resource and all its siblings.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Internal recursive method for deleting a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource given its name.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter) Deletes an entry in the published resource table.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter) Deletes an entry in the published resource table.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, String username, String replacementUsername) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user, if given.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username) Deletes a user.protected void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUser user, CmsUser replacement) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user, if given.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID userId) Deletes a user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList pubList) Tries to add sub-resources of moved folders to the publish list and throws an exception if the publish list still does not contain some sub-resources of the moved folders.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId) Tests if a resource with the given resourceId does already exist in the Database.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList publishList) Fills the given publish list with the the VFS resources that actually get published.CmsSecurityManager.fillPublishList
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsPublishList publishList) Fills the given publish list with the the VFS resources that actually get published.CmsDriverManager.getAccessControlEntries
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean getInherited) Returns the list of access control entries of a resource given its name.CmsSecurityManager.getAccessControlEntries
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, boolean getInherited) Returns the list of access control entries of a resource given its name.CmsDriverManager.getAccessControlList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the full access control list of a given resource.CmsDriverManager.getAccessControlList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean inheritedOnly) Returns the access control list of a given resource.CmsSecurityManager.getAccessControlList
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, boolean inheritedOnly) Returns the access control list (summarized access control entries) of a given resource.CmsAliasManager.getAliasesForPath
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot, String aliasPath) Gets the list of aliases for a path in a given site.CmsAliasManager.getAliasesForSite
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot) Gets the list of aliases for a given site root.CmsSecurityManager.getAliasesForSite
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, String siteRoot) Gets the aliases for a given site.CmsAliasManager.getAliasesForStructureId
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId) Gets the aliases for a given structure id.CmsDriverManager.getAllAccessControlEntries
(CmsDbContext dbc) Reads all access control entries.CmsSecurityManager.getAllAccessControlEntries
(CmsRequestContext context) Gets all access control entries.CmsDriverManager.getAllAccessibleProjects
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all projects which are owned by the current user or which are accessible by the current user.CmsSecurityManager.getAllAccessibleProjects
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all projects which are owned by the current user or which are accessible for the group of the user.CmsDriverManager.getAllHistoricalProjects
(CmsDbContext dbc) Returns a list with all projects from history.CmsSecurityManager.getAllHistoricalProjects
(CmsRequestContext context) Returns a list with all projects from history.CmsDriverManager.getAllManageableProjects
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all projects which are owned by the current user or which are manageable for the group of the user.CmsSecurityManager.getAllManageableProjects
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all projects which are owned by the current user or which are manageable for the group of the user.CmsDriverManager.getChildren
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsGroup group, boolean includeSubChildren) Returns all child groups of a group.CmsSecurityManager.getChildren
(CmsRequestContext context, String groupname, boolean includeSubChildren) Returns all child groups of a group.long
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns the date when the resource was last visited by the user.long
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns the date when the resource was last visited by the user.long
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, String resourcePath) Returns the date when the resource was last visited by the user.long
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns the date when the resource was last visited by the user.long
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns the date when the resource was last visited by the user.CmsDriverManager.getGroups
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus, boolean readRoles) Returns all groups of the given organizational unit.CmsSecurityManager.getGroups
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean includeSubOus, boolean readRoles) Returns all groups of the given organizational unit.CmsDriverManager.getGroupsOfUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, boolean readRoles) Returns the groups of an user filtered by the specified IP address.CmsDriverManager.getGroupsOfUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildOus, boolean readRoles, boolean directGroupsOnly, String remoteAddress) Returns the groups of an user filtered by the specified IP address.CmsSecurityManager.getGroupsOfUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildOus, boolean readRoles, boolean directGroupsOnly, String remoteAddress) Returns the list of groups to which the user directly belongs to.CmsDriverManager.getLock
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the lock state of a resource.CmsSecurityManager.getLock
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Returns the lock state of a resource.CmsDriverManager.getLockedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources in a given folder.CmsSecurityManager.getLockedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources in a given folder.CmsDriverManager.getLockedResourcesObjects
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources in a given folder.CmsSecurityManager.getLockedResourcesObjects
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources in a given folder.CmsDriverManager.getLockedResourcesObjectsWithCache
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter, Map<String, CmsResource> cache) Returns all locked resources in a given folder, but uses a cache for resource lookups.CmsSecurityManager.getLockedResourcesObjectsWithCache
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter, Map<String, CmsResource> cache) Returns all locked resources in a given folder, but uses a cache for resource lookups.CmsDriverManager.getLogEntries
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsLogFilter filter) Returns all log entries matching the given filter.CmsSecurityManager.getLogEntries
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsLogFilter filter) Returns all log entries matching the given filter.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsRole role) Returns all resources of organizational units for which the current user has the given role role.CmsSecurityManager.getManageableResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsRole role) Returns all resources of organizational units for which the current user has the given role role.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> folders) Gets the sub-resources of a list of folders which are missing from the publish list.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms) Internal method to get the moved folders from the publish list.CmsDriverManager.getOrganizationalUnits
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit parent, boolean includeChildren) Returns all child organizational units of the given parent organizational unit including hierarchical deeper organization units if needed.CmsSecurityManager.getOrganizationalUnits
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit parent, boolean includeChildren) Returns all child organizational units of the given parent organizational unit including hierarchical deeper organization units if needed.CmsDriverManager.getOrgUnitsForRole
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsRole role, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all the organizational units for which the current user has the given role.CmsSecurityManager.getOrgUnitsForRole
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, CmsRole role, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all the organizational units for which the current user has the given role.CmsDriverManager.getParent
(CmsDbContext dbc, String groupname) Returns the parent group of a group.CmsSecurityManager.getParent
(CmsRequestContext context, String groupname) Returns the parent group of a group.CmsDriverManager.getPermissions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user) Returns the set of permissions of the current user for a given resource.CmsSecurityManager.getPermissions
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user) Returns the set of permissions of the current user for a given resource.CmsDriverManager.getProjectId
(CmsDbContext dbc, int id) Returns the uuid id for the given id.CmsSecurityManager.getProjectId
(CmsRequestContext context, int id) Returns the uuid id for the given id, remove this method as soon as possible.CmsDriverManager.getRelatedResourcesToPublish
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList publishList, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns a new publish list that contains the unpublished resources related to all resources in the given publish list, the related resources exclude all resources in the given publish list and also locked (by other users) resources.CmsSecurityManager.getRelatedResourcesToPublish
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsPublishList publishList, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns a new publish list that contains the unpublished resources related to all resources in the given publish list, the related resources exclude all resources in the given publish list and also locked (by other users) resources.CmsDriverManager.getRelationsForResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.CmsSecurityManager.getRelationsForResource
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.CmsDriverManager.getResourceOrgUnits
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the list of organizational units the given resource belongs to.CmsDriverManager.getResourcesForOrganizationalUnit
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit) Returns all resources of the given organizational unit.CmsSecurityManager.getResourcesForOrganizationalUnit
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit) Returns all resources of the given organizational unit.CmsDriverManager.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsSecurityManager.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsAliasManager.getRewriteAliases
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot) Reads the rewrite aliases for a given site root.CmsDriverManager.getRewriteAliases
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsRewriteAliasFilter filter) Gets the rewrite aliases matching a given filter.CmsSecurityManager.getRewriteAliases
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, CmsRewriteAliasFilter filter) Gets the rewrite aliases matching a given filter.CmsAliasManager.getRewriteAliasMatcher
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot) Gets the rewrite alias matcher for the given site.CmsDriverManager.getRoleGroups
(CmsDbContext dbc, String roleGroupName, boolean directUsersOnly) Collects the groups which constitute a given role.CmsSecurityManager.getRoleGroups
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsRole role, boolean directUsersOnly) Gets the groups which constitute a given role.CmsDriverManager.getRoleGroupsImpl
(CmsDbContext dbc, String roleGroupName, boolean directUsersOnly, Map<String, Set<CmsGroup>> accumulator) Collects the groups which constitute a given role.CmsDriverManager.getRolesForResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns all roles the given user has for the given resource.CmsSecurityManager.getRolesForResource
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns all roles the given user has for the given resource.CmsDriverManager.getRolesForUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUser user) Returns all roles the given user has independent of the resource.CmsPublishList.getTopMovedFolders
(CmsObject cms) Gets the list of moved folders which are not subfolders of other moved folders in the publish list.CmsDriverManager.getUsers
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean recursive) Returns all direct users of the given organizational unit.CmsSecurityManager.getUsers
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean recursive) Returns all users of the given organizational unit.CmsDriverManager.getUsersOfGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, String groupname, boolean includeOtherOuUsers, boolean directUsersOnly, boolean readRoles) Returns a list of users in a group.CmsSecurityManager.getUsersOfGroup
(CmsRequestContext context, String groupname, boolean includeOtherOuUsers, boolean directUsersOnly, boolean readRoles) Returns a list of users in a group.CmsSecurityManager.getUsersPubList
(CmsRequestContext context) Returns the current user's publish list.CmsDriverManager.getUsersWithoutAdditionalInfo
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean recursive) Returns all direct users of the given organizational unit, without their additional info.CmsSecurityManager.getUsersWithoutAdditionalInfo
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, boolean recursive) Returns all users of the given organizational unit.CmsSecurityManager.hasPermissions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, I_CmsPermissionHandler.LockCheck checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a non-blocking permission check on a resource.CmsSecurityManager.hasPermissions
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, boolean checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a non-blocking permission check on a resource.CmsSecurityManager.hasPermissions
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, I_CmsPermissionHandler.LockCheck checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a non-blocking permission check on a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, List<CmsAccessControlEntry> acEntries) Writes a vector of access control entries as new access control entries of a given resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, List<CmsAccessControlEntry> acEntries) Writes a list of access control entries as new access control entries of a given resource.protected CmsAliasImportResult
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot, String aliasPath, String vfsPath, CmsAliasMode mode) Imports a single alias.void
(String importFolderName, String importPath, CmsObject cms) Import that will read from the real file system.CmsSecurityManager.importResource
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourcePath, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties, boolean importCase) Creates a new resource with the provided content and properties.CmsDriverManager.importRewriteAlias
(CmsDbContext dbc, String siteRoot, String source, String target, CmsAliasMode mode) Imports a rewrite alias.CmsSecurityManager.importRewriteAlias
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, String siteRoot, String source, String target, CmsAliasMode mode) Imports a rewrite alias.CmsDriverManager.importUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, String id, String name, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user by import.CmsSecurityManager.importUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String id, String name, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user by import.void
Import that will read from a ZIP
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Increments a counter and returns its value before
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Increments a counter and returns its old value.void
(CmsConfigurationManager configurationManager, I_CmsDbContextFactory dbContextFactory) Initializes the driver and sets up all required modules and connections.void
(CmsDriverManager driverManager, CmsDbContext dbc) Reads the OU resource data from the VFS and initializes this instance with it.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsConfigurationManager configurationManager, List<String> successiveDrivers, CmsDriverManager driverManager) Initializes the driver.CmsDriverManager.lockedBy
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the user, who had locked the resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockType type) Locks a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsLockType type) Locks a resource.CmsSecurityManager.loginUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String password, CmsSecondFactorInfo code, String remoteAddress) Attempts to authenticate a user into OpenCms with the given password.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user) Mark the given resource as visited by the user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user) Mark the given resource as visited by the user.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourcePath, CmsUser user) Mark the given resource as visited by the user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user) Mark the given resource as visited by the user.CmsSecurityManager.mergePublishLists
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsPublishList pubList1, CmsPublishList pubList2) Returns a new publish list that contains all resources of both given publish lists.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource source, String destination, boolean internal) Moves a resource.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource source, String destination, Set<CmsResource> allMovedResources) Internal recursive method to move a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource source, String destination) Moves a resource.CmsDriverManager.moveToLostAndFound
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean returnNameOnly) Moves a resource to the "lost and found" folder.CmsSecurityManager.moveToLostAndFound
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, boolean returnNameOnly) Moves a resource to the "lost and found" folder.CmsDriverManager.newDriverInstance
(CmsParameterConfiguration configuration, String driverName, String driverPoolUrl) Method to create a new instance of a driver.void
Processes the current database context.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the given publish job.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the resources of a specified publish list.CmsSecurityManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the resources of a specified publish list.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsPublishList publishList, int publishTag) Publishes a specified project to the online project.CmsDriverManager.readAccessControlEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Reads an access control entry from the cms.CmsDriverManager.readAliasByPath
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, String siteRoot, String path) Finds the alias with a given path.CmsSecurityManager.readAliasByPath
(CmsRequestContext context, String siteRoot, String path) Reads the alias with a given path in a given site.CmsSecurityManager.readAliasesById
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the aliases for a resource with a given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readAliasesBySite
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject currentProject, String siteRoot) Reads the aliases for a given site root.CmsDriverManager.readAliasesByStructureId
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the aliases which point to a given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readAllAvailableVersions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Reads all versions of the given resource.
This method returns a list with the history of the given resource, i.e.CmsSecurityManager.readAllAvailableVersions
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Reads all historical versions of a resource.CmsDriverManager.readAllPropertyDefinitions
(CmsDbContext dbc) Reads all property definitions for the given mapping type.CmsSecurityManager.readAllPropertyDefinitions
(CmsRequestContext context) Reads all property definitions for the given mapping type.CmsDriverManager.readAllSubscribedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal) Returns all resources subscribed by the given user or group.CmsSecurityManager.readAllSubscribedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal) Returns all resources subscribed by the given user or group.CmsSubscriptionManager.readAllSubscribedResources
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal) Returns all resources subscribed by the given user or group.CmsSecurityManager.readAllUrlNameMappingEntries
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Reads all URL name mapping entries for a given structure id.CmsSecurityManager.readAncestor
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns the first ancestor folder matching the filter criteria.CmsSecurityManager.readBestUrlName
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Reads the newest URL name which is mapped to the given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readChildResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean getFolders, boolean getFiles, boolean checkPermissions) Returns the child resources of a resource, that is the resources contained in a folder.CmsSecurityManager.readChildResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean getFolders, boolean getFiles) Returns the child resources of a resource, that is the resources contained in a folder.CmsDriverManager.readDeletedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean readTree, boolean isVfsManager) Reads all deleted (historical) resources below the given path, including the full tree below the path, if required.CmsSecurityManager.readDeletedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, boolean readTree) Reads all deleted (historical) resources below the given path, including the full tree below the path, if required.CmsDriverManager.readFile
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsSecurityManager.readFile
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS.protected CmsFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a folder from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsSecurityManager.readFolder
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a folder resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsDriverManager.readGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId) Reads a group based on its id.CmsSecurityManager.readGroup
(CmsRequestContext context, String groupname) Reads a group based on its name.CmsSecurityManager.readGroup
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID groupId) Reads a group based on its id.CmsDriverManager.readHistoricalPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsSecurityManager.readHistoricalPrincipal
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsDriverManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, int publishTag) Returns a historical project entry.CmsDriverManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given id.CmsSecurityManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsRequestContext context, int publishTag) Returns a historical project entry.CmsSecurityManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given id.CmsDriverManager.readHistoryPropertyObjects
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsHistoryResource historyResource) Reads the list of all
objects that belongs to the given historical resource.CmsProperty
(CmsRequestContext context, I_CmsHistoryResource resource) Reads the list of all
objects that belong to the given historical resource.CmsProperty
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Reads the structure id which is mapped to the given URL name, or null if the name is not mapped to any structure IDs.void
(CmsDbContext dbc) Reads the locks that were saved to the database in the previous run of OpenCms.void
Reads the locks that were saved to the database in the previous run of OpenCms.CmsDriverManager.readOrganizationalUnit
(CmsDbContext dbc, String ouFqn) Reads an organizational Unit based on its fully qualified name.CmsSecurityManager.readOrganizationalUnit
(CmsRequestContext context, String ouFqn) Reads an organizational Unit based on its fully qualified name.CmsDriverManager.readOwner
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project) Reads the owner of a project.CmsSecurityManager.readOwner
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsProject project) Reads the owner of a project from the OpenCms.CmsSecurityManager.readParentFolder
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Returns the parent folder to the given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readPath
(CmsDbContext dbc, String path, CmsResourceFilter filter) Builds a list of resources for a given path.CmsSecurityManager.readPath
(CmsRequestContext context, String path, CmsResourceFilter filter) Builds a list of resources for a given path.CmsDriverManager.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Reads a project.CmsSecurityManager.readProject
(String name) Reads a project.CmsSecurityManager.readProject
(CmsUUID id) Reads a project given the projects id.CmsDriverManager.readProjectResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project) Returns the list of all resource names that define the "view" of the given project.CmsSecurityManager.readProjectResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsProject project) Returns the list of all resource names that define the "view" of the given project.CmsDriverManager.readProjectView
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.CmsSecurityManager.readProjectView
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.CmsDriverManager.readPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Reads a property definition.CmsSecurityManager.readPropertyDefinition
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Reads a property definition.CmsDriverManager.readPropertyObject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, String key, boolean search) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsDriverManager.readPropertyObject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, String key, boolean search, Locale locale) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsSecurityManager.readPropertyObject
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, String key, boolean search) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsSecurityManager.readPropertyObject
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, String key, boolean search, Locale locale) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsDriverManager.readPropertyObjects
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean search) Reads all property objects mapped to a specified resource from the database.CmsSecurityManager.readPropertyObjects
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, boolean search) Reads all property objects from a resource.CmsDriverManager.readPublishedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.CmsSecurityManager.readPublishedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.CmsDriverManager.readPublishJob
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads a single publish job identified by its publish history id.CmsDriverManager.readPublishJobs
(CmsDbContext dbc, long startTime, long endTime) Reads all available publish jobs.CmsDriverManager.readPublishList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish list assigned to a publish job.byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish report assigned to a publish job.CmsDriverManager.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, int version) Reads an historical resource entry for the given resource and with the given version number.protected CmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourcePath, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the OpenCms VFS, using the specified resource filter.protected CmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the OpenCms VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsSecurityManager.readResource
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourcePath, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsSecurityManager.readResource
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, int version) Reads the historical resource entry for the given resource with the given version number.CmsSecurityManager.readResource
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsDriverManager.readResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource parent, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean readTree) Reads all resources below the given path matching the filter criteria, including the full tree below the path only in case thereadTree
parameter istrue
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource parent, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean readTree) Reads all resources below the given path matching the filter criteria, including the full tree below the path only in case thereadTree
parameter istrue
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsVisitedByFilter filter) Returns the resources that were visited by a user set in the filter.CmsSecurityManager.readResourcesVisitedBy
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsVisitedByFilter filter) Returns the resources that were visited by a user set in the filter.CmsSubscriptionManager.readResourcesVisitedBy
(CmsObject cms, CmsVisitedByFilter filter) Returns the resources that were visited by a user set in the filter.CmsDriverManager.readResourcesWithProperty
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource folder, String propertyDefinition, String value, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources that have a value (containing the given value string) set for the specified property (definition) in the given path.CmsSecurityManager.readResourcesWithProperty
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource folder, String propertyDefinition, String value, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources that have a value (containing the specified value) set for the specified property (definition) in the given path.CmsDriverManager.readResponsiblePrincipals
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the set of users that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsSecurityManager.readResponsiblePrincipals
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Returns a set of users that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsDriverManager.readResponsibleUsers
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the set of users that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsSecurityManager.readResponsibleUsers
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Returns a set of users that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsDriverManager.readSiblings
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns a List of all siblings of the specified resource, the specified resource being always part of the result set.CmsSecurityManager.readSiblings
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns a List of all siblings of the specified resource, the specified resource being always part of the result set.CmsDriverManager.readStaticExportPublishedResourceParameters
(CmsDbContext dbc, String rfsName) Returns the parameters of a resource in the table of all published template resources.CmsSecurityManager.readStaticExportPublishedResourceParameters
(CmsRequestContext context, String rfsName) Returns the parameters of a resource in the table of all published template resources.CmsDriverManager.readStaticExportResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, int parameterResources, long timestamp) Returns a list of all template resources which must be processed during a static export.CmsSecurityManager.readStaticExportResources
(CmsRequestContext context, int parameterResources, long timestamp) Returns a list of all template resources which must be processed during a static export.CmsDriverManager.readSubscribedDeletedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsUser user, List<CmsGroup> groups, CmsResource parent, boolean includeSubFolders, long deletedFrom) Returns the subscribed history resources that were deleted.CmsSecurityManager.readSubscribedDeletedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsUser user, List<CmsGroup> groups, CmsResource parent, boolean includeSubFolders, long deletedFrom) Returns the subscribed history resources that were deleted.CmsSubscriptionManager.readSubscribedDeletedResources
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, boolean includeGroups, String folderPath, boolean includeSubFolders, long deletedFrom) Returns the subscribed history resources that were deleted.CmsDriverManager.readSubscribedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsSubscriptionFilter filter) Returns the resources that were subscribed by a user or group set in the filter.CmsSecurityManager.readSubscribedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsSubscriptionFilter filter) Returns the resources that were subscribed by a user or group set in the filter.CmsSubscriptionManager.readSubscribedResources
(CmsObject cms, CmsSubscriptionFilter filter) Returns the resources that were subscribed by a user or group set in the filter.CmsSecurityManager.readUrlNameMappings
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUrlNameMappingFilter filter) Reads the URL name mappings matching a given filter.CmsSecurityManager.readUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Reads the newest URL names of a structure id for all locales.CmsDriverManager.readUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String password) Returns a user object if the password for the user is correct.CmsDriverManager.readUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Returns a user object based on the id of a user.CmsSecurityManager.readUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String username) Returns a user object.CmsSecurityManager.readUser
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String password) Returns a user object if the password for the user is correct.CmsSecurityManager.readUser
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Returns a user object based on the id of a user.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Removes an access control entry for a given resource and principal.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Removes an access control entry for a given resource and principal.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsResource resource) Removes a resource from the given organizational unit.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsResource resource) Removes a resource from the given organizational unit.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Removes a resource from the current project of the user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Removes a resource from the current project of the user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String groupname, boolean readRoles) Removes a user from a group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String groupname, boolean readRoles) Removes a user from a group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Repairs broken categories.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Replaces the content, type and properties of a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Replaces the content, type and properties of a resource.void
(I_CmsReport report, CmsMessageContainer message, Throwable throwable) Reports an error to the given report (if available) and to the OpenCms log file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String oldPassword, CmsSecondFactorInfo secondFactor, String newPassword) Resets the password for a specified user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String oldPassword, CmsSecondFactorInfo secondFactor, String newPassword) Resets the password for a specified user.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, List<CmsResource> modifiedFiles, List<CmsResource> modifiedFolders) Resets the resources in a project to their online state.CmsSecurityManager.resourceOriginalPath
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Returns the original path of given resource, that is the online path for the resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, int version) Restores a resource in the current project with a version from the historical archive.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, int version) Restores a resource in the current project with the given version from the historical archive.void
Saves the changed settings of the user to the usersCmsUser.getAdditionalInfo()
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAlias> aliases) Saves the aliases for a given structure id, completely replacing any existing aliases for the same structure id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAlias> aliases) Saves a list of aliases for the same structure id, replacing any aliases for the same structure id.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, List<CmsAlias> aliases) Saves the aliases for a given resource.void
(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot, List<CmsRewriteAlias> newAliases) Saves the rewrite alias for a given site root.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String siteRoot, List<CmsRewriteAlias> newAliases) Replaces the complete list of rewrite aliases for a given site root.void
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, String siteRoot, List<CmsRewriteAlias> newAliases) Replaces the rewrite aliases for a given site root.CmsSecurityManager.searchUsers
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, CmsUserSearchParameters searchParams) Searches users by search criteria.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired) Changes the "expire" date of a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified) Changes the "last modified" time stamp of a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased) Changes the "release" date of a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String groupName, String parentGroupName) Sets a new parent group for an already existing group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String groupName, String parentGroupName) Sets a new parent-group for an already existing group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String newPassword) Sets the password for a user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String newPassword) Sets the password for a user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsGroup group, boolean restricted) Sets/clears the 'restricted' status for the given resource and group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsResource resource) Marks a subscribed resource as deleted.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsResource resource) Marks a subscribed resource as deleted.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Marks a subscribed resource as deleted.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsUser user) Moves an user to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, CmsUser user) Moves an user to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Subscribes the user or group to the resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Subscribes the user or group to the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal, String resourcePath) Subscribes the user or group to the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Subscribes the user or group to the resource.void
(CmsMessageContainer message, Throwable throwable) Returns an exception of the same type asthrowable
, ifthrowable
is an OpenCms Exception with the message as aCmsMessageContainer
and thethrowable
as a cause.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Undelete the resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Undelete the resource by resetting it's state.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) Undos all changes in the resource by restoring the version from the online project to the current offline project.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) Undos all changes in the resource by restoring the version from the online project to the current offline project.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Unlocks all resources in this project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean force, boolean removeSystemLock) Unlocks a resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Unlocks a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, long deletedTo) Unsubscribes all deleted resources that were deleted before the specified time stamp.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, long deletedTo) Unsubscribes all deleted resources that were deleted before the specified time stamp.void
(CmsObject cms, long deletedTo) Unsubscribes all deleted resources that were deleted before the specified time stamp.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal) Unsubscribes the principal from all resources.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal) Unsubscribes the user or group from all resources.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal) Unsubscribes the user or group from all resources.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes the principal from the resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes the principal from the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal, String resourcePath) Unsubscribes the principal from the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPrincipal principal, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes the principal from the resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes all groups and users from the resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String poolName, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes all groups and users from the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourcePath) Unsubscribes all groups and users from the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Unsubscribes all groups and users from the resource.void
(CmsObject cms, Collection<CmsAlias> toDelete, Collection<CmsAlias> toAdd) Updates the aliases in the database.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUser user) Updates the last login date on the given user to the current time.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUser user) Updates the last login date on the given user to the current time.void
Logs everything that has not been written to DB jet.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, List<CmsLink> links, boolean updateSiblingState) Updates/Creates the given relations for the given resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, List<CmsLink> relations, boolean updateSiblingState) Updates/Creates the relations for the given resource.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, String username, String groupname, boolean readRoles) Returnstrue
if a user is member of the given group.boolean
(CmsRequestContext context, String username, String groupname) Tests if a user is member of the given group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsAccessControlEntry ace) Writes an access control entries to a given resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsAccessControlEntry ace) Writes an access control entries to a given resource.CmsDriverManager.writeFile
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsFile resource) Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS, including it's content.CmsSecurityManager.writeFile
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsFile resource) Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS, including it's content.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsGroup group) Writes an already existing group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsGroup group) Writes an already existing group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, int publishTag, long publishDate) Creates a historical entry of the current project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc) Writes the locks that are currently stored in-memory to the database to allow restoring them in future server startups.void
Writes the locks that are currently stored in-memory to the database to allow restoring them in later startups.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit organizationalUnit) Writes an already existing organizational unit.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsOrganizationalUnit organizationalUnit) Writes an already existing organizational unit.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project) Writes an already existing project.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsProject project) Writes an already existing project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsProperty property) Writes a property for a specified resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsProperty property) Writes a property for a specified resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, List<CmsProperty> properties, boolean updateState) Writes a list of properties for a specified resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, List<CmsProperty> properties) Writes a list of properties for a specified resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Updates a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Writes the publish report for a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource) Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsProject project) Writes the 'projectlastmodified' field of a resource record.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter, long timestamp) Inserts an entry in the published resource table.void
(CmsRequestContext context, String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter, long timestamp) Inserts an entry in the published resource table.CmsSecurityManager.writeUrlNameMapping
(CmsRequestContext context, Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUser user) Updates the user information.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUser user) Updates the user information.Constructors in org.opencms.db that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsImportFolder
(byte[] content, String importPath, CmsObject cms, boolean noSubFolder) Constructor for a new CmsImportFolder that will read from a ZIP file.CmsImportFolder
(String importFolderName, String importPath, CmsObject cms) Constructor for a new CmsImportFolder that will read from the real file system. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.db.generic
Methods in org.opencms.db.generic that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionlong
(CmsDbContext dbc, String poolName, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String ouFqn, String ouDescription, boolean webuser) Creates the default groups and user for the given organizational unit.protected CmsOrganizationalUnit
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the organizational unit represented by the given resource.protected CmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, String path, int flags) Creates a folder with the given path an properties, offline AND online.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Deletes a resource representing a organizational unit, offline AND online.protected CmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit) Returns the folder for the given organizational units, or the base folder ifnull
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource ouResource) Returns the list of root paths associated to the organizational unit represented by the given resource.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgUnit, String rootPath) Validates the given root path to be in the scope of the resources of the given organizational unit.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsProperty property) Writes a property for an organizational unit resource, online AND offline.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsPublishList publishList, int publishTag) -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.file
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.fileModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals data access related issues, i.e.class
Signals that an attempt to call a method has failed since it is not implemented.class
Used to signal VFS related issues, for example during file access.class
Signals that a VFS resource unexpectedly exists.class
Signals that an attempt to read a resource in the VFS denoted by a specified pathname has failed.Methods in org.opencms.file that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDataAccessException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsDataNotImplementedException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsVfsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsVfsResourceAlreadyExistsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.file that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String resourceName, String targetPath, String type) Adds a new relation to the given resource.void
(CmsResource resource, CmsResource target, String type) Adds a new relation to the given resource.void
(String username, String groupname) Adds a user to a group.void
(String sourceFolder, String targetFolder) Adjusts all links in the target folder that point to the source folder so that they are kept "relative" in the target folder where possible.void
(List<String> sourceFiles, String targetParentFolder) This method works just likeCmsObject.adjustLinks(String, String)
, but you can specify multiple source files, and the target folder is interpreted as the folder into which the source files have been copied.void
(Map<String, String> sourceTargetMap, String targetParentFolder) This method works just likeCmsObject.adjustLinks(String, String)
, but instead of specifying a single source and target folder, you can specify multiple sources and the corresponding targets in a map of strings.void
(String resourceName, String principalType, String principalName, int allowedPermissions, int deniedPermissions, int flags) Changes the access control for a given resource and a given principal(user/group).void
(String resourceName, String principalType, String principalName, String permissionString) Changes the access control for a given resource and a given principal(user/group).void
(String resourcename) Changes the lock of a resource to the current user, that is "steals" the lock from another user.void
(CmsResource resource) Changes the lock of a resource to the current user, that is "steals" the lock from another user.CmsObject.changeResourcesInFolderWithProperty
(String resourcename, String property, String oldValue, String newValue, boolean recursive) Returns a list with all sub resources of a given folder that have set the given property, matching the current property's value with the given old value and replacing it by a given new value.protected static void
(CmsResource resource) Checks whether a given resource is a folder and throws an exception otherwise.void
(String userName, String password) Checks if a login for the given user name and password would work without taking two-factor authentication into account.void
Changes the resource flags of a resource.void
(String resourcename, I_CmsResourceType type) Changes the resource type of a resource.void
(CmsResource resource, I_CmsResourceType type) Changes the resource type of a resource.protected void
Separate method for copying locale relations..void
(String source, String destination) Copies a resource.void
(String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.void
(String resourcename) Copies a resource to the current project of the user.void
(CmsResource resource) Copies a resource to the current project of the
(CmsUUID id) Counts the locked resources in a project.void
Copies access control entries of a given resource to another resource.CmsObject.createGroup
(String groupFqn, String description, int flags, String parent) Creates a new user group.CmsObject.createProject
(String name, String description, String groupname, String managergroupname) Creates a new project.CmsObject.createProject
(String name, String description, String groupname, String managergroupname, CmsProject.CmsProjectType projecttype) Creates a new project.CmsObject.createPropertyDefinition
(String name) Creates a property definition.CmsObject.createResource
(String resourcename, int type) Deprecated.UseCmsObject.createResource(String, I_CmsResourceType)
(String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Deprecated.CmsObject.createResource
(String sitePath, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a resource with the given properties and content.CmsObject.createResource
(String resourcename, I_CmsResourceType type) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with empty content and no properties.CmsObject.createResource
(String resourcename, I_CmsResourceType type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.CmsObject.createSibling
(String source, String destination, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new sibling of the source resource.CmsObject.createTempfileProject()
Creates the project for the temporary workplace files.CmsObject.createUser
(String userFqn, String password, String description, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user.Decodes a file's contents and return the content string and the encoding to use for writing the file back to the VFS.void
(int linkType) Deletes all published resource entries.void
(String group) Deletes a user group.void
(CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(int versionsToKeep, int versionsDeleted, long timeDeleted, I_CmsReport report) Deletes the versions from the history tables, keeping the given number of versions per resource.void
(CmsLogFilter filter) Deletes the log entries matching the given filter.void
(CmsUUID id) Deletes a project.void
(String name) Deletes a property definition.void
(String resourceName, CmsRelationFilter filter) Deletes the relations to a given resource.void
(CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Deletes the relations to a given resource.void
(String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource given its name.void
(CmsResource res, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode deletePreserveSiblings) Deletes a resource.void
(String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter) Deletes a published resource entry.void
(String username) Deletes a user.void
(CmsUUID userId) Deletes a user.void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user.protected List<CmsRelation>
Finds relations from the target root folder or its children to the source root folder or its children.CmsObject.getAccessControlEntries
(String resourceName) Returns the list of access control entries of a resource given its name.CmsObject.getAccessControlEntries
(String resourceName, boolean getInherited) Returns the list of access control entries of a resource given its name.CmsObject.getAccessControlList
(String resourceName) Returns the access control list (summarized access control entries) of a given resource.CmsObject.getAccessControlList
(String resourceName, boolean inheritedOnly) Returns the access control list (summarized access control entries) of a given resource.CmsObject.getAllAccessControlEntries()
Gets all access control entries for the current project.CmsObject.getAllHistoricalProjects()
Returns a list with all projects from history.CmsObject.getAllUrlNames
(CmsUUID id) Gets all URL names for a given structure id.CmsObject.getBlockingLockedResources
(String resourceName) Returns a list of child resources to the given resource that can not be locked by the current user.CmsObject.getBlockingLockedResources
(CmsResource resource) Returns a list of child resources to the given resource that can not be locked by the current user.CmsObject.getChildren
(String groupname, boolean includeSubChildren) Returns all child groups of a group.protected String
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Gets the encoding which is configured at the location of a given resource.CmsObject.getDetailName
(CmsResource res, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Returns the detail name of a resource.CmsUser.getDisplayName
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) CmsObject.getFilesInFolder
(String resourcename) Returns all file resources contained in a folder.CmsObject.getFilesInFolder
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns all file resources contained in a folder.CmsObject.getGroupsOfUser
(String username, boolean directGroupsOnly) Returns all the groups the given user belongs to.CmsObject.getGroupsOfUser
(String username, boolean directGroupsOnly, boolean includeOtherOus) Returns all the groups the given user belongs to.CmsObject.getGroupsOfUser
(String username, boolean directGroupsOnly, boolean includeOtherOus, String remoteAddress) Returns the groups of a user filtered by the specified IP address.Returns the lock state for a specified resource name.CmsObject.getLock
(CmsResource resource) Returns the edition lock state for a specified resource.CmsObject.getLockedResources
(String resourceName, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources within a folder or matches the lock of the given resource.CmsObject.getLockedResources
(CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all locked resources within a folder or matches the lock of the given resource.CmsObject.getLockedResourcesWithCache
(CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter, Map<String, CmsResource> cache) Returns all locked resources within a folder or matches the lock of the given resource, but uses a cache for resource lookup.CmsObject.getLogEntries
(CmsLogFilter filter) Returns all log entries matching the given filter.CmsObject.getLostAndFoundName
(String resourcename) Returns the name a resource would have if it were moved to the "lost and found" folder.protected List<CmsPair<CmsResource,
CmsResource>> CmsLinkRewriter.getMatchingResources
(String source, String target) Gets a list of resource pairs whose paths relative to the source/target roots passed match.Returns the parent group of a group.CmsObject.getPermissions
(String resourceName) Returns the set of permissions of the current user for a given resource.CmsObject.getPermissions
(String resourceName, String userName) Returns the set of permissions of a given user for a given resource.CmsObject.getRelationsForResource
(String resourceName, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.CmsObject.getRelationsForResource
(CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns all relations for the given resource matching the given filter.protected CmsResource
(CmsUUID structureId) Accesses a resource by structure id.CmsObject.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsObject.getResourcesInFolder
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns all child resources of a resource, that is the resources contained in a folder.CmsObject.getSubFolders
(String resourcename) Returns all folder resources contained in a folder.CmsObject.getSubFolders
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns all folder resources contained in a folder.CmsObject.getUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsUUID id) Returns the newest URL names for the given structure id for each locale.CmsObject.getUsersOfGroup
(String groupname) Returns all direct users of a given group.CmsObject.getUsersOfGroup
(String groupname, boolean includeOtherOus) Returns all direct users of a given group.boolean
(CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions) Checks if the current user has required permissions to access a given resource.boolean
(CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, boolean checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Checks if the current user has required permissions to access a given resource.void
(CmsResource resource, List<CmsAccessControlEntry> acEntries) Writes a list of access control entries as new access control entries of a given resource.void
(String resourceName, String targetPath, String relationType) Imports a new relation to the given resource.CmsObject.importResource
(String resourcename, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Imports a resource to the OpenCms VFS.CmsObject.importResource
(String resourcename, I_CmsReport report, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Imports a resource to the OpenCms VFS.CmsObject.importUser
(String id, String name, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user by
(String name) Increments a counter and returns its old value.protected void
Reads the data needed for rewriting the relations from the VFS.void
(String resourcename) Locks a resource.void
(CmsResource resource) Locks a resource.void
(CmsResource resource) Locks the given resource with a shallow lock that is not inherited on subresources.void
(String resourcename) Locks a resource temporary.void
(CmsResource resource) Locks a resource temporary.Logs a user into the Cms, if the password is correct.Logs a user with a given ip address into the Cms, if the password is correct.CmsObject.loginUser
(String username, String password, CmsSecondFactorInfo code) Logs in the user.CmsObject.loginUser
(String username, String password, CmsSecondFactorInfo code, String remoteAddress) Logs a user with a given ip address into the Cms, if the password is correct.void
(String source, String destination) Moves a resource to the given destination.CmsObject.moveToLostAndFound
(String resourcename) Moves a resource to the "lost and found" folder.CmsObject.readAllAvailableVersions
(String resourceName) Reads all historical versions of a resource.
The reading excludes the file content, if the resource is a file.CmsObject.readAllAvailableVersions
(CmsResource resource) Reads all available versions for a given resource.CmsObject.readAllPropertyDefinitions()
Reads all property definitions.CmsObject.readAncestor
(String resourcename, int type) Returns the first ancestor folder matching the resource type.CmsObject.readAncestor
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns the first ancestor folder matching the filter criteria.CmsObject.readBestUrlName
(CmsUUID id, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Reads the newest URL name which is mapped to the given structure id.CmsObject.readDefaultFile
(String resourceNameOrID) Returns the default resource for the given folder.CmsObject.readDefaultFile
(String resourceNameOrID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns the default resource for the given folder.CmsObject.readDeletedResources
(String resourcename, boolean readTree) Reads all deleted (historical) resources below the given path, including the full tree below the path, if required.Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, using the
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsObject.readFile
(CmsResource resource) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, for the given resource (this may also be an historical version of the resource).CmsObject.readFolder
(String resourcename) Reads a folder resource from the VFS, using the
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a folder resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.Reads a group based on its name.Reads a group based on its id.CmsObject.readHistoryPrincipal
(CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsObject.readHistoryProject
(int publishTag) Returns a historical project entry.CmsObject.readHistoryProject
(CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given id.CmsObject.readHistoryPropertyObjects
(I_CmsHistoryResource resource) Reads the list of all
objects that belong to the given historical resource version.CmsProperty
(String name) This method retrieves the structure id which is mapped to a given URL name.CmsObject.readOwner
(CmsProject project) Reads the owner of a project.CmsObject.readParentFolder
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns the parent folder to the given structure id.CmsObject.readPath
(String path, CmsResourceFilter filter) Builds a list of resources for a given path.CmsObject.readPath
(CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter) Builds a list of resources for a given path.CmsObject.readProject
(String name) Reads the project with the given name.CmsObject.readProject
(CmsUUID id) Reads the project with the given id.CmsObject.readProjectResources
(CmsProject project) Returns the list of all resource names that define the "view" of the given project.CmsObject.readProjectView
(CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.CmsObject.readPropertyDefinition
(String name) Reads a property definition.CmsObject.readPropertyObject
(String resourcePath, String property, boolean search) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsObject.readPropertyObject
(String resourcePath, String property, boolean search, Locale locale) Reads the locale specific version of a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsObject.readPropertyObject
(CmsResource resource, String property, boolean search) Reads a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsObject.readPropertyObject
(CmsResource resource, String property, boolean search, Locale locale) Reads the locale specific version of a property object from a resource specified by a property name.CmsObject.readPropertyObjects
(String resourcePath, boolean search) Reads all property objects from a resource.CmsObject.readPropertyObjects
(CmsResource resource, boolean search) Reads all property objects from a resource.CmsObject.readPublishedResources
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.CmsObject.readRelations
(CmsRelationFilter filter) Returns all relations matching the given filter.CmsObject.readResource
(String resourcename) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsObject.readResource
(CmsUUID structureID) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the
(CmsUUID structureID, int version) Reads the historical resource with the given version for the resource given the given structure id.CmsObject.readResource
(CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsObject.readResources
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources below the given path matching the filter criteria, including the full tree below the path.CmsObject.readResources
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean readTree) Reads all resources below the given path matching the filter criteria, including the full tree below the path only in case thereadTree
parameter istrue
(CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter, boolean readTree) Reads all resources below the given resource matching the filter criteria, including the full tree below the path only in case thereadTree
parameter istrue
(String propertyDefinition) Reads all resources that have a value set for the specified property.CmsObject.readResourcesWithProperty
(String path, String propertyDefinition) Reads all resources that have a value set for the specified property in the given path.CmsObject.readResourcesWithProperty
(String path, String propertyDefinition, String value) Reads all resources that have a value (containing the specified value) set for the specified property in the given path.CmsObject.readResourcesWithProperty
(String path, String propertyDefinition, String value, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources that have a value (containing the specified value) set for the specified property in the given path.CmsObject.readResponsiblePrincipals
(CmsResource resource) Returns a set of principals that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsObject.readResponsibleUsers
(CmsResource resource) Returns a set of users that are responsible for a specific resource.CmsObject.readSiblings
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns a list of all siblings of the specified resource, the specified resource being always part of the result set.CmsObject.readSiblings
(CmsResource resource, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns a list of all siblings of the specified resource, the specified resource being always part of the result set.CmsObject.readSiblingsForResourceId
(CmsUUID resourceId, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources with the given resource id.CmsObject.readStaticExportPublishedResourceParameters
(String rfsName) Returns the parameters of a resource in the list of all published template resources.CmsObject.readStaticExportResources
(int parameterResources, long timestamp) Returns a list of all template resources which must be processed during a static export.protected List<CmsResource>
Reads the resources in a subtree.CmsObject.readUrlNameMappings
(CmsUrlNameMappingFilter filter) Reads the URL name mappings matching a given filter.CmsObject.readUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsUUID structureId) Reads the URL names for all locales.Reads a user based on its name.Returns a user, if the password is correct.Reads a user based on its id.void
(String resourcename) Removes a resource from the current project of the user.void
(String username, String groupname) Removes a user from a group.void
(String source, String destination) Renames a resource to the given destination name, this is identical to amove
(String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Deprecated.void
(String resourcename, I_CmsResourceType type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Replaces the content, type and properties of a resource.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsUUID structureId, int version) Restores a resource in the current project with a version from the historical archive.protected void
(CmsFile file, Collection<CmsRelation> relations) Rewrites the links included in the content itself.void
Starts the link rewriting process.protected void
(CmsResource resource, Collection<CmsRelation> relations) Rewrites the links for a single resource.protected void
(CmsResource res, Collection<CmsRelation> relations) Rewrites relations which are not derived from links in the content itself.void
Removes an access control entry of a given principal from a given resource.void
(String resourcename, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) Changes the "expire" date of a resource.void
(CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) Changes the "expire" date of a resource.void
(String resourcename, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) Changes the "last modified" time stamp of a resource.void
(String resourcename, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) Changes the "release" date of a resource.void
(CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) Changes the "release" date of a resource.void
(String groupName, String parentGroupName) Sets a new parent-group for an already existing group.void
(String username, String newPassword) Sets the password for a user.void
(String username, String oldPassword, String newPassword) Sets the password for a specified user.void
(String username, String oldPassword, CmsSecondFactorInfo secondFactor, String newPassword) Sets the password for a specified user.void
(CmsResource res, String groupName, boolean restricted) Sets/clears the 'restricted' status for the given resource and group.void
(String resourcename, boolean recursive) Undeletes a resource.void
(String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) Undoes all changes to a resource by restoring the version from the online project to the current offline project.void
(CmsUUID id) Unlocks all resources of a project.void
(String resourcename) Unlocks a resource.void
(CmsResource resource) Unlocks a resource.void
(CmsUser user) Updates the last login date on the given user to the current time.boolean
(String username, String groupname) Tests if a user is member of the given group.Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS, including it's content.void
(CmsGroup group) Writes an already existing group.void
(int publishTag, long publishDate) Creates a historical entry of the current project.void
(CmsProject project) Writes an already existing project.void
(CmsResource resource, CmsProject project) Writes the 'projectlastmodified' field of a resource record.void
(String resourcename, CmsProperty property) Writes a property for a specified resource.void
(String resourcename, List<CmsProperty> properties) Writes a list of properties for a specified resource.void
(CmsResource res, List<CmsProperty> properties) Writes a list of properties for a specified resource.void
(CmsResource resource) Writes a resource.void
(String resourceName, int linkType, String linkParameter, long timestamp) Writes a published resource entry.CmsObject.writeUrlNameMapping
(String name, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.CmsObject.writeUrlNameMapping
(Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.void
Updates the user information. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.file.collectors
Methods in org.opencms.file.collectors that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, boolean asc, int numResults) Returns a List of all changed resources in the folder pointed to by the parameter sorted by the date attributes specified in the parameter.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, boolean asc, int numResults) Returns a List of all resources in the folder pointed to by the parameter sorted by the selected dates.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, int numResults) Returns a List of all resources in the folder pointed to by the parameter sorted by the release date, descending.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean readSubTree, int numResults) Collects all resources in a folder (or subtree) sorted by the NavPos property.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, boolean asc, int numResults) Returns a list of all resource in a specified folder sorted by priority, then date ascending or descending.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, int numResults) Returns a list of all resource in a specified folder sorted by priority descending, then Title ascending.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, int numResults) Collects all resources for the given categories filtered and sorted by the given collector parameter.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean asc, int numResults) Returns a list of all resource from specified folder that have been mapped to the currently requested uri, sorted by priority, then date ascending or descending.static String
(CmsObject cms, String newLink, Locale locale, String referenceResource, String modelFile, String mode, String postCreateHandler) Creates a new content collector resource.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, boolean tree, int numResults) Returns all resources in the folder pointed to by the parameter.protected String
(CmsObject cms, String param) Returns the link to create a new XML content item in the folder pointed to by the parameter.protected String
(CmsObject cms, CmsCollectorData data) Returns the link to create a new XML content item in the folder pointed to by the parameter.A_CmsResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms) CmsCategoryResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsDateResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsDefaultResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsPriorityResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsSolrCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsTimeFrameCategoryCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) I_CmsResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms) Returns the link that must be executed when a user clicks on the direct edit "new" button on a list created by the default collector.I_CmsResourceCollector.getCreateLink
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) Returns the link that must be executed when a user clicks on the direct edit "new" button on a list created by the named
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) int
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) int
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) int
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) Returns the id of the resource type for new collector items.A_CmsResourceCollector.getPublishResources
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider.getPublishResources
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) Gets the publish list for the collector.A_CmsResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms) CmsCategoryResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsCategoryResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsChangedResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsChangedResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsDateResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsDateResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsDefaultResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsDefaultResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsPriorityResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsPriorityResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsSolrCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsSolrCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String name, String param, int numResults) CmsSubscriptionCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsSubscriptionCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) CmsTimeFrameCategoryCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) CmsTimeFrameCategoryCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param, int numResults) I_CmsResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms) Returns a list ofCmsResource
Objects that are gathered in the VFS using the default collector name and parameter.I_CmsResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param) Returns a list ofCmsResource
Objects that are gathered in the VFS using the named collector.I_CmsResourceCollector.getResults
(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String params, int numResults) Returns a list ofCmsResource
Objects that are gathered in the VFS using the named collector.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param) Returns a List containing the resources pointed to by the parameter.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, int numResults) Returns the subscribed deleted resources according to the collector parameter.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, int numResults) Returns the subscribed resources according to the collector parameter.protected CmsSubscriptionFilter
(CmsObject cms, String param) Returns the configured subscription filter to use.protected CmsSubscriptionFilter
(CmsObject cms, Map<String, String> params) Returns the configured subscription filter to use.protected CmsVisitedByFilter
(CmsObject cms, String param) Returns the configured visited by filter to use.protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, String param, int numResults) Returns the visited resources according to the collector parameter. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.file.history
Methods in org.opencms.file.history that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourceUri) Returns the correct resource for the given URI, taken into account historical versions marked by theversion
parameter. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.file.types
Methods in org.opencms.file.types that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) Changes the lock of a resource to the current user, that is "steals" the lock from another user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int flags) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int flags) Changes the resource flags of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, I_CmsResourceType type) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource filename, int newType) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, I_CmsResourceType type) Changes the resource type of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) Copies a resource to the current project of the user.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourceName, boolean updateSiblingState) Creates the relation information for the resource with the given resource name.A_CmsResourceType.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) A_CmsResourceTypeFolderBase.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceTypeImage.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceTypeXmlContent.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) I_CmsResourceType.createResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, String resourcename, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.A_CmsResourceType.createSibling
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource source, String destination, List<CmsProperty> properties) I_CmsResourceType.createSibling
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource source, String destination, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new sibling of the source resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource given its name.CmsResourceTypeJsp.getReferencingStrongLinks
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns a set of root paths of files that are including the given resource using the 'link.strong' macro.CmsResourceTypePlain.getReferencingStrongLinks
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns a set of root paths of files that are including the given resource using the 'link.strong' macro.A_CmsResourceType.importResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, I_CmsReport report, String resourcename, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceTypeImage.importResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, I_CmsReport report, String resourcename, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) I_CmsResourceType.importResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, I_CmsReport report, String resourcename, CmsResource resource, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Imports a resource to the OpenCms VFS.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsLockType type) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsLockType type) Locks a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, String destination) Moves a resource to the given destination.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) Removes a resource from the current project of the user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, I_CmsResourceType type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, I_CmsResourceType type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Replaces the content, type and properties of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int version) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int version) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int version) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, int version) Restores a resource in the current project with a version from the historical archive.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateExpired, boolean recursive) Changes the "expire" date of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) Changes the "last modified" date of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateLastModified, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, long dateReleased, boolean recursive) Changes the "release" date of a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, boolean recursive) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, boolean recursive) Undeletes a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsResource.CmsResourceUndoMode mode) Undos all changes in the resource by restoring the version from the online project to the current offline project.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) Unlocks a resource.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource) Update the relations after an undo changes operation.A_CmsResourceType.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeFunctionConfig.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeImage.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeJsp.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypePlain.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeXmlContent.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) I_CmsResourceType.writeFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsFile resource) Writes a resource, including it's content.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsProperty property) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, CmsProperty property) Writes a property for a specified resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, List<CmsProperty> properties) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSecurityManager securityManager, CmsResource resource, List<CmsProperty> properties) Writes a list of properties for a specified resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.file.wrapper
Methods in org.opencms.file.wrapper that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionA_CmsResourceWrapper.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperModules.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperSystemFolder.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) I_CmsResourceWrapper.addResourcesToFolder
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Here it is possible to add additional (virtual) child resources to those already existing in the VFS.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) void
(String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode siblingMode) Copies a resource.static CmsFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res, String path) Creates a virtual CmsFile with the individual and shared properties as content.A_CmsResourceExtensionWrapper.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) A_CmsResourceWrapper.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsObjectWrapper.createResource
(String resourcename, int type) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with empty content and no properties.CmsObjectWrapper.createResource
(String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.CmsResourceWrapperModules.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceWrapperReplaceDeleted.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) I_CmsResourceWrapper.createResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, int type, byte[] content, List<CmsProperty> properties) Creates a new resource of the given resource type with the provided content and properties.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) void
(String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource given its name.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode siblingMode) Deletes a resource given its name.A_CmsResourceExtensionWrapper.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) A_CmsResourceWrapper.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsObjectWrapper.getLock
(CmsResource resource) Returns the lock state for a specified resource.CmsResourceWrapperModules.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) I_CmsResourceWrapper.getLock
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns the lock for the resource.CmsObjectWrapper.getResourcesInFolder
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns all child resources of a resource, that is the resources contained in a folder.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean temporary) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean temporary) void
(String resourcename) Locks a resource.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean temporary) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean temporary) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean temporary) Locks a resource.void
(String resourceName) Locks a resource temporarily.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) void
(String source, String destination) Moves a resource to the given destination.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination) Moves a resource to the given destination.A_CmsResourceExtensionWrapper.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) A_CmsResourceWrapper.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsObjectWrapper.readFile
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsResourceWrapperModules.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) I_CmsResourceWrapper.readFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a file resource (including it's binary content) from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsObjectWrapper.readProperties
(String path) Reads the properties for a resource with a specific path, if it exists.CmsObjectWrapper.readPropertyObject
(CmsResource resource, String property, boolean search) Delegate method forCmsObject.readPropertyObject(CmsResource, String, boolean)
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsObjectWrapper.readResource
(String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the
(CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Delegate method forCmsObject.readResource(CmsUUID, CmsResourceFilter)
(CmsObject cms, String resourcepath, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperModulesNonLazy.readResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcepath, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperPropertyFile.readResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperSystemFolder.readResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) CmsResourceWrapperXmlPage.readResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) I_CmsResourceWrapper.readResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.Delegate method forCmsObject.readUser(CmsUUID)
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) void
(String resourcename) Unlocks a resource.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) boolean
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) Unlocks a resource.Writes a resource to the OpenCms VFS, including it's content.Writes a resource, including it's content.void
(String path, Map<String, CmsProperty> props) Writes properties to the resource with the given path, if it existsstatic void
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, byte[] content) Takes the content which should be formatted as a property file and set them as properties to the resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.flex
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.flexMethods in org.opencms.flex that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFlexCacheException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.flex that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsFlexBucketConfiguration
(CmsObject cms, String path) Loads a flex bucket configuration from the OpenCms VFS. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.gwt
Methods in org.opencms.gwt that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsListInfoBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsListInfoBean resourceInfo) Adds the lock state information to the resource info bean.static CmsListInfoBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsListInfoBean listInfo) Gets page information of a resource and adds it to the given list info bean.protected CmsBrokenLinkBean
(CmsResource resource) Creates a "broken link" bean based on a resource.protected CmsBrokenLinkBean
(CmsResource resource) Creates a "broken link" bean based on a resource.protected CmsLockActionRecord
(String sitepath) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.protected CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsResource resource) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.protected CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsResource resource, boolean shallow) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.protected CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsUUID structureId) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.protected void
Ensures that the user session is still valid.CmsAliasHelper.exportAliasesAsCsv
(CmsObject cms) Returns the comma separated alias data.protected List<CmsAliasBean>
(CmsUUID uuid) Implementation of the getAliasesForPage method.static List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry>
(CmsObject cms, String sitePath) Helper method for getting the category beans for the given site path.static List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry>
(CmsObject cms, String sitePath, String localCategoryRepositoryPath) Helper method for getting the category beans for the given site path.static CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.static CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.CmsPropertyEditorHelper.getDefaultProperties
(List<CmsUUID> structureIds) Internal method for computing the default property configurations for a list of structure ids.protected CmsLockInfo
Helper method for locking a resource which returns some information on whether the locking failed, and why.protected CmsLockInfo
Helper method for locking a resource which returns some information on whether the locking failed, and why.static CmsListInfoBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Gets page information of a resource.static CmsListInfoBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns a bean to display theorg.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsListItemWidget
including the lock state.CmsVfsService.getResourceHistoryInternal
(CmsUUID structureId) Internal version of getResourceHistory.CmsDefaultResourceStatusProvider.getResourceStatus
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, String contentLocale, boolean includeTargets, CmsUUID detailContentId, List<CmsUUID> additionalStructureIds, Map<String, String> context) Collects all the data to display in the resource status dialog.protected List<CmsResourceStatusRelationBean>
(CmsObject cms, String locale, CmsResource resource) Gets beans which represents the siblings of a resource.protected List<CmsResourceStatusRelationBean>
(CmsObject cms, String locale, CmsResource resource, List<CmsUUID> additionalStructureIds) Gets the list of relation targets for a resource.CmsTemplateFinder.getTemplates()
Returns the available templates.static I_CmsValidationService
(String name) Internal helper method for getting a validation service.static <T> T
(Class<T> anInterface, String className) Instantiates a class given its name using its default constructor.static CmsReturnLinkInfo
(CmsObject cms, String returnCode) Implementation method for getting the link for a given return code.protected boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns whether the current user has write permissions, the resource is lockable or already locked by the current user and is in the current project.CmsPropertyEditorHelper.loadPropertyData
(CmsUUID id) Loads the data needed for editing the properties of a resource.protected CmsVfsEntryBean
(CmsResource resource, boolean root) Helper method for creating a VFS entry bean from a resource.protected List<CmsVfsEntryBean>
(List<CmsResource> resources, boolean root) Helper method for creating a list of VFS entry beans from a list of the corresponding resources.CmsVfsService.renameResourceInternal
(CmsUUID structureId, String newName) Internal implementation for renaming a resource.CmsBrokenLinkRenderer.renderBrokenLink
(CmsResource target, CmsResource source) Renders the source of a broken link as a list of CmsBrokenLinkBean instances.CmsBrokenLinkRenderer.renderBrokenLinkDefault
(CmsResource target, CmsResource source) The default method for rendering broken link sources.CmsBrokenLinkRenderer.renderBrokenLinkGroupContainer
(CmsResource target, CmsResource source) Renders the broken links for a group container.CmsBrokenLinkRenderer.renderBrokenLinkInheritanceGroup
(CmsResource target, CmsResource source) Renders broken links from an inheritance group.void
(CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAliasBean> aliasBeans) Saves aliases.void
(CmsPropertyChangeSet changes) Saves a set of property changes.CmsAliasHelper.validateAliases
(CmsUUID uuid, Map<String, String> aliasPaths) The internal method used for validating aliases. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.i18n
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.i18nModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Used to signal issues with the localization support, for example during localized messages access.Methods in org.opencms.i18n that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsMessageException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.i18n that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsResource secondaryPage, CmsResource primaryPage) Adds a resource to a locale group.void
(CmsResource first, CmsResource second) Smarter method to connect a resource to a locale group.void
(CmsResource firstPage, CmsResource secondPage) Removes a locale group relation between two resources.CmsLocaleGroupService.findLocalizationRoot
(CmsResource resource) Tries to find the 'best' localized subsitemap parent folder for a resource.static CmsMessageToBundleIndex
Reads the bundle information for the whole system.CmsLocaleGroupService.readDefaultFileLocaleGroup
(CmsResource resource) Reads the locale group of a default file.CmsLocaleGroupService.readLocaleGroup
(CmsResource resource) Reads a locale group from the VFS. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsResource elementResource, CmsResource originalResource) Converts locales for the copied container element.void
(CmsResource originalPage, String targetPageRootPath) Copies the given container page to the provided root path.CmsContainerPageCopier.replaceContainerElement
(CmsResource targetPage, CmsContainerElementBean originalElement) Produces the replacement for a container page element to use in a copy of an existing container page.void
(CmsResource containerPage) Replaces the elements in the copied container page with copies, if appropriate based on the current copy mode.void
(CmsResource source, CmsResource target) Starts the page copying process.void
(CmsResource source, CmsResource target, String targetName) Starts the page copying process. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.importexport
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.importexportModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals an error during import or export of OpenCms data.Methods in org.opencms.importexport that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImportExportException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.importexport that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(org.dom4j.Element parent, CmsOrganizationalUnit orgunit) Exports one single organizational unit with all it's data.void
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, String importPath, I_CmsReport report) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report, CmsImportParameters parameters) Checks if the current user has permissions to import data into the Cms, and if so, creates a new import handler instance that imports the data.void
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, String importPath, I_CmsReport report) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, String importPath, I_CmsReport report) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report) Imports the data into the Cms. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jlan
Methods in org.opencms.jlan with parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IOException
(CmsException e) Tries to convert a CmsException to the matching exception type from JLAN.Methods in org.opencms.jlan that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Make sure that this resource is locked.protected CmsObjectWrapper
(org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession session, org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.TreeConnection connection) Creates a CmsObjectWrapper for the current session.CmsJlanRepository.getCms
(org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession session, org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.TreeConnection connection) Creates a CmsObjectWrapper for the current session.protected CmsJlanNetworkFile
(org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession session, org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.TreeConnection connection, String path) Helper method to get a network file object given a path.protected CmsJlanNetworkFile
(CmsObjectWrapper cms, org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession session, org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.TreeConnection connection, String path) Helper method to get a network file object given a path.void
(CmsObject cms) protected void
(boolean needContent) Loads the file data from the VFS.void
Moves this file to a different path. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jsp
Methods in org.opencms.jsp that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsJspLoginBean.getLoginException()
Returns the exception that was thrown after login, or null if no Exception was thrown (i.e.Methods in org.opencms.jsp with parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(CmsRequestContext requestContext, String userName, CmsException currentLoginException) Logs any login exception.Methods in org.opencms.jsp that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(CmsObject cmsObject, String newLink, Locale locale, String sitePath, String modelFileName, String mode, String postCreateHandler) Creates a new resource.protected void
Load the next file name from the initialized list of file names.static List<CmsContainerElementBean>
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean element, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, String containerType) Returns the element group elements.CmsJspTagSearch.getPublishResources
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) CmsJspTagSimpleSearch.getPublishResources
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) static Set<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) static Set<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsContentLoadCollectorInfo info) static String
(String src, CmsImageScaler scaler, Map<String, String> attributes, boolean partialTag, boolean noDim, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Internal action method to create the tag content.static String
(String src, CmsImageScaler scaler, Map<String, String> attributes, boolean partialTag, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Internal action method to create the tag content.static CmsJspImageBean
(CmsObject cms, String imageUri, CmsImageScaler targetScaler, List<String> hiDpiVariantList) Internal action method to create the scaled image bean.static void
(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, I_CmsXmlContentContainer container, CmsDirectEditMode mode, String id) Inserts direct edit for empty collector lists.protected static boolean
(CmsObject cms, String fileName, boolean subFolder, CmsUser user, List<CmsGroup> groups, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Returns if the given resource is subscribed to the user or groups.protected static boolean
(CmsObject cms, String fileName, boolean subFolder, CmsUser user, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Returns if the given resource was visited by the user.static String
(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, String format, String content, String localeStr, String filename, SortedMap<String, String> params, String paramEncoding) The implementation of the tag.static String
(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, String file, int width, int height, String format) The implementation of the tag.CmsJspTagProperty.propertiesTagAction
(String action, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Internal action method.static String
(String property, String action, String defaultValue, boolean escape, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Internal action method.static String
(String property, String action, String defaultValue, boolean escape, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, Locale locale) Internal action method.void
(CmsObject cms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Action to include the CSS resources.void
(CmsObject cms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Action to include the java-script resources. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jsp.decorator
Methods in org.opencms.jsp.decorator that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsDecorationDefintion decorationDefinition) Adds decorations defined in a
object to the map of all decorations.CmsDecorationDefintion
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) Creates a CmsDecorationBundle of text decoration to be used by the decorator.CmsDecorationDefintion.getDecorationDefinitionNames
(CmsObject cms) Returns all different decoration configuration names (like "abbr" or "acronym") that are in the config file pointed to by module parameter "configfile".void
Initialises the configuration.Constructors in org.opencms.jsp.decorator that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsDecorationMap
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res, CmsDecorationDefintion decDef) Constructor, creates a new CmsDecorationMap.Constructor, creates a new, empty CmsDecoratorConfiguration.CmsDecoratorConfiguration
(CmsObject cms, String configFile) Constructor, creates a new, CmsDecoratorConfiguration with a given config file.CmsDecoratorConfiguration
(CmsObject cms, String configFile, Locale locale) Constructor, creates a new, CmsDecoratorConfiguration with a given config file and locale.Constructor, creates a new, empty CmsHtmlDecorator. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jsp.parse
Methods in org.opencms.jsp.parse that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected abstract I_CmsHtmlNodeVisitor
Subclasses have to create their desired instance for parsing the html here.Returns the result of subsequent parsing to the <cms:parse< tag implementation. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsRestrictionRule
Parses the provided restriction rule. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jsp.userdata
Methods in org.opencms.jsp.userdata that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCalled by the user data request function JSP to handle the user data request logic.boolean
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsUserDataDomain.Mode mode, String email, List<String> searchStrings, org.jsoup.nodes.Element root, I_CmsReport report) Gets the user data for an email address.boolean
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsUserDataDomain.Mode mode, CmsUser user, org.jsoup.nodes.Element root, I_CmsReport report) Gets the user data for a specific OpenCms user.CmsUserDataRequestManager.getUsersByEmail
(CmsObject cms, String email) Gets all users with a given email address (maximum of 999). -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.jsp.util
Methods in org.opencms.jsp.util that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, Object input) Returns a resource created from an Object.static CmsJspResourceWrapper
(CmsObject cms, Object input) Returns a resource wrapper created from the input.CmsJspContentAccessBean.getAttachments()
Gets an attachment bean, trying to automatically find the right locale for the current page.static CmsJspContentAttachmentsBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource content) Gets the attachments / detail-only contents for the current page (i.e.CmsJspContentAccessValueWrapper.getJson()
Gets the default JSON representation of a value.CmsJspStandardContextBean.getSchemaInfo
(String typeOrXsd) Gets the schema information bean for the given type or XSD.void
Initializes the requested container page.void
(CmsObject cms) boolean
(CmsObject cms) boolean
(CmsObject cms) protected CmsDynamicFunctionBean
(String configuredName) Reads a dynamic function bean, given its name in the module configuration.CmsJspVfsAccessBean.readFilesInFolder
(String resourcePath) Reads the resources in the given folder.CmsJspVfsAccessBean.readFilesInFolder
(String resourcePath, String filterString) Reads the resources in the given folder using the provided filter.CmsJspVfsAccessBean.readSubsiteFor
(String path) Reads the sub site folder resource.void
Resolves the macro.protected CmsResource
(Object input) Convert the input to a CmsResource using the current context.protected I_CmsXmlDocument
Converts the input (typically a specification of an XML file) to an XML document.Constructors in org.opencms.jsp.util that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsJspContentAttachmentsBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource pageResource) Initializes this bean with the contents of a detail-only page.CmsJspImageBean
(CmsObject cms, String imageUri) Initializes a new image bean based on a string pointing to a VFS resource that may contain appended scaling parameters.CmsJspImageBean
(CmsObject cms, String imageUri, CmsImageScaler initScaler) Initializes a new image bean based on a VFS input string and applies additional re-scaling. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.loader
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.loaderModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals exceptions occuring during the resource loading process.Methods in org.opencms.loader that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLoaderException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.loader that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionbyte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale selectedLocale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Dumps the processed content of the the requested file (and it's sub-elements) to a byte array.I_CmsResourceStringDumpLoader.dumpAsString
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String element, Locale locale, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, javax.servlet.ServletResponse res) Dumps the processed content of the the requested file (and it's sub-elements) to a String.byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) byte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Static exports the contents of the requested file and it's sub-elements.CmsResourceManager.getDefaultTypeForName
(String resourcename) Returns the default resource type for the given resource name, using the configured resource type file extensions.CmsDefaultFileNameGenerator.getNewFileName
(CmsObject cms, String namePattern, int defaultDigits) CmsDefaultFileNameGenerator.getNewFileName
(CmsObject userCms, String namePattern, int defaultDigits, boolean explorerMode) Returns a new resource name based on the provided OpenCms user context and name pattern.I_CmsFileNameGenerator.getNewFileName
(CmsObject cms, String namePattern, int defaultDigits) Generates a new file name based on the provided OpenCms user context and name pattern.I_CmsFileNameGenerator.getNewFileName
(CmsObject cms, String namePattern, int defaultDigits, boolean explorerMode) Generates a new file name based on the provided OpenCms user context and name pattern.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, Set<String> referencingPaths) Returns a set of root paths of files that are including the given resource using the 'link.strong' macro.protected CmsFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsImageScaler scaler) Returns a scaled version of the given OpenCms VFS image resource.CmsTemplateContextManager.getTemplateContextProvider
(CmsObject cms, String path) Gets the template context provider for a given path.CmsResourceManager.getTemplateLoaderFacade
(CmsObject cms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsResource resource, String templateProperty) Returns a template loader facade for the given file.CmsResourceManager.getTemplateLoaderFacade
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, String templateProperty) Returns a template loader facade for the given file.protected CmsTemplateLoaderFacade
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) I_CmsFileNameGenerator.getUrlNameSequence
(String baseName) Returns a sequence of URL name candidates for the given base name as an iterator.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource file, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Basic top-page processing method for a I_CmsResourceLoader, this method is called if the page is called as a sub-element on a page not already loaded with a I_CmsResourceLoader.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Loads the requested resource and writes the contents to the response stream.CmsDefaultTemplateContextProvider.readCommonProperty
(CmsObject cms, String propertyName, String fallbackValue) I_CmsTemplateContextProvider.readCommonProperty
(CmsObject cms, String propertyName, String fallbackValue) Gets the value which should be used instead of a property which was read from the template resource.protected CmsResource
(CmsFlexController controller, String jspName) Returns the jsp resource identified by the given name, using the controllers cms context.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, javax.servlet.ServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, javax.servlet.ServletResponse res) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req, javax.servlet.ServletResponse res) Does the job of including the requested resource, this method is called directly if the element is called as a sub-element from another I_CmsResourceLoader.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource file, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Delivers the plain uninterpreted resource with escaped XML.protected I_CmsXmlDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) protected CmsXmlContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) protected I_CmsXmlDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) protected I_CmsXmlDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.lock
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.lockModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals that a particular action was invoked on resource with an insufficient lock state.Methods in org.opencms.lock that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLockException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.lock that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUser user, CmsProject project, CmsLockType type) Adds a resource to the lock manager.static CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Static helper method to lock a resource.static CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, boolean shallow) Static helper method to lock a resource.CmsLockManager.getLock
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returns the lock state of the given resource.CmsLockManager.getLock
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean includeSiblings) Returns the lock state of the given resource.CmsLockManager.getLockedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all exclusive locked resources matching the given resource and filter.CmsLockManager.getLockedResourcesWithCache
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsLockFilter filter, Map<String, CmsResource> cache) Returns all exclusive locked resources matching the given resource and filter, but uses a cache for resource loookups.CmsLockManager.getLocks
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourceName, CmsLockFilter filter) Returns all exclusive locked resources matching the given resource name and filter.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource) Returnstrue
if the given resource contains a resource that has a system lock.static CmsLockUtil.LockedFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Lock and read a file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc) Reads the latest saved locks from the database and installs them to this lock manager.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String resourceName) Removes a resource after it has been deleted by the driver manager.CmsLockManager.removeResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, boolean forceUnlock, boolean removeSystemLock) Removes a resource from the lock manager.void
(CmsDbContext dbc) Writes the locks that are currently stored in-memory to the database to allow restoring them in later startups. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.mail
Constructors in org.opencms.mail that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsVfsDataSource
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Creates a new data source for the given VFS resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.main
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.mainModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A multi exception is a container for several exception messages that may be caused by an internal operation.class
This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.Fields in org.opencms.main with type parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected List<CmsException>
The list of internal exceptions.Methods in org.opencms.main that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Creates a copied instance of this localized exception.CmsMultiException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsResourceInitException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.main that return types with arguments of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsMultiException.getExceptions()
Returns the (unmodifiable) List of exceptions that are stored in this multi exception.Methods in org.opencms.main with parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsException exception) Adds an Exception to the list of Exceptions kept in this multi Exception.Method parameters in org.opencms.main with type arguments of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<CmsException> exceptions) Adds all Exceptions in the given List to the list of Exceptions kept in this multi Exception.protected void
(List<CmsException> exceptions) Updates the internal list of stored exceptions.Methods in org.opencms.main that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUser user) Checks whether a new session can be created for the user, and throws an exception if not.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Returns the CMS object.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Returns the CMS object.protected void
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, CmsUIServlet servlet) Initializes the OpenCms context for Vaadin UI servlet.static CmsObject
(String user) Returns an initialized CmsObject (OpenCms user context) with the user initialized as provided, with the "Online" project selected and "/" set as the current site root.static CmsObject
(CmsObject cms) Returns an independent copy of the provided CmsObject.static CmsObject
(CmsObject adminCms, CmsContextInfo contextInfo) Returns an initialized CmsObject with the user and context initialized as provided.protected CmsObject
(String user) Returns an initialized CmsObject with the user initialized as provided, with the "Online" project selected and "/" set as the current site root.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, boolean allowPrivilegedLogin) Handles the user authentification for each request sent to OpenCms.protected CmsObject
(CmsObject adminCms, CmsContextInfo contextInfo) Returns an initialized CmsObject with the user and context initialized as provided.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) Initializes a new cms object from the session data of the request.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req) Initializes a new cms object from the session data of the request.protected org.opencms.main.OpenCmsSolrHandler.Context
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Initialized the search request and sets the local parameter.static CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Reads the requested resource from the OpenCms VFS, and in case a directory name is requested, the default files of the directory will be looked up and the first match is returned.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res) Reads the requested resource from the OpenCms VFS, in case a directory name is requested, the default files of the directory will be looked up and the first match is returned.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user) Kills all sessions for the given user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID sessionid) Destroys a session given the session id.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsObject cms) Registers the current session with OpenCms.void
Sets the locale of the current user.CmsSessionManager.switchUser
(CmsObject cms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, CmsUser user) Switches the current user to the given user.CmsSessionManager.switchUserFromSession
(CmsObject cms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, CmsUser user, CmsSessionInfo sessionInfo) Switches the current user to the given user.protected CmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsObject cms) This method updates the request context information.Constructor parameters in org.opencms.main with type arguments of type CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsMultiException
(List<CmsException> exceptions) Creates a new multi exception for the given list of
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.module
Methods in org.opencms.module that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(List<CmsResource> result, CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> moduleResources, List<String> excludeResources) Determines the resources that are: accessible with the providedCmsObject
, part of themoduleResources
(or in a folder of these resources) and not contained inexcludedResources
(or a folder of these resources). and adds the toresult
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module) Calculates the resources belonging to the module, taking excluded resources and readability of resources into account, and returns site paths of the module resources.static List<CmsResource>
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module) Calculates and returns the resources belonging to the module, taking excluded resources and readability of resources into account.static Optional<CmsModuleUpdater>
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, I_CmsReport report) Tries to create a new updater instance.protected CmsProject
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module) Creates the project used to import module resources and sets it on the CmsObject.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUUID> conflictingIds) Deletes and publishes resources with ID conflicts.boolean
(String fileName) Deletes the module corresponding to the given virtual module file name.CmsModuleImportExportRepository.getExportedModuleData
(String virtualModuleFileName, CmsProject project) Exports a module and returns the export zip file content in a byte array.void
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, String importPath, I_CmsReport report) Deprecated.void
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report) void
(String name, byte[] content) Imports module data.void
(CmsObject cms) Update relations for all imported resources.protected void
(CmsObject cms) Parses links for XMLContents etc.protected void
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> toDelete) Handles the file deletions.static CmsModuleImportData
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, I_CmsReport report) Reads the module data from an import zip file.CmsModuleManager.replaceModule
(CmsObject cms, String importFile, I_CmsReport report) Replaces an existing module with the one read from an import ZIP file.boolean
(CmsObject cms) Determines if the version should be incremented based on the module resources' modification dates.boolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResourceImportData resData, CmsResource resource) Updates the access control list fr a resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.newsletter
Methods in org.opencms.newsletter that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Adds a OpenCms resource as an attachment to the
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsNewsletterRecipient recipient) Returns the e-mail for the
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsNewsletterRecipient recipient) Returns the newsletter as an e-mail to be sent. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.notification
Methods in org.opencms.notification that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Collection<CmsContentNotification>
Returns a collection of CmsContentNotifications, one for each responsible that receives a notification.CmsNotificationCandidates.notifyResponsibles()
Sends all notifications to the responsible users.Constructors in org.opencms.notification that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCollects all resources that will expire in short time, or will become valid, or are not modified since a long time. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.pdftools
Constructors in org.opencms.pdftools that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsPdfLink
(CmsObject cms, String link) Creates a PDF link object by parsing it from a link string.CmsPdfLink
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource formatter, CmsResource content, String filename) Creates a new PDF link object based on the formatter and content resources and the locale of the current CMS context.CmsPdfThumbnailLink
(CmsObject cms, String link, String options) Parses a thumbnail link object from the given link path and options.CmsPdfUserAgent
(CmsObject cms) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.publish
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.publishMethods in org.opencms.publish that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.publish that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob, boolean removeJob) Aborts the given publish job.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob, boolean removeJob) Aborts the given publish job.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Adds the given publish job to the list.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Pushes a new publish job with the given information in publish queue.void
(CmsPublishList publishList) Checks whether the given publish job is OK, and throws an exception
(CmsObject cms) Cleans up all unreferenced publish history entries except for the ones with a history id provided by the special history id
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsUUID> exceptions) Cleans up all unreferenced publish history entries except for the ones with a history id from the given list of
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID historyId) Removes publish history entries for the given history id.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) Enqueues a new publish job with the given information in publish queue.CmsPublishManager.getPublishList
(CmsObject cms) Returns a publish list with all new/changed/deleted resources of the current (offline) project that actually get published.CmsPublishManager.getPublishList
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> directPublishResources, boolean directPublishSiblings) Returns a publish list with all new/changed/deleted resources of the current (offline) project that actually get published for a direct publish of a List of resources.CmsPublishManager.getPublishList
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> directPublishResources, boolean directPublishSiblings, boolean publishSubResources) Returns a publish list with all new/changed/deleted resources of the current (offline) project that actually get published for a direct publish of a List of resources.CmsPublishManager.getPublishList
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource directPublishResource, boolean directPublishSiblings) Returns a publish list with all new/changed/deleted resources of the current (offline) project that actually get published for a direct publish of a single resource.CmsPublishManager.getPublishListAll
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> directPublishResources, boolean directPublishSiblings, boolean isUserPublishList) Returns a publish list with all the given resources, filtered only by state.CmsPublishManager.getRelatedResourcesToPublish
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList publishList) Returns a new publish list that contains the unpublished resources related to all resources in the given publish list, the related resources exclude all resources in the given publish list and also locked (by other users) resources.protected byte[]
(CmsPublishJobFinished publishJob) Returns the content of the publish report assigned to the given publish job.byte[]
(CmsPublishJobFinished publishJob) Returns the content of the publish report assigned to the given publish job.CmsPublishManager.getUsersPubList
(CmsObject cms) Returns the current user's publish list.protected void
(CmsObject adminCms, boolean publishQueuePersistance, int publishQueueShutdowntime) Initializes the publish engine.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the publish manager and the publish engine finally.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Sets publish locks of resources in a publish list.CmsPublishManager.mergePublishLists
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList pubList1, CmsPublishList pubList2) Returns a new publish list that contains all resources of both given publish lists.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the current project.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report, CmsPublishList publishList) Publishes the resources of a specified publish list.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report, CmsResource directPublishResource, boolean directPublishSiblings) Direct publishes a specified resource.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Removes the given job from the list.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Removes the given job from the list.void
(CmsObject cms, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list.void
(CmsObject adminCms, CmsPublishList publishList) Revives this publish job.protected void
(CmsPublishJobInfoBean publishJob) Removes all publish locks of resources in a publish list of a publish job.Constructors in org.opencms.publish that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) The Default constructor. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.relations
Methods in org.opencms.relations that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, String categoryPath) Adds a resource identified by the given resource name to the category identified by the given category path.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsCategory category) Adds a resource identified by the given resource name to the given category.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourcePath) Removes the given resource from all categories.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource fromResource, String toResourceSitePath) Adds all categories from one resource to another, skipping categories that are not available for the resource copied to.CmsCategoryService.createCategory
(CmsObject cms, CmsCategory parent, String name, String title, String description, String referencePath) Creates a new category.void
(CmsObject cms, String categoryPath, String referencePath) Deletes the category identified by the given path.CmsCategoryService.getCategory
(CmsObject cms, String categoryRootPath) Creates a category from the given category root path.CmsCategoryService.getCategory
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Creates a category from the given resource.static String
(String rootPath, String baseFolder) Returns the category path for the given root path.CmsRelation.getSource
(CmsObject cms, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns the source resource when possible to read with the given filter.CmsRelation.getTarget
(CmsObject cms, CmsResourceFilter filter) Returns the target resource when possible to read with the given filter.This method is called by the cron scheduler.void
(CmsObject cms, String oldCatPath, String newCatPath, String referencePath) Renames/Moves a category from the old path to the new one.CmsCategoryService.readCategories
(CmsObject cms, String parentCategoryPath, boolean includeSubCats, String referencePath) Returns all categories given some search parameters.CmsCategoryService.readCategoriesForRepositories
(CmsObject cms, String parentCategoryPath, boolean includeSubCats, List<String> repositories) Returns all categories given some search parameters.CmsCategoryService.readCategoriesForRepositories
(CmsObject cms, String parentCategoryPath, boolean includeSubCats, List<String> repositories, boolean includeRepositories) Returns all categories given some search parameters.CmsCategoryService.readCategory
(CmsObject cms, String categoryPath, String referencePath) Reads all categories identified by the given category path for the given reference path.CmsCategoryService.readCategoryResources
(CmsObject cms, String categoryPath, boolean recursive, String referencePath) Reads the resources for a category identified by the given category path.CmsCategoryService.readCategoryResources
(CmsObject cms, String categoryPath, boolean recursive, String referencePath, CmsResourceFilter resFilter) Reads the resources for a category identified by the given category path.CmsCategoryService.readResourceCategories
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName) Reads the categories for a resource identified by the given resource name.CmsCategoryService.readResourceCategories
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Reads the categories for a resource.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, String categoryPath) Removes a resource identified by the given resource name from the category identified by the given category path.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsCategory category) Removes a resource identified by the given resource name from the given category.void
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName) Repairs broken category relations.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Repairs broken category relations.void
(CmsObject cms) Validate all links.Constructors in org.opencms.relations that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.repository
Methods in org.opencms.repository that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Copies the item found at the source path to the destination path.void
Creates a new item at the given path.void
Deletes the item at the given path.Returns the item found at the given path.CmsRepositorySession.getProperties
(String path) I_CmsRepositorySession.getProperties
(String path) Gets the properties for the given path.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes this repository with an admin CMS object.Returns a list with all items found directly in the given path.boolean
(String path, CmsRepositoryLockInfo lock) boolean
(String path, CmsRepositoryLockInfo lock) Creates a new lock on the item at the path with the given information in the lock info.abstract I_CmsRepositorySession
Login a user given the username and the password.void
Moves an item from a source path to a destination path.void
(String path, InputStream inputStream, boolean overwrite) void
(String path, InputStream inputStream, boolean overwrite) Saves an item at the given path.void
(String path, Map<CmsPropertyName, String> properties) void
(String path, Map<CmsPropertyName, String> properties) Updates the properties for the given path. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.rmi
Constructors in org.opencms.rmi that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsRemoteShell
(String additionalCommandsNames, int port) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.scheduler
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.schedulerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Describes errors that occur in the context of the OpenCms scheduler.Methods in org.opencms.scheduler that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSchedulerException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) -
Uses of CmsException in
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.searchModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals an error during an indexing operation.class
Signals an error during a search operation.Methods in that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsIndexException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsSearchException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected I_CmsSearchDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res, I_CmsSearchIndex index, int count, I_CmsReport report) Creates the search index document.void
(I_CmsReport report) Rebuilds (if required creates) all configured indexes.void
(String indexName, I_CmsReport report) Rebuilds (if required creates) the index with the given name.void
(List<String> indexNames, I_CmsReport report) Rebuilds (if required creates) the List of indexes with the given name.protected void
(I_CmsSearchIndex index, I_CmsReport report, List<CmsPublishedResource> resourcesToIndex) Updates (if required creates) the index with the given name.protected void
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsSearchIndex index, I_CmsReport report, List<CmsPublishedResource> resourcesToIndex) Incrementally updates the given index. -
Uses of CmsException in
Subclasses of CmsException in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals an error during content extraction of an empty document.Methods in that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsIndexNoContentException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionA_CmsVfsDocument.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Creates the Lucene Document for the given VFS resource and the given search index.CmsDocumentContainerPage.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Generates a new lucene document instance from contents of the given resource for the provided index.CmsDocumentXmlContent.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) I_CmsDocumentFactory.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Creates the Lucene Document for the given VFS resource and the given search index.CmsDocumentContainerPage.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a VFS resource of typeCmsResourceTypeContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given VFS resource containing HTML data.CmsDocumentMsOfficeOLE2.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing MS Word data.CmsDocumentMsOfficeOOXML.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing MS Word data.CmsDocumentOpenOffice.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing MS Word data.CmsDocumentPdf.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing Adobe PDF data.CmsDocumentPlainText.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing plain text data.CmsDocumentRtf.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource containing RTF data.CmsDocumentXmlContent.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given VFS resource of typeCmsResourceTypeXmlContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a given vfs resource of typeCmsResourceTypeXmlPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Extracts the content of a given index resource according to the resource file type and the configuration of the given index.A_CmsVfsDocument.getDocumentKeys
(List<String> resourceTypes, List<String> mimeTypes) I_CmsDocumentFactory.getDocumentKeys
(List<String> resourceTypes, List<String> mimeTypes) Returns the list of accepted keys for the resource types that can be indexed using this document factory.protected CmsFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Upgrades the given resource to aCmsFile
with content. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected I_CmsSearchDocument
(I_CmsSearchDocument document, CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsExtractionResult extractionResult, List<CmsProperty> properties, List<CmsProperty> propertiesSearched) Extends the given document by resource category information based on properties.CmsSearchFieldConfiguration.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, I_CmsExtractionResult extraction) Creates the Lucene Document with this field configuration for the provided VFS resource, search index and content.I_CmsSearchFieldConfiguration.createDocument
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, I_CmsExtractionResult extractionResult) Creates the document to index. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsGallerySearch.getResult
(CmsGallerySearchParameters params) Returns the gallery search result list.static CmsGallerySearchResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.CmsGallerySearch.searchById
(CmsUUID id, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.CmsGallerySearch.searchByPath
(String path, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.static CmsGallerySearchResult
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.void
Set the name of the index to search.void
(CmsObject cms) Sets the index name according to the current project. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSolrDocumentContainerPage.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Returns the raw text content of a VFS resource of typeCmsResourceTypeContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale) Extracts the content of a given index resource according to the resource file type and the configuration of the given index.CmsSolrDocumentXmlContent.extractContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) static CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource.static CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource.static CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale, Set<CmsUUID> alreadyExtracted) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource.static CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale, Set<CmsUUID> alreadyExtracted, Consumer<A_CmsXmlDocument> contentConsumer) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource. -
Uses of CmsException in
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.securityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals that an attempt to authenticate (login) has a user has failed.class
Custom login exception whose message will be displayed to the user if the login fails.class
Signals that an attempt to encrypt a password was not successful.class
A permission violation occurs if a user without tries to access or maipulate a VFS resource without the required permissions.class
A role violation occurs if a user without permissions tries to access a protected OpenCms system feature that can only be accessed by users in certain roles.class
Used to signal security related issues, for example example during file access and login.class
Signals that an attempt to authenticate (login) a user has failed because the user had to many invalid logins.Methods in that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsAuthentificationException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsCustomLoginException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsPasswordEncryptionException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsPermissionViolationException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsRoleViolationException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsSecurityException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) CmsUserDisabledException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, String resourceName) Adds a resource to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, String username) Adds a user to the given role.void
Sets the new password for the current logged in user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, String resourceName) Checks if the user of this OpenCms context is a member of the given role for the given resource.long
(CmsObject cms, CmsUserSearchParameters params) Counts the users which fit the given search criteria.CmsOrgUnitManager.createOrganizationalUnit
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, String description, int flags, String resourceName) Creates a new organizational unit.CmsPersistentLoginTokenHandler.createToken
(CmsObject cms) Generates a new login token for a given user and registers the token in the user's additional info.void
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn) Deletes an organizational unit.I_CmsAuthorizationHandler.I_PrivilegedLoginAction.doLogin
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String principal) Performs a privileged login action and returns a cms object initialized for the principal.CmsOrgUnitManager.getAllAccessibleProjects
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all accessible projects of the given organizational unit.CmsOrgUnitManager.getAllManageableProjects
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all manageable projects of the given organizational unit.CmsPrincipal.getDisplayName
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) Returns the display name of this principal including the organizational unit.CmsPrincipal.getDisplayName
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, I_CmsGroupNameTranslation translation) Returns the translated display name of this principal if it is a group and the display name otherwise.CmsRole.getDisplayName
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale) Returns the display name of this role including the organizational unit.Returns all groups of the given organizational unit.CmsRoleManager.getManageableGroups
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all groups of organizational units for which the current user has theCmsRole.ACCOUNT_MANAGER
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus, boolean includeWebusers) Returns a list of those organizational units whose members can be managed by the current user.CmsRoleManager.getManageableResources
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role) Returns all resources of organizational units for which the current user has the given role role.CmsRoleManager.getManageableUsers
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all users of organizational units for which the current user has theCmsRole.ACCOUNT_MANAGER
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeSubOus, boolean includeWebusers) Returns all users of organizational units for which the current user has theCmsRole.ACCOUNT_MANAGER
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildren) Returns all child organizational units of the given parent organizational unit including hierarchical deeper organization units if needed.CmsOrgUnitManager.getOrgUnitsForResource
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath) Gets all organizational units x such that x and all of its ancestor org.CmsRoleManager.getOrgUnitsForRole
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, boolean includeSubOus) Returns all the organizational units for which the current user has the given role.CmsOrgUnitManager.getResourcesForOrganizationalUnit
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn) Returns all resources of the given organizational unit.CmsRoleManager.getRoleGroups
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, boolean directUsersOnly) Returns the groups which constitute a given role, i.e.Returns all roles, in the given organizational unit.CmsRoleManager.getRolesForResource
(CmsObject cms, String userFqn, String resourceName) Returns all roles the given user has over the given resource.CmsRoleManager.getRolesForResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, CmsResource resource) Returns all roles the given user has over the given resource.CmsRoleManager.getRolesOfUser
(CmsObject cms, String username, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildOus, boolean directRolesOnly, boolean recursive) Returns all roles the given user belongs to, in the given organizational unit.Returns all users of the given organizational unit.CmsRoleManager.getUsersOfRole
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, boolean includeOtherOuUsers, boolean directUsersOnly) Returns all direct users of a given role, in the given organizational unit.CmsOrgUnitManager.getUsersWithoutAdditionalInfo
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, boolean recursive) Returns all users of the given organizational unit, without their additional info.CmsDefaultPermissionHandler.hasPermissions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, I_CmsPermissionHandler.LockCheck checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) I_CmsPermissionHandler.hasPermissions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsPermissionSet requiredPermissions, I_CmsPermissionHandler.LockCheck checkLock, CmsResourceFilter filter) Performs a non-blocking permission check on a resource.CmsDefaultAuthorizationHandler.initCmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String userName, String pwd) I_CmsAuthorizationHandler.initCmsObject
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String userName, String pwd) Authenticates the current request with additional user information.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the organizational units.void
(CmsUser user, String token) Invalidates all tokens for the given user.CmsOrgUnitManager.readOrganizationalUnit
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn) Reads an organizational Unit based on its fully qualified name.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, String name) Utility function to read a prefixed principal from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, String name) Utility function to read a principal by its id from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, String type, String name) Utility function to read a principal of the given type from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Utility function to read a principal by its id from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Utility function to read a principal by its id from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.void
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, String resourceName) Removes a resource from the given organizational unit.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsRole role, String username) Removes a user from a role, in the given organizational unit.CmsOrgUnitManager.searchUsers
(CmsObject cms, CmsUserSearchParameters params) Searches users which fit the given search parameters.void
(CmsObject cms, String ouFqn, String userName) Moves an user to the given organizational unit.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsOrganizationalUnit organizationalUnit) Writes an already existing organizational unit. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsTwoFactorAuthenticationUserPolicy.UserCheckContext.getGroupNames()
Gets the set of names of the groups the user belongs to. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Adds a site.CmsSiteManagerImpl.getSiteTitle
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns the site title.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSite site) Removes a site from the list of configured sites.void
(CmsObject cms, String defaultUri, List<String> workplaceServersList, String sharedFolder) Method for backward compability reasons.void
(CmsObject cms, String defaulrUri, Map<String, CmsSSLMode> workplaceServers, String sharedFolder) Updates the general settings.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsSite oldSite, CmsSite newSite) Updates or creates a site. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsResource containerPage, Locale locale) protected void
(CmsResource containerPage, Locale locale) Adds the detail page links for a given page to the results.protected long
(CmsResource containerPage) Computes the container the container page modification date from its referenced contents.static CmsXmlSitemapGenerator
(String className, String folderRootPath) Creates an XML sitemap generator instance given a class name and the root path for the sitemap.CmsDetailPageDuplicateEliminatingSitemapGenerator.generateSitemapBeans()
Generates a list of XML sitemap entry beans for the root folder which has been set in the constructor.protected List<CmsResource>
Gets the list of pages which should be directly added to the XML sitemap.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Loads the bean data from the given resource.static CmsXmlSitemapGenerator
(CmsResource seoFileRes, CmsXmlSeoConfiguration config) Constructs an XML sitemap generator given an XML sitemap configuration file.CmsXmlSitemapGenerator.renderSitemap()
Generates a sitemap and formats it as a string.Constructors in that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsDetailPageDuplicateEliminatingSitemapGenerator
(String sitemapPath) Constructor.CmsXmlSitemapGenerator
(String folderRootPath) Creates a new sitemap generator instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.staticexport
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.staticexportModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms scheduler.Methods in org.opencms.staticexport that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsStaticExportException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.staticexport that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(String exportPath, String rfsName) Creates the parent folder for a exported resource in the RFS.void
(List<CmsPublishedResource> resources, I_CmsReport report) Does the actual static
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, CmsObject cms, CmsStaticExportData data) Exports the requested uri and at the same time writes the uri to the response output stream if required.protected void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) Starts the static export on publish.void
(boolean purgeFirst, I_CmsReport report) Starts a complete static export of all resources.protected boolean
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsPublishedResource> publishedResources, I_CmsReport report) Exports all non template resources found in a list of published resources.CmsAfterPublishStaticExportHandler.getAllResources
(CmsObject cms) Returns all resources within the current OpenCms site that are not marked as internal.CmsStaticExportExportRule.getExportResources
(CmsObject cms) Returns a set of
objects containing all resources specified by theCmsPublishedResource
node of this rule.protected List<CmsPublishedResource>
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsPublishedResource> publishedResources) Creates a list of
objects containing all related resources of the VFS tree.CmsPublishedResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishedResource publishedResource) Returns a set of
objects specified by theCmsPublishedResource
node of this rule, if the publishedResource matches a modified Resource regular expression.protected Set<CmsPublishedResource>
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishedResource pubResource) Returns all siblings of the published resource as list ofCmsPublishedResource
.protected boolean
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsPublishedResource> publishedResources, List<CmsStaticExportData> resourcesToExport) Returns all non template resources found in a list of published resources.protected CmsStaticExportData
(CmsObject cms, String uri) Reads the resource with the given URI.protected void
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, String exportPath, String rfsName, CmsResource resource, byte[] content) Writes a resource to the given export path with the given rfs name and the given content. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.synchronize
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.synchronizeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.file.I_CmsSyncModifications.Methods in org.opencms.synchronize that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSynchronizeException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.synchronize that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms) Performs a check if the values that have been set are valid.Constructors in org.opencms.synchronize that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsSynchronize
(CmsObject cms, CmsSynchronizeSettings settings, I_CmsReport report) Creates a new CmsSynchronize object which automatically start the synchronization process. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ugc
Methods in org.opencms.ugc that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CmsXmlContent
(CmsFile file, Map<String, String> contentValues) Adds the given values to the content document.void
Finishes the session and publishes the changed resources if necessary.CmsUgcSession.getValues()
Returns the content values.CmsUgcConfigurationReader.readConfiguration
(CmsFile configFile) Reads the given configuration file.Constructors in org.opencms.ugc that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsUgcSession
(CmsObject adminCms, CmsObject cms, CmsUgcConfiguration configuration) Constructor.CmsUgcSession
(CmsObject cms, CmsUgcConfiguration configuration) Constructor. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui
Methods in org.opencms.ui that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, String rootPath) Sets the user image for the given user. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.apps
Methods in org.opencms.ui.apps that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID folderId) Reads the given folder.protected void
(CmsUUID folderId, boolean clearFilter) Reads the given folder.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.apps that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.apps.cacheadmin
Methods in org.opencms.ui.apps.cacheadmin that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImageCacheHelper.getSingleSize
(CmsObject cms, String resPath) Reads the size of a single image. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Updates the search root. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.apps.sessions
Methods in org.opencms.ui.apps.sessions that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.apps.user
Methods in org.opencms.ui.apps.user that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportAllUsers
(CmsObject cms, String ou, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromGroups
(CmsObject cms, List<String> groups, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromRoles
(CmsObject cms, String ou, List<String> roles, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsAccountsApp.getUsersWithoutAdditionalInfo
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsOuTreeType type, String ou, boolean recursive) Gets list of users for organizational unit.protected void
(CmsUUID id) Opens the user info dialog.CmsAccountsApp.readGroupsForOu
(CmsObject cms, String ou, I_CmsOuTreeType type, boolean subOus) Reads the list of groups for an organizational unit. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.components.fileselect
Methods in org.opencms.ui.components.fileselect that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id, CmsResourceFilter filter) Updates the item for the given structure id.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.components.fileselect that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsNavigationFilter
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource root) Creates a new instance.Creates a new instance.CmsResourceSelectDialog
(CmsResourceFilter filter, CmsObject cms) public constructor with given CmsObject.CmsResourceSelectDialog
(CmsResourceFilter filter, CmsObject cms, CmsResourceSelectDialog.Options options) public constructor. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.dialogs
Methods in org.opencms.ui.dialogs that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic<CmsResource,
CmsResource> CmsDeleteDialog.getBrokenLinks
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> selectedResources, boolean includeSiblings) Gets the broken links.static<CmsResource,
CmsResource> CmsDeleteDialog.getBrokenLinks
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsResource> selectedResources, boolean includeSiblings, boolean reverse) Gets the broken links.protected void
(CmsResource source, CmsResource target, String name, CmsCopyMoveDialog.Action action, boolean overwrite, Map<String, String> macroMap) Performs the single resource operation.protected void
(CmsResource source, CmsResource target, CmsCopyMoveDialog.Action action, boolean overwrite, Map<String, String> makroMap) Performs the single resource operation.protected void
Touches the selected files.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Preselects the target folder.protected void
Touches the selected files.CmsUndeleteDialog.undelete()
Undeletes the selected filesConstructors in org.opencms.ui.dialogs that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsChangeTypeDialog
(I_CmsDialogContext context) Creates a new instance.Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.availability
Methods in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.availability that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsAvailabilityDialog.changeAvailability()
Actually performs the availability change. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history
Methods in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Opens the 'compare' view for the two selected versions of the resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history.diff
Methods in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history.diff that throw CmsExceptionModifier and<com.vaadin.ui.Component>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2)<com.vaadin.ui.Component>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2)<com.vaadin.ui.Component>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2)<com.vaadin.ui.Component>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2)<com.vaadin.ui.Component>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2) Optionally returns a comparison component to display for the given resource versions.abstract List<CmsAttributeComparison>
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2) Gets the attribute comparison beans representing the differences.CmsAttributeDiff.getDifferences
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2) CmsPropertyDiff.getDifferences
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean v1, CmsHistoryResourceBean v2) static CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsHistoryResourceBean bean) Reads a historical resource for a history resource bean. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.editors.messagebundle
Methods in org.opencms.ui.editors.messagebundle that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
When the descriptor was added while editing, but the change was not saved, it has to be removed when the editor is
Returns the container filled according to the current locale.void
Saves the messages for all languages that were opened in the editor.void
Saves the loaded XML bundle as property bundle.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.editors.messagebundle that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.favorites
Methods in org.opencms.ui.favorites that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFavoriteDAO.loadFavorites()
Loads the favorite list.void
(List<CmsFavoriteEntry> favorites) Saves the favorites.CmsFavoriteEntry.updateContextAndGetFavoriteUrl
(CmsObject cms) Prepares the CmsObject for jumping to this favorite location, and returns the appropriate URL.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.favorites that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsFavoriteDAO
(CmsObject cms) Creates a new instance.CmsFavoriteDAO
(CmsObject cms, String userName) Creates a new instance.CmsFavoriteDialog
(I_CmsFavoriteContext context, CmsFavoriteDAO favDao) Creates a new dialog instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.login
Methods in org.opencms.ui.login that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user) Removes an authorization token from the user's additional information.static String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUser user, long currentTime) Creates a new token for the given user and stores it in the user's additional info.static String
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) Returns the initial HTML for the Vaadin based login dialog.static String
(CmsObject currentCms, CmsWorkplaceSettings settings, String requestedResource) Gets the login target link.CmsTokenValidator.validateToken
(CmsObject cms, String token, long maxAgeMillis) Validates the authentication token against the token stored in the user's additional info. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.sitemap
Methods in org.opencms.ui.sitemap that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSitemapTreeDataProvider.getSitemapService()
Gets the sitemap service.void
(CmsUUID id, Locale initialComparisonLocale) Initializes the locale comparison view.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the bean.protected void
(CmsResource rootRes) Initializes the tree with the given resource as a root.void
(Locale locale) Switches the root locale to the given value.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.sitemap that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsLocaleLinkTargetSelectionDialog
(I_CmsDialogContext context, I_CmsLocaleCompareContext localeContext) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.ui.util
Methods in org.opencms.ui.util that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsNewResourceBuilder.createResource()
Triggers the resource creation.CmsNewResourceBuilder.PropertyEditorHelper.loadPropertyData
(CmsUUID id) Loads the data needed for editing the properties of a resource.Constructors in org.opencms.ui.util that throw CmsException -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.util
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.utilModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Used to signal issues with the real local file system (RFS), for example during file access.Methods in org.opencms.util that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsRfsException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.util that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, Map<String, String> keyValue, boolean adjustLinks) Copies resources, adjust internal links (if adjustLinks==true) and resolves macros (if keyValue map is set).static void
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, Map<String, String> keyValue, boolean adjustLinks, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode copyMode) Copies resources, adjust internal links (if adjustLinks==true) and resolves macros (if keyValue map is set).static void
(CmsObject cms, String source, String destination, Map<String, String> keyValue, boolean adjustLinks, CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode copyMode, I_CmsReport report) Copies resources, adjust internal links (if adjustLinks==true) and resolves macros (if keyValue map is set).static void
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath) Creates a folder and its parent folders if they don't exist.CmsMacroResolver.getBundleMapFromResources
(Properties resourceBundle, CmsResource descriptor, CmsObject clonedCms) Reads a bundle (key, value, descriptor) from Descriptor Resource and property resource.static String
(CmsObject cms, String xsltFile, String csvContent, String delimiter) Changes content from CSV to xml/html.static String
(CmsObject cms, String xsltFile, String xmlContent) Applies a XSLT Transformation to the content. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.webdav
Methods in org.opencms.webdav with parameters of type CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(CmsException e) Gets the HTTP status code to use for an exception. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.widgets
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Describes errors that occur in the context of the OpenCms widgets.Methods in org.opencms.widgets that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsWidgetException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workflow
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.workflowModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An exception which indicates that a user tried to execute an invalid workflow action.class
An exception which indicates that the user tried to trigger a workflow action for a set of resources for which some parent folder is not included in the set, but has the resource state 'new'.Methods in org.opencms.workflow that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CmsWorkflowResponse
(CmsObject userCms, CmsPublishOptions options, List<CmsResource> resources) The implementation of the "forcepublish" workflow action.protected CmsWorkflowResponse
(CmsObject userCms, CmsPublishOptions options, List<CmsResource> resources) The implementation of the "publish" workflow action.protected CmsWorkflowResponse
(CmsObject userCms, List<CmsResource> resources) Implementation of the 'release' workflow action.protected void
(CmsObject userCms, List<CmsResource> resources) Checks that the parent folders of new resources which are released are either not new or are also released.protected void
(List<CmsProject> projects) Cleans up empty workflow projects.protected void
(CmsProject project) Removes a project if there are no longer any resources which have been last modified in that project.protected void
(CmsProject project, List<CmsResource> resources) Ensures that the resources to be released are unlocked.protected CmsPublishResource
(CmsResource resource) Creates a publish resource bean from a resource.CmsDefaultWorkflowManager.executeAction
(CmsObject cms, CmsWorkflowAction action, CmsPublishListToken token) CmsDefaultWorkflowManager.executeAction
(CmsObject userCms, CmsWorkflowAction action, CmsPublishOptions options, List<CmsResource> resources) CmsExtendedWorkflowManager.executeAction
(CmsObject userCms, CmsWorkflowAction action, CmsPublishOptions options, List<CmsResource> resources) I_CmsWorkflowManager.executeAction
(CmsObject cms, CmsWorkflowAction action, CmsPublishListToken token) Executes a workflow action for a publish list token instead of a resource list.I_CmsWorkflowManager.executeAction
(CmsObject userCms, CmsWorkflowAction action, CmsPublishOptions options, List<CmsResource> resources) Executes a workflow action in the context of the current user.CmsDefaultPublishResourceFormatter.AlreadyPublishedValidator.getInfoForResource
(CmsResource resource) CmsDefaultPublishResourceFormatter.BlockingLockedValidator.getInfoForResource
(CmsResource resource) CmsDefaultPublishResourceFormatter.I_PublishResourceValidator.getInfoForResource
(CmsResource resource) Gets the status information for an excluded resource.I_CmsPublishResourceFormatter.getPublishResources()
Gets the publish resource beans created by this formatter.CmsExtendedRealProjectWrapper.getResources
(CmsObject cms, Map<String, String> params, String workflowId) void
(CmsPublishOptions options, CmsPublishRelationFinder.ResourceMap resources) void
(CmsPublishOptions options, CmsPublishRelationFinder.ResourceMap resources) Initializes the formatter.protected boolean
(CmsProject project) Checks whether there are resources which have last been modified in a given project.protected boolean
(CmsObject userCms) Checks whether the user for a given CMS context can manage workflow projects. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplace
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplaceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals that an exceptional program flow happens in the workplace.Methods in org.opencms.workplace that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsWorkplaceException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.workplace that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDialog.buildLockHeaderBox()
Returns the html code to build the header box.void
Checks the lock state of the resource and locks it if the autolock feature is enabled.void
(String resource, CmsLockType type) Checks the lock state of the resource and locks it if the autolock feature is enabled.CmsWorkplaceManager.createTempFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsUUID currentProjectId) Creates a temporary file which is needed while working in an editor with preview option.CmsDialog.getState()
Gets a formatted file state string.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the workplace manager with the OpenCms system configuration.protected void
Helper method to change back from the temporary project to the current project.protected CmsUUID
Helper method to change the current project to the temporary file project. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplace.comparison
Methods in org.opencms.workplace.comparison that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic List<CmsAttributeComparison>
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource1, String version1, CmsResource resource2, String version2) Helper method that finds out, which of the properties were added, removed, modified or remain unchanged.Constructors in org.opencms.workplace.comparison that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsXmlDocumentComparison
(CmsObject cms, CmsFile res1, CmsFile res2) Creates a new xml document comparison. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplace.editors
Methods in org.opencms.workplace.editors that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
Performs the exit editor action.void
(String resource, CmsLockType type) protected void
Writes the content of a temporary file back to the original file.protected void
protected String
Creates a temporary file which is needed while working in an editor with preview option.protected CmsObject
Returns a cloned cms instance that prevents the time range resource filter check.CmsEditorHandler.getEditorUri
(String resource, CmsJspActionElement jsp) I_CmsEditorHandler.getEditorUri
(String resource, CmsJspActionElement jsp) Returns the editor URI which will be used for the selected resource in the OpenCms VFS to the editor selector class.protected void
(String body, Locale locale) Saves the editor content to the temporary file.protected void
(CmsXmlContent content, Locale sourceLocale, List<Locale> destLocales) Copies the contents from a source locale to a number of destination locales by overwriting them. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplace.editors.directedit
Methods in org.opencms.workplace.editors.directedit that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected String
(CmsFile file) Helper method to convert the content of a resource to a string.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Executes the actual delete.I_CmsEditHandler.handleNew
(CmsObject cms, String newLink, Locale locale, String referenceSitePath, String modelFileSitePath, String postCreateHandler, CmsContainerElementBean element, CmsUUID pageId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, String choice) Creates a new resource to edit.CmsDateSeriesEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) I_CmsEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Prepares the resource to be edited. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.workplace.explorer
Methods in org.opencms.workplace.explorer that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String resourceType) Creates the access control list from the temporary map.CmsResourceUtil.getNoEditReason
(Locale locale) Checks is the current resource can be edited by the current user.CmsResourceUtil.getNoEditReason
(Locale locale, boolean ignoreExpiration) Checks is the current resource can be edited by the current user. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml
Subclasses of CmsException in org.opencms.xmlModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Signals that an error occurred while processing an xml resource.Methods in org.opencms.xml that return CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsXmlException.createException
(CmsMessageContainer container, Throwable cause) Methods in org.opencms.xml that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsXmlContentDefinition
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Factory method that returns the XML content definition instance for a given resource.static CmsXmlContentDefinition
(CmsObject cms, String typeName) Reads the content definition which is configured for a resource type.static I_CmsXmlContentHandler
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns a content handler instance for the given resource.void
Performs the transformation on all resources of the configured type.Constructors in org.opencms.xml that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsXmlFileTransformer
(CmsObject cms, String path, String type, String xslName, InputStream xslStream, I_CmsReport report) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.containerpage
Methods in org.opencms.xml.containerpage that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionbyte[]
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerPageBean cntPage) Saves a container page bean to the in-memory XML structure and returns the changed content.static CmsXmlContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new instance of an container page based on the given default content, that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale.static CmsXmlGroupContainer
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new instance of an group container based on the given default content, that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale.static CmsContainerElementBean
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsResourceType resourceType, String targetFolder, Map<String, String> individualSettings, boolean isCopyModels, Locale locale) Creates an element bean for the given resource type.CmsLazyFolder.createFolder
(CmsObject cms) Creates the folder with the given name if it doesn't already exist, and returns it.I_CmsADEConfiguration.createNewElement
(CmsObject cms, String cntPageUri, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, String type, Locale locale) Creates a new element of a given type at the configured location.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Element element, CmsUUID resourceId) Fills aCmsXmlVfsFileValue
with the resource identified by the given id.I_CmsADEConfiguration.getCreatableElements
(CmsObject cms, String cntPageUri, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request) Returns the list of creatable elements.CmsXmlGroupContainerHandler.getCSSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsXmlInheritGroupContainerHandler.getCSSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) int
(CmsObject cms) Returns the maximal size of the favorite list.Returns the folder if it already exists, or null if it doesn't.I_CmsADEConfiguration.getFormattersForResource
(CmsObject cms, String containerPageRootPath, CmsResource res) Returns the formatter configuration for a given resource.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms) Gets the function formatter resource, possibly from the cache.CmsXmlGroupContainerHandler.getJSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) CmsXmlInheritGroupContainerHandler.getJSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) I_CmsADEConfiguration.getNextNewFileName
(CmsObject cms, String cntPageUri, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, String type) Returns the name of the next new file of the given type to be created.CmsLazyFolder.getOrCreateFolder
(CmsObject cms) Returns the folder if it already exists, or creates and returns it if it doesn't.CmsLazyFolder.getPermissionCheckFolder
(CmsObject cms) Returns the folder to check for permissions, which is either the folder itself if it already exists, or the parent folder if it doesn'
(CmsObject cms) Returns the maximal size of the recent list.I_CmsADEConfiguration.getSearchableResourceTypes
(CmsObject cms, String cntPageUri, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request) Returns the list of searchable resource types.static void
(CmsObject cms) Initialize the formatter configuration.void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the resource and the site path of this element.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String currentUri, String typeName) Returns if the given type has a valid configuration to be created.boolean
(CmsObject cms) Tests whether this element refers to a group container.boolean
(CmsObject cms) Returns whether this element refers to an inherited container element.protected static List<CmsContainerElementBean>
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Helper method to load and prepare the elements of a group container.CmsDynamicFunctionParser.parseFunctionBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Parses a dynamic function bean given a resource.CmsDynamicFunctionParser.parseFunctionBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content) Parses a dynamic function bean from an in-memory XML content object.CmsHtmlRedirectHandler.prepareForWrite
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsFile file) CmsListConfigContentHandler.prepareForWrite
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsFile file) CmsXmlContainerPageHandler.prepareForWrite
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsFile file) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerPageBean cntPage) Saves given container page in the current locale, and not only in memory but also to VFS.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerPageBean cntPage, boolean ifChangedOnly) Saves given container page in the current locale, and not only in memory but also to VFS.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsGroupContainerBean groupContainer, Locale locale) Saves given container page in the current locale, and not only in memory but also to VFS.protected void
(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Element parent, CmsContainerPageBean cntPage) Adds the given container page to the given element.protected void
(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Element parent, CmsGroupContainerBean groupContainer) Adds the given container page to the given element.static CmsXmlContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a container page instance from a OpenCms VFS resource that contains XML data.static CmsXmlContainerPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a container page instance from a resource, using the request attributes as cache.static CmsXmlGroupContainer
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a group container instance from a OpenCms VFS resource that contains XML data.static CmsXmlGroupContainer
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a group container instance from a resource, using the request attributes as cache.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerPageBean cntPage) Saves a container page in in-memory XML structure.Constructors in org.opencms.xml.containerpage that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new container page based on the given default content, that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale.protected
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new group container based on the given default content, that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.containerpage.mutable
Methods in org.opencms.xml.containerpage.mutable that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionbyte[]
Marshals the page data without writing it to the VFS.void
Saves the page data to the VFS, using the same resource from which this object was created.Constructors in org.opencms.xml.containerpage.mutable that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsContainerPageWrapper
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource res) Creates a new instance by reading the container page from a file. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.content
Methods in org.opencms.xml.content that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsMappingResolutionContext.AttributeType attr, List<Locale> locales, long value) Writes an availability date back to the content, if a mapping is defined for it.void
Writes all the stored URL name mappings to the database.static CmsXmlContent
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new instance of an XML content based on the given default content, hat will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale.CmsDefaultXmlContentHandler.createRootCms
(CmsObject cms) Copies a given CMS context and set the copy's site root to '/'.void
Finalizes the mappings.CmsDefaultXmlContentHandler.getCSSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) I_CmsXmlContentHandler.getCSSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns all the CSS resources to include into the html-page head.protected static CmsVfsFileValueBean
(CmsObject cms, String idOrUri) Given a string which might be a id or a (sitemap or VFS) URI, this method will return a bean containing the right (sitemap or vfs) root path and (sitemap entry or structure) id.static CmsUUID
(CmsObject cms, String uri) Looks up an URI in the sitemap and returns either a sitemap entry id (if the URI is a sitemap URI) or the structure id of a resource (if the URI is a VFS path).CmsDefaultXmlContentHandler.getJSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) I_CmsXmlContentHandler.getJSHeadIncludes
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) Returns all the javascript resources to include into the html-page head.static Map<String,
CmsXmlContentProperty> CmsXmlContentPropertyHelper.getPropertyInfo
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource page, CmsResource resource) Returns the property information for the given resource (type) AND the current user.static String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Returns a sitemap or VFS path given a sitemap entry id or structure id.CmsDefaultXmlContentHandler.prepareForWrite
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsFile file) I_CmsXmlContentHandler.prepareForWrite
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, CmsFile file) Prepares the given XML content to be written to the OpenCms VFS.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsFile file, CmsXmlContent content) Removes property values on resources for non-existing, optional elements.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsFile file, CmsXmlContent content) Resolves those mappings for which no content value exists and useDefault is set to true.static Map<String,
CmsXmlContentProperty> CmsXmlContentPropertyHelper.resolveMacrosForPropertyInfo
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource page, CmsResource resource,<CmsXmlContent> contentGetter, Function<String, String> stringtemplateSource, Map<String, CmsXmlContentProperty> propertiesConf) Resolves macros in the given property information for the given resource (type) AND the current user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, I_CmsXmlContentValue value) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsXmlContent content, I_CmsXmlContentValue value) Resolves the value mappings of the given XML content value, according to the rules of this XML content handler.void
(CmsResource res, CmsMappingResolutionContext.AttributeType type, Long value) Helper method for setting release/expiration date.static CmsXmlContent
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a XML content instance from a resource, using the request attributes as cache.protected CmsFile
(CmsObject cms, CmsFile file, CmsXmlContent content) Writes the categories if a category widget is present.Constructors in org.opencms.xml.content that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(CmsObject cms, Locale locale, String modelUri) Create a new XML content based on the given default content, that will have all language nodes of the default content and ensures the presence of the given locale. -
Uses of CmsException in
Methods in that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic I_CmsXmlDocument
Factory method to unmarshal (read) a XML document instance from a filename in the VFS, using the request attributes as cache.static CmsXmlPage
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Factory method to unmarshal (read) a XML page instance from a resource, using the request attributes as cache. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.templatemapper
Constructors in org.opencms.xml.templatemapper that throw CmsExceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsTemplateMapperConfiguration
(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Document doc) Parses a template mapper configuration from an XML document.protected
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource folder) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.xml2json
Methods in org.opencms.xml.xml2json that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(JSONObject result) Adds property data to the result object.I_CmsApiAuthorizationHandler.initCmsObject
(CmsObject adminCms, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) Authenticates a user from a request and returns a CmsObject initialized with that
(boolean inherited) Creates a JSON object with the properties of the resource. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.document
Methods in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.document that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsJsonDocumentContainerPage.getJson()
Returns the JSON document.protected void
If the request parameter "wrapper" is set, inserts information about this resource into the JSON document.protected void
Inserts the properties of this resource into the JSON document.protected void
Inserts a wrapper with resource information into this JSON document. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.handler
Methods in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.handler that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsJsonHandlerContext.getContent()
Loads the XML content.CmsJsonHandlerContext.getFile()
Gets the file for the path. -
Uses of CmsException in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.renderer
Methods in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.renderer that throw CmsExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the renderer.void
(CmsJsonHandlerContext context) void
(CmsObject cms) Initializes the context for the renderer.void
(CmsJsonHandlerContext context) Initializes the context for the renderer.Constructors in org.opencms.xml.xml2json.renderer that throw CmsException
CmsObject.chtype(String, I_CmsResourceType)