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OpenCms documentation

Sessions app


The sessions app is made for communication between OpenCms administrators and editors. Administrators can send messages to editors, for example, to inform about server downtimes.

There are two types of messages, login messages and broadcast messages.

Login messages are either shown on the login dialog before a user logs into the workplace, or as a pop-up window directly after login.

Broadcast messages are repetitive real-time messages shown as pop-up windows to all logged in users.

A pop-up window message shown after login.

Pop-up window login messages can be used to inform users about planned server downtimes in early time.

After login,there is a pop-up window shown to all users, which has to manually being closed before continuing work.

A message shown on the login dialog.

Login dialog messages are typically used to inform editors about server maintenance work currently in progress.

Administrators can decide that workplace login is not possible during server maintenance work.

A repetitive broadcast message shown to all logged in editors.

Broadcast messages can be used shortly before server maintenance work starts, e.g., to inform all logged in editors that they should save their changes and log out in order to not loose any work.

The app can be opened via the launchpad. It is accessible for users with role Administrator only.

The user interface of the sessions app

When opening the sessions app, a sessions table appears showing all users currently logged in. From the main toolbar at the very top, one can open the two central dialogs for managing login messages and broadcast messages. The sessions table in addition provides a context menu for detailed information about and individual communication with single users.

Shows if a user's session is active or inactive.

The login name of the user.

The age of the user's session.

The site in which the user is currently working in.

The project the user is currently working in.

The login message icon

Clicking on this icon opens the login message settings dialog.

The broadcast message icon

Clicking on this icon opens the broadcast message settings dialog.

The info icon

Clicking on this icon shows overall information about the number of sessions.

The refresh icon

Clicking on this icon refreshes the sessions table.

The context menu of the sessions table

User information. Opens a dialog with detailed information about a user's session. Especially it is shown when the user last saved a change.

Explorer. Opens the explorer in exactly the site the user is currently working in.

Page editor. Opens the page editor in exactly the site the user is currently working in.

Send message. Sends a real-time broadcast message as explained above, though not to all users, but only to the selected user.

Destroy. Destroys the session of a user in a way that the user is logged out from the workplace.

The login message settings dialog has two tabs named After login and On login dialog.

First tab of the login message settings dialog

Enable message after login. Enables or disables the after login message. Using this option, a message can be reused at a later time.

Lock out users. Option to lock out users (except users with the root administrator role). If this option is checked and confirmed with the OK button, editors cannot log into the workplace any more. Editors that are already logged in, stay logged in, can edit contents, and save changes. But it is not possible any more for them to publish any changes.

Start time. Defines the point in time from which the login message is shown (if enabled) and the users will be locked out (if enabled). If no start time is given, the message and the lock out of users starts immediately after clicking the OK button.

End time. Defines the point in time until when the login message is shown (if enabled) and the users will be locked out (if enabled). If no end time is given, the login message and the lock out of users is active for an indefinite period of time.

Message. The message text WYSIWYG editor.

Delete message. Button to clear the message text.

Second tab of the login message settings dialog

Enable message on login dialog. Enables or disables the on login dialog message. This option is useful to reuse a message for a series of downtimes.

Message. The message text WYSIWYG editor.

Delete message. Button to clear the message text.

The on login dialog message has no time-control. In order to enable or disable a login dialog message, use the checkbox Enable message on login dialog.

The broadcast message settings dialog

Repeat for whole session. If checked, the broadcast message is shown repetedly about every minute.

Broadcast message. The broadcast message WYSIWYG editor.

Delete all pending broadcasts. Button to delete all pending broadcasts.