All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for all ADE gallery widget implementations.
Provides the general helper methods to generate the content of a gallery dialog used in the XML content editors, WYSIWYG editors and context menu.
An abstract subclass of A_CmsWorkplaceApp which provides an additional way for the main component of an app (the widget returned by getComponentForState) to influence the app layout of the app itself (i.e.
Abstract super class for displaying differences between a set of properties / attributes.
Predicate used to check if an attribute comparison bean actually represents a difference.
Abstract class to grant the needed access to the session manager.
Abstract base class for categorized select widgets.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Abstract repository superclass.
Base class for all classes that are specified for the <cms:parse parserClass="name" param="config" /> tag in the parserClass Attribute.
Abstract dialog context.
Basic functions for direct edit providers.
Action to edit a file given by the file param.
Abstract class for dialogs to change role or groups of a given user.
Abstract file select field.
Shortcut listener that will only be active, while the given text field has the keyboard focus.
Abstract superclass for widgets used to enable or disable formatters.
Comparator used to sort formatter beans in the order in which they should be displayed in the selection.
Class to extended by frame based editors.
Class representing an abstract gallery dialog action.
Base class for all gallery widget implementations.
Default skeleton for an html icon button.
Provides a widget that creates a rich input field using the matching component, for use on a widget dialog.
Abstract class for HTTP imports.
the import is done starting with CmsImportVersion7 with the digester
Class to export user.
Abstract class for a form to import a file.
Abstract class representing a JSON document.
Abstract class for actions to display a JSP file in a vaadin window.
Base class for context sensitive custom beans that supports creation via CmsJspStandardContextBean.getBean(String className).
Abstract superclass that handles the common behavior of the jsonarray/jsonobject/jsonvalue tags.
Validator for links.
Abstract base class used for converting from CmsLogEntry instances to the necessary changes in the user's publish list.
A workplace menu item.
Convenience base class to access the localized messages of an OpenCms package.
Base class for all integer mode enumeration classes.
Base class for all string mode enumeration classes.
Simple base implementation of the I_CmsModuleAction interface, extend this class for more sophisticated module action implementations.
Abstract superclass for the module import forms.
This is an abstract class which you can inherit from to relatively easily implement complex widgets for rendering nested contents in Javascript.
Abstract class to create a notfication which will be send as a html mail to a user in OpenCms.
Abstract implementation for the I_CmsStaticExportHandler interface.
Defines an action to be performed before the workplace editor is opened for the first time.
Abstract superclass for preferences.
Abstract thread to keep track of operation progress.
Helper class for splitting a publish list into publish groups.
An enum representing the age of a publish list resource.
Base report class.
Provides a common Thread class for the reports.
Abstract implementation of the repository interface I_CmsRepository.
Abstract implementation of the interface I_CmsRepositorySession to provide the functionality of filtering items.
Provides some helpful base implementations for resource collector classes.
Abstract base class which implements I_CmsResourceWrapper and makes it possible to add and remove file extensions to resources.
Base implementation for resource type classes.
Resource type descriptor for the type "folder".
Base implementation for resource types implementing the I_CmsLinkParseable interface.
Default abstract implementation of the interface I_CmsResourceWrapper.
Base class for a typical field configuration.
Abstract base class for search indexes.
Base class for select widgets.
Abstract base class for serial date beans.
The base class for implementations of serial date values.
Abstract class for the import from a folder on the server.
Abstract superclass for menu item visibility checks.
Abstract base implementation for the I_CmsStaticExportHandler interface.
Base utility class that allows extraction of the indexable "plain" text from a given document format.
Workplace action only visible in the toolbar context menus, not within the file table.
Helper class to build easily other admin tool handlers.
Abstract class which is used to generate the data for showing an already opened tree in the gallery dialog.
Abstract UI class providing access to the OpenCms context.
Base document factory class for a VFS CmsResource, just requires a specialized implementation of I_CmsSearchExtractor.extractContent(CmsObject, CmsResource, I_CmsSearchIndex) for text extraction from the binary document content.
Base class for XML editor widgets.
Abstract class which provides common functionality for workflow managers, like initialization of the configuration parameters.
Abstract workplace actions class providing helper methods.
Super class for workplace apps to help implementing the app navigation and layout.
An app navigation entry.
Abstract superclass for workplace apps.
Abstract base implementation for xml configurations.
Abstract implementation of the content editor change handler.
Base class for XML content value implementations.
Provides basic XML document handling functions useful when dealing with XML documents that are stored in the OpenCms VFS.
Base class for XML content value implementations that require only a simple XML cdata text node.
Base class for XML content value implementations that require only a simple XML plain text node.
This provides static methods to convert comma delimited text into a JSONArray, and to covert a JSONArray into comma delimited text.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Client message class for the org.opencms.ade.postupload module.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
The client messages class for the SEO dialog.
The about dialog action.
The acacia XML content editor.
Parses the HTTP Accept-Language header as per section 14.4 of RFC 2068 (HTTP 1.1 header field definitions) and creates a sorted list of Locales from it.
Struct representing an element of the HTTP Accept-Language header.
An access control entry defines the permissions of a user or group for a distinct resource.
An access control list contains the permission sets of all principals for a distinct resource that are calculated on the permissions defined by various access control entries.
Class for representing information about a 'restriction' field defined in a schema.
Widget for restriction fields.
Account info bean.
Account info fields.
App for the OU Management.
Configuration for Account Management app.
A post create handler that adds categories to newly created resources (that are not a copy of an existing resource).
Replacement configuration for the 'add content' dialog.
Contains the replacements (and titles of the replacements) for a single type.
Helper class for preparing the resource type lists for gallery and new dialog.
Dialog used to enter a list of paths to be added to the resources in the database export dialog.
Widget used to select a formatter to add.
Bean for additional site-map entry information.
Additional info bean.
Class for the Additional User info dialog.
Bean containing additional log folders available for the log file viewer.
Class for dialog to create property definition.
Cache object instance for simultaneously cache online and offline items.
The cache settings for ADE.
An immutable object which represents the complete ADE configuration (sitemap and module configurations) at a certain instant in time.
A class which represents the accessible configuration data at a given point in a sitemap.
Represents a parsed sitemap or module configuration.
Represents the value of an attribute, with additional information about where the value originated from.
Represents a reference to a sitemap configuration with some associated metadata about that reference.
Contains a sitemap configuration bean together with some metadata about how it was referenced from other sitemap configurations.
Represents additional metadata from the query string of a master configuration link.
Represents a sequence of inherited module/sitemap configurations, together with an index into that list.
ADE download gallery widget implementations.
ADE image gallery widget implementations.
This is the main class used to access the ADE configuration and also accomplish some other related tasks like loading/saving favorite and recent lists.
JSON property name constant.
A status enum for the initialization status.
ADE's session cache.
Stores information about the container page which was last edited, so we can jump back to it later.
Provider for the OpenCms AdvancedDirectEdit.
Direct edit permissions according to the sitemap configuration.
Advanced link substitution behavior.
Validates the user passwords in with advanced password requirements.
Default text encryption class using AES, where the encryption key is generated from a string passed in as a parameter.
Extended after publish static export handler, supporting multi-language exports.
Implementation for the I_CmsStaticExportHandler interface.
Provides the specific constants, members and helper methods to generate the content of the download gallery dialog used in the XML content editors, WYSIWYG editors and context menu.
Provides the specific constants, members and helper methods to generate the content of the image gallery dialog used in the XML content editors, WYSIWYG editors and context menu.
Provides the specific constants, members and helper methods to generate the content of the external link gallery dialog used in the XML content editors, WYSIWYG editors and context menu.
This class represents an alias from a virtual path to a resource in the VFS.
A bean which contains the information for creating an alias.
Helper class used by a service to edit or import aliases for a whole site.
A class used to keep track of which user is editing the alias table from which sites.
The class used to transfer validation results from the server to the client.
Bean which is sent to the server when validating an alias table.
This class is used for filtering aliases in database operations.
This class contains the real implementations of service methods related to aliases.
A class used for storing alias import results by key.
A bean representing the result of trying to import a single alias.
The status for the result of an alias import operation.
The class used to transmit the original alias list when the alias editor dialog is first loaded.
The alias manager provides access to the aliases stored in the database.
The values of this enum describe what should happen when a request to an aliased resource comes in.
Resource init handler for detail-pages.
The class used for transmitting alias data to the server for serving.
A bean representing a row of the alias table.
Describes a mapping rule that selects a different site root based on whether the requested path matches a set of prefixes or not.
Bean representing a category for workplace apps.
Tree node representing an app category.
Displays all available app.
Helper class for building a tree of categories/apps which should be displayed from the list of available apps and categories.
The app hierarchy configuration.
Widget used to displays a nested hierarchy of app categories and apps.
Custom navigator subclass used to prevent "slash accumulation" in the URL fragment if the navigateTo(...) methods are called multiple names in the same navigation.
Displays the selected app.
Enum representing caching status of a view.
The layout used within the app view.
The app visibility status.
The workplace ui.
Comparison of resource attributes.
The attribute configuration.
Displays changes between attributes (size, modification date, etc.
Signals that an attempt to authenticate (login) has a user has failed.
Extension to add a CSS class to any component depending on it's scroll position.
The scroll position CSS shared state.
A combo box which automatically creates a new option if setValue is called with an item id not already contained in the data source.
Handles automatic creation of new values.
Availability dialog.
The availability dialog action.
A bean that holds the informations of the availability dialog.
Expired/unreleased resources selection component.
Table showing available items from A_CmsEditUserGroupRoleDialog.
Basic dialog class with a content panel and button bar.
The available window widths.
Page to display a report.
Builds a table based on a given bean class.
Manages a set of benchmark timers.
The preview provider for binary resources.
A wrapper context menu action which first checks whether the resources for which the action is executed have any children locked by different users.
The bread crumb component.
The bread crumb state.
A single broadcast message, send from one OpenCms user to another.
The content mode describes how the text used for a broadcast message should be interpreted.
Configuration class of app.
Contains the broadcast message data.
A bean which represents either the source or the target of a broken link.
A helper class used to generate the necessary information for displaying links which will be broken if the user tries to delete a file in the ADE GUI.
Extending the browser frame class to allow setting of the iFrame name attribute.
The browser frame state.
Preference subclass for built-in preferences accessed with a getter/setter pair via reflection.
A bean representing a set of select options.
CmsButtonFormRow<T extends com.vaadin.ui.Component>
Form row with button.
A DataSource backed by a byte array.
Byte buffer class which expands dynamically if bytes are written to its end.
Vaadin app for Cache Administration.
Configuration for Cache Administration vaadin-tool.
Class for the Cache folder.
Generates the cache keys for the user and permission caches.
The settings of the OpenCms memory monitor.
Class for the app which shows the content of caches.
Modes to run this app.
Configuration class for the view flex cache app.
Configuration class for the image cache view app.
Provides a DHTML calendar widget, for use on a widget dialog.
The categories dialog action.
Represents a category, that is just a folder.
A specific bean holding all info to be displayed in the categories tab.
Wrapper for a combined category and folder restriction.
A collector to fetch XML contents in a folder or the current site filtered by one or more given category types.
The category select dialog.
The category select field.
Provides several simplified methods for manipulating category relations.
The category tree.
Recursive category tree entry.
Provides a widget for a category based dependent select boxes.
no longer needed since logic was moved to the default handler
A resource collector that collects resources changed in a given time frame and supports flexible sorting based on resource dates.
A configuration bean representing a <ChangeHandler> element configured in an XSD's field settings.
Dialog used to change the password.
Dialog for changing the resource type.
The change type dialog action.
Provides a standard HTML form checkbox widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Report update formatter for the Javascript-based report update format, which was used in the old workplace most of the time.
A bean containing a date, both as a 'long' value and a user-readable string representation.
Client side lock class.
The available lock types.
A client-side bean for representing an OpenCms property.
An enum used for addressing a specific value in a property.
Sitemap entry data.
An enum for the edit status of the entry.
An enum for the entry type.
Sitemap initialization data.
Helper class to deal with loading and saving user preferences from the ADE user interface.
Bean that represents a client variant of a template context.
Client-side bean which holds information about a client variant of a template context.
Call context implementation which delegates most methods to a wrapped call context, but also provides additional functionality.
Helper class for CMIS CRUD operations on relation objects.
A class which contains the necessary information to identify a relation object.
This class encapsulates the filter logic for CMIS rendition filters.
Repository instance for CMIS repositories.
Helper class for CRUD operations on resources.
The CMIS service class for OpenCms repositories.
The factory class for creating the OpenCms CMIS service instances.
This class keeps track of all the types which should be available for a I_CmsCmisRepository.
Utility class for operations which are frequently used by CMIS service methods.
Convenience class to provide server-side information to the client.
The element delte modes.
Enum representing the different ways dropping elements on a container page can be handled.
Code mirror input component.
The available editor languages.
The editor state.
The available editor themes.
The code mirror change event.
Widget for editing source code.
Provides Map wrapping utility functions for Java generics.
Wrapper for lazy maps providing a better containsKey implementation.
Data structure for the collector, parsed from the collector parameters.
Helper class used to determine which resources from a collector list should be included in a publish list.
Provides a HTML "color picker" widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Converts column values to the correct types.
Converts null values to an empty string for the input widgets.
Provides a HTML text input field with optional values to select in a combo box, for use on a widget dialog.
Comparator for objects with a path property.
Comparator for objects with a title property.
Comparator for objects with a type property.
Bean which holds the necessary data for complex value widgets in the Acacia editor.
CmsComponentField<T extends com.vaadin.ui.Component>
Container wrapping a single UI component.
Component state bean.
A query fragment which aggregates the results from a list of other query fragments.
Utils to read and update the list configuration.
The list configuration data.
Enum representing how filter queries should be combined in a search.
Describes a resource to copy during the creation of a new resource.
Exceptions that occur during the XML configuration process.
Helper class for locating configuration files by looking up their location in properties of another resource.
A single item of the ADE file type configuration.
Configuration manager for digesting the OpenCms XML configuration.
A class to parse ADE sitemap or module configuration files and create configuration objects from them.
Basic confirmation dialog.
Dialog to confirm flush without any options.
Returns the constant Object the map was initialized with for all CmsConstantMap.get(Object) calls, regardless of what the actual key is.
Container bean.
One container of a container page.
A bean representing a single configuration entry for the inherited container configuration.
A cache class for storing inherited container configurations.
A cache class for storing inherited container configurations.
A class which represents all the configuration entries which have been read from an inherited container configuration file.
A parser class which reads data from inherited container configuration files.
A helper class for writing inherited container configuration back to a VFS file.
Bean holding basic container element information.
The model group states.
One element of a container in a container page.
Bean holding all element information including it's formatted contents.
Action element for container-page editor includes.
Describes one locale of a container page.
Helper class for copying container pages including some of their elements.
Enum representing the element copy mode.
Exception indicating that no custom replacement element was found for a type which requires replacement.
Gallery data loaded initially for the 'Add' menu in the page editor.
Bean containing the 'context' of the edited container page for use in RPC calls.
The RPC service used by the container-page editor.
'Wrapper' around XML container page used for programmatic editing operations on container pages.
Wrapper bean for querying information related to a container type in JSPs.
Contains all information defining a content entity type.
Contains all information needed for editing an XMLContent.
The content editor action element.
A bean which represents the location configured for content elements of a specific type in a sitemap configuration.
A container to store information about a collector's result.
Bean containing the data needed to call a collector.
The E-Mail to be written to responsibles of resources.
Scheduled job that checks the system for resources that will shortly expire, be released, or will be outdated.
Service to provide entity persistence within OpenCms.
Visitor to read all types and attribute configurations within a content definition.
Helper class to evaluate the widget display type.
Widget display type evaluation rules.
Contains user information for automated creation of a CmsRequestContext during system runtime.
ContextMenu is an extension which can be attached to any Vaadin component to display a popup context menu.
ContextMenuClosedEvent is an event fired by the context menu when it's closed.
ContextMenuClosedListener is used to listen for the event that the context menu is closed, either when a item is clicked or when the popup is canceled.
ContextMenuItemClickEvent is an event produced by the context menu item when it is clicked.
ContextMenuItemClickListener is listener for context menu items wanting to notify listeners about item click
ContextMenuOpenedListener is used to modify the content of context menu based on what was clicked.
ComponentListener is used when context menu is extending a component and works in mode where auto opening is disabled.
ContextMenuOpenedListener.TableListener sub interface for table related context menus.
Tree listener interface.
ContextMenuOpenedOnComponentEvent is an event fired by the context menu when it's opened from a component.
ContextMenuOpenedOnTableFooterEvent is an event that is fired by the context menu when it's opened by clicking on table footer
ContextMenuOpenedOnTableHeaderEvent is an event fired by the context menu when it's opened by clicking on table header row.
ContextMenuOpenedOnTableRowEvent is an event that is fired when context menu is opened by clicking on table row.
ContextMenuOpenedOnTreeItemEvent is an event fired by the context menu when it's opened by clicking on tree item.
A workplace action context menu item.
Handles inline editing within the file table.
A context menu entry bean.
Class used to manage multiple context menu item providers through a single instance.
The context menu state.
The menu item state.
Helper class for building context menus from the list of available context menu items.
The copy move dialog action.
The copy move dialog.
The copy/move actions.
The dialog mode.
Dialog used to copy container pages including their elements.
Action for the 'copy page' dialog.
The copy to clip-board/select text button.
The copy to clip-board/select text button shared state.
The copy to project dialog.
The copy to project dialog action.
Runtime data bean for prefetching.
A enumeration for the ADE context.
The available client modules.
Bean class containing info about the current user.
Provides general core services.
Bean containing the needed data when creating a new resource.
A schedulable OpenCms job to calculate image size information.
Report thread to save site configurations.
An icon resource.
Helper to produce Csv files.
Virtual project which includes the currently edited resource and all its related resources.
Class for the table to view and edit groups of a given user.
Custom login exception whose message will be displayed to the user if the login fails.
Signals data access related issues, i.e.
Imports an OpenCms export file into the VFS.
Signals that an attempt to call a method has failed since it is not implemented.
Utilities to handle basic data types.
Action for the data view dialog.
This class represents the definition of a column for the table widget used to select data items provided by an I_CmsDataView implementation.
The column type.
Constants used by the data view widget code (client/server side).
Dialog used to select data items from an external data source.
Represents a filter to narrow down the list of displayed results.
Panel containing both the interface elements used to search the data source (query field, filter select boxes) as well as the paged list of search results.
Encodes/decodes the configuration passed to the data view popup as a request parameter.
Class representing the configuration passed to the Vaadin data view dialog by the client.
Represents a search query which can be submitted to an implementation of I_CmsDataView to retrieve a set of results.
Represents the result of a search query returned by an implementation of I_CmsDataView.
Complex widget for opening selecting data from a data source implementing the I_CmsDataView interface.
Convenience subclass of PopupDateField which comes preconfigured with a resolution and validation error message.
Date restrictions for a fixed number of time units going backward or forward from the current time.
A restriction which selects either all entries in the past (from the current time) or all entries in the future.
Restriction to a date between a fixed start and end date, but only one of them has to be given.
A default resource collector that supports flexible sorting based on resource dates.
Comparator for sorting resource objects based on dates.
Parses date restrictions in a list configuration.
Date search Vaadin app.
Component that realizes a content finder.
Date search app configuration.
Special edit handler for contents that define multiple instances in a date series.
Utilities to get and set formated dates in OpenCms.
Input context that also allows querying the request method.
The locator factory for the WebDAV implementation..
Represents a resource in the WebDav repository (may not actually correspond to an actual OpenCms resource, since DavResource are also created for the target locations for move/copy operations, before any of the moving / copying happens.
The resource factory.
DavSession implementation for Jackrabbit WebDAV, mostly just a wrapper for I_CmsRepositorySession.
Session provider implementation.
Various utilities for the WebDAV implementation.
Signals that a data source consistency problem has been detected.
Wraps context information to access the OpenCms database.
A default implementation of I_CmsDbContextFactory.
Signals that an attempt to create an object was not successfull because it already exists.
Signals that an attempt to read an object from a data source, that is supposed to exist, was not successfull.
Signals that a low-level exception occurred when accessing the OpenCms database.
Class for the database export function.
Configuration for Database manager app.
Class for the Export dialog.
Class for the database import app.
Enumeration to distinguist between http- and server import.
HTTP import class.
Configuration for Database manager app.
Class for the import from server option.
Class for app configuration.
Signals that an IO exception occurred when reading from or writing to the OpenCms database.
Signals that a foreign key in the VFS STRUCTURE, RESOURCES or FILES database tables is either invalid or empty.
Class for database manager app.
Configuration for Database manager app.
Class for the app folder.
Database connection pool class using HikariCP.
Class for the property definition app.
Configuration class for property app.
Remove publish locks.
App for the remove publish-locks function.
Class for app configuration.
Used to signal sql related issues.
Class for the database static export app.
Configuration for Database manager app.
Class for the static export view.
Class for the synchronization dialog.
Class for the database synchronization app.
Configuration class for the synchronization app.
Synchronization layout class.
Generic database utility functions.
CmsDecorationBundle, contains a map of merged CmsDEcorationMaps.
This class defines text decoration to be made by the postprocessor.
The CmsDecorationMap is the object representation of a single decoartion file.
The CmsDecorationObject defines a single text decoration.
The CmsDecoratorConfiguration initalizes and stores the text decorations.
Default action handler for group buttons.
The default app button provider.
Defines default authorization methods.
Default implementation of the I_CmsCollectorPublishListProvider interface.
Dummy widget class that causes the Acacia editor to render a nested content normally without a special widget.
Default implementation of a I_CmsCredentialResolver, which does nothing but return the credential which was passed in.
This class uses information from the detail page information stored in the sitemap to find/recognize the detail pages for a given resource.
The default class used for generating file names either for the urlName mapping or when using a "new" operation in the context of the direct edit interface.
A form validator which does nothing special and just validates form field values independently of each other.
Provides default JSON handlers.
Default link substitution behavior.
Default implementation of the locale handler.
Default implementation for the log download functionality.
Default implementation of menu item provider.
Provides methods for building editors for the CmsDefaultPage page type.
Default Password Generator class.
Default implementation for OpenCms password validation, just checks if a password is at last 4 characters long.
Generic base driver interface.
Default implementation for the post-create handler interface.
Default profiling handler which only has a single instance and delegates method calls to its registered child handlers.
Default implementation of the publish group helper which operates on CmsPublishResource objects.
Default formatter class for publish resources.
Compares publish resources by their sort date.
Validator which can exclude some resources from publishing and supplies a status object for the excluded resources.
A default resource collector to generate some example list of resources from the VFS.
Helper class to generate all the data which is necessary for the resource status dialog(s).
The default session storage provider implementation.
A utility class used for keeping track of a set of objects.
Example implementation of a template context provider for deciding between a desktop template and a mobile template.
Default admin tool handler.
Default tree type provider implementation.
Default implementation for upload restrictions uses restriction entries from opencms-workplace.xml.
User data domain that only matches users requesting their information via user name and password.
Provides access to the names of the OpenCms default users and groups.
Default user workplace settings, used as default values for worklace settings in the user preferences.
Enumeration class for defining the publish related resources mode.
Enum for the subsitemap creation mode.
Default implementation for the validation handler.
The default implementation of the workflow manager interface, which offers only publish functionality.
Default implementation for the XML content handler, will be used by all XML contents that do not provide their own handler.
Enum for IfInvalidRelation field setting values.
Contains the visibility handler configuration for a content field path.
A change handler that reacts to changes in a field by setting another empty field to a default value.
Dialog for deleting resources.
The delete dialog action.
A schedulable OpenCms job to delete expired resources.
Dialog for delete multiple principal.
Dialog for delete of principals and ous.
A bean which represents the information for the delete dialog.
Dialog for deleting Sites.
A VFS indexer that resolves locale dependent documents.
Server-side part of the dependent select box widget.
A cache which stores structure ids for URL names.
This is a simple helper class to more easily produce container page beans to be used as detail-only containers.
Bean containing the information for a single container.
Static utility class for functions related to detail-only containers.
Class for writing detail page information to an XML configuration file.
Sitemap generator class which tries to eliminate duplicate detail pages for the same content and locale.
Filters and sorts a list of detail pages based on whether they are suitable detail pages for a fixed detail content.
Data bean containing the information for a detail page.
Resource init handler for detail-pages.
A data structure for managing the detail page ordering for different types in a given sitemap.
A type indicating the status of a page.
This is a utility class which provides convenience methods for finding detail page names for resources which include the URL names of the resources themselves.
Bean for special diagnostic information retrievable via JMX.
Provides methods for building the dialog windows of OpenCms.
Provides methods for the editor copy language dialog.
Contains the setup information about a single dialog element.
Provides methods for the editor elements dialog.
Option dialog data.
Describes a dialog option.
Holds both a bean containing edit handler dialog options and a resource info bean for a selected resource.
Selects the dialog which should be displayed by OpenCms depending on the configuration value.
Wrapper class for the different types of diff modes.
Factory to create resource type instances from the XML configuration.
Constants to indicate which direct edit buttons should be displayed for a direct edit resource if the user has the permissions.
Provider for the OpenCms default graphical "direct edit" buttons.
Provider for the OpenCms graphical "direct edit" buttons.
Direct edit provider that uses the same JSP include based logic that has been the default before the 6.2.3 release.
Constants to indicate which mode to use for placement of the HTML that generates the direct edit buttons.
A parameter set to start a direct edit element, for internal use only.
Constants to indicate the direct edit permissions of a user for a VFS resource, used to describe if and how to show the direct edit buttons for the resource.
Contains information about a resource that is direct edited.
Creates HTML for simple text based direct edit buttons.
The direct publish dialog action.
Virtual project for 'direct publishing' of resources.
The display action.
Represents the three possible display types (small, medium, wide).
Widget to select a type and formatter combination.
Provides a display only widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a resource of type CmsResourceTypeContainerPage.
Provides the dependency information about one search result document, used to generate the list of document search results.
Defines the possible dependency types.
Lucene document factory class for indexing data from a generic CmsResource.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing plain html data.
Lucene document factory class to extract text data from a VFS resource that is an OLE 2 MS Office document.
Lucene document factory class to extract text data from a VFS resource that is an OOXML MS Office document.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing Open Document Format data.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing Adobe pdf data.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing plain text data.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource containing RTF data.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from an OpenCms VFS resource of type CmsResourceTypeXmlContent.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a cms resource of type CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.
Provides a widget that allows access to the available OpenCms download galleries, for use on a widget dialog.
The OpenCms driver manager.
Enum for distinguishing between login modes.
Resource list which additionally knows whether it should be cacheable in the resource list cache or not.
Special key class for caching the resource OU data with a Guava LoadingCache.
Helper class used to store information about resources assigned to OUs in a cache.
Dummy implementation of the I_CmsRelatedResourceProvider interface which doesn't actually add any related resources.
A serialization policy which allows serialization and deserialization of all classes.
Dump loader for binary or other unprocessed resource types.
Class used to collect log messages and later write them to the actual log but with duplicates removed.
Entry to write to the log.
Class used to keep track of optional dynamic category fields for a content.
A class which contains the data parsed from a dynamic function XML content.
A bean which contains a single format for a dynamic function, which contains of the function JSP, the container settings and the parameters.
A wrapper class for using dynamic function beans inside JSPs via the EL.
Wrapper class for dynamic function formats which can be used from JSP EL.
The parser class for creating dynamic function beans from XML contents.
Manages a group of widgets used as a multivalue input.
Empty handler which shows or hides an 'Add' button to add new rows, depending on whether the group is empty.
Default implementation for row builder.
Handles state changes when the group becomes empty/not empty.
Interface for group row components that can have errors.
Builds editable group rows by wrapping other components.
Button bar for manipulating rows in a multivalued field list.
State class for the CmsEditableGroupButtons component.
Default implementation for row for multivalue field lists.
The edit control code dialog action.
Action to logout.
The edit dialog action.
Dialog for editing bookmark title.
Data which needs to be passed to the edit handler when using the 'new' button for an editable list element.
Class for the Edit Login View.
Form for editing a module.
The editor app.
Provides basic methods for building the file editors of OpenCms.
Provides a method to perform a user defined action when editing a page.
Base class for all editors that turns of time warp deletion inherited from CmsWorkplace.
Editor change handler implementation for the formatter selection in the sitemap config.
Handles editor content changes to read OpenCms resource properties and insert their values into the edited content.
The editor app configuration.
Constants used for content editor integration.
A default editor CSS handler to obtain the CSS style sheet path from the template property value of the template itself.
Provides methods to determine the display options of a workplace editor for the current user.
Helper class to create the editor frameset.
This editor handler class returns the editor URI depending on various factors.
Preference subclass for preferred editors.
Selects the dialog which should be displayed by OpenCms depending on the configuration value.
Stores editor session data.
Extension for iFrame embedded editors storing the changed state of the edited content.
The edit page action.
Action for editing external links resources.
The edit project form component.
The edit table property action.
Action element for edit provider includes.
Class for the edit resource type dialog.
Class for the Form to edit or add a site.
Action to logout.
The delete dialog action.
Comparison of two xml page elements.
Contains lock information for a container page element.
Represents the setting configuration for a container element.
Utility class to generate the element data objects used within the container-page editor.
Represents a element view for the container page editor.
The element view comparator.
Element view info.
Element view preference configuration.
A widget to select an element view.
Helper class for parsing an element with no content but several attributes into a subclass of I_CmsConfigurationParameterHandler.
Helper class for parsing an element with several sub-elements which are text-valued (i.e.
Context for dialogs embedded into plain GWT modules.
The extension that provides RPC communication between the client and server side of embedded VAADIN dialogs.
Separate UI for VAADIN based dialog embedded into a GWT module.
The OpenCms CmsEncoder class provides static methods to decode and encode data.
Class for errors during encryption / decryption.
Serializable entity implementation.
Serializable entity attribute implementation.
Value change event for entities with an additional field that indicates the type of change.
Enum indicating the type of changes.
The entity HTML representation including validation data.
Class to display the error dialog.
Dialog used to display error stack traces in the workplace.
Displays the error page.
Event class for OpenCms for system wide events that are thrown by various operations (e.g.
Manager that controls the OpenCms event system.
Master exception type for all exceptions caused in OpenCms.
Wrapper around a JSON handler that catches exceptions.
Simple utility class for caching a single value with a given cache expiration time.
Dialog for explorer views in the administration view.
Dialog context for the explorer.
Explorer element view preference.
Context for the favorite dialog opened from the workplace.
Explorer type access object, encapsulates access control entries and lists of a explorer type.
Class which listens for cache flush events to uncache cached access control settings.
Holds all information to build the explorer context menu of a resource type and information for the new resource dialog.
Provides the functionality to export files from the OpenCms VFS to a ZIP file.
Simple filter for setting caching headers for exported resources.
This class provides a file name matcher to find out those resources which must be part of a static export.
Wrapper to write exported OpenCms resources either to a .ZIP file or to the file system.
A bean for a export name.
A export name comparator.
Export parameters.
Contains the data of a single export point.
Provides methods to write export points to the "real" file system.
Widget used to edit a module export point.
Dialog used to export the contents of a site.
Exports selected resources of the OpenCms into an OpenCms export file.
The export thread report.
Extended data structure for the collector, parsed from the collector parameters.
The CmsExtendedHtmlImportManager keeps the default values for the HTML-> OpenCms Template converter.
Class to encapsulate a resource and the cause of its notification.
Publish resource formatter for the extended workflow manager.
Project wrapper which specially handles the 'release' workflow by reading resources of a project regardless of publish permissions.
Site selector widget which also optionally offers subsite options.
Class representing a single option.
The default workflow manager implementation, which supports 2 basic actions, Release and Publish.
Single component container that can render the given component in any HTML element.
The external layout state.
Provides information about an external link.
Stores the result of a pointer link validation.
Class to validate pointer links.
Thread for extern link validation.
Thread for extern link validation.
External widget configuration settings.
The result of a document text extraction.
Implements a disk cache that stores text extraction results in the RFS.
Extracts the text from an HTML document.
Extracts text data from a VFS resource that is an OLE 2 MS Office document.
Extracts text data from a VFS resource that is an OOXML MS Office document.
Extracts the text from OpenOffice documents (.ods, .odf).
Extracts the text from a PDF document.
Extracts the text from a RTF document.
Layout which looks like a Vaadin window without actually being a window.
Resource info box.
Loads/saves favorites.
Dialog which shows the list of favorites for the current user and allows them to jump to individual favorites, edit the list, or add the current location to the favorite list.
The action for the favorite dialog.
Represents an entry in the favorite location list.
Represents the type of the favorite.
A file resource in the OpenCms VFS.
Appends benchmark samples to a file.
Buffer class which holds file contents for JLAN file access in memory before they are written to the VFS.
The file explorer app.
The file explorer app configuration.
Stores the file explorer settings.
App for the history settings and clearing of history.
Configuration class of file history app.
Class for the folder with the file history apps.
Class for the clear file history dialog and execution.
Class for the history settings dialog.
Table for displaying resources.
Extends the default sorting to differentiate between files and folder when sorting by name.
Handles folder selects in the file table.
The file table dialog context.
Provides File utility functions.
Data bean which walkFileSystem passes to its callback.
Filtered select widget.
Represents a Flex bucket configuration.
This class implements the FlexCache.
A simple data container class for the FlexCache variations.
Dialog for clean flex cache.
Flex Cache configuration class.
Contains the contents of a cached resource.
Signals an error of the Flex cache.
Key used to describe the caching behaviour of a specific resource.
Table showong content of flex cache.
Controller for getting access to the CmsObject, should be used as a request attribute.
Information about where to redirect to.
Formatter configuration for flex formatters.
Wrapper class for a HttpServletRequest.
Contains information about the OpenCms request context required by the Flex implementation.
Implementation of the RequestDispatcher interface to allow JSPs to be loaded from the OpenCms VFS.
Describes the caching behaviour (or caching options) for a Flex request.
Contains the root paths to be used for determining the buckets of a flex cache entry.
Wrapper class for a HttpServletResponse, required in order to process JSPs from the OpenCms VFS.
Dialog for the flush actions.
Vaadin Layout with Buttons to clear the different types of cache.
Interface for the dialogs.
A folder resource in the OpenCms VFS.
Folder selector component.
Dialog to request a password reset link if you forgot your passsword.
A bean containing formatter configuration data as strings.
Parses formatter beans from formatter configuration XML contents.
Exception for the errors in the configuration file not covered by other exception types.
This class represents the changes which can be made to formatters in a sitemap configuration file.
Formatter configuration data.
Bean which holds a list of formatter configurations (client-side) which can be retrieved by key or id.
Represents a formatter configuration.
This class is used to sort lists of formatter beans in order of importance.
Predicate which checks whether the given formatter is a detail formatter.
Predicate which checks whether the given formatter is a display formatter.
Predicate to check whether the formatter is from a schema.
A cache object which holds a collection of formatter configuration beans read from the VFS.
Represents the currently cached collection of all formatter beans extracted from formatter configuration files.
Helper class for keeping track of which keys map to which formatters, and which formatters are active, when evaluating the sitemap configuration.
Wrapper class for accessing formatter information from JSPs.
Helper class for formatter-related functionality.
The form edit dialog action.
Helper class for computing dynamic function availability based on sitemap configuration settings.
A bean containing formatter configuration data as strings.
Bean for representing a named dynamic function reference from the configuration.
Class used for rendering dynamic functions (v2).
Gallery action used to generate the gallery dialog.
Represents information about whether a gallery folder should use a custom upload action.
The gallery configuration.
Holds information about current container types/sizes for the purpose of filtering gallery search results (currently only for functions).
A single container type/width combination.
This bean holding the gallery dialog information required for displaying the content of the gallery tabs.
The gallery dialog action.
Mode that determines how to handle types in the gallery dialog that are disabled, usually because there is no matching container in the current page.
Helper class for building a filtered sitemap tree for the gallery dialog's 'Sitemap' tab.
Represents a gallery folder.
Gallery folder entry bean.
Represents a group of galleries in the galleries tab, classified by storage location.
Macro resolver used to resolve macros for the gallery name mapping.
Class representing a dialog for optimizing galleries.
The gallery optimize dialog action.
Contains the functions for the gallery search.
This bean represents the current search object.
Parameters used for the gallery search index.
Sort parameter constants.
The search result list for the gallery search index.
An enum that represents the possible search scope choices in the ADE gallery search tab.
Handles all RPC services related to the gallery dialog.
Class for the preference which controls whether invalid elements should be shown by default in the gallery result tab.
A bean containing a configuration for the gallery dialog's available tabs, consisting of a list of tabs and a default tab to display first.
Gallery tree entry class.
The gallery type bean.
Configuration options for the gallery widget (e.g.
Dialog to generate a random password.
Class extracting the Geo coordinates from a content field.
Bean representing a Geo filter.
Geo-coordinate mapping configuration for an XML content schema.
A single configuration entry.
Enum representing the type of a single configuration entry in a geomapping configuration.
Utility methods for processing geo coordinates.
Dialog that prints the result of the execution of a git action.
App configuration for the Git checkin tool.
The class provides methods to automatically export modules from OpenCms and check in the exported, unzipped modules into some git repository.
Access to a single git configuration file.
Main widget for the Git check-in tool.
This event handler manages cache instances which are instances of the interface I_CmsGlobalConfigurationCache.
Class for the Global configuration dialog.
A group principal in the OpenCms permission system.
Group container bean.
A group container.
Bean which holds the results of saving a group container.
Class for the dialog to edit or create a CmsGroup.
The group edit parameters.
Cache for users' groups and data derived from those groups, like role membership.
Table showing all Groups of a user.
Class for the table containing groups of a ou.
Table properties.
Provides a OpenCms Group selection widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Sitemap action used to generate the sitemap editor.
Common constants needed for client side code.
Parameters for favorite dialog.
Quick launcher constants.
Vaadin widget for using the GWT based context menu button.
Context menu button widget state.
Extension used to open existing GWT based dialogs (from ADE, etc.) from the server side, for use in context menu actions.
Dummy log that does nothing on the server side.
Wrapper for GWT services served through OpenCms.
This class contains the data that should be cached for a specific service class.
Class for preferences that are not meant to be displayed in the preference dialog.
A schedulable OpenCms job to clear the history.
Clears the file history of the OpenCms database.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
The delete dialog action.
AS400 implementation of the history driver methods.
DB2 implementation of the history driver methods.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) database server implementation of the history driver methods.
HSQLDB implementation of the history driver methods.
MS SQL implementation of the history driver methods.
MySQL implementation of the history driver methods.
Oracle implementation of the history driver methods.
PostgreSql implementation of the history driver methods.
Extension to allow clientside history back and forward.
A historical version of a file in the OpenCms VFS resource history.
A historical version of a file in the OpenCms VFS resource history.
Utility methods for the history list.
Describes an OpenCms historical principal entry.
Describes an OpenCms historical project entry.
A bean representing the data to be displayed in the history dialog for a single resource version.
A collection of historical versions of a resource.
Resource init handler that loads historical versions of resources.
Represents a row of the file history table.
The history state.
Bean representing a file version for the history dialog.
Enum for distinguishing between offline and online project.
Extracts the HTML page content.
HTML cleaner and pretty printer.
HTML cleaner and pretty printer using JTidy.
Represents a single HTML converter configuration as defined in the OpenCms configuration file opencms-vfs.xml.
The CmsHtmlDecorator is the main object for processing the text decorations.
OpenCms Html Diff operation configuration class.
Extracts plain text from HTML.
Wrapper class for the different style of icon buttons.
This class is used to send an HTML formatted email with optional attachments.
Base utility class for OpenCms NodeVisitor implementations, which provides some often used utility functions.
Content handler for HTML redirects.
HTML report output to be used for import / export / publish operations in the entire OpenCms system.
Simple html tag stripper that allows configuration of html tag names that are allowed.
A tag factory for htmlparser that is able to "remove tags".
Validates HTML.
Provides a widget that creates a rich input field using the matching component, for use on a widget dialog.
An option of a HTML type widget.
Contains the settings to handle HTTP basic authentication.
Provides a http upload widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Bundle of i18n setting to be used to setup a new request context.
A bean carrying icon CSS class information.
An icon configuration rule for an explorer type.
Utility class to generate the resource icon CSS.
Default implementation of a named object container.
A replacement for IllegalArgumentException to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.
A replacement for IllegalStateException to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.
Dialog to clean Image Cache.
A schedulable OpenCms job that clear the image cache for the scaled images created by the CmsImageLoader.
Image Cache helper.
Helper class for getting information about cached images.
class for the input dialog to search for cached images.
Table to show entries of image cache.
Displays two image versions side by side, scaled.
Provides a widget that allows access to the available OpenCms image galleries, for use on a widget dialog.
Bean holding image info to be display in the resource preview dialog.
Loader for images from the OpenCms VSF with integrated image scaling and processing capabilities.
The preview provider for binary resources.
Creates scaled images, acting as it's own parameter container.
Table showing information about variations of images.
Holds the functionality to import resources from the file system or a zip file into the OpenCms VFS.
Import / export master configuration class.
Signals an error during import or export of OpenCms data.
Provides information about how to handle imported resources.
Time modes to specify how time stamps should be handled.
Dialog for CSV im- and export.
Allows to import resources from the filesystem or a ZIP file into the OpenCms VFS.
Import helper.
Import parameters.
Subclass which doesn't actually import anything, but just reads the module data into a data structure which can then be used by the module updater.
Module import dialog with two tabs, one for importing via HTTP and one for importing from the server.
Class for the import user thread.
Adds the XML handler rules for import and export of resources and accounts.
Categories of resources that need to be handled differently in the 'rewrite parseables' import step.
Data class to temporarily keep track of relation data for a resource to be imported.
this import class is no longer in use and should only be used to import old export files
this import class is no longer in use and should only be used to import old export files
this import class is no longer in use and should only be used to import old export files
this import class is no longer in use and should only be used to import old export files
this import class is no longer in use and should only be used to import old export files
Helper class for getting localized messages for the 'lock inactive users' feature.
Signals an error during an indexing operation.
Implements methods to utilize a report thread for CmsIndexingReport.
Implements the indexing method for a single resource as thread.
Implements the management of indexing threads.
Signals an error during content extraction of an empty document.
Class for the info button used in toolbar.
The inheritance container data.
Utility methods for inheritance groups which don't fit anywhere else.
A class whose instances are added to container element beans to provide information about container inheritance.
Reference to an container inheritance configuration.
Parser class for parsing inheritance container references.
The state of an inherited container at a given point in the VFS tree.
Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms the initialization, this is fatal and prevents OpenCms from starting.
DataSource implementation that may be filled with content from an InputStream.
Provides a standard HTML form input widget, for use on a widget dialog.
CmsInputWidget that strips HTML Tags from the input before storing values.
Util class to find broken links in a bundle of resources.
A schedulable OpenCms job to validate internal relations.
Class for the layout for choosing the resources.
An exception which indicates that a user tried to execute an invalid workflow action.
This tool handler just hides the tool for the user, but the tool can still be invoked explicitly, usefull for tool that requires an argument, like edit tools.
Webdav access servlet for OpenCms, implemented using jackrabbit-webdav library.
Helper class for using JAXB to convert between beans and OpenCms config file XML elements.
OpenCms implementation of the JLAN device context.
OpenCms implementation of the JLAN DiskInterface interface.
This class represents a file for use by the JLAN server component.
Repository class for configuring repositories for Alfresco JLAN.
This class represents the state of a search operation in a JLAN repository.
JLAN server class, which currently just exists to make some methods from the superclass visible.
Implementation of the JLAN ShareMapper interface which is used to generate the list of available shares based on the OpenCms repository configuration in opencms-importexport.xml instead of jlanConfig.xml.
A simple class used to start and stop JLAN.
This class is used for authenticating OpenCms users to JLAN.
Don't use CmsScheduledJobInfo directly, so we don't need to change it if we want to change how the values are rendered, and having only the fields we want displayed in the table makes it easier to understand.
Form used to edit a scheduled job.
The scheduled jobs manager app.
Table used to display scheduled jobs, together with buttons for modifying the jobs.
Property columns of table, including their Messages for header.
Contains configuration for access restrictions to JSON handler.
Class representing a JSON document for a container page.
Class representing a JSON document for an embedded XML content.
Class representing a JSON document for a folder.
Class representing a JSON document for a CMS list.
Class representing a JSON document for a CMS resource.
Class representing a JSON document for an XML content.
JSON handler for rendering a container page as JSON.
Provides context information to JSON handlers.
Cache key for JSON handler contexts.
Produces directory listings in JSON format.
JSON handler used to load JSPs referenced directly by path.
JSON handler for rendering a list.
Wrapper for JSON handlers that caches online project requests.
JSON handler for rendering a resource as JSON.
Sub-handler for converting XML contents to JSON, either as a whole or just specific locales or paths.
Exception thrown when path lookup fails.
Simple JSON-based message container.
Helper class used to translate key/value pairs from and to the format which can be processed by the CmsJsonPartFilter.
This servlet filter post-processes the response output for requests with the parameter '__json=true'.
Used for rendering container pages as a JSON structure.
Converts an XML content to JSON by creating a CmsXmlContentTree and then recursively processing its nodes.
Class representing a JSON request.
Handles /json requests.
Result of rendering JSON.
Search configuration parser reading JSON.
Utility class for JSON-related functions.
Bean to be used in JSP scriptlet code that provides direct access to the functionality offered by the OpenCms taglib.
Superclass for OpenCms JSP beans that provides convient access to OpenCms core and VFS functionality.
Vaadin extension class for a BrowserFrame to display a JSP.
Bean for easy access to categories of a resource in JSPs.
Wrapper for using container pages in JSPs.
Allows access to the individual elements of an XML content, usually used inside a loop of a <cms:contentload> tag.
Allows direct access to XML content values, with possible iteration of sub-nodes.
The null value info, used to generate RDFA and DND annotations for null values.
Allows accessing 'attachments' of an XML content via the EL in JSP code, which in OpenCms are defined as the contents of its detail-only containers.
Allows JSP access to the results of a <cms:contentload ...
Bean for easy access to information of an event series.
This class provides the detection for different devices, so that the <cms:device type="...">-Tag can detect which device sends the HTTP request.
Device selector class which distinguishes between the cases "desktop", "mobile" and "tablet".
Provides the detection for different devices, so that the <cms:device type="...">-Tag can detect which kind of device type sends the HTTP request.
Element setting access wrapper.
Provides utility methods to be used as functions from a JSP with the EL.
Bean containing image information for the use in JSP (for example formatters).
Abstract parent for all JSP tags dealing with image scaling, defines some common image scaler properties and corresponding getters/setters that may be used by extending classes.
An instance of a date series with a start and optional end time, usable to describe one date for events and similar contents.
Formatting options for dates.
Wrapper for accessing JSON in JSPs.
Resolves link macros for jsp pages.
Wrapper for handling links in template/formatter JSP EL.
The JSP loader which enables the execution of JSP in OpenCms.
Provides convenient wrappers useful to create user login pages.
Login bean which sets a cookie that can be used by CmsPersistentLoginAuthorizationHandler to automatically log the user back in when his session has expired.
Bean to provide a convenient way to build navigation structures based on the CmsJspNavElement.
Navigation builder context.
The visibility mode.
Bean to collect navigation information from a resource in the OpenCms VFS.
Allows access to the OpenCms navigation information in combination with the <cms:navigation> tag.
Provides access to common object types through wrappers.
Allows access to the attributes and properties of a resource, usually used inside a loop of a <cms:resourceload> tag.
Allows JSP access to the results of a <cms:resourceload ...
Wrapper subclass of CmsResource with some convenience methods.
Parent for body tags that require support for setting scoped variables to the JSP page context.
Wrapper object for accessing sitemap configuration information from JSPs.
Allows convenient access to the most important OpenCms functions on a JSP page, indented to be used from a JSP with the JSTL or EL.
Bean containing a template name and URI.
This bean provides methods to generate customized http status error pages, e.g.
This tag is used to dynamically add request parameters which are available during the execution of its body.
Keeps track of the runtime state of a single execution of this tag.
Provides tag access to OpenCms resource bundles.
Provides access to the page container elements.
Used to access XML content item information from the current open <cms:contentload> tag using JSP page context and the JSP EL.
Used to check the availablity of an XML content item for conditional display.
Used to access and display XML content item information from the VFS.
Implementation of the <cms:contentload/> tag, used to access and display XML content item information from the VFS.
Used to loop through the element values of an XML content item.
Used to access and display XML content item information from the VFS.
Implements the <cms:decorate></cms:decorate> tag to decorate HTML content with configurated decoration maps.
This class provides a <cms:device type="...">-Tag with the attribute type to specify the device.
The 'display' tag can be used to display a single resource using a formatter.
The tag 'displayFormatter' can be used to add a formatter resource type pairing to the surrounding 'display' tag.
This tag is used to attach an edit provider to a snippet of HTML.
Implementation of the <cms:editable/> tag.
Provides access to the settings of an ADE container element.
Implementation of the <enable-ade/> tag.
Generates a special HTML element which enables the 'create list element' dialog for a set of types when used in a formatter.
Allows to have certain JSP code on a JSP not processed by OpenCms, which can be useful in case you want to create a JSP page using the OpenCms static export.
Implementation of the <cms:formatter var="..." val="..." /> tag, used to access and display XML content item information in a formatter.
This tag includes required CSS or JavaScript resources that are to be places in the HTML head.
Creates HTML code for <img src> tags that use the OpenCms image scaling capabilities.
Implementation of the <cms:include/> tag, used to include another OpenCms managed resource in a JSP.
This is a TagExtraInfo evaluation class that checks the attibutes of the <cms:include /> tag.
Provides access to OpenCms and System related information.
jQuery should be provided by standard includes directly in the template.
Tag for defining a JSON array.
Tag for defining a JSON object.
Tag used to convert the HTML output of this tag's contents to encoded JSON.
Adds a JSON value to the surrounding context and/or stores it as a variable in the page context.
Provides access to the labels stored in the language files of the OpenCms workplace.
Implements the <cms:link>[filename]</cms:link> tag to add OpenCms managed links to a JSP page, required for link management and the static export to work properly.
Parameters for the link tag.
Link type.
Builds a java.util.Map isntance with string keys and values from nested param tags, then stores it in a page context variable whose name is supplied by the user.
Implementation of the <cms:navigation var="..." /> tag, used to access OpenCms VFS navigation information on a JSP with the EL.
Constants for type attribute interpretation.
A tag to prevent caching by the browser.
A handler for <param> that accepts attributes as Strings and evaluates them as expressions at runtime.
Implements the <cms:parse></cms:parse> tag to allow parsing of nested HTML with the A_CmsConfiguredHtmlParser} implementation specified by the "parserClass" attribute.
JSP tag to generate a link to a PDF produced from a given XML content.
JSP tag to generate a link to a PDF produced from a given XML content.
Provides access to the properties of a resource in the OpenCms VFS .
Tells for which resource properties should be looked up (with or without searching), depending on the CmsJspTagProperty.FileUse.
Used to access resource information from the current open <cms:resourceload> tag using JSP page context and the JSP EL.
Implementation of the <cms:resourceload/> tag, used to access and display resource information from the VFS.
This tag allows using the OpenCms native image scaling mechanism within JSP.
This tag is used to easily create a search form for a Solr search within a JSP.
This tag is used to enable parameter escaping for a single Flex Request.
Set bundle tag using OpenCms' bundle loader mechanism.
The 'simpledisplay' tag can be used to display a single resource using a formatter.
This tag is used to easily create a search form for a Solr search within a JSP.
Used to select various template elements form a JSP template that is included in another file.
Jsp tag to initialize an editing session for user generated content.
Provides access to the data of the currently logged in user.
Implementation of the <cms:usertracking/> tag.
Bean used by the dynamic function JSP for user data requests.
Utility class for providing Transformer implementations for various purposes.
Transformer that yields locale specific properties for a resource.
Transformer that reads a resource property, the input is used as String for the property name to read.
Provides utility methods that allow convenient access to the OpenCms VFS, indented to be used from a JSP with the JSTL or EL.
Provides access to XML content tag functions from scriptlet code.
Macro resolver used to temporarily replace localization message macros with random UUIDs and then replace the UUIDs with the original key after all other macro processing has happened.
Class for the dialog to kill sessions.
Workplace locale preference.
Helper class for creating a folder if it doesn'T already exist.
A lazy initialized map of properties.
App for legacy admin tools.
Holding configuration for legacy admin tools.
Configuration class containing the LetsEncrypt configuration settings OpenCms needed by OpenCms.
Enum which represents different modes that control which domains OpenCms puts into the certificate configuration.
Enum which represents the different types of events that LetsEncrypt updates should be triggered by.
Updates the certificate configuration for the LetsEncrypt container.
A single link entry in the link table.
A bean for representing a link, which can be external or internal.
Provides a widget that allows access to the available OpenCms external link galleries, for use on a widget dialog.
Immutable bean representing most of the information in a CmsLink.
App to check relations of resources in folder to other folder.
Configuration for Check relation to resources outside of folder - app.
Workplace action for the 'Link locale variant' dialog.
Does the link replacement for the ≶link> tags.
Implements the HTML parser node visitor pattern to exchange all links on the page.
A class used to rewrite links and relations in one subtree such that relations from that subtree to another given subtree replaced with relations to the first subtree.
Maintains a table of links for an element of a CmsXmlPage.
Comparator used to deterministically order the link table.
An utility class for updating the link xml node.
Class for the Link validation app.
Configuration for Link Validation app.
Class for the external link validation.
Class for the Link validation app.
Configuration for Link Validation app.
Class for the folder for the link validation tools.
Result table for broken internal relations.
Special handler for list configurations that rewrites the TypesToCollect field using formatter keys if possible, rather than IDs.
Data needed by the dialog for creating new list elements.
Represents a single option (type) that can be selected in the list element creation dialog.
A bean holding all info to be displayed in org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsListItemWidgets.
Lock icons.
Enum for the type of page icon which should be displayed.
Manager for list configuration files.
The list manager app configuration.
A list based resource bundle that with increased visibility of some key methods.
Signals exceptions occuring during the resource loading process.
Simple comparator implementation for locales, that compares the String value of the locales.
View used to compare sitemaps across locales.
Data used for the property editor in the sitemap editor's locale comparison view.
Represents a group of resources which are locale variants of each other.
Helper class for manipulating locale groups.
Enum representing whether two resources can be linked together in a locale group.
Bean representing a link to a different locale variant.
Dialog used to select a resource which should be linked to a locale group.
Manages the locales configured for this OpenCms installation.
Link substitution handler required to render single tree localized sites.
Provides a standard HTML form input widget for overwriting localized values of a resource bundle, for use on a widget dialog.
Provides a display only widget, for use on a widget dialog.
A value of the google map widget.
Enumeration class for defining the map mode.
Enumeration class for defining the map types.
Represents the lock state of a VFS resource.
Action to lock a folder if it isn't already locked, with a dialog asking to confirm your choice if the folder contains resources locked by other users.
Bean class which keeps track of a locking action performed on a resource.
A type for the different locking actions.
Action for showing locked resources by opening the GWT lock report.
Widget used to display a list of locked resources.<p<
Signals that a particular action was invoked on resource with an insufficient lock state.
A filter to retrieve the locks.
Scheduled job for locking user accounts which have not been logged into for longer than the configured time.
A bean for storing information about whether a resource could be locked or not, and if not, why.
An enum indicating the success or type of failure of a locking operation.
The CmsLockManager is used by the Cms application to detect the lock state of a resource.
A bean holding the lock report info.
Indicates the different possible lock types.
Locking utility class.
Helper to handle the lock reports together with the files.
Provides the OpenCms logging mechanism.
Utilities for dealing with log4j loggers.
Class for table to display and edit Log channels.
Class for the Download dialog.
Helper class for generating the zip file for the log download.
Wrapper class for a DB log entry.
Wrapper class for the different types of log entries.
Main class of Log management app.
Configuration class for Log management app.
Provides log files which should be available as options in the OpenCms log file viewer.
Class for the view of log files.
Class for the log file view settings dialog.
A filter to retrieve log entries.
Ensures that among a set of check boxes, at most one of them is checked, without imposing constraints on the location of the checkboxes in the UI.
Listener interface.
Controller class which actually handles the login dialog logic.
Represents the login target information.
The login context.
Helper subclass of CmsLoginUserAgreement which can be used without a page context.
Login form.
Utility to login users to the OpenCms workplace.
Holds the current login parameters.
Provides functions used to check the validity of a user login.
A message to display when a user logs in to the system.
Widget used to allow the user to search and select an organizational unit.
Password field for the login dialog.
Server side component used to open the login target for a logged in user.
The UI class for the Vaadin-based login dialog.
Parameters which are initialized during the initial page load of the login dialog.
Provides methods to show a configurable user agreement dialog after a successful workplace login.
Widget for the user name field of the login dialog.
Action to logout.
Implementation where resources get removed from all publish lists when they are published.
Implementation where resources get removed from the current user's publish list when they are published.
Report class used for the logfile.
Handles client side logging.
Implements an LRU (last recently used) cache.
A Lucene search document implementation.
An individual field configuration in a Lucene search index.
Describes a configuration of fields that are used in building a search index.
Delegates indexing to a standard Lucene IndexWriter.
Formatter configuration for macro formatters.
Loader for macro formatter.
Resolver for macro formatters.
Resolves macros in the form of %(key) or ${key} in an input String.
Class for a dialog to show macros of a sitemap folder and allow the user to edit them.
Adopted version of the default CmsSearchFieldMapping that resolves macros via the CmsGalleryNameMacroResolver in the mapped value before returning it.
Field mapping to resolve macros as for gallery names.
Contains the configuration of an individual mail host.
Contains the settings for the OpenCms mail service.
Sends an email using a Thread, so that the application can continue without waiting for the mail to be send.
Contains utility methods for dealing with emails.
Special collection class which allows lookup from keys to values and from values to sets of keys.
A class which represents the context for resolving all content value mappings of an XML content.
The attribute type.
Allows the use of max height in combination with vaadin layout components.
Callback interfaces for height change notifications.
The max height shared state.
Monitors OpenCms memory consumption.
Cache types.
Memory Monitor configuration class.
A singleton memory cache, that stores objects related with keys.
Data structure for dealing with memory status information.
A class which contains constants for menu command parameters.
The visibility modes of a context menu item in the explorer view.
Decorator for menu item visibility classes which always returns INVISIBLE if more than one resource is passed, but otherwise delegates the decision to its wrapped instance.
Controller for the VAADIN UI of the Message Bundle Editor.
The class contains the logic behind the message translation editor.
Comparator that compares strings case insensitive.
Wrapper for the configurable messages for the column headers of the message bundle editor.
Extension of Properties to allow saving with keys alphabetically ordered and without time stamp as first comment.
View of the message bundle editor options, i.e., language/mode switcher, file name display and "Add key" option.
Types and helper classes used by the message bundle editor.
Types of bundles editable by the Editor.
Helper for accessing Bundle descriptor XML contents.
The propertyIds of the table columns.
Contains a localized message key, it's arguments and a I_CmsMessageBundle.
Used to signal issues with the localization support, for example during localized messages access.
Reads localized resource Strings from a java.util.ResourceBundle and provides convenience methods to access the Strings from a template.
Exports the register client messages into a single JavaScript resource.
A lookup table used to find out which VFS based message bundles (XML/property bundles) contain a given key.
Configuration bean for meta mappings.
Describes a MIME type configured in OpenCms.
Handles all model group specific tasks.
Wraps the model page and model group info into one object.
This class contains the model page configuration for a sitemap region.
This class contains the model page configuration for a sitemap region, without the actual resource.
Bean representing a model page, for use in the model page mode of the sitemap editor.
Helper class for model page operations in the sitemap editor.
Bean holding model resource information to be displayed in the model select dialog.
Describes an OpenCms module.
The available module export modes.
Main module manager app class.
Additional app attributes for the module manager.
Contains the icon constants for the module manager.
Contains the different navigation states for the module maanger.
App configuration for the module maanger app.
Modules configuration class.
Deletes a module.
Describes an OpenCms module dependency.
Widget used to edit a module dependency.
The module export dialog.
Module data read from a module zip file.
Import/export handler implementation for Cms modules.
Class which manages import/export of modules from repositories configured in opencms-importexport.xml.
Holds exported module data and a modification date.
A bean representing a module zip file to be imported.
The form for importing modules via HTTP.
Report thread for importing a module.
Widget to display the list of resource / explorer types defined in a module.
This class is responsible for reading and writing module import/export log messages, to be used by CmsResourceWrapperModules.
Action type.
Manages the modules of an OpenCms installation.
Replaces a module.
A widget for selecting a module resource.
Represents a row of the modules overview table.
Overview list for module information.
Class used for updating modules.
A version number for an OpenCms module.
Adds the XML handler rules for import and export of a single module.
Enum used to distinguish whether we want to generate the XML for a module export's manifest or the XML for writing back opencms-modules.xml.
The copy move dialog action.
Class for a dialog to move resource types to modules.
Dialog to change OU of given user.
A multi exception is a container for several exception messages that may be caused by an internal operation.
Provides access to the localized messages for several resource bundles simultaneously.
Interface to provide fallback keys to be used when the message for a key is not found.
This class is used to send multi-part internet email like messages with attachments.
Report proxy that multiplexes to all contained I_CmsReport instances.
Provides a widget for group selection multi select boxes.
Provides a widget for a standard HTML form multi select list or a group of check boxes.
A mutable bean representing a container for use in programmaticall editing container pages.
Mutable bean representing a container page, for use in programmatically editing container pages.
Virtual project for the "My changes" mode in the publish dialog.
Filter used to hide folder tree items which are not either navigation items themselves or are required to navigate from the site root to a navigation item.
Dialog for creating new resources.
Dialog to create new element.
An exception which indicates that the user tried to trigger a workflow action for a set of resources for which some parent folder is not included in the set, but has the resource state 'new'.
Password field with the autocomplete=new-password attribute, to persuade the browser to not auto-fill it.
Helper class for creating a new resource using the New dialog.
Interface for callbacks which should be notified when this helper has created a resource.
A bean representing a resource type for use in the detail page creation menu.
Dialog to edit or create resourcetypes.
XPath elements.
Basic implementation of the interface I_CmsNewsletter.
Content for newsletters.
Type definition class for email content types.
A content distributor that sends the extracted xmlcontent data to the recepient via email.
A TagNode with an arbitrary name which is misused for avoiding the creation of the corresponding end tag in case the HTML to parse is not balanced.
The basic class for the content notification feature in OpenCms.
Objects of this class are serialized in the additional infos of a user to store, which resources were already confirmed by the user.
MacroResolver for Notifications.
Wrapper around ConcurrentHashMap which allows null values.
Converts null values to an empty string for the input widgets.
Name generator which appends a numeric suffix to a given base string.
This pivotal class provides all authorized access to the OpenCms VFS resources.
Provides a Map which provides access to function wrapped objects.
Helper class to ease implementation of CMIS service methods which support paging.
This class contains a subset of the methods of CmsObject and uses the configured resource wrappers (I_CmsResourceWrapper) to change the view to the existing resources in the VFS.
This tool handler disables the tool if in online project.
Shortcut handler triggered on 'Enter' and 'Esc' to trigger OK and Cancel actions.
Concrete OnDemandExportHandler.
Concrete OnDemandExportHandler.
This tool handler hides the tool to non admin users.
Provides methods to open gwt-based gallery dialog.
Provides methods for open gallery dialog.
Option dialog.
Dialog handler to handle the selected option.
An organizational unit in OpenCms.
This manager provide access to the organizational unit related operations.
Provides a OpenCms orgaizational unit selection widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Class for the ou edit and new dialog.
Ou Handler.
Class to show ous in table for account management.
Class for the OU Tree.
Type of element.
The page editor app configuration.
Favorite dialog context for the case where the dialog is opened from the page editor, in an iframe.
Set of buttons allowing the user to navigate between pages in a paged list.
Callback which is called when the user changes the page.
Wrapper for CmsSelectQuery objects which adds SQL code for results paging.
Generic pair class.
Replacement for the Panel class which works around a problem where the scroll position of the panel is sometimes reset after an RPC call.
Provides convenient access to configuration parameters.
Used to read parameter lines from a property file.
This class divides property value into tokens separated by ",".
This class is responsible for automatically escaping parameters in Flex requests.
Class for accessing global 'weighted' configuration parameters defined in parameter files in the VFS.
An individual weighted parameter value, with a 'source' attribute for better debuggability.
Notification used to send password change link to user.
Signals that an attempt to encrypt a password was not successful.
Widget state for the special password field used by the login dialog.
The change password form.
Validating bean for changing the password.
Provides a standard HTML form password widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Simple data holder class which stores a path in a normalized form.
A helper class used for calculating which paths need to be included or excluded from the XML sitemap generation.
Data structure which stores contents indexed by path.
File path select field.
Tree used to represent file system like data structures.
A bean which represents a value together with a path which indicates from where the value has been read.
Cache class for storing generated PDFs in the RFS.
This class uses the flying-saucer library to convert an XHTML document to a PDF document.
Utility class for PDF formatting.
This class is responsbile for creating and parsing links to generated PDFs.
Exception which is thrown when parsing a link as a PDF link fails.<p<
This resource handler handles URLs of the form /pdflink/{locale}/{formatter-id}/{detailname} and format the content identified by detailname using the JSP identified by formatter-id to generate XHTML which is then converted to PDF and returned directly by this handler.
Cache for PDF thumbnails.
Class for generating thumbnails from PDF documents using the PDFBox library.
Class to generate or parse a link to a PDF thumbnail.
Exception which is thrown when parsing a thumbnail link fails.
This class is responsible for loading external resources while generating PDF from XHTML.
Resource init handler that loads a resource given its permalink.
Bean for permissions which have changed.
The permission dialog.
The permission dialog action.
The permission info bean.
An immutable permission set that contains both allowed and denied permissions as bitsets.
A custom permission set that can be modified during runtime and contains both allowed and denied permissions as bitsets.
Displays the permission settings for a single principal.
Permission change handler.
Table for the ACE Entries.
A permission violation occurs if a user without tries to access or maipulate a VFS resource without the required permissions.
Original detail page handler implementing the detail page logic from OpenCms versions up to 11.0.
Authorization handler which uses a special cookie sent by the user's browser for authorization.
Creates and validates persisten login tokens for users.
Bean representing the data encoded in a login token (user name and key).
Search configuration parser reading a configuration containing a plain Solr query.
A point in 2D space.
Loader for "pointers" to resources in the VFS or to external resources.
Allows the use of max height in combination with vaadin layout components.
Action element class used by the upload hook JSP from the org.opencms.ade.postupload module.
Runtime data bean for prefetching.
A bean representing the state of a single resource to be edited in the upload property dialog.
The service implementation for the org.opencms.ade.postupload module.
Handles the actions that should be performed before opening the editor frameset.
Pre editor action for XML content resource types, checks if model files are available for the XML content to create in direct edit mode and shows the selection before opening the editor.
Bean representing the configurable attributes for a preference.
The user preferences dialog action.
A GWT serialization policy for pre-fetching.
Action class for filling in container page content from a 'prefill template' configured via the sitemap configuration.
Implements the file filter used to guess the right suffix of a deleted jsp file.
A prepared statement parameter of type 'int'.
A prepared statement of type 'long'.
A prepared statement parameter of type 'string'.
Response bean class for the 'prepareEdit' RPC method.
Action to preview resources.
Info needed to preview a resource.
Handles all RPC services related to the gallery preview dialog.
Common methods shared among user and group principals, also contains several utility functions to deal with principal instances.
A bean that holds the informations of a principal to show the availability dialog.
The principal select widget.
Handles the principal selection.
Type of principal.
The widget types.
Class for the dialog to show the principal table.
The principal select extension.
Table to selecet principals used in the CmsPrincipalSelect vaadin element.
Provides an OpenCms Principal selection widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Stream report where the output is streamed to the given print stream instance.
Comparator for sorting resource objects based on priority and date.
A collector to fetch sorted XML contents in a folder or subtree based on their priority and date or title values.
Comparator for sorting resource objects based on priority and title.
Invocation handler used to measure method calls durations.
Describes an OpenCms project, which contains a set of VFS resources that are being worked on at the same time.
Enumeration class for project types.
A project bean.
Deletes a project.
The set project dialog action.
AS400 implementation of the project driver methods.
DB2 implementation of the project driver methods.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the project driver methods.
HSQLDB implementation of the project driver methods.
MS SQL implementation of the project driver methods.
MySQL implementation of the project driver methods.
Oracle/OCI implementation of the project driver methods.
PostgreSql implementation of the project driver methods.
The project history table.
The project manager app.
The project manager app configuration.
The project overview app configuration.
Preference subclass for selecting the start project.
The project select dialog.
The projects table.
Action element class for opening the ADE properties dialog.
A bean containing the information needed to edit the properties of a resource.
The properties dialog action.
Represents a property (meta-information) mapped to a VFS resource.
Transforms a given properties map, to a map where the returned values for a property are dependent on the locale.
A bean representing a set of property changes.
Represents a row in an attribute comparison table.
This class represents the property configuration for a sitemap region.
Defines a property name, so that CmsProperty instances can be created with that name.
Enumeration class for property types.
Dialog to delete property definitions.
Extension used for the GWT-based property dialog called from the workplace.
Displays differences between the sets of properties of two versions of a resource.
Helper class responsible for loading / saving properties when using the property dialog.
A class which represents a property modification.
A property based resource bundle with increased visibility of some key methods.
Comparator for sorting resource objects based on a selected property value.
Class for the table containing all property definitions in the system.
Table columns.
Resource init handler that provides an alternative way of serving static files like images or binary files, using the API authorization mechanism instead of the normal authorization handler.
ADE publishing features.
A bean that contains both publish options and a map of projects.
Represents the state of a published resource *before* it got published.
Add new resource states under consideration of the move operation.
This class is responsible for the publish process.
Class defining the publish engine states.
Default implementation for the I_CmsPublishEventListener.
Used to signal publish issues.
A publish group.
A class which represents a list of publish groups to display to the user for selection.
List of already finished publish jobs.
Filter object that describes what to clean up in a publish history cleanup operation.
Mode of operation for publish history cleanup.
Scheduled job for time based publishing.
Defines a read-only publish job.
Defines a read-only publish job that is still waiting for publishing.
Defines a read-only publish job that has been already published.
Publish job information bean.
Defines a read-only publish job that is being published.
A container for all new/changed/deteled Cms resources that are published together.
Publish job information bean.
Helper functions used to collect information for the publish dialog.
Keeps track of publish list changes for a single resource.
A bean which can be used to reconstruct a publish list.
Performs some additional checks on publish lists to prevent inconsistent VFS states.
This manager provide access to the publish engine runtime information.
Enum for the different publish list remove modes.
Class to send a notification to an OpenCms user with a summary of warnings and errors occurred while publishing the project.
Bean encapsulating all ADE publish options.
This queue contains all not jet started publish jobs.
Class for the Publish queue app.
Configuration class for the publish queue app.
The publish queue dialog action.
Helper class for finding all related resources for a set of resources to be published, for use with the new ADE publish dialog.
A map from resources to sets of resources, which automtically instantiates an empty set when accessing a key that doesn't exist via get().
Report class used for the publish operations.
Vertical Layout showing a publish report of a publish job.
A publish resource.
A publish resource additional information bean.
Reason value constants, when resources can not be published.
Class for the published resources dialog.
The publish schedule dialog.
The delete dialog action.
Scheduled job for time based publishing.
The implementation of the publish service.
Class for Vaadin Table showing history queue elements.
Bean representing an entry in the quick launch menu.
App to edit the quick launch menu.
Editor for the user quick launch configuration.
The quick launch editor app.
Stores the last opened locations for file explorer, page editor and sitemap editor.
Parameters used by the quick launch provider.
Provides the data for the buttons in the quick launch menu.
Provides a widget for a standard HTML form for a group of radio buttons.
Wrapper to use real OpenCms projects through the I_CmsVirtualProject interface.
Loader for HTML redirects.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
Action to reindex resources.
A relation between two opencms resources.
Util class to find broken links in a bundle of resources to be deleted.
A filter to retrieve the relations for a given resource.
Util class to find broken links in a bundle of resources to be published.
A report thread for the relations validator.
Validates relations of resources in the OpenCms VFS.
Helper bean used to collect a list of resources (usually relation targets) and keep track of whether any of them have the "changed" state.
Wrapper class for the different types of relations.
Enum representing how relations should be handled while copying resources.
Relation validator entry information bean.
RMI object which wraps a CmsShell and can be used for shell command execution.
Client application used to connect locally to the CmsShell server.
RMI shell server configuration.
Constants used by both the shell server and the client application.
Remote object responsible for creating new remote shell instances.
This class is used to initialize the RMI mechanism and export the object used to access the remote shell.
CmsRemovableFormRow<T extends com.vaadin.ui.Component>
Removable form row.
A bean used to store information about a container page element which was just removed.
Widget used to select a formatter to remove.
Message key fallback handler used to enable reuse of localization keys for editor labels.
A scheduled job which removes entries older than a given amount of time from the CMS_LOG table, to improve database performance.
Thread which removes property from ressources and deletes property definition.
Remove the publish locks.
Action to rename resources.
Bean class containing the information needed for the Rename dialog.
The delete dialog action.
File replace dialog info.
Message key fallback handler which replaces a given set of prefixes with alternative prefixes.
Status after updating a module.
Simple dialog for displaying a report.
Enum representing report entry types.
Report overlay, shows the wait spinner first and the report window later in case off longer running threads.
Represents a single report entry.
A widget used to display an OpenCms report.
Report widget state.
Wrapper for writing reports.
Creates a repository session to access OpenCms.
JLAN access control which just asks the CmsJlanRepository if a user can connect to it.
This class is a filter for the repositories.
The default upload folder handler.
Represents a single entry in the repository.
The class represents a lock to a I_CmsRepositoryItem.
The RepositoryManager keeps a list with all configured I_CmsRepository and can be used to get a repository by its name.
This is the session class to work with the CmsRepository.
Stores the information about the current users OpenCms context, for example the requested URI, the current project, the selected site and more.
Provides utility functions for dealing with values a HttpServletRequest.
Base class for all OpenCms VFS resources like CmsFile or CmsFolder.
Enumeration class for resource copy modes.
Enumeration class for resource delete modes.
Enumeration class for resource undo changes modes.
This class allows the developer to build a CmsResource object by filling out individual fields one after the other.
Resource bundle loader for property based resource bundles from OpenCms that has a flushable cache.
Category information for a specific resource.
Comparison of two OpenCms resources.
Context menu builder for resource items.
Helper class for formatting resource data as JSON.
A resource type wrapper for jsp files, which adds the correct file extension "jsp" to the resources.
A resource type wrapper for xml content files, which adds the correct file extension "xml" to the resources.
A resource type wrapper for xml pages, which adds the correct file extension "xml" to the resources.
Provides filters for resource result sets obtained from requests to the OpenCms VFS.
Displays the resource icon and state and lock info.
Enum used to control icon display style.
Import data for a single resource.
Class representing a resource info box.
Action for showing locked resources by opening the GWT lock report.
This bean contains the preview content for the selected item.
Table to show resources with CmsResourceInfo elements.
This exeption is thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.main.I_CmsResourceInit.
Dialog to show list of resources.
List info bean with an additional structure id field.
Collects all available resource loaders, resource types and resource collectors at startup and provides methods to access them during OpenCms runtime.
Bean containing a template resource and the name of the template.
Dialog with a site selector and file tree which can be used to select resources.
Class for site select options.
Contents of the resource select dialog, filled using the declarative layout mechanism.
Enumeration class for the different resource states.
Information used to display the resource info dialog.
Constants for the resource info dialog.
Bean class which represents a resource which is related to another resource.
Enum used for identifying tabs in the resource info dialog.
Generic table for displaying lists of resources.
Contains the data for the given column, along with some flags to control visibility/collapsed status.
Default description generator for table entries.
Provides item property values for additional table columns.
Extending the indexed container to make the number of un-filtered items available.
Class whose instances contain the static data needed for a table column.
Converter for dates represented by their time stamp.
Provides a resource name / path translation facility.
The data container for the sitmeap folder selection tree.
Tree subclass used to display VFS resource trees.
Extends the default sorting to differentiate between files and folder when sorting by name.
App to manage the resource types.
Configuration for the resource type app.
Bean representing resource type information.
Enum for data source from which resource type bean was constructed.
Enum representing the visibility of a resource type in the bean.
Resource type descriptor for the type "binary".
The configuration for a single resource type.
Enum used to distinguish the type of menu in which a configured resource type can be displayed.
Represents the visibility status of a resource type in the 'Add' menu of the container page editor.
Resource type descriptor for the type "folder".
Resource type descriptor for extended folder types (like for example the workplace galleries).
Resource type descriptor for sub site map folder types.
Resource type class for the second version of dynamic functions.
The HTML redirect resource type.
Resource type descriptor for the type "image".
A data container for image size and scale operations.
Wrapper for resource type information for use in JSPs.
Resource type descriptor for the type "jsp".
Special resource type for locale independent XML contents.
The macro formatter resource type.
Resource type descriptor for the type "plain".
Resource type descriptor for the type "pointer".
The SEO file resource type.
Table for resource types on the system.
Class for the result of a database statistic set.
Class for the database-statistic result list.
Class for the database statistic view.
Content type class for subsitemap content folders.
Resource type descriptor used in case the given resource type class in the XML configuration could not be instantiated.
Resource type descriptor for unknown file types.
Resource type descriptor for unknown folder types.
Custom resource type for ADE configurations.
Resource type descriptor for the type "containerpage".
Resource type descriptor for the type "xmlcontent".
Resource type descriptor for the type "xmlpage".
Provides CmsResource utility functions.
Enumeration class for defining the resource project state.
Resource wrapper used to import/export modules by copying them to/from virtual folders.
Resource wrapper used to import/export modules by copying them to/from virtual folders.
Resource wrapper class which is used to prevent resources with a certain name from being created.
Resource wrapper class which is used to prevent resources with names matching a given regex from being created.
Adds a folder in every existing folder with the name "__properties" which contains property files for every resource in the existing folder.
Resource wrapper which intercepts createResource calls and substitutes them with replaceResource if there is already a deleted file at the same path.
Adds the system folder to every root folder of target sites.
Helper class with several methods used by different implementations of the interface I_CmsResourceWrapper.
A resource type wrapper for xml page files, which explodes the xml pages to folders.
The availability dialog action.
Dialog for restoring deleted resources in a folder.
The bean with the necessary information for the "Restore" dialog.
A single restriction rule, telling for which field and type what kind of restriction should be enforced.
Match type of the restriction, i.e., how the values should be treated.
Parser for restriction rules.
Wraps the preconfigured restrictions.
The values in one input field.
The type describes how values in that input field should be handled.
Displays search result facets.
Result filter component.
A specific bean holding all info to be displayed in org.opencms.ade.galleries.client.ui.CmsResultListItems.
Table to display the list manager search results.
This class represents the result of a "return link" lookup, which is what happens if the user clicks the "go to last page" button in the sitemap editor.
The moved status.
Information about how an element is reused, to be displayed in a reuse warning dialog before editing.
This class represents an alias which does not just map a fixed path to a fixed resource, but instead uses a regular expression substitution to determine the target path.
Filter class used for selecting rewrite aliases from the database.
Helper class used for matching rewrite aliases to incoming request URIs.
The result of a match operation.
A class containing the data for a row of the rewrite alias table.
This class represents the result of a validation of rewrite aliases.
This method represents a query to validate a set of rewrite aliases on the server.
Used to signal issues with the real local file system (RFS), for example during file access.
The representation of a RFS file along with the settings to provide access to certain portions (amount of lines) of it.
Helper class for using rich text area in OpenCms.
Helper class for using rich text area in OpenCms.
A role is used in the OpenCms security system to check if a user has access to a certain system function.
Wrapper around CmsRole objects so they can be used as principals.
This manager provide access to the role related operations.
Table for the roles.
A role violation occurs if a user without permissions tries to access a protected OpenCms system feature that can only be accessed by users in certain roles.
GWT RPC Exception.
A replacement for RuntimeException to obtain fully localized exception messages for OpenCms.
Stores the editor save result information.
Describes a scheduled job for the OpenCms scheduler.
App configuration for the job scheduler.
Manages the OpenCms scheduled jobs.
Scheduled jobs configuration class.
Describes errors that occur in the context of the OpenCms scheduler.
A worker thread for the OpenCms scheduler.
Simple thread pool used for the Quartz scheduler in OpenCms.
Wrapper class for formatter beans which delegates all methods to the wrapped formatter bean except those for which we need to ask the content handler for additional data like element settings or head includes.
Bean for accessing XML content schema information from JSPs.
Extension to add a CSS class to any component depending on it's scroll position.
The scroll position CSS shared state.
Helper class to access the search facility within a jsp.
An analyzer class is used by Lucene to reduce the content to be indexed with trimmed endings etc.
Collects category information during a search process.
Lucene search configuration class.
The main search configuration.
Search configuration for common parameters as the query parameter etc.
Class keeping the configuration of the "Did you mean ...?" feature of the search form.
Configuration that is common for all facets.
Search configuration special for field facets.
Configuration for the query facet.
Representation of one query facet item.
Search configuration special for field facets.
Search configuration for the Geo filter.
Search configuration for highlighting options.
Search configuration for pagination.
Configuration for sorting in general.
Configuration for a single sort option.
The main controller that allows to access all single sub-controllers.
Search controller for the common search options.
Controller for the "Did you mean ...?" feature.
Search controller for the field facet options.
Search controller for the query facet options.
Search controller for the field facet options.
Search controller as aggregation of all single field facet controllers.
Search controller as aggregation of all single field facet controllers.
Search controller for the Geo filter.
Controller for highlighting options.
Controller for the pagination.
Controller for sorting options.
A document type specifies which document factory class is used to pull the content of an OpenCms document into a Lucene index document.
Signals an error during a search operation.
A abstract implementation for a search field.
Abstract implementation for OpenCms search field configurations.
Describes a field configuration using the old (pre 8.0) logic for categories that depend on properties.
Describes a mapping of a piece of content from an OpenCms VFS resource to a field of a search index.
Describes a possible mapping type for a piece of content used in building a search index.
Abstract search index implementation.
Class for the search index app.
Configuration class for the searchindex app.
A schedulable OpenCms job that optimizes the Lucene based search indexes at runtime.
Class for the GUI to rebuild indexes.
A search index source is a description of a list of Cms resources to be indexed.
Class for the vaadin table to show the indexes.
A collection of resources for the incremental update of a search index.
Implements the general management and configuration of the search and indexing facilities in OpenCms.
Enumeration class for force unlock types.
Describes a specific search field query.
Settings bean for the dialog.
Searches in sources.
A resource implementation that combines the Solr document together with a OpenCms VFS resource.
JSP EL friendly wrapper class for a single search result (document).
Contains the data of a single item in a search result.
A search result object returned as result of a search in CmsSearchIndex.
Wrapper for the whole search result.
Reduces the importance of the CmsSearchSimilarity.computeNorm(FieldInvertState) factor for the CmsSearchField.FIELD_CONTENT field, while keeping the Lucene default for all other fields.
Class for handling the state of the common search options.
Class for handling the state of the "Did you mean?" search options.
Class for keeping the state common for all facet types.
Class keeping the state of the Geo filter.
Class for keeping the state for the pagination.
State parameter wrapper that allows to manipulate the request parameters representing the state of the current search.
Class for keeping the state of the sorting options.
Provides common functions regarding searching.
Dialog used to ask the user for a verification code generated from his second factor, using an authenticator app.
Second factor information for login.
Dialog used to set up two-factor authentication for a user.
Exception for errors that happen when setting up the second factor.
The data needed to set up two-factor authentication for a user.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
The secure export dialog action.
Used to signal security related issues, for example example during file access and login.
The OpenCms security manager.
Select box widget that can transform into a combo box by clicking an edit icon.
Action to logout.
Provides a widget for group selection select boxes.
Provides a widget for a standard HTML form select box with.
A class for generating SQL SELECT statements.
Class for the resource type select dialog.
Provides a widget for a standard HTML form select box.
An option of a select type widget.
Class for the dialiog to send broadcasts.
Class to send email to user in case of password reset or creating new user.
Action to open the SEO dialog.
The SEO file loader.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a daily base.
Wrapper for the value stored by the CmsSerialDateWidget that provides easy access.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified as individual dates.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a monthly base.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a monthly base.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles single events.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a weekly base.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a daily base.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a yearly base.
Implementation of @{link org.opencms.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateBean} that handles series' specified on a yearly base.
Implementation of the serial date RPC service.
Utility methods for the serial date widget.
Server-side implementation of I_CmsSerialDateValue.
Provides a serial date widget, for use on a widget dialog.
The form for importing a module from the application server.
Stores specific servlet container options, that might influence OpenCms behavior.
Enumeration class for the configuration mode.
Stores information about a user that has authenticated himself the OpenCms security system.
Keeps track of the sessions running on the OpenCms server and provides a session info storage which is used to get an overview about currently authenticated OpenCms users, as well as sending broadcasts between users.
Class for the broadcast app.
Class for the table to show all current sessions.
Rule implementation that invokes a method on the (top-1) (parent) object, passing as implicit first argument of type CmsObject and as a further argument the top stack instance.
Dialog used to change the password.
Contains the setting-related data for a formatter bean.
Wrapper used to access element setting definition information in JSP code.
Helper class for transforming a map of element settings based on the aliases/replacement rules in the setting definitions for a given formatter.
A pair consisting of the include name of a setting definition and the formatter key (possibly null) for which the setting should be used, for use as a map key in a map of setting definitions.
A command line interface to access OpenCms functions which is used for the initial setup and also can be used for scripting access to the OpenCms repository without the Workplace.
Shell script app.
Configuration for Shell scritp app.
Wrapper exception used to notify the shell that an error has occurred during execution of a shell command.
An object containing the output of a remote shell command and also the updated values for some of the internal state fields of the client application.
Report for shell which writes to LOG.
Report class used for the shell.
Layout for shell script settings and input dialog.
Dialog to show shell script output.
Thread for run shell script
Action to logout.
Dialog for reports.
Dialog to show resources with permissions for principle.
Type of Dialog.
Table with resources for which a given principal has permissions.
Provides buttons for showing the two versions being compared.
Exception to be used in wrappers for exceptions that you don't want to be logged as errors.
Creates the output for editing a resource (text or JSP files).
This class is used to send simple text internet email messages without attachments.
Creates the output for editing a CmsDefaultPage with the simple textarea editor.
A simple query fragment which takes its SQL string and query parameters as constructor arguments.
Search configuration parser using a list configuration file as the base configuration with additional JSON.
Sort options that are available by default.
Publish group helper which only puts all publish resources into a single group.
Profiling thread used for the startup process.
Node for the summary tree generated from the thread dumps.
Advanced locale handler allowing single tree localization.
Describes a configured site in OpenCms.
The site localization modes.
Class which converts the OpenCms site configuration to a certificate configuration for the LetsEncrypt docker instance.
Represents a grouping of domains into certificates.
Represents the domain information for a single site.
The switch site dialog action.
Manager class for the Site manager app.
Configuration class for the site management app.
Manages all configured sites in OpenCms.
Sitemap action used to generate the sitemap editor.
Action to open the alias dialog.
The data needed by the sitemap attribute editor dialog in the sitemap editor.
Action to open the alias dialog.
Contains a set of attribute definitions for the sitemap attribute editor.
Performs attribute changes in a sitemap configuration file CmsXmlContent instance.
The category data for the current sitemap.
Bean containing sitemap entry change information.
The change types.
Sitemap clipboard data bean.
Sitemap initialization data bean for prefetching.
The sitemap editor modes.
Action to refresh the sitemap.
The sitemap editor app configuration.
A sitemap entry bean.
Extension used for the Vaadin dialogs in the sitemap editor.
Sitemap info object.
This class represents the result of a 'merge sub-sitemap' operation.
Helper class for recalculating navigation positions when a user has changed the order of navigation entries in the sitemap editor.
Action to open the parent sitemap.
Action to refresh the sitemap.
Sitemap session cache.
Manages the sitemap tree in the 'locale comparison' view in the sitemap editor.
Loads node data for the sitemap tree.
Widget displaying a sitemap tree node, with an openable area for its children.
Represents the data of a sitemap tree node.
Button used for opening / closing tree levels.
UI class for Vaadin dialogs in the sitemap editor.
A matcher object to compare request data against the configured sites.
Represents the different redirect modes for a site alias.
Immutable collection of template plugins, normally read from a file of type site-plugin.
Preference for the start site.
Class to read and write the OpenCms site configuration.
The dialog for selecting a site when exporting / deleting a module without a module site.
The site select dialog.
Site selector component providing a select box with all sites available.
Helper class used when new options are automatically added to a site selector combo box.
Bean class which represents an option for the site selector in the gallery dialog.
Enum for indicating the site type.
Helper class for building the options for the site selector in the gallery dialog.
Class to create Vaadin Table object with all available sites.
Table properties.
Executes a script file.
A Solr collector.
The Solr configuration class.
Implementation of an UpdateRequestProcessor that reads a field's (source) value, applies a regex replacement, adds a field (target) with the modified value.
An updated processor that applies a configured regex to any CharSequence values found in the source field, replaces any matches with the configured replacement string, and writes the resulting string to the target field.
A search document implementation for Solr indexes.
Lucene document factory class to extract index data from a resource of type CmsResourceTypeContainerPage.
Special document text extraction factory for Solr index.
An individual field for the Solr search index.
The search field implementation for Solr.
Implements the search within an Solr index.
Implements the index writer for the Solr server used by OpenCms.
This Solr post processor generates for each found document the corresponding link and adds this link into the resulting document as field.
A Solr search query.
Utilities for building and analyzing Solr queries.
Encapsulates a list of 'OpenCms resource documents' (CmsSearchResource).
CmsSolrSpellchecker is used to perform spellchecking in OpenCms by using Solr.
Class for the dialog to show source information of a given index.
The plain text editor.
Stores the editor settings.
The source search app.
The source search app configuration.
The source search form.
The available search types.
Helping class for manipulating the Solr spellchecker indices.
Class for generating an SQL boolean expression.
Class for the property definition app.
Configuration class for property app.
Manages the SQL console.
Widget for the SQL console.
Class for storing query results.
Displays results from an SQL query.
AS400 implementation of the SQL Manager.
Superclass for all SQL manager implementations.
DB2 implementation of the SQL Manager.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) implementation of the SQL manager.
HSQLDB implementation of the SQL Manager.
MS SQL implementation of the SQL manager.
MySQL implementation of the SQL manager.
Oracle implementation of the SQL manager.
PostgreSql implementation of the SQL manager.
Enumeration for different SSL Modes of sites.
Standard visibility check implementation.
Preference for the start folder.
Start gallery preference.
Preference for the start site.
A helper class used to accumulate SQL fragments together with the corresponding query parameters.
Provides a data structure for the result of an export request.
Describes errors that occur in the context of OpenCms scheduler.
Help class for storing of export-rules.
A schedulable OpenCms job to write a complete static export (e.g.
Provides the functionality to export resources from the OpenCms VFS to the file system.
Wrapper for static export requests, required for parameter based requests.
Response wrapper for static export requests, required to access the status code of the response.
Help class for storing of rfs-rules.
Does a full static export of all system resources in the current site.
Pre-fills the page by adding contents from a template page into a specific container of the page to fill.
Handles the requests for static resources located in the classpath.
Action "Steal lock".
Widget that can be used to view a running report that is not generated specifically by an OpenCms report thread, but from the text written to the stream provided by this widget.
Report class used to write the output of a report to a StringBuffer.
Renderer for string templates.
Provides String utility functions.
Compares two Strings according to the count of containing slashes.
Menu item which acts only as a container for nested menu items.
A collector that returns visited or subscribed resources depending on the current user and parameters.
AS/400 implementation of the subscription driver.
DB2 implementation of the subscription driver.
Generic implementation of the user tracking and subscription driver interface.
HSQLDB implementation of the subscription driver.
MSSQL implementation of the subscription driver.
MySQL implementation of the subscription driver.
Oracle implementation of the subscription driver.
PostgreSQL implementation of the subscription driver.
Provides filters for getting resources subscribed by a user or group in a specified time range.
Manager that provides methods to subscribe resources to users, read subscribed or unvisited resources and more.
The read modes to get subscribed resources of a user or group.
A data class which is used to transfer information about sub-sitemaps which have been created.
A class representing the value synchronization configuration from a schema (or set of schemas).
Contains all methods to synchronize the VFS with the "real" FS.
Helper class which keeps track of a set of updates to be performed in a different thread.
Thrown by a class which implements org.opencms.file.I_CmsSyncModifications.
Defines the CmsSynchronizeList object, used to store synchronisation data required to synchronize the VFS and the server FS.
Contains the settings for the synchronization.
Synchronizes a VFS folder with a folder form the "real" file system.
Synchronizes a VFS folder with a folder form the "real" file system.
System master configuration class.
Data for creating API authorization handlers.
Enum for the user session mode.
Provides access to system wide "read only" information about the running OpenCms instance.
Form tab information bean.
Contains utility methods for Vaadin tables.
Helper class for building diagnostics code that tracks potentially long running operations.
An alternative export point driver which replaces the RFS targets of some export points with locations in a temporary export folder.
A template context is basically a named path to a template JSP, which has both an internal name used as a key, and a user-readable, localizable name.
Client-compatible bean with information about the current template context.
Manager class for template context providers.
Template context selection action.
Utility class for getting information about available templates.
Facade object that provides access to the template loader for a resource.
Responsible for mapping formatters, containers and settings to different formatters, containers and settings according to the configuration file /system/config/template-mapping.xml.
Action for replacing formatters in pages according to a template mapper configuration.
Configuration for the template mapper.
Dialog for running the template mapper report thread.
Report thread for rewriting pages in a folder according to a given template mapper configuration.
Bean representing a template plugin.
Helper class for finding the list of active template plugins for the current page.
Wrapper around template plugin objects for use in JSP EL expressions.
Default highlighter implementation used for generation of search excerpts.
Provides a standard HTML form textarea widget, for use on a widget dialog.
CmsTextareaWidget that strips HTML Tags from the input before storing values.
Interprets two versions of a resource as text files, and shows a diff view for the two texts.
Widget used to display a colorized diff view for two texts.
Thread local stack.
Builds up a tree whose nodes correspond to stack trace lines of the threads calling this profiling handler.
The tree node.
The OpenCms "Grim Reaper" thread store were all system Threads are maintained.
A collector that allows to collect resources within a time range based upon a configurable property that contains a time stamp.
Preference for the timewarp widget.
Data for TinyMCE editor.
This class is used to help constructing the TinyMCE toolbar configuration, both for client-side and server-side code.
Helper class for dealing with authorization tokens for the 'forgot password' functionality.
Implementation of an administration tool.
The workplace toolbar.
A Direct Edit provider class which also offers some limited ADE functionality, like for example the Publish dialog.
Helper class that encapsulates all the code for the "new" style of the administration dialogs.
This is an admin tool group, it just generates the html code for the group structure.
The standard workplace tool layout.
Resolves special macros for the admin view.
Manages the registered tools, actualizing its state every time the workplace is reinitialize.
Admin tool handler for tool roots.
Store for some administration view parameters, for each user, used by the CmsToolManager.
An exception thrown to signal that the amount of publish resources exceeds the configured limit in the workflow manager.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
The touch dialog action.
Template context provider that can be used to migrate from one template to another.
Generic tree node which can contain an object of generic type T as data, and which has a mutable list of child nodes.
The tree open state of a gallery tree tab.
Represents the configuration for the two-factor authentication feature.
Implements two-factor authentication for OpenCms users via TOTP.
A policy that determines which users should use two-factor authentication.
The rule type.
Represents a single rule configured for a policy.
A context object used to keep user-related data around which may be needed by multiple rules, so we only need read it once (e.g.
CmsEntity attribute type data.
Analyzes content type and formatter usage in a site / folder.
Bean for formatter information.
Data for a single resource.
Represents all data collected by the CmsTypeAnalyzer class.
Data for a single content type.
A widget for selecting resource types which are direct editable.
A widget for selecting resource types which are direct editable.
Enum describing how type configurations should be ordered in the sitemap configuration.
Type selector component.
Form action element class for use in rendering user-generated content forms.
The configuration for 'user generated content' forms.
Parser for form configuration files.
Shared constants used by the client- and server-side components of the form editing module.
Enum representing the different types of errors.
The form content information bean.
Implementation of the I_CmsFormDataItem which delegates its methods to a FileItem from Apache Commons Upload.
The form editing service.
Exception class for use in the org.opencms.editors.usergenerated module.
A form editing session is required to create and edit contents from the web front-end.
Compares XPaths.
Factory to create the form editing sessions.
A queue used to enforce a certain wait time between requests for sessions for the same form configuration.
Helper class which implements some of the security checks for user generated content creation.
A helper class which processes and stores uploaded form data belonging to a single form edit session.
Servlet for workplace UI requests.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
The undelete dialog action.
Dialog used to change resource modification times.
The undo dialog action.
Dialog to confirm detaching a resource from a locale group.
Workplace action for the 'Link locale variant' dialog.
Action "Unlock resource".
A scheduled OpenCms job to unsubscribe deleted resources.
The unused content finder action.
Vaadin app to find unused contents.
Component that realizes a unused content finder.
Unused content finder configuration.
Scheduled job for updating the XML sitemap cache.
Upload action element, used to generate the upload dialog.
Extends the given component to be an upload drop area.
The upload button state.
Bean to be used in JSP scriptlet code that provides access to the upload functionality.
The upload button.
Upload listener interface.
This exception makes it possible to handle expected upload errors in another way than unexpected errors.
A bean that holds the upload file infos.
Provides the upload listener for the upload widget.
A bean that holds the upload progress infos.
A enum for the upload state.
Contains information about which folders should restrict uploads.
Helper class for building a new CmsUploadRestrictionInfo object.
Handles all RPC services related to the upload dialog.
The upload button state.
The upload types.
A class which is executed in a new thread, so its able to detect when an upload process is frozen and sets an exception in order to be canceled.
A table to temporarily store warnings that should be displayed for uploaded files.
Splits an URI String into separate components.
An URL name mapping entry.
Class for comparing URL name mapping entries by date.
A class which contains filter criteria for reading or deleting URL name mapping entries.
Validation class which both translates a sitemap URL name and checks whether it already exists in a '|'-separated list of URL names which is passed as a configuration parameter.
A user principal in the OpenCms permission system.
Only export dialog.
The user data app.
App configuration for the 'user data' app.
The GUI form for the user data app.
Dialog to edit the user data.
Form Layout for user data.
Shows email address / user name as a header.
Report thread for searching user data.
Configuration for user data requests.
Special exception for user data requests.
The stored information about a user data request.
Manager class for user data requests.
Class which handles loading/saving user data requests.
Enum representing the type of user data request.
Impelemnts user data download links for the user data request feature.
Subclass for user-defined preferences.
Signals that an attempt to authenticate (login) a user has failed because the user had to many invalid logins.
AS400 implementation of the user driver methods.
DB2 implementation of the user driver methods.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) database server implementation of the user driver methods.
HSQLDB implementation of the user driver methods.
MS SQL implementation of the user driver methods.
MySQL implementation of the user driver methods.
Oracle implementation of the user driver methods.
PostgreSql implementation of the user driver methods.
Class for the dialog to edit user settings.
Class for the group edit dialog for users.
Parameters for the user edit dialog.
Class for the dialog to edit and view roles of user.
Provides the user export settings.
Generates user ident-icons.
Displays the current user info.
Dialog to show user information and to switch to user session.
User info dialog action, used only for sitemap and page editor toolbar.
Class with static methods for logging user-related operations in a centralized manner.
User publish list entry.
Default implementation of the user query builder.
An object which represents search criteria for retrieving users.
An enum used for indicating searchable columns.
An enum used for indicating sort order.
Object to conveniently access and modify the users workplace settings.
Enumeration class for workplace search result styles.
A enum for the different upload variants.
Bean for transferring user preference information between the client and the server.
Bean used to access the built-in preferences via reflection.
Table for user.
Table properties.
This resource handler checks if a resource has to be marked as visited by the current user.
Provides a OpenCms User selection widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Generates a UUID using spatial and temporal uniqueness.
GWT serializer for CmsUUID.
Shared constants used both in client and server side code.
Error handler for uncaught Vaadin exceptions.
Report update formatter for the new Vaadin-based workplace.
A custom servlet service implementation.
Vaadin utility functions.
Helper class for building option groups.
Container property ids.
A simple bean class which represents a validation request for a single form field.
The entity validation result containing all errors and warnings for a set of entities.
The result of a single field validation.
Represents a row of the XML content value comparison table.
Displays either a diff for the XML file, or a table displaying the differences between individual content values, allowing the user to switch between the two views.
Class to read and write the OpenCms site configuration.
Bean for Variations im image resources.
Class for the dialog to show variations of flex cache and image cache.
Provides static methods for XML content version transformations.
A vertical menu styled like e menu bar sub menu or the context menu.
Loads message bundles from .properties files in the VFS.
Loads message bundles from the different locales of a single XML content.
Manages message bundles loaded from the VFS.
Data holder for a base name and locale of a message bundle.
Data class containing the parameters for a VFS-based resource bundle.
Configurable VFS based cache, for caching objects related to offline/online resources.
VFS master configuration class.
DataSource wrapper for VFS resources, allows easy sending of VFS resources as email attachments.
Implements a RFS file based disk cache, that handles parameter based versions of VFS files, providing a cache for the "online" and another for the "offline" project.
AS400 implementation of the VFS driver methods.
DB2 implementation of the VFS driver methods.
Generic (ANSI-SQL) database server implementation of the VFS driver methods.
HSQLDB implementation of the VFS driver methods.
MS SQL implementation of the VFS driver methods.
MySQL implementation of the VFS driver methods.
Oracle implementation of the VFS driver methods.
PostgreSql implementation of the VFS driver methods.
Represents a single VFS resource entry for use by the VFS tab of the galleries.
A bean which represents a resource in the VFS.
Used to signal VFS related issues, for example during file access.
A bean class containing both a path and a UUID which should be stored in an XML file value.
Provides a OpenCms VFS file selection widget, for use on a widget dialog.
Provides a widget for an extended image selection using the advanced gallery dialog.
Configuration options for the VFS image widget.
Import/export handler implementation for VFS data.
An indexer indexing CmsResource based content from the OpenCms VFS.
Implements a memory cache, that stores objects related to VFS files, providing a cache for the "online" and another for the "offline" project.
Implements a name based RFS file based disk cache, that handles parameter based versions of VFS files.
Signals that an attempt to create a resource was not successfull since at the given location another online resource with a different structure id has been found.
Signals that a VFS resource unexpectedly exists.
Resource bundle which loads its data from a VFS resource.
Implementors of this interface are responsible for actually loading the data from the VFS.
Signals that an attempt to read a resource in the VFS denoted by a specified pathname has failed.
A service class for reading the VFS tree.
Handles all RPC services related to the vfs sitemap.
Provides Vfs utility functions.
Opens the file explorer for the selected resource switching to the appropriate site.
Action to logout.
Flag to control which visibility checks should be performed by CmsStandardVisibilityCheck.
Provides filters for getting resources visited by a user in a specified time range.
A bean which represents a user having visited a page.
A filter which contains criteria for reading CmsVisitEntry instances from the database.
Low-level utility class used for waiting for an action performed by another thread.
Class for the Web server configuration form and execution of script.
Exception thrown by widgets when they can'T parse their configuration.
Describes errors that occur in the context of the OpenCms widgets.
Helper with methods commonly used in editor widgets.
Utility methods for getting widget informations out of content definitions.
Bean representing widget information.
Makes window close events available on the server side.
Extension used to open new browser windows.
A bean which represents a possible workflow, containing an identifier, a user-readable name and a list of workflow actions.
Work flow action information.
Contains the data on which a workflow action should act (usually, a list of resources).
Notification class for the workflow 'release' action.
Set of workflow resources, and an optional workflow.
The result of a workflow action.
Master class for the JSP based workplace which provides default methods and session handling for all JSP workplace classes.
Action to preview resources.
The workplace app manager.
Comparator for configuration objects implementing I_CmsHasOrder.
Wrapper for the navigation state.
Import/Export master configuration class.
Single editor configuration object.
The editor manager stores information about all available configured editors in OpenCms.
Signals that an exceptional program flow happens in the workplace.
Resource init handler that loads the login form with the right parameters.
Manages the global OpenCms workplace settings for all users.
Provides access to the localized messages for the OpenCms workplace.
Workplace mode preference configuration.
Report class for displaying reports to the user in the workplace.
Layout for workplace server configuration.
Object to conveniently access and modify the state of the workplace for a user, will be stored in the session of a user.
Represents an user additional information block.
Represents an user additional information entry.
Manages the configuration of the additional information of users.
Contains the data of a single workplace view.
Helper class to create "virtual" resources not existing in the vfs which are based on existing resources.
Wrapper used for built-in preferene which have also been configured in opencms-workplace.xml.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVfsFile".
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsBoolean".
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVfsFile".
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsColor".
Implementation of a object used to access and manage the xml data of a container page.
XML node name constants.
Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an container page object.
Container page handler to validate consistency.
OpenCms loader for resources of type CmsResourceTypeXmlContainerPage.
Implementation of a XML content object, used to access and manage structured content.
Describes the structure definition of an XML content object.
Enumeration of possible sequence types in a content definition.
The acacia XML content editor.
Creates the editor for XML content definitions.
Implementation of an additionional editor resource type matcher for xmlcontent resources.
Comparison of two xml content elements.
Handler for issues found during XML content validation.
Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an XML content object.
OpenCms loader for resources of type CmsResourceTypeXmlContent.
Visitor implementation that provides macro resolving for all visited values.
Describes both VFS properties and Container Page Element settings, used by the GWT client.
Type constants.
The property visibility options.
XML node name constants.
Provides common methods on XML property configuration.
Element Property json property constants.
Settings object that provides the settings to repair XML content resources in the OpenCms virtual file system (VFS).
Repairs XML content resources according to their XSD using the corresponding settings object.
Represents the root of an XML content for a given locale.
Represents a configured tab to be used in the XML content editor for better usability.
Tree representation of CmsXmlContent which is suitable for XML-to-JSON transformations.
Enum representing the type of the tree node.
Manager class for registered OpenCms XML content types and content collectors.
Represents the concrete location of an XML content value.
Describes the sequence of XML content values of a specific type in an XML content instance.
Visitor implementation that collects the different widgets for all visited values and all widgets for the found values.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsDateTime".
XML value type for display formatters.
A comparison of properties, attributes and elements of xml documents.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVfsFile".
This is the XML content handler class for the "dynamic functionality" resource type.
Resolves XML entities (e.g.
Error hander for writing errors found during XML validation to the OpenCms log.
Signals that an error occurred while processing an xml resource.
Transforms all resources of a given type by
Provides generic wrappers for XML library methods that do not support Java 5 generic types.
Implementation of a object used to access and manage the xml data of a group container.
XML node name constants.
Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an group container object.
The XML content handler class for group containers.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsHtml".
The XML content handler class for inheritance groups.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsLocale".
The xml messages overwrite some methods of the general CmsMessages class to get keys from an individual configuration file.
A nested content XML definition that is included by another XML content definition.
Implementation of a page object used to access and manage xml data.
no longer in use
The acacia XML content editor.
Provides factory methods to unmarshal (read) an XML page object.
OpenCms loader for resources of type CmsResourceTypeXmlPage.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsPlainTextString".
Simple SAX event handler that generates a XML (or HTML) file from the events caught.
Search configuration parser reading XML.
Configuration bean which represents the options which are configurable from a 'seo-file' resource.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsSerialDate".
Action element class for displaying the XML sitemap from a JSP.
Cache for XML sitemaps.
Class for generating XML sitemaps for SEO purposes, as described in
A bean which represents an entry in an XML sitemap for SEO purposes.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsString".
Provides some basic XML handling utilities.
Error hander for writing errors found during XML validation to the OpenCms log.
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVarLink".
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVfsFile".
Describes the XML content type "OpenCmsVfsImage".
Adaspter for sending xhtmlrenderer (flyingsaucer) log messages to the OpenCms log.
Provides extension functions for use in XSLT version transformation files.
Provides utility functions for XSLT transformations.
Annotation used to mark up bean properties with metadata for table columns.
Wrapper around a comparator that inverts comparison results which may e.g.
Bundle with the keys of report messages
Entity resolver that will always fail.
Panel with fixed height.
The available OpenCms workplace icons.
Interface for actions used within the ADE context.
Configurable & expandable configuration.
Interface with constants for the ADE properties module.
Widgets to be used with the new XML content editor are required to implement this interface.
Constants for parameters, JSON keys, etc.
Special authorization handler for APIs using stateless authorization.
Generates app launcher buttons.
App category interface.
Used to write app settings to the user.
The app ui context.
Factory to create components.
AutoBean interface for the data used by the attribute select widget.
AutoBean interface for a filter attribute definition.
Represents a single option.
A choice option, but with (multi-valued) attributes added.
AutoBean factory for creating beans related to attribute select widgets.
Defines general authorization methods.
Class providing the privileged login action.
General AutoBean factory interface.
Constants interface for binary resource preview.
Apps implementing this interface will be stored in the user session so returning to the app will be quicker and use less resources.
Describes the cache key generating methods.
Configuration for the client-side categorized select widget.
Represents a filter category in the categorized select widget (not necessarily an OpenCms category).
The Interface Option.
AutoBean factory used to create the data for the categorized select widget.
Convenient client message bundle interface.
Closeable interface that throws no exceptions.
Interface containing the basic CRUD operations for CMIS objects.
Rendition provider interface used to generate alternative renditions for resources.
Base interface for OpenCms CMIS repositories.
AutoBean interface that represents the configuration for the client-side CodeMirror editor widget.
Interface which can be used to add custom code to execute after a user has created a new content via a collector list.
Interface which should be used for collectors which can provide their own publish list.
Interface for complex widgets which are used in the Acacia editor to render whole nested contents.
Interface for a single named configuration object that can either be merged with other configuration objects or disable a configuration object with the same name.
Used for classes that are configurable using <param name="name">value</param> in the XML configuration.
The RPC service interface used by the container-page editor.
The RPC service asynchronous interface used by the container-page editor.
Interface defining the data used to call a content collector.
The content service used to load and persist entity and type information.
The content editor service interface.
The content service used to load and persist entity and type information.
The content editor asynchronous service interface.
Action to perform when a context menu item is clicked.
Builds an explorer context menu based on the set of selected resources' IDs.
Server to client RPC communication.
Interface for workplace context menu items.
Interface for classes which provide context menu items.
The context menu server RPC.
Provides the dialog context to context menus and other context sensitive dialogs.
Convenience interface to provide core server-side data to the client.
Provides general core services.
Provides general core services.
This interface can be used to override or replace user names or passwords which occur in the OpenCms configuration, for example to hide passwords from users who can read the configuration files.
Interface for apps which perform CRUD operations on any kind of element like CmsSites or CmsScheduledJobs.
Interface used to inject custom link handling behavior into HTML/link content fields.
Interface for a data source for use by CmsDataViewWidget.
Interface describing a data item retrieved by an implementation of I_CmsDataView.
Interface for date restrictions used in list configurations.
Enum representing a direction in time (past / future).
Enum representing a time unit.
This interface defines a factory to create runtime info objects.
Interface for a CmsDecoratorConfiguration.
Marks workplace actions as an default action to be executed on item click within the file table.
Interface for classes which can find the detail page for a given resource, and determine whether a given detail page / detail content combination is valid.
Bean interface for special diagnostic information retrievable via JMX.
Constants used for the upload property dialog.
Context for dialogs opened from the context menu.
The available context types.
Interface for a dialog context which also has access to the ADE context for which it is used.
Provides a method for selecting an individual jsp dialog.
Interface for classes which display a comparison widget in the comparison view of the history dialog.
Provides the methods to generate the "direct edit" HTML fragments that are inserted in the generated pages in offline mode.
Used to create index Lucene Documents for OpenCms resources, controls the text extraction algorithm used for a specific OpenCms resource type / MIME type combination.
Generic base driver interface.
Extended attributes for editable data generated by e.g.
Server side handler interface for button presses in a multivalue widget group row's button bar.
Interface for the server side RPC for the CmsEditableGroupButtons component.
Interface for components used as editable group rows.
Edit handlers are optional and can be configured within the XSD-schema of a resource type.
Interface for resource editors.
Provides a method for performing an individual action if the user pressed a special button in the editor.
Provides methods to determine the CSS style sheet URI for the editors based on the edited resource path.
Provides a method for selecting an individual file editor.
Editor state RPCs
Provides a method for assigning additional resource types to editors.
Action context that allows direct editing of single properties.
Client RPC to handle embedded dialogs.
AutoBean interface for the data needed to open an embedded Vaadin dialog from GWT.
Client-to-server RPC for embedding Vaadin dialogs in GWT.
Implement this interface in case your class has to react to CmsEvents that are thrown by system.
Provides methods to write export points to the "real" file system.
The result of a document text extraction.
Interface the favorite dialog uses to interact with the rest of the application.
Provides methods to generate file names either for the urlName mapping or when using a "new" operation in the context of the direct edit interface.
File table inline edit handler.
Interface for tables which support a filter function.
Resource loaders that implement this interface are flex cache enabled.
Displays a sub menu in the app launch pad.
Interface representing a configured formatter.
Common interface for accessing formatter / resource type infos in JSPs.
Mode which controls whether / how localized strings should be resolved.
Interface for classes which want to process data submitted by form posts.
Interface representing the data from a field of a submitted form.
Interface for handling the server-side validation of a whole form.
The gallery configuration interface.
Shared constants interface.
Gallery mode constants.
Tab ids used for tab configuration.
Image parameteres.
Sorting parameters.
Handles all RPC services related to the gallery dialog.
Handles all RPC services related to the gallery dialog.
Common interface for accessing sitemap/VFS entry beans as tree nodes.
Enables a dynamic configuration of values for the A_CmsGalleryWidget.
This is interface is intended to be used in combination with the CmsGlobalConfigurationCacheEventHandler class.
Interface for transforming group names into a more human-readable form.
Server side RPC interface for the GWT based context menu buttons.
Server-to-client Interface for the GWT dialog extension.
Client-to-server rpc interface for the GWT dialog extension.
Implement this interface for apps that require special app launch actions.
Provides buttons for a dialog.
Interface for elements with icons.
Interface used to check menu item visibility for context menus.
Sortable configuration item interface.
Marker interface for objects with a path property to allow easy sorting.
To provide shortcut actions an app may implement this intreface.
Marker interface for objects with a title property to allow easy sorting.
Implementing classes provide a title.
Marker interface for objects with a type property to allow easy sorting.
Definitions of all required history driver methods.
A historical version of a resource in the OpenCms VFS resource history.
HTML converters can be used to clean up HTML code and/or pretty print the code.
Interface for html buttons with icon.
Interface for a combination of a visitor of HTML documents along with the hook to start the parser / lexer that triggers the visit.
Constants interface for binary resource preview.
Enables a dynamic configuration of values for the CmsVfsImageWidget.
This interface describes a import class which is used to import resources into the VFS.
An import/export handler is an abstract layer to hide the logic how to import/export a specific type of Cms data.
Indexes resources for the OpenCms search.
Abstracts the index writer implementation for the most important index manipulation operations.
Contains common methods for various beans used to generate the template documentation.
Interface for item sorters that evaluate the sortable container properties.
Interface representing a JSON document.
Custom XML content values should implement this interface if custom JSON formatting is needed for them.
Interface for individual JSON handlers.
Plugin interface used to add JSON handlers from a custom library.
To convert objects to json.
Renders a single-locale content tree as JSON.
Rpc -interface for handling results from JSP displayed on an extended BrowserFrame.
This interface supports the basic functionality for the device detection.
Interface implemented by JSON tags.
Interface for tag handlers implementing valid parent tags for <c:param>.
Interface for classes which should handle an updated certificate configuration.
This interface serves to retrieve all links from a given file by parsing.
Allows to configure customized link substitution behavior.
AutoBean interface for the data injected into the page by the cms:enable-list-add tag.
Provides information about the current state of the locale comparison editor.
A locale handler returns the locale name to use for the given request context.
Provides log file download functionality.
Interface used to provide a protected login method.
Client RPC interface for opening a login target.
Handles client side logging.
Handles client side logging.
Defines the methods which an object being cached by CmsFlexLruCache must implement.
Describes a macro mapper, which is used to efficiently resolve macros in the form of %(key) or ${key} in an input String.
The max height server interface.
Describes an object that can be memory monitored.
Workplace view menu item.
Utility interface for generating localized messages for internal OpenCms operations.
Interface which represents a message independent of the locale.
Module action classes in OpenCms must implement this interface.
Interface for configured classes that need a CmsObject with admin privileges.
Interface for the newsletter.
Every I_CmsNewsletter contains a list of I_CmsNewsletterContent objects.
Interface for recipients of I_CmsNewsletter objects.
Interface for OU tree types.
Interface for fetching randomly generated passwords.
Defines methods for OpenCms password validation.
Password handler implementing this interface allow the password security to be evaluated.
Password security levels.
Permission handler interface.
Enum for the lock check mode.
The max height server interface.
An interface which provides a hook which can be called after uploading files.
Synchronous service interface for the upload property dialog.
Asynchronous service interface for the upload property dialog.
Defines an action to be performed before the workplace editor is opened for the first time.
Interface describing a single preference value which can possibly be edited by the user.
Interface for prefill page handlers, callable via the context menu action CmsPrefillPageAction.
An interface which represents a parameter value which is going to be used in an SQL prepared statement.
Interface for all resource preview provider.
Handles the common RPC services related to the gallery preview dialog.
Handles the common RPC services related to the gallery preview dialog.
Representation of an identity in the cms (currently user or group), used to define permissions on a resource.
Interface for use of CmsPrincipleSelectDialog.
The principal select RPC service.
Profiling handler interface which gets informed of method call durations.
Definitions of all required project driver methods.
Server-to-client Interface for the GWT dialog extension.
Interface for dynamic CMIS properties.
Client-to-server rpc interface for the GWT dialog extension.
This interface listens to events for a specific publish job.
Interface used to generate mode-specific 'related resources' for the publish dialog in addition to resources linked by normal relations.
'Formats' a ResourceMap containing resources for publishing by creating a list of CmsPublishResource beans with the appropriate status informations to display.
The synchronous publish list interface.
The asynchronous interface to the publish service.
An interface for classes which are used to generate SQL statements.
Interface for generating a substitution for a pattern in a string.
Remote interface for executing shell commands.
Used to create new instances of I_CmsRemoteShell.
This is the interface for the report classes which are used for the output during operations that run on a spearate Thread in OpenCms, like publish, import, export etc.
Interface for Apps, which run an import thread for files.
Client RPC interface for the report widget.
Server RPC interface for the report widget.
Identifies a class that can be used as a report thread .
Interface used to format report updates.
Represents a repository.
Evaluates the repository folder.
This class represents items in the repository interface.
A repository session which provides basic file and folder operations to the resources in the VFS of OpenCms.
Describes an OpenCms request handler.
Common ancestor interface for CmsFile and CmsFolder as well as for CmsHistoryFile and CmsHistoryFolder.
Enumeration for all attributes of a resource.
Increases the visibility of some key methods of a ResourceBundle.
A collector that generates list of CmsResource objects from the VFS.
Provides access to a CmsResource object that was previously loaded by a parent tag.
This interface checks the requested resource from the OpenCms request context and returns it to the calling method, which will usually be OpenCms.initResource(CmsObject, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
This interface describes a resource loader for OpenCms, a class that can load a resource from the VFS, process it's contents and deliver the result to the user.
Resource loaders that implement this method can easily provide the contents of a selected targe element as a String.
Resource type descriptors for all resources in the VFS.
Resource formatter.
Checks whether types are enabled for Add/New dialogs.
Interface which is used by the CmsObjectWrapper to create a different view to the resources in the VFS.
Interface to be implemented by classes that use the CmsResultFacets component.
Identifies a class that can be scheduled with the OpenCms scheduler.
Interface the main search configuration must implement.
Interface the common search configuration must implement.
Interface of the "Did you mean ...?" configuration for the JSP search form.
Configuration common to all facets.
Sort orders available for Solr facet entries.
The interface a field facet configuration must implement.
Interface for the query facet configuration.
The interface of a single query facet item.
The interface a field facet configuration must implement.
The interface a Geo filter configuration must implement.
The interface each highlighting configuration must implement.
The interface a pagination configuration must implement.
The interface that must be implemented by search (form) configuration parsers.
The interface a sort configuration must implement.
The interface a sort option configuration must implement.
Interface all search controllers must implement.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for common search configurations.
Interface the "Did you mean ...?" controller must implement.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for field facets.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for the query facet.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for field facets.
Interface the controller for all field facets must implement - just allow access to the single controllers.
Interface the controller for all range facets must implement - just allow access to the single controllers.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for the Geo filter.
Interface to get controllers configuration - version for highlighting.
Interface for the main search controller.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for pagination.
Interface to get controllers state and configuration - version for common search configurations.
The interface for search documents.
Defines a text extractor for the integrated search engine.
Interface for search field configurations used by I_CmsSearchIndex and configured in the opencms-search.xml (see CmsSearchConfiguration).
Describes a mapping of a piece of content from an OpenCms VFS resource to a field of a search index.
Interface for search indizes that should be handled by the CmsSearchManager.
Interface for a single search result, as wrapped JSP EL friendly.
Interface of the JSP EL friendly wrapper for all Solr search results and the search form controller.
Class for keeping the state of the common search options.
Class for keeping the state of the spellcheck search options.
Interface for the state all facet types have in common.
Interface for the Geo filter state.
Interface for pagination states.
Interface for the search state parameters.
Interface for sorting states.
Handles selection of a generic type T.
Interface for serial date beans.
Synchronous interface for the serial date service.
Asynchronous interface for the serial date service.
Interface to access serial date values easily.
Different types of serial dates.
Different types of conditions how serial dates can end.
The JSON keys used in the JSON representation of serial date specifications.
Months as enumeration.
Type of the series.
Enumeration representing the week days.
Possible weeks of a month.
Interface used for notifying objects stored in a session when the session is destroyed.
This interface is used to define the session storage implementation provider.
Provides scriptable access to a class from the CmsShell.
Interface for generic context menu entris.
This interface allows special styles for certain entries.
Interface for the server-to-client RPC calls used by the sitemap extension.
The interface to the sitemap controller.
Interface for the client-to-server rpc calls used by the sitemap extension.
Handles all RPC services related to the sitemap.
Handles all RPC services related to the sitemap.
Interface for Solr index writers.
The post document processor can be used in order to manipulate search results after the OpenCms permission check has been done.
Interface for plugins that need to be called during startup and shutdown.
Provides a method for scrubbing files from the export folder that might have been changed, so that the export is newly created after the next request to the resource.
The interface for drivers handling subscriptions and user tracking.
Defines methods which can be pluged into the syncronisation process between VFS and "real" FS.
Interface for template context providers.
Interface for a mapping template context providers.
Highlights arbitrary terms, used for generation of search excerpts.
Interfaces for classes that encrypt text as text.
Allows extraction of the indexable "plain" text plus (optional) meta information from a given binary input document format.
Provides localized Exception handling based on the OpenCms default locale.
Interface for toggable tables.
Interface for an admin tool handler.
Interface for providers of tree types in the account management overview tree.
The form edit service interface.
The asynchronous form edit service interface.
Parameters for the unlock service.
Interface with method to update a vaadin table.
Handles updates to items of a given type.
An interface that holds some constants for the upload dialog.
Interface that provides upload restriction information, based on which upload buttons may be disabled or restricted to specific types.
The upload RPC interface.
Handles all RPC services related to the upload dialog.
Handles all RPC services related to the upload dialog.
Interface for user data domains.
Describes the different places from which the user data domain plugins can be used.
Interface for classes which provide user data domains.
Definitions of all required user driver methods.
Defines general validation methods.
This interface is the server-side counterpart to the org.opencms.gwt.client.validation.I_CmsValidator.
Definitions of all required VFS driver methods.
A service interface for retrieving information about the VFS tree.
An asynchronous service interface for retrieving information about the VFS tree.
This interface can be used to implement a new option in the publish dialog's project selector.
Interface for virus scanners used to check uploaded files.
Describes an editor widget for use in the OpenCms workplace.
Describes a widget enabled dialog.
Parameter value wrapper used by the OpenCms workplace widgets.
Server-to-client RPC for CmsWindowExtension.
Window close listener.
Handles window close calls.
Client-to-server RPC interface for CmsWindowExtension.
Workflow manager interface.
Workplace action interface.
Common interface for all workplace apps.
Contains the configuration of a single workplace app.
Implement this interface to provide message bundle names to added to the CmsWorkplaceMessages bundle.
Interface that can be implemented by external libraries to add more stylesheets that should be automatically loaded in the workplace.
Each configurable element in OpenCms must implement this interface.
Interface for configurations which should run custom logic when the configuration is written back by OpenCms.
Provides access to a I_CmsXmlDocument document that was previously loaded by a parent tag.
Handles changes during the xml content editor session.
Handles special XML content livetime events, and also provides XML content editor rendering hints.
The available display types for element widgets.
Settings for a JSON renderer.
The available mapping types.
Represents how values should be handled with regard to synchronization across locales in the editor.
This class represents a location in an XML content for a specific locale.
Provides access to the value of a specific XML content node.
The available search types for element searchsetting.
Interface representing an XML content location which corresponds to an actual content value.
Visitor interface that allows looping through all the values in a XML content document.
Handles the visibility of fields in the XML content editor.
Describes the API to access the values of a XML content document.
Describes a type in an OpenCms XML schema based content definition.
Interface to provide specific error messages on validation
The I_JSONString interface allows a toJSONString() method so that a class can change the behavior of JSONObject.toString(), JSONArray.toString(), and JSONWriter.value(Object).
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
The JSONException is thrown by the classes when things are amiss.
This provides static methods to convert an XML text into a JSONObject, and to convert a JSONObject into an XML text using the JsonML transform.
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONObject.NULL is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls null, whilst Java's null is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls undefined.
JSONStringer provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it.
JSONWriter provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
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Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Messages for the package org.opencms.editors.usergenerated.
Message bundle class.
Message bundle class.
Message bundle class.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Message bundle class.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Message bundle class.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
The message bundle for the workflow package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
Convenience class to access the localized messages of this OpenCms package.
The OpenCms "operating system" that provides public static methods which can be used by other classes to access basic system features of OpenCms like logging etc.
The internal implementation of the core OpenCms "operating system" functions.
Provides the OpenCms system with information from the servlet context.
Filter access to statically exported resources while checking permissions.
This the main servlet of the OpenCms system.
Context class for storing request-dependent caches etc.
Debugging information about currently running requests.
This the error handler servlet of the OpenCms system.
The OpenCms Solr handler.
Handles spell check requests.
Contains the CSS style name constants used within the theme.
Implements a servlet filter for URL rewriting.
Annotation used for declaring that a specific preference class should be used for a built-in preference.
PrintfFormat allows the formatting of an array of objects embedded within a string.
The DetectSmartPhone class encapsulates information about a browser's connection to your web site.
Entity resolver for XHTML entities.
This provides static methods to convert an XML text into a JSONObject, and to covert a JSONObject into an XML text.
The XMLTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods for the parsing of XML texts.