Uses of Class
Contains the acacia editor shared client/server classes.
Contains the ade configuration classes.
Classes for handling formatter configurations.
Contains the container page editor service classes.
Contains classes used for reading and caching inheritance groups.
Contains the shared container page editor classes.
Contains the container page editor service interfaces.
Contains server side classes for the XML content editor.
Contains data beans used on the server side as well as on the client side of the XML content editor.
Contains the RPC service interfaces used by the XML content editor.
Contains functions for the detail pages in OpenCms.
Contains server side classes for the gallery dialogs.
Contains the shared client/server side gallery dialog classes.
This package contains the server-side classes for the publish module.
Classes for the publish dialog which are used by both the client and the server.
Server side of the sitemap view.
Shared Client-Server side of the sitemap view.
Shared RPC interfaces.
Low-level database connection and access functionality.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the OpenCms database connector.
This package contains the implementation classes for the DB log.
Oracle9+ implementation of the OpenCms database connector.
This important package provides the methods to access the OpenCms VFS repository with the permissions
of an authenticated user.
This package contains the classes to deal with the OpenCms VFS history archive.
This package contains classes and interfaces used to access OpenCms through a wrapped
.Provides core support for GWT.
Core shared stuff.
Shared RPC interfaces.
Contains functions to import and export resources from the OpenCms VFS.
Helpers to convert the list configuration XML content into a suitable bean, used by the CmsSimpleSearchConfigurationParser and the List manager app.
Utility classes to be used for JSP pages.
Low-level functions to manage the loading of resources from the OpenCms VFS.
The lock state of the resources in the VFS is handled with these classes.
Provides the main OpenCms "operating system".
OpenCms modules provide a powerful, standardized way to extend
the core OpenCms functionality.
Contains functions to monitor the OpenCms system status.
Contains classes for the automatical notification of outdated, expiring or released content.
Classes to handle the OpenCms publish process.
Classes to represent and validate the internal and external links/relations of resources in the OpenCms VFS.
Classes used to generate the OpenCms reports, which are displayed during publish, import, export etc.
Implements the main full text search and indexing functions available in OpenCms.
Implements the search functions for the OpenCms Gallery search index,
which is used by the Advanced Direct Edit (ADE) functions.
The package contains the Solr search integration.
Access control and security classes for the OpenCms ACL permission system.
Provides access to the multi-site configuration of OpenCms.
Contains classes related to XML sitemap generation.
Contains the functionality for the static HTML page export.
General code for the Vaadin UI.
Contains code for workplace apps.
This package contains the app classes for the list configurations manager.
The project manager app classes.
Contains classes of the user manager app.
Contains some reusable GUI components for Vaadin UI.
Contains Vaadin UI extensions.
Contains components for selecting resources.
Contains code for workplace context menu.
Contains code for workplace dialogs.
Contains code for the availability dialog.
Contains code for the file history dialog.
Contains permission dialog classes.
Contains Vaadin component state classes and other RPC classes.
Vaadin GUI components and utilities for use in the sitemap editor.
Utilities for Vaadin workplace code.
Utility functions for String manipulation and other often used tasks.
Classes related to publishing and workflow.
The base classes for the OpenCms Workplace
(standard dialog, tab dialog, report based dialog)
and the Workplace configuration classes are located here.
Utilities for comparing different versions of resources, used by both the classic workplace and the new Vaadin-based workplace.
Base classes for the editors (WYSIWYG, plain text, XML content) used in the OpenCms Workplace.
Used to control the generation of the HTML for the "direct edit" buttons.
Contains the functions that generate the Workplace "Explorer" view, also contains
the "New resource" wizard.
A collection of thread classes that are used in the OpenCms Workplace,
usually in connection with a report.
Contains functions for the ADE main pages, commonly called "Container Pages" in OpenCms.
Contains functions for structured content storage using XML, commonly called "XML content" in OpenCms.
Contains the basic XML content type definitions, used for XML content and XML pages.
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.configuration
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsADEConfigDataInternal.getAttributeEditorConfigId()
Gets the structure id of the sitemap attribute editor configurationCmsADEConfigData.getAttributeEditorConfigurationId()
Gets the structure id of the configured sitemap attribute editor configuration.CmsDetailNameCache.getDetailId
(String name) Gets the structure id for a given URL name.CmsResourceTypeConfig.getElementView()
Returns the element view id.static CmsUUID
(String typeName) Helper method to compute the uuid for views based on explorer types.CmsFunctionReference.getFunctionDefaultPageId()
Returns the function default page id.CmsADEConfigDataInternal.ConfigReference.getId()
Gets the id of the referenced sitemap configuration.CmsElementView.getId()
Returns the element view id.CmsElementView.getParentViewId()
Gets the parent view id (null if there is no parent view).CmsADEConfigDataInternal.getSharedSettingOverride()
Gets the shared setting override ID (may be null).CmsFunctionReference.getStructureId()
Returns the structure id of the dynamic function resource.CmsModelPageConfigWithoutResource.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsADEConfigData.getActiveFormatters()
Gets the active external (non-schema) formatters for this sub-sitemap.CmsADEConfigDataInternal.getAddedPlugins()
Gets the set of ids of added site plugins.CmsFunctionAvailability.getBlacklist()
Gets the blacklist of explicitly removed functions that are not already covered by not being in a whitelist.CmsADEConfigDataInternal.getDynamicFunctions()
Returns the set of configured dynamic functions, regardless of whether the 'remove all formatters' option is enabled.CmsADEConfigCacheState.getElementViews()
Returns the element views.CmsADEManager.getElementViews
(CmsObject cms) Returns the available element views.CmsADEConfigDataInternal.getFunctionsToRemove()
Gets the ids of dynamic functions to remove.CmsADEConfigData.getInactiveFormatters()
Gets the map of external (non-schema) formatters which are inactive in this sub-sitemap.CmsADEConfigDataInternal.getRemovedPlugins()
Gets the set of ids of removed site<CmsUUID>
Gets the list of structure ids of the shared setting overrides, ordered by increasing specificity.CmsADEConfigData.getSitePluginIds()
Gets the ids of site plugins which are active in this sitemap configuration.CmsADEConfigCacheState.getSitePlugins()
The map of site plugins, by structure id.CmsFunctionAvailability.getWhitelist()
Gets the whitelist of explicitly enabled functions.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Adds a dynamic function id and enables whitelisting.boolean
(CmsUUID id) Check if the function with the given id is available with this configuration.CmsADEConfigData.findFormatter
(CmsUUID id) Gets the 'best' formatter for the given ID.CmsADEConfigData.findFormatter
(CmsUUID id, boolean noWarn) Gets the 'best' formatter for the given ID.CmsResourceTypeConfig.getAddMenuVisibility
(CmsUUID elementViewId, CmsResourceTypeConfig.AddMenuType menuType) Gets the visibility status in the 'add' menu for this type and the given element view.CmsADEConfigCacheState.getAttributeEditorConfiguration
(CmsUUID id) Gets the sitemap attribute editor configuration with the given id (or null, if there isn't one).protected String
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean online) Gets the root path for a given resource structure id.boolean
(CmsUUID jspId) Checks if any formatter with the given JSP id has the 'search content' option set to true.void
Removes a single function.boolean
(CmsObject cms, String rootPath, List<CmsDetailPageInfo> detailPages, CmsUUID newId) Saves a list of detail pages.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> enabledIds) Adds all ids from the given collection.CmsADEConfigCacheState.createUpdatedCopy
(Map<CmsUUID, CmsADEConfigDataInternal> sitemapUpdates, List<CmsADEConfigDataInternal> moduleUpdates, Map<CmsUUID, CmsElementView> elementViewUpdates, Map<CmsUUID, CmsSitePlugin> sitePluginUpdates, Map<CmsUUID, CmsSitemapAttributeEditorConfiguration> attributeEditorConfigurations) Creates a new object which represents the changed configuration state given some updates, without changing the current configuration state (this object instance).protected CmsFormatterChangeSet
(String basePath, I_CmsXmlContentLocation node, boolean removeAllFormatters, boolean removeFunctions, Set<CmsUUID> functions, Set<CmsUUID> functionsToRemove) Parses the formatter change set.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsADEConfigDataInternal
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, boolean isModuleConfig, String basePath, List<CmsADEConfigDataInternal.ConfigReference> masterConfigs, List<CmsResourceTypeConfig> resourceTypeConfig, CmsGalleryDisabledTypesMode galleryDisabledTypesMode, CmsGalleryDisabledTypesMode galleryDisabledFunctionsMode, boolean discardInheritedTypes, List<CmsPropertyConfig> propertyConfig, org.opencms.ade.configuration.CmsConfigurationReader.DiscardPropertiesMode discardPropertiesMode, List<CmsDetailPageInfo> detailPageInfos, List<CmsModelPageConfigWithoutResource> modelPages, List<CmsFunctionReference> functionReferences, boolean discardInheritedModelPages, boolean createContentsLocally, boolean preferDetailPagesForLocalContents, boolean excludeExternalDetailContents, boolean includeInSiteSelector, CmsFormatterChangeSet formatterChangeSet, boolean removeAllFunctions, Set<CmsUUID> functionIds, Set<CmsUUID> functionsToRemove, boolean removeAllPlugins, Set<CmsUUID> addedPlugins, Set<CmsUUID> removedPlugins, Boolean useFormatterKeys, CmsTypeOrderingMode orderingMode, CmsAddContentRestriction restriction, CmsUUID sharedSettingOverride, boolean removeSharedSettingOverrides, CmsUUID attributeEditorConfigId, Map<String, String> attributes) Creates a new configuration data instance.Creates a new view with the given id, but initializes no other fields.CmsFunctionReference
(String name, CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID functionDefaultPageId, int order) Creates a new function reference.CmsModelPageConfigWithoutResource
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean isDefault, boolean isDisabled) Creates a new model page configuration bean.CmsResourceTypeConfig
(String typeName, boolean disabled, CmsContentFolderDescriptor folder, String pattern, boolean detailPagesDisabled, boolean addDisabled, boolean createDisabled, boolean editDisabled, boolean enableInLists, boolean availabilityNotSet, CmsUUID elementView, String localization, Boolean showInDefaultView, Boolean copyInModels, Integer order, CmsCntPageData.ElementDeleteMode elementDeleteMode, Boolean checkReuse) Creates a new resource type configuration.ConfigReference
(CmsUUID config) Creates a new instance.Creates a new instance.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsADEConfigCacheState
(CmsObject cms, Map<CmsUUID, CmsADEConfigDataInternal> siteConfigurations, List<CmsADEConfigDataInternal> moduleConfigs, Map<CmsUUID, CmsElementView> elementViews, Map<CmsUUID, CmsSitePlugin> sitePlugins, Map<CmsUUID, CmsSitemapAttributeEditorConfiguration> attributeEditorConfigurations) Creates a new configuration cache state.CmsADEConfigDataInternal
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, boolean isModuleConfig, String basePath, List<CmsADEConfigDataInternal.ConfigReference> masterConfigs, List<CmsResourceTypeConfig> resourceTypeConfig, CmsGalleryDisabledTypesMode galleryDisabledTypesMode, CmsGalleryDisabledTypesMode galleryDisabledFunctionsMode, boolean discardInheritedTypes, List<CmsPropertyConfig> propertyConfig, org.opencms.ade.configuration.CmsConfigurationReader.DiscardPropertiesMode discardPropertiesMode, List<CmsDetailPageInfo> detailPageInfos, List<CmsModelPageConfigWithoutResource> modelPages, List<CmsFunctionReference> functionReferences, boolean discardInheritedModelPages, boolean createContentsLocally, boolean preferDetailPagesForLocalContents, boolean excludeExternalDetailContents, boolean includeInSiteSelector, CmsFormatterChangeSet formatterChangeSet, boolean removeAllFunctions, Set<CmsUUID> functionIds, Set<CmsUUID> functionsToRemove, boolean removeAllPlugins, Set<CmsUUID> addedPlugins, Set<CmsUUID> removedPlugins, Boolean useFormatterKeys, CmsTypeOrderingMode orderingMode, CmsAddContentRestriction restriction, CmsUUID sharedSettingOverride, boolean removeSharedSettingOverrides, CmsUUID attributeEditorConfigId, Map<String, String> attributes) Creates a new configuration data instance.protected
(CmsResource resource, boolean isModuleConfig, String basePath, List<CmsADEConfigDataInternal.ConfigReference> masterConfigs, List<CmsResourceTypeConfig> resourceTypeConfig, boolean discardInheritedTypes, List<CmsPropertyConfig> propertyConfig, org.opencms.ade.configuration.CmsConfigurationReader.DiscardPropertiesMode discardPropertiesMode, List<CmsDetailPageInfo> detailPageInfos, List<CmsModelPageConfig> modelPages, List<CmsFunctionReference> functionReferences, boolean discardInheritedModelPages, boolean createContentsLocally, boolean preferDetailPagesForLocalContents, boolean excludeExternalDetailContents, boolean includeInSiteSelector, CmsFormatterChangeSet formatterChangeSet, boolean removeAllFunctions, Set<CmsUUID> functionIds) Creates a new configuration data instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.configuration.formatters
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
A UUID which is used to mark the configuration cache for complete reloading.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFormatterConfigurationCacheState.getAutoEnabledFormatters()
Gets the map of formatters which are automatically enabled.CmsFormatterConfigurationCacheState.getFormatters()
Gets the map of all formatters.CmsFormatterIndex.getFormattersWithAdditionalKeys()
Gets the final map of active formatters, with their formatter keys replaced by the total set of keys under which they should be available.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected I_CmsFormatterBean
(CmsUUID structureId) Reads a formatter given its structure id and returns it, or null if the formatter couldn't be read.void
Removes the formatter with the given id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFormatterConfigurationCacheState.createUpdatedCopy
(Map<CmsUUID, I_CmsFormatterBean> updateFormatters) Creates a new copy of this state in which some entries are removed or replaced.CmsSettingConfiguration.getSettings
(<CmsUUID> sharedSettingOverrides) Gets the setting map by looking up the configured settings' include names in either the shared settings files configured in the formatter configuration, or the override shared settings files whose ids are passed as parameter.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsFormatterBeanParser
(CmsObject cms, Map<CmsUUID, Map<CmsSharedSettingKey, CmsXmlContentProperty>> settingConfigs) Creates a new parser instance.CmsFormatterChangeSet
(Collection<String> toRemove, Collection<String> toAdd, String siteRoot, boolean removeAllNonExplicitlyAdded, boolean removeFunctions, Set<CmsUUID> functions, Set<CmsUUID> functionsToRemove) Creates a new formatter change set.CmsFormatterConfigurationCacheState
(Map<CmsUUID, I_CmsFormatterBean> formatters) Creates a new instance.CmsSettingConfiguration
(List<CmsXmlContentProperty> listedSettings, Map<CmsUUID, Map<CmsSharedSettingKey, CmsXmlContentProperty>> sharedSettingConfigsById, List<CmsUUID> includeIds, String formatterKey, String displayType) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.configuration.plugins
(CmsUUID id, String niceName, String description, List<CmsTemplatePlugin> plugins, String origin) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.containerpage
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
The Constant UNKNOWN_FORMATTER.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsTypeAnalyzer.FormatterBean> CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.m_formatters
The formatters.protected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsTypeAnalyzer.ResourceBean> CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.m_pages
The pages.CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.m_typeUsage
The type usage.CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.m_typeUsage
The type usage.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContainerpageService.convertToServerId
(String id) Parses an element id.CmsContainerpageService.copyElement
(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID originalElementId, String locale) CmsTypeAnalyzer.FormatterBean.getId()
Gets the id.CmsTypeAnalyzer.ResourceBean.getId()
Gets the id.CmsContainerpageService.prepareForEdit
(String clientId, String editOption, CmsUUID pageId, String requestParams) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContainerpageService.getElementsLockedForPublishing
(Set<CmsUUID> idsToCheck) CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.getFormatters()
Gets the formatters.CmsElementUtil.getPageAndDetailOnlyIds
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID pageId, CmsResource detailContent) Gets the ids for the current page and potentially detail-only containers.CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.getPages()
Gets the pages.CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.getTypeUsage()
Gets the type usage.CmsTypeAnalyzer.State.getTypeUsage()
Gets the type usage.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, String contentLocale) CmsContainerpageService.checkCreateNewElement
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, String clientId, String resourceType, CmsContainer container, String locale) boolean
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsContainerpageService.copyElement
(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID originalElementId, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.createNewElement
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, String clientId, String resourceType, CmsUUID modelResourceStructureId, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.getDeleteOptions
(String clientId, CmsUUID pageId, String requestParams) CmsContainerpageService.getEditOptions
(String clientId, CmsUUID pageId, String requestParams, boolean isListElement) CmsContainerpageService.getElementsData
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String reqParams, Collection<String> clientIds, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, boolean allwaysCopy, String dndSource, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.getElementWithSettings
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String uriParams, String clientId, Map<String, String> settings, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.getFavoriteList
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.getGalleryDataForPage
(List<CmsContainer> containers, CmsUUID elementView, String uri, CmsUUID detailContentId, String locale, CmsTemplateContextInfo templateContextInfo) CmsContainerpageService.getListElementCreationOptions
(CmsUUID structureId, String jsonListAddData) CmsContainerpageService.getNewElementData
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String reqParams, String resourceType, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String localeName) CmsContainerpageService.getNewOptions
(String clientId, CmsUUID pageStructureId, String requestParams) CmsElementUtil.getPageAndDetailOnlyIds
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID pageId, CmsResource detailContent) Gets the ids for the current page and potentially detail-only containers.Gets the pages.CmsContainerpageService.getRecentList
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.getRemovedElementStatus
(String id, CmsUUID containerpageId) CmsContainerpageService.getReuseInfo
(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID detailId, CmsUUID elementId) void
(String clientId, String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageId, String requestParams) CmsContainerpageService.internalGetRemovedElementStatus
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID containerpageId) Internal helper method to get the status of a removed element.CmsContainerpageService.prepareForEdit
(String clientId, String editOption, CmsUUID pageId, String requestParams) static CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID detailId, String detailOnlyRootPath) Creates an empty detail-only page for a content, or just reads the resource if the detail-only page already exists.CmsContainerpageService.replaceElement
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String reqParams, String clientId, String replaceId, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) long
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, List<CmsContainer> containers) long
(CmsUUID detailId, String detailContainerResource, List<CmsContainer> containers) CmsContainerpageService.saveElementSettings
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String reqParams, String clientId, Map<String, String> settings, List<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.saveGroupContainer
(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, String reqParams, CmsGroupContainer groupContainer, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) CmsContainerpageService.saveInheritanceContainer
(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, CmsInheritanceContainer inheritanceContainer, Collection<CmsContainer> containers, String locale) void
(CmsUUID elementView) void
(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID detailId) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContainerpageService.getElementsLockedForPublishing
(Set<CmsUUID> idsToCheck) ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsUUID detailContentId, String requestParameters, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.CmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsUUID detailContentId, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.CmsElementUtil
(CmsObject cms, String currentPageUri, CmsContainerPageBean containerPage, CmsUUID detailContentId, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, boolean isDragMode, Locale locale) Creates a new instance.FormatterBean
(CmsUUID id, String path, String key, String niceName) Instantiates a new formatter bean.ResourceBean
(CmsUUID id, String path) Instantiates a new resource bean. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.containerpage.inherited
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
UUID used to signal a cache clear.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContainerConfigurationGroup.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id of the file from which this configuration was read.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsContainerConfigurationGroup> CmsContainerConfigurationCache.load
(Collection<CmsResource> resources) Loads the inheritance groups from a list of resources.protected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsContainerConfigurationGroup> CmsContainerConfigurationCache.loadFromIds
(Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Loads the inheritance groups from the resources with structure ids from the given list.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Removes a resource from the cache.protected void
(CmsUUID structureId, String rootPath, int type, CmsResourceState state) Updates a resource in the cache.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsContainerConfigurationGroup> CmsContainerConfigurationCache.loadFromIds
(Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Loads the inheritance groups from the resources with structure ids from the given list.CmsContainerConfigurationCacheState.updateWithChangedGroups
(Map<CmsUUID, CmsContainerConfigurationGroup> updateGroups) Creates a new inheritance container cache state, which is based on this instance, but with some changed configurations. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.contenteditor
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContentService.loadInitialDefinition
(String entityId, String clientId, String newLink, CmsUUID modelFileId, String editContext, String mainLocale, String mode, String postCreateHandler, CmsEditHandlerData editHandlerDataForNew, Map<String, String> settingPresets, String editorStylesheet) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.detailpage
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsUUID
(javax.servlet.ServletRequest req) Returns the current detail content UUID, ornull
if this is not a request to a content detail page.CmsDetailPageInfo.getId()
Returns the id of the detail page.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Returns either the newest URL name for a structure id, or the structure id as a string if there is no URL name.void
(List<CmsDetailPageInfo> infos, CmsUUID newId) Writes the new detail page information to the configuration file. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.galleries
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsTreeOpenState.getOpenItems()
Gets the set of structure ids of resources corresponding to opened tree entries.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected List<CmsResource>
(Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads the resources for a collection of structure ids and returns the list of resources which could be read.void
(String treeName, String treeToken, String siteRoot, Set<CmsUUID> openItems) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.postupload
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.publish
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
The uuid of this virtual project.static final CmsUUID
The ID of this virtual project.static final CmsUUID
The project id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsCurrentPageProject.getProjectId()
Gets the project id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> idsToRemove) Removes the given resources from the user's publish list.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a new wrapper instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.sitemap
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String entryPoint, CmsUUID id, String title, String name) void
(String entryPoint, CmsUUID id, String title, String name) CmsModelPageHelper.createModelGroupPage
(String name, String description, CmsUUID copyId) Creates a new model group page.CmsVfsSitemapService.createNewModelPage
(String entryPointUri, String title, String description, CmsUUID copyId, boolean isModelGroup) CmsModelPageHelper.createPageInModelFolder
(String name, String description, CmsUUID copyId) Creates a new potential model page in the default folder for new model pages.CmsVfsSitemapService.createSubSitemap
(CmsUUID entryId) void
(CmsResource sitemapConfig, CmsUUID structureId, boolean disabled) Disables the given model page.void
(String baseUri, CmsUUID modelPageId, boolean disabled) CmsVfsSitemapService.editAttributeData
(CmsUUID rootId) CmsVfsSitemapService.getChildren
(String entryPointUri, CmsUUID entryId, int levels) CmsVfsSitemapService.getModelInfos
(CmsUUID rootId) CmsVfsSitemapService.getResourceLink
(CmsUUID baseId, String sitePath) CmsVfsSitemapService.loadPropertyDataForLocaleCompareView
(CmsUUID id, CmsUUID rootId) CmsVfsSitemapService.mergeSubSitemap
(String entryPoint, CmsUUID subSitemapId) CmsVfsSitemapService.prepareReloadSitemap
(CmsUUID rootId, CmsSitemapData.EditorMode mode) void
(CmsResource sitemapConfig, CmsUUID structureId) Removes a model page from the sitemap configuration.void
(String entryPointUri, CmsUUID id) void
(CmsUUID id, String newUrlName, List<CmsPropertyModification> propertyChanges, boolean editedName) void
(CmsUUID rootId, Map<String, String> attributes) CmsVfsSitemapService.setDefaultModel
(CmsUUID rootId, CmsUUID modelId) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ade.upload
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsUploadListener
(CmsUUID listenerId) Returns the listener for given CmsUUID.CmsUploadWarningTable.getMessage
(CmsUUID id) Gets the warning message for the given structure id.void
(CmsUUID id, String message) Sets the warning message for the given structure id (or clears it, if the message isn null). -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.cmis
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsCmisRelationHelper.RelationKey.getSourceId()
Gets the source id.CmsCmisRelationHelper.RelationKey.getTargetId()
Gets the target id of the relation.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static String
Creates a relation id string from the source and target ids and a relation type.protected String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID principalId) Gets a user-readable name for a principal id read from an ACE.static String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID principalId) Gets a user-readable name for a principal id read from an ACE.void
(CmsUUID sourceId) Sets the source id.void
(CmsUUID targetId) Sets the target id.ModifierConstructorDescriptionRelationKey
(CmsUUID sourceId, CmsUUID targetId, String relType) Creates a new relation key. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.db
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CmsUUID
The id of the project for the context.protected CmsUUID
The structure id of the aliased page.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsRewriteAlias.getId()
Gets the id of the alias.CmsRewriteAliasFilter.getId()
Gets the id to filter with.CmsDbContext.getProjectId()
Returns the project id of the context.CmsDriverManager.getProjectId
(CmsDbContext dbc, int id) Returns the uuid id for the given id.CmsPublishList.getProjectId()
Returns the id of the project that should be published, or-1
if this publish list is initialized for a "direct publish" operation.CmsSecurityManager.getProjectId
(CmsRequestContext context, int id) Returns the uuid id for the given id, remove this method as soon as possible.CmsPublishList.getPublishHistoryId()
Returns the publish history Id for this publish list.CmsPublishedResource.getResourceId()
Returns the resource ID of the published resource.CmsAlias.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id of the aliased resource.CmsAliasFilter.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id to filter.CmsPublishedResource.getStructureId()
Returns the structure ID of the published resource.CmsVisitEntry.getStructureId()
Returns the structure id.CmsVisitEntryFilter.getStructureId()
Returns the structure Id of the resource to filter.CmsVisitEntry.getUserId()
Returns the user id.CmsVisitEntryFilter.getUserId()
Returns the user ID restriction.CmsSecurityManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, CmsPublishList publishList, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the resources of a specified publish list.CmsDriverManager.readIdForUrlName
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name) Reads the structure id which is mapped to a given URL name.CmsSecurityManager.readIdForUrlName
(CmsRequestContext context, String name) Reads the structure id which is mapped to the given URL name, or null if the name is not mapped to any structure IDs.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Adds or replaces a new url name mapping in the offline
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Counts the locked resources in this
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) Counts the number of siblings of a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal, int allowed, int denied, int flags) Creates an access control entry.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) Creates a content entry for the resource identified by the specified resource id.I_CmsVfsDriver.createFile
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId) Creates aCmsFile
instance from a JDBC ResultSet.I_CmsVfsDriver.createFile
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId, boolean hasFileContentInResultSet) Creates aCmsFile
instance from a JDBC ResultSet.I_CmsVfsDriver.createFolder
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId, boolean hasProjectIdInResultSet) Creates aCmsFolder
instance from a JDBC ResultSet.CmsDriverManager.createGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, String name, String description, int flags, String parent) Add a new group to the Cms.I_CmsUserDriver.createGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId, String groupFqn, String description, int flags, String parentGroupName) Creates a new group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] contents, int publishTag, boolean keepOnline, boolean needToUpdateContent) Creates a new content in the offline project.I_CmsProjectDriver.createProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, CmsUser owner, CmsGroup group, CmsGroup managergroup, String name, String description, int flags, CmsProject.CmsProjectType type) Creates a new project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourceName) Creates a new projectResource from a given CmsResource object.I_CmsVfsDriver.createPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String name, CmsPropertyDefinition.CmsPropertyType type) Creates a new property definition in the database.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsRelation relation) Creates a newCmsRelation
object in the database.I_CmsVfsDriver.createResource
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId) Creates a CmsResource instance from a JDBC ResultSet.I_CmsVfsDriver.createResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, byte[] content) Creates a new resource from a givenCmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, String userFqn, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, long lastlogin, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) Creates a new user.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userid, CmsUUID groupid) Adds a user to a group.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsGroup group, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Deletes a project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourceName) Delete a projectResource from an given CmsResource object.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, int deleteOption) Deletes all property values of a file or folder.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, int maxPublishTag) Deletes all publish history entries with publish tags >=0 and < the specified max.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, CmsPublishedResource publishResource) Deletes a publish history entry with publish tags >=0 and < the specified max.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes a publish job identified by its history id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes a publish job identified by its history id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes the publish list assigned to a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Deletes the publish list assigned to a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Deletes all relations with the given filter for the given resource.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID userId) Deletes a user.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) Deletes the user additional information table.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID groupId) Removes a user from a group.boolean
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId, CmsResourceFilter filter) Checks the availability of a resource in the VFS, using the
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId) Tests if a resource with the given resourceId does already exist in the Database.CmsVisitEntryFilter.filterResource
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns an extended filter with the given resource restriction.CmsVisitEntryFilter.filterUser
(CmsUUID userId) Returns an extended filter with the given user ID restriction.protected String
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, CmsUUID structureId) Helper method for finding the 'best' URL name to use for a new URL name mapping.protected String
(CmsDbContext dbc, Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale) Tries to find the best name for an URL name mapping for the given structure id.CmsAliasManager.getAliasesForStructureId
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId) Gets the aliases for a given structure id.CmsDbContext.getHistoryDriver
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the history driver associated with this database context.CmsDbContext.getProjectDriver
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the project driver associated with this database context.I_CmsVfsDriver.getResourceOus
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Returns all organizational units for the given resource.CmsDriverManager.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsSecurityManager.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsDbContext.getUserDriver
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the user driver associated with this database context.CmsDriverManager.getUsersPubList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) Returns the given user's publish list.I_CmsProjectDriver.getUsersPubList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) Returns the given user's publish list.CmsDbContext.getVfsDriver
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the VFS driver associated with this database context.CmsDriverManager.lookupPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID principalId) Lookup and read the user or group with the given UUID.CmsSecurityManager.lookupPrincipal
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID principalId) Lookup and read the user or group with the given UUID.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource source, String destinationPath) Moves the given resource to the specified destination path.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject offlineProject, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsUUID offlineId, CmsUUID onlineId) Publish all access control entries of a resource from the given offline project to the online project.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsFolder offlineFolder, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a deleted folder.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a new, changed or deleted file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsFolder currentFolder, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a new or changed folder.I_CmsUserDriver.readAccessControlEntries
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, boolean inheritedOnly) Reads all relevant access control entries for a given resource.CmsDriverManager.readAccessControlEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Reads an access control entry from the cms.I_CmsUserDriver.readAccessControlEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal) Reads an access control entry for a given principal that is attached to a resource.CmsSecurityManager.readAliasesById
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the aliases for a resource with a given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readAliasesByStructureId
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the aliases which point to a given structure id.I_CmsHistoryDriver.readAllAvailableVersions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Reads all file headers of the resource with the given structure id.CmsSecurityManager.readAllUrlNameMappingEntries
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Reads all URL name mapping entries for a given structure id.CmsDriverManager.readBestUrlName
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Selects the best url name for a given resource and locale.CmsSecurityManager.readBestUrlName
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Reads the newest URL name which is mapped to the given structure id.byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, int publishTag) Reads the content of the historical version of the resource identified by its structure id.byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) Reads the content of a file specified by it's resource ID.I_CmsHistoryDriver.readDeletedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID userId) Reads all deleted (historical) resources below the given path, that the given user deleted by itself.I_CmsVfsDriver.readFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String foldername) Reads a folder specified by it's resource name.I_CmsVfsDriver.readFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID folderId) Reads a folder specified by it's structure ID.CmsDriverManager.readGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId) Reads a group based on its id.CmsSecurityManager.readGroup
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID groupId) Reads a group based on its id.I_CmsUserDriver.readGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId) Reads a group based on the group id.I_CmsUserDriver.readGroupsOfUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildOus, String remoteAddress, boolean readRoles) Reads all groups the given user is a member in.CmsDriverManager.readHistoricalPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsSecurityManager.readHistoricalPrincipal
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsDriverManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given id.CmsSecurityManager.readHistoryProject
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Returns the last historical version of a
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId) Reads the maximal publish tag for a specified resource id.CmsDriverManager.readNewestUrlNameForId
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Reads the URL name which has been most recently mapped to the given structure id, or null if no URL name is mapped to the id.CmsDriverManager.readParentFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the parent folder to a given structure id.CmsSecurityManager.readParentFolder
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Returns the parent folder to the given structure id.I_CmsVfsDriver.readParentFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId) Reads the parent folder of a resource specified by it's structure ID.I_CmsHistoryDriver.readPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID principalId) Reads an historical principal entry.CmsDriverManager.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Reads a project given the projects id.CmsSecurityManager.readProject
(CmsUUID id) Reads a project given the projects id.I_CmsHistoryDriver.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) Reads the latest historical project version with the given id.I_CmsProjectDriver.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Reads a project given the projects id.I_CmsProjectDriver.readProjectResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourcename) Reads the project resource path for a given project and resource path, to validate if a resource path for a given project already exists.CmsDriverManager.readProjectView
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.CmsSecurityManager.readProjectView
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.I_CmsVfsDriver.readPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, CmsUUID projectId) Reads a property definition for the specified resource type.I_CmsVfsDriver.readPropertyDefinitions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) Reads all property definitions for the specified mapping type.CmsDriverManager.readPublishedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.CmsSecurityManager.readPublishedResources
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.I_CmsProjectDriver.readPublishedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published during a publish process for a given publish history ID.CmsDriverManager.readPublishJob
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads a single publish job identified by its publish history id.I_CmsProjectDriver.readPublishJob
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads a single publish job identified by its publish history id.CmsDriverManager.readPublishList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish list assigned to a publish job.I_CmsProjectDriver.readPublishList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish list assigned to a publish job.byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish report assigned to a publish job.byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the publish report assigned to a publish job.I_CmsVfsDriver.readRelations
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) Reads all relations with the given filter for the given resource.CmsDriverManager.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.protected CmsResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the OpenCms VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsSecurityManager.readResource
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.I_CmsHistoryDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId, int version) Reads a historical resource version without including the file content.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String filename, boolean includeDeleted) Reads a resource specified by it's resource name.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId, boolean includeDeleted) Reads a resource specified by it's structure ID.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID currentProject, CmsResourceState state, int mode) Reads all resources inside a given project and with a given state.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesForPrincipalACE
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesForPrincipalAttr
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId) Returns all resources associated to a given principal through some of following attributes.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesWithProperty
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID propertyDefinition, String path, String value) Reads all resources that have a value (containing the specified value) set for the specified property (definition), in the given path.I_CmsVfsDriver.readResourceTree
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String parent, int type, CmsResourceState state, long startTime, long endTime, long releasedAfter, long releasedBefore, long expiredAfter, long expiredBefore, int mode) Reads all resources inside a given project matching the criteria specified by parameter values.I_CmsVfsDriver.readSiblings
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, boolean includeDeleted) Reads all siblings that point to the resource record of a specified resource.CmsDriverManager.readUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Reads the newest URL names of a resource for all locales.CmsSecurityManager.readUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Reads the newest URL names of a structure id for all locales.CmsDriverManager.readUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Returns a user object based on the id of a user.CmsSecurityManager.readUser
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID id) Returns a user object based on the id of a user.I_CmsUserDriver.readUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) Reads a user based on the user id.I_CmsUserDriver.readUserInfos
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) Reads the user additional information map.I_CmsVfsDriver.readVersions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, CmsUUID structureId) Reads a resource version numbers.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource) Removes all access control entries belonging to a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsUUID principal) Removes all access control entries belonging to a principal.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Removes an access control entry for a given resource and principal.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID principal) Removes an access control entry for a given resource and principal.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal) Removes an access control entry.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Removes a file physically in the database.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Repairs broken categories.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, List<CmsResource> modifiedFiles, List<CmsResource> modifiedFolders) Resets the resources in a project to their online state.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAlias> aliases) Saves the aliases for a given structure id, completely replacing any existing aliases for the same structure id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAlias> aliases) Saves a list of aliases for the same structure id, replacing any aliases for the same structure id.Sets the id of the rewrite alias we want.void
(CmsUUID projectId) Sets the project id of the context.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID createdUser, CmsUUID lastModifiedUser) Transfers the attributes of a resource from to the given users.void
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID projectId) Unlocks all resources in this project.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) Validates if the specified resource ID in the tables of the specified project {offline|online} exists.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId) Validates if the specified structure ID in the tables of the specified project {offline|online} exists.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) Writes the resource content with the specified resource id.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Writes all export points into the file system for the publish task specified by trhe given publish history ID.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Writes the "last-modified-in-project" ID of a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID projectId) Writes a new project into the PROJECT_LASTMODIFIED field of a resource record.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishId, CmsPublishedResource resource) Inserts an entry in the publish history for a published VFS resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishId, byte[] content) Writes a publish report for a publish job.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, int changed) Writes the structure and/or resource record(s) of an existing file.CmsDriverManager.writeUrlNameMapping
(CmsDbContext dbc, Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Adds a new url name mapping for a structure id.CmsSecurityManager.writeUrlNameMapping
(CmsRequestContext context, Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Writes an user additional information entry.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a new, changed or deleted file.I_CmsProjectDriver.publishFileContent
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject offlineProject, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineFileHeader, Set<CmsUUID> publishedResourceIds, boolean needToUpdateContent, int publishTag) Publishes the content record of a file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list.void
(CmsRequestContext context, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsAlias
(CmsUUID structureId, String siteRoot, String aliasPath, CmsAliasMode mode) Creates a new alias.CmsAliasFilter
(String siteRoot, String aliasPath, CmsUUID structureId) Creates a new alias filter.CmsPublishedResource
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, int publishTag, String rootPath, int resourceType, boolean isFolder, CmsResourceState resourceState, int siblingCount) Creates an object for published VFS resources.CmsRewriteAlias
(CmsUUID id, String siteRoot, String patternString, String replacementString, CmsAliasMode mode) Creates a new instance.CmsVisitEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) Public constructor, will use the current time for time stamp.CmsVisitEntry
(CmsUUID userId, long date, CmsUUID structureId) Public constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.db.generic
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionCmsVfsDriver.m_resOp
This field is temporarily used to compute the versions during publishing.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishHistoryCleanupFilter.getHistoryId()
Gets the history id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishHistoryCleanupFilter.getExceptions()
Gets the list of history ids for which entries should not be deleted.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) Counts the number of siblings of a resource.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal, int allowed, int denied, int flags) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) CmsVfsDriver.createFile
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId) CmsVfsDriver.createFile
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId, boolean hasFileContentInResultSet) CmsVfsDriver.createFolder
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId, boolean hasProjectIdInResultSet) CmsUserDriver.createGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId, String groupFqn, String description, int flags, String parentGroupFqn) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] contents, int publishTag, boolean keepOnline, boolean needToUpdateContent) CmsProjectDriver.createProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, CmsUser owner, CmsGroup group, CmsGroup managergroup, String projectFqn, String description, int flags, CmsProject.CmsProjectType type) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourcePath) CmsVfsDriver.createPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String name, CmsPropertyDefinition.CmsPropertyType type) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsRelation relation) CmsVfsDriver.createResource
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID projectId) CmsVfsDriver.createResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, byte[] content) CmsUserDriver.createUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id, String userFqn, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, long lastlogin, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfos) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID groupId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourceName) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, int deleteOption) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, int maxpublishTag) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, CmsPublishedResource publishedResource) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID groupId) protected CmsResourceState
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Checks if the given resource (by id) is available in the online project, if there exists a resource with a different path (a moved file), then the online entry is moved to the right (new) location before publishing.CmsPublishHistoryCleanupFilter.forHistoryId
(CmsUUID publishJobId) Creates a filter for removing the publish history entries for a single history id.CmsSqlManager.getPreparedStatement
(Connection con, CmsUUID projectId, String queryKey) Returns a PreparedStatement for a JDBC connection specified by the key of a SQL query and the project-ID.CmsVfsDriver.getResourceOus
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Returns all organizational units for the given resource.CmsProjectDriver.getUsersPubList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) Implementation of reading the user publish list which uses the log table.protected int
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPropertyDefinition metadef, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the amount of properties for a propertydefinition.protected int
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsPropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, CmsUUID projectId) Returns the count of properties for a property definition.protected CmsAccessControlEntry
(ResultSet res, CmsUUID newId) Internal helper method to create an access control entry from a database record.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key) Deletes an additional user info.protected String
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourcename) Returns the parent id of the given resource.protected CmsResourceState
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Returns the resource state of the given resource.protected CmsResourceState
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) Returns the structure state of the given resource.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Updates additional user info.protected boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID groupId) Checks if a user is member of a group.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsResource resource, CmsResourceState state, List<CmsProperty> properties, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Writes the needed history entries.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Writes a new additional user info.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, Map<String, Object> additionalInfo) Updates the user additional information map.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId, String rootPath) Moves all relations of a resource to the new path.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource source, String destinationPath) protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, long startTime, long endTime, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the expiration date.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, String parent, int mode, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the parentPath.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, int mode, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the projectId.protected String
(CmsUUID projectId, CmsRelationFilter filter, CmsResource resource, List<Object> params, boolean checkSource) Build the whole WHERE sql statement part for the given relation filter.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, long startTime, long endTime, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the released date.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, int mode, StringBuffer conditions) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the read mode.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, int mode, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the resource state.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, long startTime, long endTime, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the date of the last modification.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, int type, int mode, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the resource type.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId, List<Integer> types, int mode, StringBuffer conditions, List<Object> params) Appends the appropriate selection criteria related with the resource type.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject offlineProject, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsUUID offlineId, CmsUUID onlineId) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedResourceIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a changed file.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a deleted file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsFolder currentFolder, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsFolder offlineFolder, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a new file.CmsUserDriver.readAccessControlEntries
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, boolean inheritedOnly) CmsUserDriver.readAccessControlEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal) CmsHistoryDriver.readAllAvailableVersions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, int publishTag) byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) CmsHistoryDriver.readDeletedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID userId) CmsVfsDriver.readFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String folderPath) CmsVfsDriver.readFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID folderId) CmsUserDriver.readGroup
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID groupId) CmsUserDriver.readGroupsOfUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String ouFqn, boolean includeChildOus, String remoteAddress, boolean readRoles) int
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId) int
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId) CmsVfsDriver.readParentFolder
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId) CmsHistoryDriver.readPrincipal
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID principalId) CmsHistoryDriver.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) CmsProjectDriver.readProject
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) CmsProjectDriver.readProjectResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String resourcePath) CmsVfsDriver.readPropertyDefinition
(CmsDbContext dbc, String name, CmsUUID projectId) CmsVfsDriver.readPropertyDefinitions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId) CmsProjectDriver.readPublishedResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) CmsProjectDriver.readPublishJob
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) CmsProjectDriver.readPublishList
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) byte[]
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Searches for the SQL query with the specified key and project-ID.CmsVfsDriver.readRelations
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, CmsRelationFilter filter) CmsHistoryDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId, int version) CmsVfsDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String path, boolean includeDeleted) CmsVfsDriver.readResource
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId, boolean includeDeleted) CmsVfsDriver.readResources
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, int mode) CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesForPrincipalACE
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId) CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesForPrincipalAttr
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID principalId) CmsVfsDriver.readResourcesWithProperty
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID propertyDef, String path, String value) CmsVfsDriver.readResourceTree
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String parentPath, int type, CmsResourceState state, long lastModifiedAfter, long lastModifiedBefore, long releasedAfter, long releasedBefore, long expiredAfter, long expiredBefore, int mode) CmsVfsDriver.readSiblings
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, boolean includeDeleted) protected List<CmsResource>
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String parentPath, List<Integer> types, CmsResourceState state, long lastModifiedAfter, long lastModifiedBefore, long releasedAfter, long releasedBefore, long expiredAfter, long expiredBefore, int mode) Reads all resources inside a given project matching the criteria specified by parameter values.CmsUserDriver.readUser
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID id) CmsUserDriver.readUserInfos
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId) CmsVfsDriver.readVersions
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, CmsUUID structureId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsUUID principal) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId, String rootPath) Repairs broken links.protected static String
(CmsUUID projectId, String query) Replaces the project search pattern in SQL queries by the pattern _ONLINE_ or _OFFLINE_ depending on the specified project ID.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID createdUser, CmsUUID lastModifiedUser) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, String rootPath) Updates broken links.boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId) boolean
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID structureId) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject project, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishId, CmsPublishedResource resource) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishId, byte[] content) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResource resource, int changed) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishHistoryCleanupFilter.allUnreferencedExcept
(List<CmsUUID> exceptions) Creates a new filter for removing all unreferenced publish history entries, except the ones with the given history ids.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedResourceIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a changed file.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, I_CmsReport report, int m, int n, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) CmsProjectDriver.publishFileContent
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject offlineProject, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedResourceIds, boolean needToUpdateContent, int publishTag) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsProject onlineProject, CmsResource offlineResource, Set<CmsUUID> publishedContentIds, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, int publishTag) Publishes a new file. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.db.log
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLogEntry.getStructureId()
Returns the structure id.CmsLogFilter.getStructureId()
Returns the structure Id of the resource to filter.CmsLogEntry.getUserId()
Returns the user id.CmsLogFilter.getUserId()
Returns the user ID restriction.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLogFilter.filterResource
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns an extended filter with the given resource restriction.CmsLogFilter.filterUser
(CmsUUID userId) Returns an extended filter with the given user ID restriction.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsLogEntry
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID structureId, CmsLogEntryType type, String[] data) Public constructor, will use the current time for time stamp.CmsLogEntry
(CmsUUID userId, long date, CmsUUID structureId, CmsLogEntryType type, String[] data) Public constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] contents, int publishTag, boolean keepOnline, boolean needToUpdateContent) protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Updates additional user info.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Updates the given user information entry.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID projectId, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] contents, int publishTag) Writes the resource content with the specified resource id.protected void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID userId, String key, Object value) Writes a new additional user info.void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID resourceId, byte[] content) void
(CmsDbContext dbc, CmsUUID publishId, byte[] content) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.db.urlname
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CmsUUID
The structure id to which the name is mapped.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsUrlNameMappingFilter.getRejectStructureId()
Returns the structure id which should not be matched by the filter.CmsUrlNameMappingEntry.getStructureId()
Returns the structure id which is mapped to the name.CmsUrlNameMappingFilter.getStructureId()
Returns the structure id which should be matched by the filter.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsUrlNameMappingFilter.filterRejectStructureId
(CmsUUID id) Creates a new filter from the current filter which also must not match a given structure id.CmsUrlNameMappingFilter.filterStructureId
(CmsUUID structureId) Creates a new filter from the current filter which also has to match a given structure id.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsUrlNameMappingEntry
(String name, CmsUUID structureId, int state, long dateChanged, String locale) Creates a new URL name mapping entry. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.db.userpublishlist
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsPublishListResourceState> A_CmsLogPublishListConverter.m_entries
Map from structure ids to publish list state objects.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsUserPublishListEntry.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id of the resource in the publish list.CmsUserPublishListEntry.getUserId()
Gets the id of the user to whom the publish list entry belongs.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishListResourceState.getRemoveUsers()
Gets the users from whose publish list the resource should be removed.CmsPublishListResourceState.getUpdateUsers()
Gets the users to whose publish list the resource should be addedModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Adds a removal from the publish list for the given user id.void
Adds an update for the publish list for the given user id.Gets the state entry for the given structure id, creating it if it doesn't already exist.long
(CmsUUID userId) Gets the log timestamp for the given user id.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsUserPublishListEntry
(CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID structureId, long dateChanged) Creates a new user publish list entry. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.file
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
The id of the online project.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsResource> CmsLinkRewriter.m_translationsById
A map from source folder structure ids to corresponding target folder resources.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsRequestContext.getDetailContentId()
Gets the detail content structure id (or null if no detail content has been loaded).CmsProject.getGroupId()
Returns the user group id of this project.CmsProject.getId()
Returns the id of this project.CmsPropertyDefinition.getId()
Returns the id of this property definition.CmsProject.getManagerGroupId()
Returns the manager group id of this project.CmsProject.getOwnerId()
Returns the user id of the project owner.CmsGroup.getParentId()
Returns the parent group id of this group.CmsResource.getProjectLastModified()
Returns the id of theCmsProject
where this resource has been last modified.CmsResourceBuilder.getProjectLastModified()
Gets the project last modified.I_CmsResource.getProjectLastModified()
Returns the id of theCmsProject
where this resource has been last modified.CmsResource.getResourceId()
Returns the id of the database content record of this resource.CmsResourceBuilder.getResourceId()
Gets the resource id.I_CmsResource.getResourceId()
Returns the id of the database content record of this resource.CmsResource.getStructureId()
Returns the id of the database structure record of this resource.CmsResourceBuilder.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id.I_CmsResource.getStructureId()
Returns the id of the database structure record of this resource.CmsResource.getUserCreated()
Returns the user id of theCmsUser
who created this resource.CmsResourceBuilder.getUserCreated()
Gets the user created.I_CmsResource.getUserCreated()
Returns the id of theCmsUser
who created this resource.CmsResource.getUserLastModified()
Returns the id of theCmsUser
who made the last modification on this resource.CmsResourceBuilder.getUserLastModified()
Gets the user last modified.I_CmsResource.getUserLastModified()
Returns the id of theCmsUser
who made the last modification on this resource.CmsProject.getUuid()
Returns the id of this project.CmsObject.readIdForUrlName
(String name) This method retrieves the structure id which is mapped to a given URL name.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(CmsUUID id) Counts the locked resources in a project.void
(CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a group, where all permissions, users and children of the group are transfered to a replacement group.void
(CmsUUID id) Deletes a project.void
(CmsUUID userId) Deletes a user.void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsUUID replacementId) Deletes a user, where all permissions and resources attributes of the user were transfered to a replacement user.boolean
(CmsUUID structureId) Checks the availability of a resource in the VFS, using the
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsResourceFilter filter) Checks the availability of a resource in the VFS, using the
(CmsUUID id) Gets all URL names for a given structure id.protected CmsResource
(CmsUUID structureId) Accesses a resource by structure id.CmsObject.getResourcesForPrincipal
(CmsUUID principalId, CmsPermissionSet permissions, boolean includeAttr) Returns all resources associated to a given principal via an ACE with the given permissions.CmsObject.getUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsUUID id) Returns the newest URL names for the given structure id for each locale.static boolean
(CmsUUID projectId) Returns true if the given project id is the online project id.CmsObject.lookupPrincipal
(CmsUUID principalId) Lookups and reads the user or group with the given UUID.CmsObject.readBestUrlName
(CmsUUID id, Locale locale, List<Locale> defaultLocales) Reads the newest URL name which is mapped to the given structure id.Reads a group based on its id.CmsObject.readHistoryPrincipal
(CmsUUID principalId) Reads a principal (an user or group) from the historical archive based on its ID.CmsObject.readHistoryProject
(CmsUUID projectId) Returns the latest historical project entry with the given id.CmsObject.readParentFolder
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns the parent folder to the given structure id.CmsObject.readProject
(CmsUUID id) Reads the project with the given id.CmsObject.readProjectView
(CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state) Reads all resources of a project that match a given state from the VFS.CmsObject.readPublishedResources
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Reads the resources that were published in a publish task for a given publish history ID.CmsObject.readResource
(CmsUUID structureID) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the
(CmsUUID structureID, int version) Reads the historical resource with the given version for the resource given the given structure id.CmsObject.readResource
(CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads a resource from the VFS, using the specified resource filter.CmsObject.readSiblingsForResourceId
(CmsUUID resourceId, CmsResourceFilter filter) Reads all resources with the given resource id.CmsObject.readUrlNamesForAllLocales
(CmsUUID structureId) Reads the URL names for all locales.Reads a user based on its id.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Restores a deleted resource identified by its structure id from the historical archive.void
(CmsUUID structureId, int version) Restores a resource in the current project with a version from the historical archive.void
(CmsUUID id) Sets the user group id of this project.void
(CmsUUID id) Sets the manager group id of this project.void
(CmsUUID id) Sets the owner id of this project.void
(CmsUUID parentId) Sets the parent group id of this group.void
(CmsUUID projectLastModified) Sets the project last modified.void
(CmsUUID resourceId) Sets the resource id.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Sets the structure id.void
(CmsUUID userCreated) Sets the user created.void
(CmsUUID resourceLastModifiedByUserId) Sets the user id of the user who changed this resource.void
(CmsUUID userLastModified) Sets the user last modified.void
(CmsUUID id) Unlocks all resources of a project.CmsObject.writeUrlNameMapping
(String name, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.CmsObject.writeUrlNameMapping
(Iterator<String> nameSeq, CmsUUID structureId, String locale, boolean replaceOnPublish) Writes a new URL name mapping for a given resource.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsFile
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String path, int type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int linkCount, int length, long dateContent, int version, byte[] content) Constructor, creates a new file object.CmsFolder
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String path, int type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int version) Constructor, creates a new CmsFolder object.Creates a new OpenCms group principal.CmsProject
(CmsUUID projectId, String projectFqn, String description, CmsUUID ownerId, CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID managerGroupId, int flags, long dateCreated, CmsProject.CmsProjectType type) Creates a new CmsProject.CmsPropertyDefinition
(CmsUUID id, String name) Creates a new property definition object with the type
(CmsUUID id, String name, CmsPropertyDefinition.CmsPropertyType propertyType) Creates a new property definition object.CmsResource
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String rootPath, int type, boolean isFolder, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int linkCount, int size, long dateContent, int version) Creates a new CmsRecource object.CmsResource
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String rootPath, I_CmsResourceType type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int linkCount, int size, long dateContent, int version) Creates a new CmsRecource object.CmsUser
(CmsUUID id, String name, String password, String firstname, String lastname, String email, long lastlogin, int flags, long dateCreated, Map<String, Object> additionalInfo) Creates a new OpenCms user principal. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.file.history
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsHistoryFile.getParentId()
Returns the structure id of the parent resource.CmsHistoryProject.getPublishedBy()
Returns the id of the user that published this project.CmsHistoryPrincipal.getUserDeleted()
Returns the id of user that deleted this user.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsHistoryFile
(int publishTag, CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String path, int type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int size, long dateContent, int version, CmsUUID parentId, byte[] content, int resourceVersion, int structureVersion) Default Constructor.CmsHistoryFolder
(int publishTag, CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String path, int type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int version, CmsUUID parentId, int resourceVersion, int structureVersion) Default Constructor.CmsHistoryPrincipal
(CmsUUID id, String name, String description, String email, String type, CmsUUID userDeleted, long dateDeleted) Default constructor.CmsHistoryProject
(int publishTag, CmsUUID projectId, String name, String description, CmsUUID ownerId, CmsUUID groupId, CmsUUID managerGroupId, long dateCreated, CmsProject.CmsProjectType type, long datePublished, CmsUUID userPublished, List<String> projectResources) Creates a new CmsHistoryProject. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.file.wrapper
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsObjectWrapper.readResource
(CmsUUID structureID, CmsResourceFilter filter) Delegate method forCmsObject.readResource(CmsUUID, CmsResourceFilter)
.Delegate method forCmsObject.readUser(CmsUUID)
. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.gwt
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsCoreService.createUUID()
(String vfsPath) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPropertyEditorHelper.getDefaultProperties
(List<CmsUUID> structureIds) Internal method for computing the default property configurations for a list of structure ids.CmsVfsService.getDefaultProperties
(List<CmsUUID> structureIds) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CmsBrokenLinkBean
(CmsUUID structureId, String type, String title, String path, String icon, String extraTitle, String extraPath) Creates a broken link bean from the necessary values.void
(CmsUUID structureId) protected CmsLockActionRecord
(CmsUUID structureId) Locks the given resource with a temporary, if not already locked by the current user.void
(CmsUUID structureId) protected List<CmsAliasBean>
(CmsUUID uuid) Implementation of the getAliasesForPage method.CmsVfsService.getAliasesForPage
(CmsUUID uuid) CmsVfsService.getBrokenLinks
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsCoreService.getCategoryInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) static CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.static CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.static List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean>
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, CmsCoreData.AdeContext context, Map<String, String> params) Returns the context menu entries for the given URI.CmsCoreService.getContextMenuEntries
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsCoreData.AdeContext context) CmsCoreService.getContextMenuEntries
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsCoreData.AdeContext context, Map<String, String> params) CmsVfsService.getDetailName
(CmsUUID id, String localeStr) CmsVfsService.getFileReplaceInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getHistoryPreviewInfo
(CmsUUID structureId, String locale, CmsHistoryVersion versionBean) protected CmsLockInfo
Helper method for locking a resource which returns some information on whether the locking failed, and why.CmsVfsService.getLockReportInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getPageInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getPreviewInfo
(CmsUUID structureId, String locale) CmsVfsService.getRenameInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getResourceHistory
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getResourceHistoryInternal
(CmsUUID structureId) Internal version of getResourceHistory.CmsCoreService.getResourceState
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsDefaultResourceStatusProvider.getResourceStatus
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, String contentLocale, boolean includeTargets, CmsUUID detailContentId, List<CmsUUID> additionalStructureIds, Map<String, String> context) Collects all the data to display in the resource status dialog.CmsVfsService.getResourceStatus
(CmsUUID structureId, String contentLocale, boolean includeTargets, CmsUUID detailContentId, Map<String, String> context) CmsVfsService.getRestoreInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.getSitePath
(CmsUUID structureId) static String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId) Returns the workplace link.CmsCoreService.getWorkplaceLink
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsVfsService.loadLinkInfo
(CmsUUID structureId) CmsPropertyEditorHelper.loadPropertyData
(CmsUUID id) Loads the data needed for editing the properties of a resource.CmsVfsService.loadPropertyData
(CmsUUID id) void
(CmsUUID structureId) Sets a structure id that overrides the one stored in a property change set.CmsVfsService.prepareEdit
(CmsUUID currentPageId, String pathWithMacros) CmsVfsService.renameResource
(CmsUUID structureId, String newName) CmsVfsService.renameResourceInternal
(CmsUUID structureId, String newName) Internal implementation for renaming a resource.void
(CmsUUID structureId, int version) void
(CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAliasBean> aliasBeans) Saves aliases.void
(CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsAliasBean> aliasBeans) void
(CmsUUID structureId, String title, String link, String fileName) void
(CmsUUID structureId, List<String> categories) void
(CmsUUID structureId) void
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean undoMove) CmsAliasHelper.validateAliases
(CmsUUID uuid, Map<String, String> aliasPaths) The internal method used for validating aliases.CmsVfsService.validateAliases
(CmsUUID uuid, Map<String, String> aliasPaths) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.static CmsRelationTargetListBean
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID source, List<CmsUUID> additionalIds, boolean cancelIfChanged) Gets the relation targets for a resource.CmsPropertyEditorHelper.getDefaultProperties
(List<CmsUUID> structureIds) Internal method for computing the default property configurations for a list of structure ids.CmsVfsService.getDefaultProperties
(List<CmsUUID> structureIds) CmsDefaultResourceStatusProvider.getResourceStatus
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, String contentLocale, boolean includeTargets, CmsUUID detailContentId, List<CmsUUID> additionalStructureIds, Map<String, String> context) Collects all the data to display in the resource status dialog.CmsVfsService.getSitePaths
(List<CmsUUID> ids) protected List<CmsResourceStatusRelationBean>
(CmsObject cms, String locale, CmsResource resource, List<CmsUUID> additionalStructureIds) Gets the list of relation targets for a resource. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.importexport
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CmsUUID
The ACE principal id value.protected CmsUUID
The relation id value.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionCmsImportVersion10.m_contentFiles
The set of resource ids of files which actually are contained in the zip file.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImportVersion10.getAcePrincipalId()
Returns the acePrincipalId.CmsImportVersion7.getAcePrincipalId()
Deprecated.Returns the acePrincipalId.CmsImportVersion10.getRelationId()
Returns the relationId.CmsImportVersion7.getRelationId()
Deprecated.Returns the relationId.CmsImportVersion10.getResourceId()
Returns the resourceId.CmsImportVersion7.getResourceId()
Deprecated.Returns the resourceId.CmsImportVersion10.getStructureId()
Returns the structureId.CmsImportVersion7.getStructureId()
Deprecated.Returns the structureId.CmsImportVersion10.RelationData.getTargetId()
Gets the relation target structure id.CmsImportVersion10.getUserCreated()
Returns the userCreated.CmsImportVersion7.getUserCreated()
Deprecated.Returns the userCreated.CmsImportVersion10.getUserLastModified()
Returns the userLastModified.CmsImportVersion7.getUserLastModified()
Deprecated.Returns the userLastModified.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID userCreated) Sets the user Created.void
(CmsUUID userCreated) Deprecated.Sets the user Created.void
(CmsUUID userLastModified) Sets the user Last Modified.void
(CmsUUID userLastModified) Deprecated.Sets the user Last Modified.ModifierConstructorDescriptionRelationData
(String target, CmsUUID targetId, CmsRelationType type) Creates a new instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<CmsUUID> blacklist) Sets the blacklist. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.jsp.util
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsUUID
(Object input) Returns a CmsUUID created from an Object.CmsJspStandardContextBean.getDetailContentId()
Returns the structure id of the current detail content, ornull
if no detail content is requested.CmsJspStandardContextBean.CmsContainerElementWrapper.getFormatterId()
Returns the structure ID of the current resource, that is the ID of the resource obtained byCmsJspContentAccessBean.getFile()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static String
(CmsUUID structureId, String imagePath, String locale) Generates the HTML attribute "data-imagednd" that enables the ADE image drag and drop feature.void
(CmsUUID formatterId) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.loader
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsTransformerTemplateProvider.getFunctionsForGallery
(CmsObject cms, String templateContext) I_CmsTemplateContextProvider.getFunctionsForGallery
(CmsObject cms, String templateContext) Returns a set of structure ids of dynamic functions that are allowed to appear in the gallery dialog search results, or null if the dynamic function results should not be restricted. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.lock
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLockFilter.getNotOwnedByUserId()
Returns the user that has not to own the locks.CmsLockFilter.getOwnedByUserId()
Returns the user that has to own the locks.CmsLock.getProjectId()
Returns the ID of the project where the resource is currently locked.CmsLockFilter.getProjectId()
Returns the project restriction.CmsLock.getUserId()
Returns the ID of the user who currently locked the resource.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsLockFilter.filterNotOwnedByUserId
(CmsUUID userId) Returns an extended filter with the given user restriction.CmsLockFilter.filterOwnedByUserId
(CmsUUID userId) Returns an extended filter with the given user restriction.CmsLockFilter.filterProject
(CmsUUID projectId) Returns an extended filter with the given project restriction.void
(CmsUUID userId) Removes all locks of a user.void
(CmsUUID projectId, boolean removeSystemLocks) Removes all resources locked in a project.void
(CmsUUID userId) Removes all exclusive temporary locks of a user.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsLock
(String resourceName, CmsUUID userId, CmsProject project, CmsLockType type) Constructor for a new Cms lock. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.main
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ConcurrentHashMap<CmsUUID,
OpenCmsServlet.RequestInfo> OpenCmsServlet.activeRequests
Map containing beans with information about currently running requests.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSessionInfo.getProject()
Returns the id of the project of the user.CmsSessionInfo.getSessionId()
Returns the id of the OpenCms (http) session this session info belongs to.protected CmsUUID
(String sessionId) Returns the UUID representation for the given session id String.CmsSessionInfo.getUserId()
Returns the id of the user to which this session info belongs.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns the stored session info object with the given id.CmsDefaultSessionStorageProvider.getAllOfUser
(CmsUUID userId) I_CmsSessionStorageProvider.getAllOfUser
(CmsUUID userId) Returns all current stored session info objects for the given user.CmsSessionManager.getSessionInfo
(CmsUUID sessionId) Returns the complete user session info of a user from the session storage, ornull
if this session id has no session info attached.CmsSessionManager.getSessionInfos
(CmsUUID userId) Returns a list of all active session info objects for the specified user.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID sessionid) Destroys a session given the session id.Removes the stored session info object identified by the given session id.CmsThreadStore.retrieveThread
(CmsUUID key) Retrieves a Thread from this Thread store.protected void
(CmsUUID projectId) Sets the id of the current project of the user of this session info.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsSessionInfo
(CmsRequestContext context, CmsUUID sessionId, int maxInactiveInterval) Creates a new CmsSessionInfo object. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.module
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsModuleImportData.getConflictingIds()
Gets the map of conflicting ids.CmsModuleImportData.getConflictingIds()
Gets the map of conflicting ids.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUUID> conflictingIds) Deletes and publishes resources with ID conflicts.protected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsModule module, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUUID> conflictingIds) Deletes and publishes resources with ID conflicts. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.monitor
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Removes the cache entries for the given user id.void
(CmsUUID id) Flushes the user group cache for the user with the given id.CmsGroupListCache.getBareRoles
(CmsUUID userId) Gets the cached bare roles for the given user id, or null if none are cached.CmsMemoryMonitor.getCachedUserGroups
(CmsUUID userId, String key) Returns the user groups list cached with the given cache key ornull
if not found.Gets the cached user groups for the given combination of keys, or null if nothing is cached.CmsGroupListCache.getHasRole
(CmsUUID userId, String roleKey) Gets the cached role membership for the given role key, or null if nothing is cached. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.notification
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID resourceId) Sets the resource.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsNotificationCause
(CmsUUID resource, int cause) Creates a new CmsNotificationResourceInfo. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.publish
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsPublishListVerifier.addForbiddenParentFolder
(String parentFolder, String reason) Adds a forbidden parent folder.CmsPublishJobInfoBean.getProjectId()
Returns the project id for this publish job.CmsPublishJobBase.getPublishHistoryId()
Returns the publish history id.CmsPublishJobInfoBean.getPublishHistoryId()
Returns the publish history id.CmsPublishJobInfoBean.getThreadUUID()
Returns the UUID of the running publish thread.CmsPublishJobRunning.getThreadUUID()
Returns the UUID of the running publish thread.CmsPublishJobBase.getUserId()
Returns the id of the user who initialized this publish job.CmsPublishJobInfoBean.getUserId()
Returns the user for this publish job.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms) Publishes the current project, printing messages to a shell report.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report) Publishes the current project.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report, CmsPublishList publishList) Publishes the resources of a specified publish list.CmsPublishManager.publishProject
(CmsObject cms, I_CmsReport report, CmsResource directPublishResource, boolean directPublishSiblings) Direct publishes a specified resource.CmsPublishManager.publishResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename) Publishes a single resource, printing messages to a shell report.CmsPublishManager.publishResource
(CmsObject cms, String resourcename, boolean publishSiblings, I_CmsReport report) Publishes a single resource.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob, boolean removeJob) Aborts the given publish
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID historyId) Removes publish history entries for the given history id.protected void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob) Fires an abort event to all listeners.CmsPublishEngine.getJobByPublishHistoryId
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Returns a publish job based on its publish history id.CmsPublishManager.getJobByPublishHistoryId
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Returns a publish job based on its publish history id.protected CmsUser
Returns the user identified by the given id.void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob) void
(CmsUUID userId, CmsPublishJobEnqueued publishJob) Called when the job is going to be aborted, this may happen during the shutdown And can only happen if the job is waiting.void
(CmsUUID id) Removes the forbidden parent folder using the id obtained while it was added.protected void
(CmsUUID toUserId, String message, boolean hasErrors) Sends a message to the given user, if publish notification is enabled or an error is shown in the message.protected void
Signalizes the start of the publish job.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Supplier<List<CmsUUID>> provider) Adds provider for history ids that shouldn't be removed by bulk history cleanup
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsUUID> exceptions) Cleans up all unreferenced publish history entries except for the ones with a history id from the given list of exceptions.void
(CmsObject cms, Collection<CmsUUID> structureIds) Removes the given resource to the given user's publish list. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.relations
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsCategory.getId()
Returns the id.CmsRelation.getSourceId()
Returns the structure id of the source resource.CmsLink.getStructureId()
The structure id of the linked resource.CmsLinkInfo.getStructureId()
Gets the structure id.CmsRelationFilter.getStructureId()
Returns the structure Id of the resource to filter.CmsRelation.getTargetId()
Returns the structure id of the target resource.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsRelationFilter.filterStructureId
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns an extended filter with the given structure id restriction.static CmsRelationFilter
(CmsUUID structureId) Utility method which prepares a filter for relations which point *from* a given structure id.static CmsRelationFilter
(CmsUUID structureId) Utility method which prepares a filter for relations which point *to* a given structure id.CmsRelation.withTargetId
(CmsUUID id) Copies this relation, but sets the target id in the copy to the given value.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsCategory
(CmsUUID structureId, String rootPath, String title, String description, String baseFolder) Default constructor.CmsLink
(String name, CmsRelationType type, CmsUUID structureId, String uri, boolean internal) Creates a new link object without a reference to the xml page link element.CmsLinkInfo
(CmsUUID structureId, String target, String query, String anchor, CmsRelationType type, boolean internal) Creates a new instance.CmsRelation
(CmsUUID sourceId, String sourcePath, CmsUUID targetId, String targetPath, CmsRelationType type) Base constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSearchManager.pauseOfflineIndexing()
Pauses the offline indexing and returns a pause request id that has to be used for resuming offline indexing again.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID pauseId) Resumes offline indexing if it was paused and no pause for another pauseId is still present.protected void
(CmsObject adminCms, CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) Incrementally updates all indexes that have their rebuild mode set to"auto"
after resources have been published.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsSearchResource
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID resourceId, String path, int type, int flags, CmsUUID projectId, CmsResourceState state, long dateCreated, CmsUUID userCreated, long dateLastModified, CmsUUID userLastModified, long dateReleased, long dateExpired, int linkCount, int length, long dateContent, int version, I_CmsSearchDocument doc) Constructor, creates a new file object. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsGallerySearchParameters.getExcludedFunctions()
Gets the set of structure IDs of functions to exclude from the search result.CmsGallerySearchParameters.getIncludedFunctions()
Gets the set of ids of functions to include.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId) Initializes missing fields by reading the information from the VFS.static CmsGallerySearchResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.CmsGallerySearch.searchById
(CmsUUID id, Locale locale) Searches by structure id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Set<CmsUUID> excludedFunctions) Sets the structure IDs of functions to exclude from the search results.void
(Set<CmsUUID> includedFunctions) Sets the ids of functions to include. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Sets the id of this document.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale, Set<CmsUUID> alreadyExtracted) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource.static CmsExtractionResult
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, I_CmsSearchIndex index, Locale forceLocale, Set<CmsUUID> alreadyExtracted, Consumer<A_CmsXmlDocument> contentConsumer) Extracts the content of a single XML content resource. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CmsUUID
The unique id of this principal.static final CmsUUID
The used id for ace's that apply to all other principals.static final CmsUUID
The used id for ace's that overwrites all inherited permissions.static final CmsUUID
UUID which is used to read all access control entries, should never be written to the database.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Comparator<CmsUUID>
ACE principals comparator.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsOrganizationalUnit.getId()
Returns the id of this organizational unit.CmsPrincipal.getId()
Returns the id of this role.I_CmsPrincipal.getId()
Returns the unique id of this principal.CmsAccessControlEntry.getPrincipal()
Returns the principal assigned with this access control entry.CmsOrganizationalUnit.getProjectId()
Returns the id of the related default project.CmsAccessControlEntry.getResource()
Returns the resource assigned with this access control entry.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsAccessControlList.getExclusiveAccessPrincipals()
Gets the principal IDs of users/groups which should have exclusive access to the content outside of its released/expired range.CmsAccessControlList.getPermissionMap()
Returns the permission map of this access control list.CmsAccessControlList.getPrincipals()
Returns the principals with specific permissions stored in this access control list.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsAccessControlList.getPermissions
(CmsUUID principalId) Returns the permission set of a principal as stored in the access control list.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Utility function to read a principal by its id from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static I_CmsPrincipal
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Utility function to read a principal by its id from the OpenCms database using the provided OpenCms user context.static CmsRole
Returns the role for the given id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Set<CmsUUID> exclusiveAccessPrincipals) Sets the exclusive access principal IDs.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsAccessControlEntry
(CmsUUID resource, CmsAccessControlEntry base) Constructor to create a new access control entry for a given resource based on an existing access control entry.CmsAccessControlEntry
(CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal, int allowed, int denied, int flags) Constructor to create a new access control entry on a given resource and a given principal.CmsAccessControlEntry
(CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal, String acPermissionString) Constructor to create a new access control entry on a given resource and a given principal.CmsAccessControlEntry
(CmsUUID resource, CmsUUID principal, CmsPermissionSet permissions, int flags) Constructor to create a new access control entry on a given resource and a given principal.CmsOrganizationalUnit
(CmsUUID id, String fqn, String description, int flags, CmsUUID projectId) Creates a new OpenCms organizational unit principal. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSite.getSiteRootUUID()
Returns the UUID of this site's root directory in the OpenCms VFS.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID siteRootUUID) Sets the UUID of this site's root directory in the OpenCms VFS.ModifierConstructorDescriptionConstructs a new site object with a default (wildcard) a site matcher, this is to be used for display purposes only.CmsSite
(String siteRoot, CmsUUID siteRootUUID, String title, CmsSiteMatcher siteMatcher, String position) Constructs a new site object.CmsSite
(String siteRoot, CmsUUID siteRootUUID, String title, CmsSiteMatcher siteMatcher, String position, String errorPage, CmsSiteMatcher secureSite, boolean exclusiveUrl, boolean exclusiveError, boolean webserver, List<CmsSiteMatcher> aliases, boolean subsiteSelection) Constructs a new site object. -
Uses of CmsUUID in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionCmsXmlSitemapGenerator.m_pageAliasesBelowBaseFolderByStructureId
A map from structure ids to page aliases below the base folder which point to the given structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.staticexport
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) Starts the static export on publish.CmsLinkManager.getPermalink
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsUUID detailContentId) Returns the perma link for the given resource and optional detail content.<p<void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) abstract void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) void
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId, I_CmsReport report) Scrubs files from the export folder that might have been changed.A_CmsStaticExportHandler.scrubExportFolders
(CmsUUID publishHistoryId) Scrubs all files from the export folder that might have been changed, so that the export is newly created after the next request to the resource. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ugc
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsUgcConfiguration.getId()
Gets the id.CmsUgcSession.getId()
Returns the session id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID sessionId) CmsUgcEditService.getContent
(CmsUUID sessionId) CmsUgcSessionFactory.getSession
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CmsUUID sessionId) Returns the session, if already initialized.CmsUgcEditService.saveContent
(CmsUUID sessionId, Map<String, String> contentValues) CmsUgcEditService.uploadFiles
(CmsUUID sessionId, Set<String> fieldNames, String formDataId) CmsUgcEditService.validateContent
(CmsUUID sessionId, Map<String, String> contentValues) ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsUgcConfiguration
(CmsUUID id,<CmsUser> userForGuests, CmsGroup projectGroup, String resourceType, CmsResource contentParentFolder, String namePattern, Locale locale,<CmsResource> uploadParent,<Long> maxUploadSize,<Integer> maxContents,<Long> queueTimeout,<Integer> maxQueueLength, boolean autoPublish,<List<String>> validExtensions) Creates a new form configuration. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionI_CmsDialogContext.getAllStructureIdsInView()
Gets a list of structure ids of all visible resources, not just the ones selected for the dialog.static LinkedHashMap<CmsUUID,
String> CmsVaadinUtils.getProjectsMap
(CmsObject cms) Gets the available projects for the current user as a map, wth project ids as keys and project names as values.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Tell the system that the resource with the given id should be shown somehow.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> result) void
(Collection<CmsUUID> result) Signals that the dialog has finished. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.apps
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFileExplorer.getCurrentFolder()
Returns the current folder id.protected CmsUUID
(com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) Returns the drag target id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFileExplorer.getAllIds()
Gets all ids of resources in current folder.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(CmsUUID parentId) Clears the given tree level.void
static String
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean plainText, String backLink) Returns the edit link for given resource structure id.static String
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean plainText, String backLink) Returns the edit state for the given resource structure id.protected boolean
Evaluates if a drop on the given target is allowed.void
(CmsUUID itemId) protected void
(CmsUUID folderId) Reads the given folder.protected void
(CmsUUID folderId, boolean clearFilter) Reads the given folder.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Updates the give tree item.void
(CmsUUID id) Updates the tree items with the given ids.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids) void
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids) Updates the table entries with the given ids.protected void
(Collection<CmsUUID> removeIds) Updates the current folder and removes the given resource items. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.apps.lists
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids) void
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids, boolean remove) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.apps.projects
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CmsFileTable
(CmsUUID projectId) Returns the project files table.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsEditProjectForm
(CmsProjectsTable table, CmsUUID projectId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window) Constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.apps.user
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportAllUsers
(CmsObject cms, String ou, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromGroups
(CmsObject cms, List<String> groups, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromRoles
(CmsObject cms, String ou, List<String> roles, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsAccountsApp.getPasswordResetStateCache()
Gets the cache for the password reset states.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CmsUUID id) Checks if the given user is editable.protected I_CmsFilterableTable
(String ou, CmsUUID groupID, I_CmsOuTreeType type, boolean showAll, CmsAccountsApp cmsAccountsApp) Creates user table for a specific group or role.static CmsImportExportUserDialog
(CmsUUID groupID, String ou, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, boolean allowTechnicalFieldsExport) Gets an dialog instance for fixed group.protected CmsPrincipalSelect
(String ou, boolean enabled, CmsUUID groupID) Get a principle select for choosing groups.protected boolean
(CmsUUID userId) Visibility which is only active if user is in right ou.protected void
(CmsUUID id) Opens the user info dialog.void
(String path, I_CmsOuTreeType type, CmsUUID groupID) Opens given path.void
(String ou, I_CmsOuTreeType type, CmsUUID groupID) Updates the app state.void
(String ou, I_CmsOuTreeType type, CmsUUID roleOrGroupID, String filter) Updates the app state.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportAllUsers
(CmsObject cms, String ou, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromGroups
(CmsObject cms, List<String> groups, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.CmsImportExportUserDialog.addExportUsersFromRoles
(CmsObject cms, String ou, List<String> roles, Map<CmsUUID, CmsUser> exportUsers) Returns a map with the users to export added.ModifierConstructorDescriptionA_CmsEditUserGroupRoleDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsAdditionalInfosDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userID, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsGroupEditDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID groupId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsMoveUserToOU
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userID, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) Public constructor.CmsShowResourceTable
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID principalID, CmsShowResourcesDialog.DialogType type) public constructor.CmsUserEditDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsUserEditGroupsDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsUserEditRoleDialog
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID userId, com.vaadin.ui.Window window, CmsAccountsApp app) public constructor.CmsUserTable
(String ou, CmsUUID groupID, I_CmsOuTreeType cmsOuTreeType, boolean showAll, CmsAccountsApp app) puiblic constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.components
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsResourceTable.getUUIDFromItemID
(String itemId) Returns the structure id to the given string item id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsResourceTable.getAllIds()
Gets structure ids of resources for current folder in current sort order.CmsFileTableDialogContext.getAllStructureIdsInView()
Gets the selected structure ids.CmsResourceTable.itemIdsToUUIDs
(Collection<String> itemIds) Transforms the given item ids into UUIDs.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CmsUUID structureId) Checks if the file table has a row for the resource with the given structure id.void
(CmsUUID folderId) Called when the folder name is left clicked.void
(CmsUUID itemId, CmsResourceTableProperty propertyId, I_CmsFilePropertyEditHandler editHandler) Starts inline editing of the given file property.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids) void
(Collection<CmsUUID> ids, boolean remove) Updates all items with ids from the given list.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a new instance.CmsUserInfo
(CmsUUID cmsUUID) Constructor.CmsUserInfo
(CmsUUID cmsUUID, String widthString) Constructor with the option to set a width for the name label. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.components.extensions
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
Checks if the user can edit the resource with the given id.void
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean editName) Open property editor for the resource with the given structure id.void
(CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsUUID> allIds, boolean editName) Open property editor for the resource with the given structure id.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Opens the 'Replace' dialog for the resource with the given structure id.void
(CmsUUID id, Integer version, CmsHistoryVersion.OfflineOnline offlineOnline) Shows the prewview dialog for a given resource and version.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID structureId, List<CmsUUID> allIds, boolean editName) Open property editor for the resource with the given structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.components.fileselect
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID parentId) Adds an item to the folder tree.void
(CmsUUID itemId) Expands the item with the given id.protected void
(CmsObject cms, resourceItem, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID parentId) Fills the properties of a tree item.protected String
(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource, CmsUUID parentId) Gets the name to display for the given resource.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID parentId) Reads the given tree level.void
(CmsUUID parentId) Clears the given tree level.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id, CmsResourceFilter filter) Updates the item for the given structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.dialogs
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final CmsUUID
Id for the 'All' pseudo-view.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsEmbeddedDialogContext.getAllStructureIdsInView()
Gets the ids of the selected resources.CmsUndeleteDialog.undelete()
Undeletes the selected filesModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(I_CmsDialogContext context, CmsUUID projectId, CmsExtendedSiteSelector.SiteSelectorOption siteOption) Static method for actually changing the site/project.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Preselects the target folder. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.availability
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsAvailabilityDialog.changeAvailability()
Actually performs the availability change. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.history
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, Integer version) Restores a resource's state to the given version, but asks the user for confirmation beforehand. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.dialogs.permissions
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CmsPermissionView
(CmsAccessControlEntry entry, boolean editable, boolean extendedView, CmsUUID inheritRes) Creates an HTML input form for the current access control entry.CmsPermissionBean.toAccessControlEntry
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID resID) Creates ACE from bean.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected String
(CmsAccessControlEntry entry, Map<CmsUUID, String> parents) Returns the resource on which the specified access control entry was set.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsPermissionViewTable
(CmsObject cms, List<CmsAccessControlEntry> entries, boolean editable, boolean showRes, Map<CmsUUID, String> parents, CmsPermissionDialog dialog) public constructor. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.favorites
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFavoriteEntry.getDetailId()
Gets the detail id.CmsFavoriteEntry.getProjectId()
Gets the project id.CmsFavoriteEntry.getStructureId()
Gets the structure idstatic CmsUUID
(JSONObject obj, String key) Reads a UUID from a JSON object.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID value) void
(CmsUUID value) void
(CmsUUID id) Change the project to one with the given id.void
(CmsUUID detailId) Sets the detail id.void
(CmsUUID projectId) Sets the project id.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Sets the structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.sitemap
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsSitemapTreeController.DialogContext.getAllStructureIdsInView()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID id, Locale initialComparisonLocale) Initializes the locale comparison view.void
(CmsUUID sitemapEntryId, CmsUUID rootId) Opens the property dialog for the locale comparison view.void
(CmsUUID id) Updates the tree node for the resource with the given structure id, if it exists.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<CmsUUID> result) -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.ui.util
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsNewResourceBuilder.PropertyEditorHelper.loadPropertyData
(CmsUUID id) Loads the data needed for editing the properties of a resource. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.util
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsUUID
(String name) Returns a constant (name based) UUID, based on the given name in the OpenCms name space.static CmsUUID
Returns a null UUID, use this null UUID to check if a UUID has been initialized or not.static CmsUUID
Returns a constant (name based) UUID for OpenCms, based on "" in the dns name space.static CmsUUID
( streamReader) Creates a new instance.static CmsUUID
Parses the given data as an uuid.static CmsUUID
Returns the given String transformed to a UUID in case the String is a valid UUID.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
Check that the given id is not the null
static void
( streamReader, CmsUUID instance) Deserializes additional fields.static void
( streamWriter, CmsUUID instance) Serializes the given instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workflow
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
I_CmsVirtualProject> CmsDefaultWorkflowManager.m_virtualProjects
The map of registered virtual projects.CmsExtendedPublishResourceFormatter.m_workflowProjectStatus
Computing map which keeps track of which projects are workflow projects.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Map<CmsUUID,
CmsPublishResourceInfo> CmsDefaultPublishResourceFormatter.computeWarnings()
Creates the publish resource warnings.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDefaultWorkflowManager.getRealOrVirtualProject
(CmsUUID projectId) CmsExtendedWorkflowManager.getRealOrVirtualProject
(CmsUUID projectId) I_CmsWorkflowManager.getRealOrVirtualProject
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the virtual project object identified by the given id.CmsDefaultWorkflowManager.getWorkflowForWorkflowProject
(CmsUUID projectId) I_CmsWorkflowManager.getWorkflowForWorkflowProject
(CmsUUID projectId) Gets the workflow id which should be used for a given workflow project.protected boolean
(CmsUUID projectId) Checks whether the project with the given id is a workflow project.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a new wrapper instance. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsWorkplaceSettings.getExplorerProjectId()
Gets the explorer project id for the project view.CmsWorkplaceSettings.getProject()
Returns the currently selected project of the workplace user.CmsWorkplaceManager.getTempFileProjectId()
Returns the id of the temporary file project required by the editors.protected CmsUUID
Helper method to change the current project to the temporary file project.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsWorkplaceManager.getExplorerTypeViews()
Gets the element views generated from explorer types.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsWorkplaceManager.createTempFile
(CmsObject cms, String resourceName, CmsUUID currentProjectId) Creates a temporary file which is needed while working in an editor with preview option.void
(CmsUUID value) Sets the explorer project id for the project view.void
(CmsUUID project) Sets the currently selected project of the workplace user. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace.comparison
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId, String version) Returns the link to an historical file. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace.editors
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsEditorSessionInfo.getEditedStructureId()
Returns the id of the edited resource.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CmsUUID editedStructureId) Sets the id of the edited resource. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace.editors.directedit
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDateSeriesEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) I_CmsEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Prepares the resource to be edited.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsDateSeriesEditHandler.getDeleteOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) I_CmsEditHandler.getDeleteOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Returns a map of delete options.CmsDateSeriesEditHandler.getEditOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, boolean isListElement) I_CmsEditHandler.getEditOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, boolean isListElement) Returns a map of edit options.CmsDateSeriesEditHandler.getNewOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParam) I_CmsEditHandler.getNewOptions
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParam) Gets the options for the 'New' (plus) operation in the page editor.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) void
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Executes the actual delete.CmsDateSeriesEditHandler.handleNew
(CmsObject cms, String newLink, Locale locale, String referenceSitePath, String modelFileSitePath, String postCreateHandler, CmsContainerElementBean element, CmsUUID pageId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, String choice) I_CmsEditHandler.handleNew
(CmsObject cms, String newLink, Locale locale, String referenceSitePath, String modelFileSitePath, String postCreateHandler, CmsContainerElementBean element, CmsUUID pageId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, String choice) Creates a new resource to edit.CmsDateSeriesEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) I_CmsEditHandler.prepareForEdit
(CmsObject cms, CmsContainerElementBean elementBean, String editOption, CmsUUID pageContextId, Map<String, String[]> requestParams) Prepares the resource to be edited. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace.explorer
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsResourceUtil.getLockedInProjectId()
Returns the id of the project in which the given resource is locked.CmsResourceUtil.getProjectId()
Returns the id of the project which the resource belongs to. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.workplace.threads
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID projectId) Creates the project delete thread. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.xml.containerpage
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CmsUUID
The UUID of the JSP resource for this formatter.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsFlexFormatterBean.getDefaultContentStructureId()
Returns the UUID of the default content.CmsMacroFormatterBean.getDefaultContentStructureId()
Returns the UUID of the default content.CmsADESessionCache.LastPageBean.getDetailId()
Returns the detailId.CmsADESessionCache.getElementView()
Returns the current element view id.CmsContainerElementBean.getFormatterId()
Returns the structure id of the formatter of this element.CmsContainerElementBean.getId()
Returns the structure id of the resource of this element.CmsDynamicFunctionBean.Format.getJspStructureId()
Returns the structure id of the JSP.CmsFormatterBean.getJspStructureId()
Returns the structure id of the JSP resource for this formatter.CmsADESessionCache.LastPageBean.getPageId()
Returns the pageId.CmsFunctionFormatterBean.getRealJspId()
Gets the actual JSP id of the function.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsContainerBean.getContainsElement()
Returns a lazy initialized map that describes if a certain element if part of this container.CmsContainerPageBean.getContainsElement()
Returns a lazy initialized map that describes if a certain element if part of this container.CmsContainerBean.getElementIds()
Returns the id's of all elements in this container.CmsContainerPageBean.getElementIds()
Returns the id's of all elements in this container.CmsMacroFormatterBean.getReferencedFormatters()
The referenced formatters.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CmsContainerElementBean
(CmsContainerElementBean source, CmsUUID formatterId) Clones the given element bean with a different formatter.boolean
(CmsUUID elementId) Returnstrue
if the element with the provided id is contained in this container.boolean
(CmsUUID elementId) Returnstrue
if the element with the provided id is contained in this container.protected CmsResource
(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Element element, CmsUUID resourceId) Fills aCmsXmlVfsFileValue
with the resource identified by the given id.CmsADECache.getCacheKey
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean keepEncoding) Returns the cache key for the given parameters.CmsADESessionCache.getCacheXmlContent
(CmsUUID structureId) Returns the cached XML content document.boolean
(CmsUUID formatterStructureId) Returnstrue
in case this configuration contains a formatter with the provided structure id that has been configured for including the formatted content in the online search.void
(CmsUUID structureId, CmsXmlContent xmlContent) Caches the given XML content document.void
(CmsUUID elementView) Sets the current element view id.void
(CmsUUID formatterId) Sets the formatter id.void
(CmsUUID jspStructureId) Sets the structure id of the JSP for this formatter.void
(CmsUUID jspStructureId) void
(CmsUUID structureId) Sets the JSP structure id.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID detailId) Stores information about the last edited container page.void
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean online) Removes the container page identified by its structure id from the cache.void
(CmsUUID structureId, boolean online) Removes the group container identified by its structure id from the cache.void
(CmsUUID structureId) Purges the XML content document by the given id from the cache.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsContainerElementBean
(CmsFile file, CmsUUID formatterId, Map<String, String> individualSettings, boolean inMemoryOnly, String editorHash, boolean createNew) Creates a new container page element bean.CmsContainerElementBean
(CmsUUID elementId, CmsUUID formatterId, Map<String, String> individualSettings, boolean createNew) Creates a new container page element bean.CmsFlexFormatterBean
(Set<String> containerTypes, String jspRootPath, CmsUUID jspStructureId, String key, int minWidth, int maxWidth, boolean searchContent, String location, String niceName, String description, Collection<String> resourceTypeNames, int rank, String id, String defaultContentRootPath, CmsUUID defaultContentStructureId, CmsSettingConfiguration settingConfig, boolean isAutoEnabled, boolean isDetail, String displayType, boolean isAllowsSettingsInEditor, String stringTemplate, String placeholderStringTemplate, List<CmsMetaMapping> metaMappings, boolean useMetaMappingsForNormalElements) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id.CmsFormatterBean
(String containerType, String rootPath, CmsUUID structureId, int minWidth, int maxWidth, boolean preview, boolean searchContent, String location) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id.CmsFormatterBean
(Set<String> containerTypes, String jspRootPath, CmsUUID jspStructureId, String key, Set<String> aliasKeys, int minWidth, int maxWidth, boolean preview, boolean searchContent, String location, List<String> cssHeadIncludes, String inlineCss, List<String> javascriptHeadIncludes, String inlineJavascript, List<CmsTemplatePlugin> plugins, String niceName, String description, Collection<String> resourceTypeNames, int rank, String id, CmsSettingConfiguration settingConfig, boolean isFromConfigFile, boolean isAutoEnabled, boolean isDetail, String displayType, boolean isAllowsSettingsInEditor, boolean strictContainers, boolean nestedFormatterSettings, List<CmsMetaMapping> metaMappings, Map<String, String> attributes, boolean useMetaMappingsForNormalElements) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id.CmsFunctionFormatterBean
(Set<String> containerTypes, String jspRootPath, CmsUUID jspStructureId, String key, Set<String> aliasKeys, CmsUUID functionFormatterId, int minWidth, int maxWidth, String location, List<String> cssHeadIncludes, String inlineCss, List<String> javascriptHeadIncludes, String inlineJavascript, List<CmsTemplatePlugin> plugins, String niceName, String description, String id, CmsSettingConfiguration settingConfig, boolean isAllowsSettingsInEditor, boolean isStrictContainers, Map<String, String[]> parameters) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id.CmsMacroFormatterBean
(Set<String> containerTypes, String jspRootPath, CmsUUID jspStructureId, int minWidth, int maxWidth, boolean searchContent, String location, String niceName, String description, Collection<String> resourceTypeNames, int rank, String id, String defaultContentRootPath, CmsUUID defaultContentStructureId, CmsSettingConfiguration settingConfig, boolean isAutoEnabled, boolean isDetail, String displayType, boolean isAllowsSettingsInEditor, String macroInput, String placeholderMacroInput, Map<String, CmsUUID> referencedFormatters, boolean online, List<CmsMetaMapping> metaMappings, boolean useMetaMappingsForNormalElements) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id.Format
(CmsUUID structureId, String type, String minWidth, String maxWidth, Map<String, String> parameters) Creates a new format instance.LastPageBean
(String siteRoot, CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID detailId) Creates a new instance.ModifierConstructorDescriptionCmsMacroFormatterBean
(Set<String> containerTypes, String jspRootPath, CmsUUID jspStructureId, int minWidth, int maxWidth, boolean searchContent, String location, String niceName, String description, Collection<String> resourceTypeNames, int rank, String id, String defaultContentRootPath, CmsUUID defaultContentStructureId, CmsSettingConfiguration settingConfig, boolean isAutoEnabled, boolean isDetail, String displayType, boolean isAllowsSettingsInEditor, String macroInput, String placeholderMacroInput, Map<String, CmsUUID> referencedFormatters, boolean online, List<CmsMetaMapping> metaMappings, boolean useMetaMappingsForNormalElements) Constructor for creating a new formatter configuration with resource structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.xml.content
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns the structure id of the content value (only valid for VfsFile values!).CmsVfsFileValueBean.getId()
Gets the UUID of this bean.static CmsUUID
(CmsObject cms, String uri) Looks up an URI in the sitemap and returns either a sitemap entry id (if the URI is a sitemap URI) or the structure id of a resource (if the URI is a VFS path).Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Returns a sitemap or VFS path given a sitemap entry id or structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.xml.templatemapper
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsTemplateMapperConfiguration.getMappedFormatterJspId
(CmsUUID formatterId) Gets the mapped formatter JSP structure id for another formatter JSP structure id.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCmsTemplateMapperConfiguration.getMappedFormatterJspId
(CmsUUID formatterId) Gets the mapped formatter JSP structure id for another formatter JSP structure id. -
Uses of CmsUUID in org.opencms.xml.types
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(org.dom4j.Element element, CmsUUID id, String rootPath, CmsRelationType type) Fills the given element with aCmsXmlCategoryValue
for the given data.static void
(org.dom4j.Element element, CmsUUID id, String rootPath, CmsRelationType type) Fills the given element with aCmsXmlVfsFileValue
for the given data.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Sets the value as a structure id.void
(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID id) Sets the value as a structure id.